
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Training Pants

No, I'm not selling them. I just bought a few training pants for Kenzie boy, they are so cute and colourful, so just to post it here for fun.

Kids attending kindergarten are advised to be diaper-free by the time they enter, at age 3. Kenzie boy will be attending his kindergarten in January next year and I have not started Kenzie boy on potty-training. For kids not diaper-free yet, the kindergarten will help train them. The principle has specifically told us NOT to pack even a single piece of diaper in Kenzie boy's shower bag. They can help to train, BUT we, as parents, must also do the same and follow the routine at home.

And now, my confession. I'm worried this lazy mum (yes, I am talking about myself) do not have the will power and end up wearing diapers for him for my own convenience (especially during the night time) so that I do not have to get up in the middle of the night changing wet sheets! 

I check the training pants and it feels like normal underwear, but with water-proof material. These pants cannot be treated as diapers. They can only help "smooth-en" the potty-training-and-diaper-free process. They can hold a small amount of leak, but I don't think they can absorb any wetness. 

I hope Kenzie boy will sort of know, and will be ready to tell us or head to the potty once he feels the "wetness" on the pants. 

Here I am, looking at the training pants, wondering how to start, where to start and when to start.


  1. wah, at first i thought what training pants by just seeing your post title in my blog roll..

    at first, i thought you were panting while doing some exercise training.. then reading the first sentence, you said not selling them.. so i thought you are talking about those track pants we wear for training.. read on, oh, now i know there's this kind of pants for toddler called "training pants".. :p

    1. Gawd, SK, I am really lol now reading your comment.. Panting while exercising? Wah, creative la you...

      Eh, good la, now you know.. Can get ready and prepare your knowledge when you wana kahwin and have kids next time.. Not only about training pants la.. Before that must read about parenting, pregnancy, etc.. Hahahaha

    2. Goodness! You used such a bombastic word - Training Pants! I thought you want your boy to start running 100m ! I think this is called Emergency Pants.

    3. Gawd, TM, you also another one. Bombastic word? Aiyoyo, yau mou kau chor? Training pants sound so "torturing" on a kid? Hahahaha.. I bought these online, and they also used the word training pants wor..

  2. wah, not bad woh that kindie.. they help you to train the kids that are still reliant on diapers.. errr, like that you at least won't be too stressed out lah, even if you failed to train Kenzie at least you can leave the "shit" to the kindie, muahahahaha!! nah nah nah, i knew it, i just knew it, at once you really have this thought in your mind, correct?? :p

    1. Wah, bravo... How you know? Yes wor, for a moment, it really crosses my mind wor.. Coz we will pick him up from the kindy in the evening.. (Kindy is from 8-12pm, daycare is from 12pm-7pm).. I was thinking, heck, let him wear diapers during the night time lor.. Then when morning comes, the kindy will handle the "shyte" for me, wakakaka..

      But then again, if I do like that, then weekends how? I am looking after him full day on Saturday and Sunday wor...Who wana help me handle the "shyte" ? Hahahaha..

  3. wondering how to start, where to start and when to start?? aiyoh, what are you waiting for?? what are you still considering at?? just take off his diapers and get him to wear his training pants lah.. don't think too much but JUST DO IT.. the more you think, the more problems you will have, just do it and "ship sails straight when near jetty" mah.. i am sure things will flow naturally after you started, and you will be able to get things settled before end of the year!! :p

    1. Errr, call me a bad mom.. But macam feel lazy wana start leh.. I got to be prepared for wet sofa, wet sheets, wet floor, wet pants, wet here and wet there.. I have mild OCD, so I think I will scream leh... But I know I have to do it also..

      Yes, totally agree, gotta make it a point to start right? I like when you said don't think so much, just do it..

  4. Now that you mentioned the needs to potty train the kids, I cannot remember how my mum trained me. Those days we had no disposal diapers and poor mothers had to washed every soiled cloth diapers! I will ask my old mother this weekend how I managed to go to toilet eventually.
    I only remembered that I did not know how to use toilet paper and so many ladies had to wash my ass after I poo. One day my aunt had to wash for me and she bitched at me. I quickly started to use toilet paper ever since.

    1. Wah, then you must thank your aunt lor.. Without her, your bumbum will still be touched (and washed) by so many ladies, haha..

      How come you did not know how to use any toilet paper? Just pull, and sumbat into your bumbum and wipe lor.. So those days, after you "made big business", wat you did? Stuck your finger into your bumbum hole, korek it, and then wipe on the walls?

  5. I heard that some kids wet their beds until they have even passed 7 years old and had to see doctors!! My grandmother made this uncle of mine to chew the hairy comb parts inside the crab and old folks swore the juice could cure their bed wetting symptoms! My uncle grew up and became SIA pilot. He told me this crab story but I find it hard to believe.

    1. Juice of the hairy comb part of the crab? Hmm, not a big fan-see of crabs, so I don't think I will have the chance to try it on Kenzie. So you can use this "crap" story, oops, sorry, typo, I mean "crab" story to "blow water" with people lor, kekekeke...

  6. Louiz, this is unfamiliar territory for me, gulps! My cousin's wife was once summoned by the kindie to come over and clean up her kid. Apparently, the poor kid was not trained lah and his mum bluffed them and said she is in meeting and can't come over. The kindie did clean him up and just to get the point across, "tapao" the dirty pants including the poo-poo in plastic bag for her to pick up. ***faints***

    1. Oh dear. To be honest, if I am the mother, I will also say I am in a meeting (I am working full time), I mean, takkan I purposely take leave/time off just to go to the kindy to clean up the poopoo?

      Sigh, including the poopoo inside the plastic bag too? They could have at least rinse the pants..

    2. Yah, that's what I thought too. Quite evil of them :(
