
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Dog Biscuits

No, not for dogs to eat, tee hee.

It looks like a cute dog, so I name it dog biscuits. I have not been baking much, if you are observant. So it's time to publish a baking post. I was on leave the other day and since I had nothing much to do in the morning (after sending Kenzie to the kindy), I decided to bake these dog biscuits.

I followed the recipe from here. After tasting the cookies, I think it tasted exactly like mine from here so the next time I decide to bake these dog biscuits again, I will stick to the simple "1,2,3 (100g sugar, 200g butter, 300g flour) recipe". Easier to remember the ingredients, hehe.

Here are the dry ingredients.  

And here's the chocolate rice (for the dog's eyes), chocolate chips (for the dog's nose) and Koko Krunch (for the dog's ears).

On the way to the oven, yay! Ok ok, I know some of my dogs look like freak dogs, and some have retarded eyes, and some have swollen heads.

But who cares? They tasted really good, like Danish butter cookies (with chocolate chips). Here's my dog biscuits, which I have cooled and put into an air-tight container, ready to bring to the office the next day for some colleagues.

Here's a closer look at my dog biscuits, haha (Yeah, I know, what a name).

Out of topic, but since I did not go to work and stayed at home most of the time that day, I cooked dinner as well. The hubs suggested eating out but I said I will cook, no issue. I fried simple bihun (with shredded eggs)

and roasted half a chicken using very simple ingredients. Just oyster sauce, tomato sauce, some Lea & Perrins, onions (for stronger taste) and potatoes (for presentation only). 


  1. Hahaha, before start reading, I really think you want to talk about dog food, hehe!!!

    Those "dogs" are so cute, I like it!!! =]

    1. Haha, I purposely name the title like this to attract attention. Hehe.. Yep, cute kan? I also like.. 'Mm seh tak" bite also..

  2. OMG! I am so impressed by these cute Dog Biscuits of yours! Well done! Never mind the taste, but they raised my eyebrows and dropped my jaws. The next minutes, I started dreaming about these cookies of yours. What if we add Beef flavours and sold to pet shops, would the real dogs munch them on seeing their faces in the cookies? They would be branded Doggie Cannibalism by us!

    What if we added Salmon flavours and sold them to pet shops to be fed to cats?? Would they gulp and chomp down their enemies happily?

    I know I am nuts.

    1. My parents have a dog right, so I know what dog food taste like.. Eh, they have "butter cookies", "salami", "bacon sticks" for dogs, and you know what, it really smells like the real thing! Dad said we humans can actually eat them, but I never took a bite, keke..

  3. I am very sure you could pack your cookies with ribbons and label them "Ribbon Princess Dog Cookies"... They would be a sell out! You bake and I sell them to pet shops!

    1. Haha, yeah, I shall think about it. Maybe JV (joint venture) with you and we might become partners in future, who knows? Not only sell to pet shops la, can sell to human also kan? You bake your red-velvet cake (with cream cheese frosting), I bake my dog biscuits, we both JV and sell, nak?

    2. I CNY can order from you ka?

    3. Good idea! We should market CNY Cookies for pets!!!! Many pet lovers would be happy if someone gives a tin of Cat or Dog biscuits since restaurants now open for pets as well. Woof! Woof!

  4. Such cute dog biscuits!! Very sai sum la you.. I am sure they taste great as well.. your colleagues will be most happy when they get to taste them...

    1. I not very "sai sum" only.. If I am "sai sum" 100%, I would have used the tweezer to stick the chocolate rice for the eyes.. But I just hentam use my fingers, thus, some "eyes" are out of shape.. Even the "heads" are out of shape coz the dough is quite soft, when I squish the Koko Krunch on it, it become "distorted" lor.. Kekeke..
      But yes, the colleagues liked it though one fella complained it was too "dry"..

  5. woi...mana my share? LOL....poslaju....

    1. out of shape or whatever i dont care la. as long as masuk perut

    2. the fried bihun looks good. yum...hmm...maybe tonight i lazy i go fry bihun la. sien la duno what to cook jor

    3. Clever girl Meow.. Sometimes hor, cook until dunno what to cook liao, just fry mee or bihun.. Kids also suka.. Really, just campak everything inside.. Vege, fish cakes, simple ingredients lor.. Boil tongsui, chau bihun, I think J will sukak :)

  6. Cute dog biscuits although some were out of shape. I like your roasted chicken.

    1. Yeah, gotta admit that coz the chocolate rice is really hard to stick onto the dough, unless I used a tweezer, but I don't have that "sum kei" to use a tweezer to stick the eyes.. I think kids might like to do this in the kitchen with you :)

  7. You know what, Louiz? Last year (or was it the year before) I bought all the ingredients to bake these dog biscuits. Saw it in one of the blogs and I was so geram for the doggies. But.....never got round to it until my koko krunch expired! Your dog biscuits are very cute and even if the shape is uneven, it makes it even more cute! Now that I see yours, I am getting that itchy feeling again lah hah...hah...And hey, your fried meehoon and roast chicken look very delicious even though they are simple!

    1. Yes! You should try it, they look so cute, especially those with distorted face, haha (picking up the sand).. Frankly, I could not taste any Horlicks in the cookies. Can only taste strong butter. By the way, I used Emborg unsalted butter.

