
Wednesday 19 December 2012

A Day Off

Took a day off yesterday to clear my year-end leaves. Went for my usual antenatal checkup at the hospital and cooked dinner. 

On the way back after checkup, tapau-ed wantan mee, roasted duck drumstick and roasted pork. Yummy. Went to the mini-mart to buy some ingredients to cook dinner. Did some housework, napped, picked up Kz earlier than usual from the nanny's and cooked dinner. I cooked salted egg butter chicken and ikan bilis spinach. There was soup from mil too (since last Saturday).

Simple salted egg butter chicken recipe, my version:
Chicken thigh/breast cut into pieces and marinated in: [1 tbsp flour, 1 tbsp custard powder, 1 tbsp corn starch, 1/2 tbsp salt]
3 salted egg, boiled and only mash the yolks
2 stalks curry leaves
6-8 cili padi
1/4 cup evaporated milk (I used Carnation)
1 heap tbsp butter
1 tbsp cooking oil

Fry chicken pieces until brownish, put aside. In another wok, fry curry leaves and cili padi in butter and oil. Add evaporated milk. Put in the mashed yolks and stir until the gravy turns yellow. Put in the pre-fried chicken pieces and mix everything together until every pieces is coated with gravy and egg yolk. Serve hot.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Week 14

Went to the gynae for my 14th week pregnancy checkup and did the blood test too (to check for chromosomal abnormalities and Down's syndrome). Hope the result comes back normal. Dear God, please let me have a normal, healthy and smooth pregnancy.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Enjoying It

"It" refers to the nausea. Yes, nausea. I am enjoying every moment of my nausea. It started to kick in yesterday @ 5w 3d. I was in fact, waiting for my nausea since the day I found out I was pregnant. I know having nausea is good. Nausea means normal. Nausea means pregnancy hormone is high. Nausea means lesser risk in miscarriage. Nausea means everything is going on well. So, in conclusion, nausea is a good thing in pregnancy.

Nausea normally starts in week 6, but for my first pregnancy, it started around week 5, same as this time. So I am glad my nausea has finally kicked in, and am not complaining. It gets better towards evening.

Will be going to see my gynae next week, during the Raya break for my next checkup. My gynae scheduled for an appointment this Monday actually (week 5), but I personally feel it's too early to go for another scan (I went to see him in week 4, and needless to say, there was nothing to see during the scan, basically I just went to see him to get supplements. But I don't know why he still went ahead and did the vaginal scan, knowing very well nothing could be seen at that time, and guess what, he even performed a PAP smear! I guess he wanted to fish some easy money). So last Saturday, before my supplements finishes, I went to a normal clinic to get folic acid, to last me for another week before I go see my gynae in week 6 (next week). At week 6, I am expecting to see and hear the baby's heartbeat.

I am praying everyday for a normal, healthy and smooth pregnancy. Although this is my second pregnancy, I still feel the pregnancy jitters everyday. Yes, it feels like I am pregnant for the first time everyday.

*Updated again at 7.30am (just after about 15 minutes)
For my breakfast, I had tuna sandwich (4 slices of bread with cheap margarine, lettuce and tuna), half a cup of milo and 1 folic acid pill. I had purposely puked in the toilet this morning (tummy juice and some orange Scott's Emulsion) when I reached office before I eat my breakfast so that my RM4 breakfast will stay inside (RM4 for 2 sets of simple tuna sandwich from the canteen, milo is free from the pantry) but now, I feel like puking everything out. Should I eat 1 more folic acid pill if I really puke afterwards?

Thursday 9 August 2012

The Hell-Hole Manager

Was having second thoughts on whether or not to publish this post, as I don't want to "pollute" my nice little pink blog mentioning about him, but well, since I wrote about The Biatch previously, may as well I write about The Bastard aka Hell-Hole as well. They make a pair.

