
Monday 9 December 2013

Loot From BBW

Occassion: The Big Bad Wolf (BBW)

Here is my loot from the BBW. But no, I didn't have to go there personally to get it. I have "porter service". Haha. Yep, the "porter" is my 2nd elder sister.

On the first day of BBW itself, my sister already took leave and camped went there early in the morning around 7am. I asked her to get me some children books for the boys.

Last year, I had wanted to go to the BBW (around this time too). I was around 5 months pregnant with baby G. But I could not make it because I had some bleeding a week before the BBW, and the gynae advised me not to walk nor do any house chores too much. Must stay in bed and rest as much as possible. Gosh, that was the most horrible moment in my life. With Kenzie boy, I did not have any bleeding, but with baby G, I had bleeding - twice. The gynae had to give me jabs and I had to rest as much as I could, with minimum walking and doing house chores. So I had to "tumpang" my sister to buy books from the BBW and she was kind enough to oblige.

Fast forward, this year, heh, she is doing it for me again. Thanks sis!     


  1. Finally you got to visit BBW! I love the books there but not the crowd which was so noisy until I almost fainted last year. I am not sure whether I have the time to visit that place this week as I will be going overseas soon. SK has flown off last weekend, so you will see him again later this week.

    1. I did not go to the BBW la.. My sis helped to get those books for me..
      Oohh, SK has flown off to where?

    2. Sorry I misread the lines. I thought you got a porter when you got there!!! Muahahahaha

  2. I am glad you found so many good and colourful books for your son! He will enjoy reading and grow up smart lah.

    When I was a child of his age my mum gave me a thick colouring book and made me colour them everyday until I started making birthday cards for relatives when I was barely 4 years old. They still kept these cards until today! Goodness! Later on I won prizes for designing in US.

  3. i never been there..
    well FYI is because they all envy me .. LOL

    1. Hello Simple Person.. Nice to see you here..
      Errr, you never been to BBW coz they all envy you? Why? Means what? Tak paham, kekeke..
      Is it me slow & can't catch what you say or ???

    2. OMG! This Kuku bird SP is here!!! You see what bird craps he mumbled. You won't understand this Kuku bird la. He gila one.

    3. Memang pun.. I read a few times, like 5x, but still don't un what he said leh..

  4. Everyone is talking about BBW! I hope that they are coming over to this side.... :(

    Wow! Your kids must be happy seeing all those books! Happy reading.

    1. The big one is sure happy.. He loves books.. Everything and anything about colours, numbers, alphabets, shapes and cars..
      The small one pulak, too early to say, haha. So far, he is not interested when I am reading to him..

    2. hmm....i think kinda hard to go over that side coz involves transporting the books across the ocean. The boss been saying even here their profit margin is low

  5. Louiz, I am curious about BBW but have not been there before. I love books but I don't like shopping with big crowds. It is good to encourage you kiddos to read. When I was small, I loved books a lot. Especially coloring books so that I can "conteng-conteng" hah! hah!

    1. Same here actually Phong Hong. I don't like big crowds. Everyone was and is hoo-haa-ing about the BBW, it makes me wana go there so badly, but knowing the crowds, and having to bring along 1 baby and a toddler is a problem. If hubby stays home and jaga the kids while I go to the BBW, I don't really know the way pulak, kekeke.. Still need to depend on him to fetch..

      So ended up, I didn't go, and I managed to get my sis to get me some books. She was kinf enuff to oblige. I paid her back of course.

    2. crowd...what crowd? I see book my eyes dont see crowd jor *book mad mode * LOL

  6. wah got poorter service ah..gua mau jugak can ah? so that i no need to drag my heavy trolley around :p

    1. Eh, you ask hubby go with you act as porter lor.. Abo can ask J boy also.. But scared people take picture say child labour report to authority then susah oohh, hahahaha..

  7. i have never heard of this BBWS (Big Bad Wolf Sales, not Big Boobs Women Society) until the recent couple of years.. and of course i heard it from Small Kucing who is such a VVIP fans of this BBWS.. i rarely read any books, so wasn't too excited about buying books, but then when i found from her that books can be so cheap, i started to get interested..

    1. Woi, sure boh, you rarely read books? But you look like you read a lot wor (*I am not trying to imply you look like a nerd k).. But really? You rarely read?

  8. so good, your sister is also a book fans, and she took leave to go to the BBWS, haha!! but i think probably one day is not enough woh, since there are thousands and thousands of books there to browse for.. better still, draft a strategic plan on how you want to buy your books, haha.. those are cute books, nice to read (i sometimes love to read kids story books one woh) and i am sure you have a good time to spend with your boys to read the books together.. ah, bonding time!! :)

    1. Yep, I appreciate my bonding time with them, usually every night.
      I can only do it at night because that's the only time I am free.
      When I reach home, I have to do house chores after my dinner (wash the dishes, vacumn the floor, etc). I have mild OCD, so I must vacumn everyday.

      Yeah, I know you like cute stuffs too, especially Minions and Doraemon.. I have seen you post a few times about Doraemon in your blog..