  8. hahaha, when i read the title, i really thought you are talking about biscuits for dogs lor.. goodness, i thought our Princess Ribbon bought biscuits for dogs for herself to eat.. errr, actually not impossible lah, because those dog foods are actually edible to human also, maybe just feel weird lah when you thought you are sharing your food with your dog.. haha!! :D

    1. OMG you are making me laugh again.. You really think I buy dog food to eat ahh? Eh but hor, it's not impossible.. My dad says he kinda "tasted" dog food before, coz he bought some (dog) "butter cookies", "salami", "bacon", "milk sticks" and many other dog food for the dog at home, and he kinda "tasted" some before feeding the dog, coz it really smell like the real thing leh..

  9. anyway, looks like you have been away from office quite frequently hor?? the other day on leave, and yesterday MC.. so staying at home yet you got more things to do than in the office?? well, at least you bake something lah, which you won't be able to bake in office mah.. in office kena baked by your boss then ada lah..

    1. You are very observant. I like. I am impressed.
      Yes, I was on half day's leave for 3 days last week. Hubby was away, and I had to take leave to fetch Kenzie to the kindy and pick him back. My office doesn't have the time-off thingy, so if I'm late for even 15 minutes, it would be counted as half day's leave.. So, may as well I take leave..
      And yes, this Monday I was on MC, really sick jor this time, not tipu MC..

  10. oh, so that 1-2-3 rule is the golden rule for baking?? i didn't know that leh, thanks for sharing ah, now i know the most basic cookies is 1 portion sugar, 2 portion butter and 3 portion flour, now that's something easy to remember.. errr, eggs leh?? no need to put eggs one ah??

    1. Yep, you should follow this simple recipe if you wana bake.. It's really simple, just sugar, butter and flour.. No eggs needed.. The outcome is very soft and "heong", just like those Danish butter cookies which you buy outside, serious!

  11. your dog biscuits look cute leh, unless you have a mould i think you probably cannot make all of them identical lah.. well well well, ten fingers also got long and short, and even there are no two identical dogs in the real world, so no worries lah how your dog biscuits look like, afterall also makan into the stomach, and then come out as that thing you like to talk about most lor, hahaha!! :D

    1. If all the dog faces looks standard and "neat", then it won't look cute liao lor, kan? There must be some with "distorted" face, "sad" eyes, "angry" eyes, etc, then only cute ma, kan? Kekeke.. But yes, I strongly recommend (if you have kids in the house, older ones la, like your nieces and nephews), can get them to bake with you, I guess they will enjoy the process.

  12. eih, i want to ask ah?? because i am always very curious about this.. you bake the chocolate chips together with the dough in the oven?? the chocolate chips won't melt one meh?? that time i bought some M&M cookies, those M&M chocolates still sitting perfectly in the cookies, i was rather curious.. how come the chocolate chips won't melt in the oven?? errr, of course i know M&M only melts in your mouth lah, but your chocolate chips leh?? can explain ah??

    1. You know what? I HAVE that same question as you! Weird that the chocolate chip will stay in its original size and don't seem to melt in the oven (the dog's nose).. It still stayed as 1 biji, kan? But the weird part is, when I forgot to put back the chips into the fridge and left it in the kitchen counter, they started to melt and became very soft.. Now, how do we explain this?

  13. yorrr!! fried beehoon is my favorite lah.. and your fried beehoon not simple at all also lor, got so many things inside and then somemore you have eggs on top!! when it comes to fried beehoon, i can have as simple as plain one (probably with some beansprout will be better lah), eat and eat until actually i don't realize how much i have eaten.. that is scary hor?? and your chicken, looks nice also woh.. and so you always turn on your oven ah?? like that bil eletrik manyak mahal lor??

    1. Fried bihun is always "safe" and ok whenever you don't know what to cook. Just throw in simple stuffs and it can become a meal liao (provided you are not picky eater lor).. Fish cakes, choy sum or taugeh, enuff liao.. Yep, it's scary when we go to buffet and there's bihun, we will keep taking the bihun (with curry chicken gravy) and eat non stop, and go for second or third servings also, kekekeke...

  14. Cute!!! These days, there ARE dog biscuits...and they are so so expensive. Whoever said it's a dog's life has got it all wrong!

    Your bihun and chicken look very very nice. Drooling!!!!

    1. OMG! My heart beating fast! STP said my bihun and roast chicken look very nice wor (taste nice or not, lain cerita, coz nobody needs to know).. Wah, I can't sleep tonite!!

  15. Hi Louiz,

    These doggies cookies were a BIG hit among food bloggers about 5 years ago... It has been always made with Horlicks and was called Horlick cookies originally. I have baked them before and really like them. Yours look cute with different unique expressions :D


    1. Oh really? Wah, 5 years ago? That time, I still didn't know what a blog was, keke.. Kidding, I knew blogger existed long time ago, but wasn't interested to write a blog yet.. Oh, Horlicks cookies? Mine tasted exactly like Danish butter cookies, langsung no Horlicks taste at all, maybe mine went wrong somewhere, but am so making these doggies again..

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