
Monday 16 December 2013

I Hope It Does lt

So I heard the natural remedy for flu and runny nose (or blocked nose) is to put sliced onions or sliced lemons nearby. I opt for lemons.

I hope it does what they say it will do.

This picture was taken at night (using flash) when baby G was asleep.


  1. oh really?? where did you find this remedy?? no harm to give it a try lah, since it's all natural ingredients..

    1. Yeah I found out about all these natural remedies thru the forum/mummie's group which I joined in fb.. like you said no harm trying tho' coz its natural ingredients...

      It kinda worked a bit on him coz he could zzz well during the nite altho a few times he was breathing thru his nose..

  2. Baby G down with flu?? aiyoh, what did you do to him ah?? never let him wear enough clothes?? haha.. anyway, hope he will get well soon.. :)

    1. Yep baby down with flu and cough. The big one got it first then gave it to us and lastly baby also kena... Haiz..what to do.. I bet next month when Kenzie starts going to school lagi he will kena all these sickness more often..

  3. Heard of this remedy. DOes it work? My 3 months old baby is also blocked nose for past few nights. But during the day he is okay. Must be the air con; too cold.

    1. Not sure if it really worked, but he still breathed thru his nose, but he could sleep mostly throughout the night, not really cranky. I suggest onions if you could take the smell, because they say onions is more "effective".

  4. Oh, sliced lemons work too? I have heard of putting onions but I have never tried it. Maybe one day I should test it out. Hope Baby G recovers from the runny nose.

    1. Sigh, already got better from the runny nose, but now, got cough+phlegm pulak..

  5. Replies
    1. cham lo...means u panda eyes time to zz taking care of him...wei...go eatr vit C la or make lemon juice to drink else u also kena jangkit

    2. Yes, I already applied Vicks on his back, chest and tapak kaki, then put socks lo.. Runny nose improved, but now, got batuk+kahak pulak.. Haizzzz... Hou tired ahh !!