Ok, about Mr. Hell-Hole. Never liked him from day1. He has a creepy face. Though I don't deal much with him (I do now, as I am helping with his work while waiting for the new "victim" to be hired), his face is really an eye-sore to me. He is sarcastic, suspicious, a hell hole and a bastard in the workplace!

Long story cut short, this is a letter to him, if he ever reads this one day.

Mr. Bastard-hellhole,

I do not mean to be rude, but may I ask how many times you want to broadcast the email? J has settled the issue, yes? He has called the customer and the customer has accepted the issue. And the managing director already knew about this, that it was my mistake. So what else do you want?

Oh yes, if you want to announce to other managers who were not in the loop about my mistake, I am cool with it. But please, before you hit the "send" button, include me in the loop, too ok? At least, I know I am being published. Please don't send to the entire world, but exclude me in the loop, and when the other party forwards back the mail to me, I feel like a complete asshole!

Funny when your guy made mistakes, you are quiet about it and did not interfere in our emails when we were solving the issue. But when the mistake comes from me/other dept, wow, you made a big hoo-haa about it, cc-ing all the big bosses and broadcasting about it when actually, the issue has already been solved.

And funny when I come early to do your work, or when I do it fast, you are quiet about it. I almost treated you dead because your name almost never appears in my inbox. You never interfere much unless there is a problem. But this time? Because of a small mistake, wow, you suddenly "revived" from the dead and enthusiastically fly emails around.

Bastard hell-hole, please do understand. I don't only do your work, you know? Go get somebody else to do your hell-hole work if you feel I am that so not good. I tell you, if that happens, I would go buy and open a bottle of champange to celebrate and toast it in front of you.

I hope you will be skinned alive, after that, buried alive as well.

Saturday 4 August 2012


The picture explains all. First appointment with my gynae will be next Monday. I know it's too early to be able to scan anything, but just for my peace of mind.

By the way, I tested this on 03.08.2012 @ 9pm (15dpo, cd28)

Wednesday 1 August 2012


A BFP on 12dpo! I couldn't believe it. Thanks to the bak foong pills and bak zhen. But I think it was the bak foong pills as I only started taking it last month after my period. And there, I got a BFP!

Yesterday evening after work, since I have a number of cheapies opk to spare, I pee'ed on them again as I was already suspicious because of the dark positive it gave me 2 days ago (11dpo). Guess what, it gave me a dark positive almost immediately again, which seldom happens even during ovulation.

So...... I couldn't help but tested with 2 different brands on upt, and yes, two lines, faint lines, but it's there.


Level of hcg is still low, due to very early stage. My period will not be due until this Friday. So, I tested 3 days early. But still, I am very happy already because the lines are there!

Hope this would be a sticky bean.

My prayer to God:
God, please forgive me for what I've said last week, that I hated You, that You were unfair and nothing good ever happened to me. God, please forgive my wrong doings and sins, my everything. I pray that Wong will have good health, long life, longer life than mine. I pray Kenzie will be happy and healthy everyday, free from harm, danger, sickness, falls, bug bites, everything. I thank God for this baby, and that I could conceive naturally. I pray that this baby sticks and to have a smooth natural pregnancy as how I had with Kenzie. I pray this baby will be healthy and normal. Let me get through the next 9 months smoothly. I pray everything will be just fine. I leave everything unto You. In God's name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

The OPK Playing Me

I am a POAS addict, I could not help but pee'ed on them again last night as I still have a few more cheapies to spare. The second line immediately appeared and gave me a dark positive in no time! Usually the second line takes longer time to appear, and usually faint. But last night, result line was same colour with the test line!

I have read countless of times in the internet that the opk could detect hcg. If opk turns out to be positive when AF is due, chances are it will be a BFP. And I've read countless of times people found out about their BFP through the opk first.

Anyway, I am not putting any hopes for a BFP this month, because I just know I am not pregnant. I tested with a clearblue on 10dpo, and it was a BFN! I pee'ed on my opk, almost faint+evaporated line. So there, I can confirm I'm not pregnant.

