
Monday 26 August 2013

The Electric Lunch Box ~ Meal # 1 (Chicken, Anchovies & Pumpkin Porridge)

I bought the SEED electric lunch box online about a week ago. Everyone was talking about it in the group which I joined which talks about baby food and all. Also, the main reason I bought was because I could cook in small quantity for Kenzie (and Baby G later). I could cook a small portion of porridge, or a small portion of rice and soup or a small portion of rice and egg, etc

It looks kinda cute, don't you think? Tried on it on Saturday. Porridge with chicken, pumpkin and 'ngan yue zhai' (small type of anchovies which look like maggots, hehe).

Portion: 50ml rice (which was too much for Kenzie), water (agak agak), 3 large chunks of pumpkin, large chunks of chicken breast and a handful of 'ngan yue zhai'.

I filled the bottom of the electric lunch box with 80ml water, and started to cook the porridge. I filled up with water at the bottom and also in the porridge pot for a few times to let it continue cooking. Afterall this is the first time I'm using it, so I am not good at the measurement estimation and all. Porridge ready in about 1 hour.

Verdict: I didn't really quite like it, to be honest. The switch kept auto-on and off during the whole hour. It will auto-off when it gets too hot, then auto-on again after like 1 minute or so. This went on and on for one hour. Hubby said this is not a good thing. This means more electricity is being used. But hey, I've already bought it (and it was not cheap ok), so I will have to keep using it every weekend to whip up small portion of food for Kenzie.


  1. Thank you for sharing the recipes. I just bought a "little bear" three layer electric lunch box. I asked the seller if i can cook porridge with it the seller said no. I remember seeing a photo of porridge cooked with electric lunch box. I found you. Have a happy New Year and Congratulations on your baby G.

    1. Hi Sugerprinces, thanks for dropping by my humble rojak blog.

      If the electric lunch box cannot be used to cook porridge, then I don't see what's the point of buying one. Don't tell me the seller expects the buyer to just steam rice/dishes/egg?

      The electric lunch box can be used to cook rice, porridge, soup, tongsui, steam eggs, pau and also steam back frozen food (if you pack overnight food to work, like me).

      Overall, I wouldn't say it's a good buy (because it uses a lot of electricity, and I have to keep opening the lid, checking and adding water to continue cooking), but if you want to cook food for just 1 small fussy eater (like my boy), this electric lunch box is perfect.

      That's all I see in this lunch box.

  2. Good Monday Louiz

    I still haven't tried cooking porridge in my electric lunch box. I had used it to cook steamed egg, rice and soup only. They are nice and healthy. I am running out of ideas of what to bring to work for lunch so that i could save some $$ for CNY.

    Louiz, please share some tips. What do you usually bring to work for lunch? How about your dinner? Do you cook when you go home after work? I am eating out everyday, and wanted to change my trend now for 2014.

    1. I bring my leftover dinner to work for the next day. Depends, if there is any.

      We cook very simple meals, as by the time we reach home is already late. So usually a vege, steamed egg and steamed fish.

      Since there are only the 2 of us, there is usually leftover. So I packed those to work for lunch the next day. There is a microwave at the pantry, altho long-term microwaving is not encouraged, but heck, I don't really care. I just reheat for like 20 seconds.

  3. Hi Louiz
    Thanks for the reply. HOpe you will post more lunch boxes recipes :)

    1. Yep, am posting another one soon. Now under construction, hehe..

  4. Thanks for the recipe. I think I will buy an electric lunch box since my office is having office painting now that the pantry is close for a few weeks. Good sharing.