I've lost hope and is certain AF will show up this week. But why now a dark positive on the opk?

Monday 30 July 2012

Routine Weekend

Feels like it is already a routine every weekend: Eating out on Friday after work (sometimes no, depends), grocery shopping, visit in laws, make some ice lollies and steam a cake for supper on Saturday, bring Kz to the pool and cook "no-rice" dishes for dinner on Sunday.

Anyway, attempted to cook hokkien mee yesterday for dinner. It turned out well. Yummy. Before I continue more on yesterday, I will start with Friday night, after work. We went to the same Taiwanese restaurant for dinner. Hubs had the beef steamboat with rice, I had noodles with shredded meat and vegetables. We called an additional fried chicken.

On Saturday, went to the Jusco Cheras Selatan to buy some stuffs before going to the in laws, as usual. At night, I made cherry+strawberry yogurt ice lollies. Later at night, I steamed cake again. This time, with peanut butter filling. I was stupid not to realize peanut butter is heavy, hence, it sunk right to the bottom. But the cake was good though, moist and soft.

On Sunday, we brought Kz to the pool around 2-3pm for swimming time.

Then, I cooked hokkien mee for dinner. Turned out to be delicious!

Main inredients:
Hokkien noodles - 1 packet
Chicken stock - 1 cup

"Liew" for the noodles
Pork (marinate with corn starch and salt)
Pig liver
Half cabbage / chinese cabbage (I used chinese cabbage)
A few pieces of fish cakes / fish balls (I used both)
Minced pork

Oyster sauce - 3 tbsp
Soy sauce - 3 tbsp
Thick black sauce - 1 tbsp
Sesame oil - 1/2 tbsp
Sugar - 1/2 tbsp
Corh starch (mixed with water)
Chicken granules (optional, but I did not use it as I used chicken stock to cook my noodles)

Fry garlic in a pan. Add in pork, minced pork, cabbage, fish cakes and liver. Don't overcook the liver. Scoop aside.
In another pot, braise noodles with chicken stock until noodles is soft. Add in the pre-fried "liew" and sauce, add corn starch, mix until the gravy consistency is right, serve hot.

Thursday 26 July 2012

The 2ww

The moment I am typing this, it's my 2ww (2 week-wait) and 7dpo. My period came on 7th July. Used OPK and tested positive on 19th July (cd13). I have been eating bak-foong pills since this month and bak zhen last month, both at the same time this month, once a week after my period.

BD'ed (baby-danced) on cd13 and 14. Right on cd15 (1dpo), my boobs started to feel sore. My boobs have NEVER felt that way before! Usually, it will only start to sore around 1 week before my period is due. But this time, 1dpo? WTF? Could it be a sign I have conceived? I know it's way too early to tell (I feel like an uneducated fool right now, pregnant at 1dpo, heck, the egg is not even implanted on my uterus yet). I also know the science. It takes a few hours for sperms to travel from the cervix to meet the egg. If conception takes place, it takes another 6-12 days for the egg to implant to the uterus. So, I can only test for pregnancy around 14dpo, ok, 12dpo the earliest. But heck, 1 dpo? I must be so stupid.

1dpo - sore boobs
2dpo - sore boobs
3 dpo - sore boobs
4 dpo - sore boobs
5 dpo - sore boobs
6 dpo - sore boobs
7 dpo (present) - sore boobs, something stuck on my throat when I'm swallowing, sides of my mouth turned blackish

So, there! This 2ww is killing me. By the way, I do not have any pregnancy test strips to pee on, so I pee on ovulation test strips from 3dpo til yesterday! Call me crazy! And yes, I'm a POAS (Pee On A Stick) addict. I've read somewhere that ovulation test stripes can detect LH, as well as HCG (ovulation and pregnancy hormone). So if the ovulation test strip has a double line on it, chances are I might be pregnant now.

Results on my ovulation test strips:
3dpo - faint line
4dpo - faint line
5dpo - lighter faint line (a bit devastated to see the result, but I tell myself, hey, darker lines will start coming back)
6dpo - more light faint line (I'm so feeling f**ked up)
7dpo - I am so going to pee on the stick again tonight

I will buy a pregnancy test kit this Saturday, which is my 9dpo. Ok, why this Saturday and not now if I am that desperate to POAS? Well, that's because Saturday is the day I can go to Jusco to buy household stuffs and groceries, before we visit the in laws. Weekdays from Mon-Fri is always: work, go home, work, go home. Ok, you may ask, no pharmacies around the area I stay? Answer: Yes, there is, but I do not know how to go! Bummer!

Lots of baby dust to myself!

*Updated on 27.07.2012 (8dpo)
7dpo - faint line in OPK. Bloated, nausea and fatigue before bedtime.
8dpo - boobs not as sore, but there is still some sore feeling (feeling f**ked up again). Nausea upon reaching office.

*Updated on 30.07.2012
BFN on 10dpo !! Ok, giving up already.
How come life is so unfair?
How come those who said they don't want anymore child always got pregnant? How come those who said they only want one child always manage to get pregnant with 2nd child? How come those who said they really want a child/want another child don't get it?

I'm contemplating whether or not to delete this post, as it is an eye sore looking at this post everyday.

Monday 23 July 2012

Another Weekend

Friday night - did not go out for dinner as it was raining. Would not be convenient to go out in a rainy weather with a baby around. Hubs cooked simple bihun soup, that was all (sorry, picture not taken, but yes, my hubs cooks).

Saturday - went to Jusco, Cheras Selatan in the afternoon for some grocery shopping, then headed to the in laws as usual for dinner.

At night, I made blueberry yogurt ice lollies. While that was freezing away, I decided to make a cake. Yes, a cake, just for two. Steamed orange lemon zest cake - my version. Simple and fast since it was just steaming.

Steamed orange lemon zest cake (portion just nice for two)
4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp milk (I used evaporated milk as I still have some leftover sitting in the fridge)
3 tbsp cooking oil/melted butter (I used cooking oil, faster and easier)
1/2 tbsp baking powder
1 egg
3 or 3.5 tbsp of castor sugar
4 tbsp of orange concentrate (I used Sunquick orange concentrate)
Zest of half a lemon
Mix everything together and steam for half an hour. Then you will get a somewhat moist-in-the-middle-cake. Easy peasy! Hubs love it and gave me a 9.5 rating! Where did the 0.5 go? Hubs said it was too sweet. Oh well, yeah, because there were both sugar and Sunquick orange concentrate in the cake.

We had the cake for supper and after that I went to check on my ice lollies. Nope, not set yet. Need to wait til tomorrow to taste it.

Blueberry yogurt ice lollies
1 packet of blueberries (can use any berries or fruits)
Half a cup of plain yogurt
Half a cup of icing sugar
Half tbsp gelatin (melted in hot water)
Blend fruit, yogurt and icing sugar. Mix with gelatin. Put in the lolly mould. Freeze.

Sunday - The naughty boy wokeup at 7am! I wonder whether he gets enough sleep in a day. He seems to sleep so little, sigh. Anyway, my parents came around 9.30am. Left around 11.30am. That little rascal had his milk after they left, and zzz from 11.45pm until 2pm! He must be so tired . After his lunch and some rest, we took him to the pool in the afternoon around 2.30pm. It was his first time going to the pool. We spent about 15 minutes at the pool.

In the evening after Kz wokeup from his nap we went out for dinner. Hubs suggested Korean food. We went to Seoul Fusion in Bukit Jalil. Food was ok. I'm not a fan of Korean food. To me, they are full of veges only such as cucumber, carrots, onions, mushrooms and more mushrooms, taufu, crabsticks, etc.

Anyway, we had beef bulgogi with cheese, seafood sun-dobu soup, seafood fried rice, milk soda and herbal lemon tea. The beef bulgogi was yummy though. I can eat two bowls of white rice with that.

There goes my precious, happy weekend again. Monday soon again, folks!

P/S: I have a lot of work sitting on my desk, from some stupid fools. Mostly from the Biatch and SissyJammy. But I just don't feel like doing any of it.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Biatch @ Work

There's a biatch here that everyone hates dislikes (I am trying to be nicer here), I don't even want to (nick)name her. Everytime she calls or talks to me, my blood will creep up to my face, boiling hot, and I will feel like chopping off her mouth (especially), her limbs, then blend it in front of her and serve her, alive! Who does she think she is? Talks like a taukeh soh, babe! Puh-leese. Noone talks to me like that, ok? Not even my superior or the boss that pays my salary. She talks like I am stupid. She talks like I don't know my work. She talk's like she's the madam and I'm the maid, get what I mean? OMFG.

Weird I didn't have this feeling back then, only started recently. Back then, I had no problem with her. Really. Why now? What's the issue? OMFG, I hope she slips one day while walking or climbing up/down the stairs and lose her two front rabbit teeth - permanently!

You know, I am a nice person. At work. Ask them. Ask the boys here who face me daily. Ok, occasionally mean with my words, spicy and a cili padi, but in a joking way. They can accept my style and they like who I am - the cute girl who doesn't look like she's 30, who is straight forward, direct and not a fake. And I am good at my work. I am effective. Efficient. Fast. Ask anyone here, I am begging you. So, if I can be so poison with my mouth on that particular person, then that person must be a real biatch until I cannot tolerate anymore. I hope she burns in hell.

See, told you I can be mean.

Monday 16 July 2012

A Happy Weekend

Started with Friday evening after work. Hubs brought us to this Taiwan restaurant at Serdang. Don't really know the exact address is as I'm not familiar with that area. The restaurant's name is Happy Wok. Food was so-so, nothing to shout about. But I'm just happy because I can eat out and go out kai kai a bit, hehe. Kz was not really cooperative as he kept climbing out from the hi-chair and we had to swallow our food and take turns to watch over him.

On Saturday afternoon I made a mini chocolate cake, just enough for two. Again it was a bit tough and firm but at least this time it didn't look so much like kuih texture. I did not put any chocolate chips as I was worried it won't turn out well. But luckily it tasted a-ok and we finished it.

Then we went to my parent's place in the evening and left Kz there while we went for dinner, Samosa. We dined there at least once a week when it was newly opened few years ago. But after having Kz and moving out from my parent's place, needless to say, we did not go there anymore. The lady boss surprisingly still recognize us and asked about us. (pictures not taken).

On Sunday morning we went to Sunway Pyramid. Kz was already asleep in the car on the way to Pyramid. Surprisingly he did not wakeup when we put him inside the stroller upon reaching. So we hurried to Delicious restaurant for brunch (11am). Food was good, I had nothing to complaint!

We went to Daiso after lunch and Kz wokeup when I was halfway shopping. You know, I could spend the whole day in Daiso. But end up I only spent about 5 minutes there to get what I wanted in a jiffy. Bought some measuring cups, ramekins, ice lollies maker and a lemon juicer. Then hubs went to Cold Storage to buy some household stuff while I stayed outside with Kz to feed him his porridge. Lastly I managed to go into Nichii, grabbed a couple of dresses without trying and quickly paid as Kz was getting restless.

Went home at 1.30pm, did the usual routine stuff (lap badan for Kz, change him into a new set of clothes,  play, make him zzz). And guess what, instead of napping with him (which I usually do), I made a cake again! Chocolate coffee cake this time, with some instant coffee mix added, portion just for 2, since I bought some cute ramekins from Daiso and can't wait to use it. Oooh, made ice lollies with coke and ice cream soda, too (pictures not taken). Then we had steamboat for dinner (at home). My all time favorite.

But all good things come to an end. Its going to be Monday soon. Sigh. Monday blue :(

Sunday 8 July 2012

I Love Sundays

I love Sundays. Who doesn't? But I also hate Sundays as well, because the next day will be my Monday blue! Anyway, Sunday is our no-rice day because we have been eating rice from Monday-Saturday. So on Sunday usually we will either: have steamboat/ tapau dai chau/ fry mee/ boil tongsui/ make a cake.

P/S: We seldom eat out after having Kz as it will be very inconvenient. He will be restless after a while and we won't be able to eat in peace. Everything has to be fast with Kz around: shopping, eating, etc.

Anyway I made 3 things today: Steamed banana chocolate chip raisin cake, fried black pepper udon and red bean tongsui (picture not taken).

Steamed banana chocolate chip raisin cake:
2 ripe bananas-mashed
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup icing sugar
1 teaspoon oil
2 teaspoon water
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 packet of raisins (I used Ligo)
A handful of choc chips (I used Hershey's)
Mix everything together, steam for 20 mins or when fork comes out clean.
Tips: Cover top with aluminium foil and coat bottom with fluor+butter as it will be easier to take out.

Fried udon with black pepper sauce:
1 packet udon mee (I used Megah brand)
1 bell pepper
1 big onion
3 cloves garlic
Pork (sau yoke)
Minced meat
Sausages (optional) or any other stuff that's in the fridge
1 packet of black pepper sos (any brand, I used a pre mixed brand written all over in Thai and it's very "yeh mei")
Boil udon and follow packet instructions. In another wok fry all the ingredients. Scoop aside (I scooped aside because my wok is not big enuff to handle all the "liew" and udon). Lastly fry garlic (love lots of it), mix with black pepper sos, toss in the boiled udon and the pre fried ingredients (that has been scooped out earlier). Serve hot.

No big deal I know. The cake looks like kuih (I think I put too much flour) and fried udon is a common dish, it is all about the sauce mix. Nothing to hoo haa about, but heck, who cares. As long as I have done my duties as a wife (cook dinner, made cakes, boil tongsui and hubby is happy & eats my food).

Monday 25 June 2012


Down with fever, flu and sore throat yesterday. Went to see doctor, and he gave me antibiotics. I would be happy if it's because I'm pregnant. But I don't think I hit the jackpot this month. My period came on 2nd this month, the OPK only shows positive result on 21st ! It's a bit late, don't you think so? But because I have quite a long cycle (31 / 32 / sometimes 33 days), ovulating on CD 20 (start counting 2nd as CD 1) is not impossible. Anyway, today is only 25th. I will be expecting my menses around 2nd / 3rd / 4th July next month.

Hate the 2 ww (2 week wait).

By the way, Kz also down with the flu and cough. How come toddlers take so long time to recover? For the past few days he has been having very cold sweat, cold body+hands+legs too.
So no choice, have to "bao bachang, bao dou sat sat".

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Kenzie In Summary (0-14 mth)

Regretted for not starting to blog since day 1 when Kz was born, so that I can record everything, but nevermind, it's never too late to start right? So here's baby Kz in a nutshell, from day1 to present (14 months).

His routine on weekdays:
Daytime til 6.30pm (til we finish work) - nanny's place (I don't know and don't have a say and can't control what he does there everyday. I got a feeling nanny just put him inside the playpen, on the Doraemon dvd, easy!)
6.30pm - 7pm ish: play while waiting for mommy and daddy to cook/have dinner
6.45pm - snacks on mashed potatoes+cheese+butter while mommy and daddy having dinner
7.45pm: milk
8pm: mommy time in the master bedroom (activities: learn abc, read, talking, hugging, kissing, etc)
9pm: play / watch tv / tablet time with daddy in the living room
9.30pm: get ready for zzz
10pm: milk
10.30pm: zzz

His routine on weekends:
Anytime from 8.15am - 9am: wakeup, pom-pom (bath)
9.30am: breakfast
10am: some tv while mommy bathe / mop floor, etc
10.30am: mommy time in masterbedroom (when I say mommy time means learn abc/reading/talking/playing with educational toys)
11.30am: milk, then zzz
12.45am: wakeup from nap, lunch
2pm or 3pm: usually go out (jusco / in law's place)
6.30pm or 7pm: back from in law's place, pom-pom (bath)
7.30pm: daddy time in the living room while mommy does some stuffs; eg: prepare to cook his porridge in the slow cooker / bathe / wash clothes / keep clothes
8.30pm: mommy time in the master bedroom
9.30pm: some tv time in the living room
10pm onwards: milk, then zzz

Breakfast, lunch & dinner = porridge (boiled with sau yoke / fish / beef  / dried scallops, on top with 1 or 2 vegetable cubes (steamed and pureed pumpkin/potatoes/carrots/tomatoes/brocoli/sweet potatoes)
Snacks = a little bit of anything the adults are having (usually bread, biscuits, cake, soup, yogurt)
Mommy made "ABC soup in a cube" to put inside his porridge (steamed+pureed potato, carrots, onions and tomatoes). Smart eh?

Talk: A, O, I, ah yee, mama, papa, mummum, nennen, gaigai, "K" phonics, "G" phonics, fish (ish), S for shoe (shhh)
Knows: good (show thumbs up), bye bye, fan (look up the ceiling and point but using thumbs up), ABCDE (he can show the alphabets on the alphabet abacus), Peter&Jane (he will look at the place where the books are kept when I mentioned Peter&Jane), book, ABC (flash cards), pah pah (scared scared - he will beat his chest with both hands)..............................***He knows a lot more, but quite hard to put it in words...
Walk: He finally started walking a few steps 2 days shy of 14 months.

Activities (educational):
Wooden toys (Alphabet abacus, pegged puzzles, xylaphone, wooden building blocks, wooden coloured chips), stacking donuts, stacking cups, shape sorters, alphabet foams, flashcards, books, alphabet beading (of coz he doesnt know this yet), aquadoodle mat..................  ***a few more, but I cant really recall now

Activities (non educational):
I call it "do nonsense": rolling things on the floor and going after it (cups, wooden building blocks, powder container, tea tree oil bottle, anything that rolls), playing peek-a-boo using his lampin, throwing things on the floor and seeing them "separate" (stacking cups), throwing things from the bed to the floor to see them drop and hear the sound that comes with it, bite people ................***many more, cant recall now

Here's to share Kz's many faces :)

Baby # 2 - In The Making

People say after you already have a baby, the second one will come easy. Well, I can confirm now that it is NOT TRUE (ok, maybe for somebody else, they can conceive easily, but not me).

Before marriage - nah, not a problem, who cares? Not married yet what, so no need to rush. If pregnant already how to fit into my wedding dress?

After marriage; 1st month - I don't think I am one of those who will take 10 years to get pregnant. I think I am not infertile. The word infertile sounds so scary. Like, barren. Puh-leese. I am young, my period is consistent every month, I think I am going to get pregnant this month. It's simple, have sex, shoot the little swimmers inside, there!

2nd month - Nevermind, last month did not conceive, this month will definitely conceive.

3rd month - No issues. Afterall, I have just been married for 3 months. No pressure.

4th month - Am I doing it the correct way? (positions, timing, etc)

5th month - Friends one by one slowly getting pregnant. They announce all over in FB. Stupid fools.

6th month - Been married for half a year already. Still not pregnant. Starting to feel the jitters. Am I infertile? What's wrong with me? My tubes and eggs ok? Hub's little swimmers ok?

7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th month - Continue to f**k like a routine/homework/duty.

***Many things happened along the way which I would not mention here (although it's my own private blog). I've gone through chinese and western methods, took pills like bak-foong pills, clomid, boil herbs, spent loads on ovulation testers, pregnancy testers, you name it. Finally resort to hormone injections and western medication.

14th month - Finally pregnant with Kz

Fast forward to:
Present (June 2012) - Trying for 2nd baby since months ago. No news.
Feeling: F**ked up.