
Thursday 2 January 2014

First Day

The first photo below was taken last week, during orientation - Kenzie's boy first day in the kindergarten. He's the one in front, in white, next to the crying boy. We left after sending him there and made sure he was ok. We didn't stay long, it was not encouraged anyway, so this was the only picture I manage to snap.

The second (blurry) photo below was sent to me from my hubby's phone this morning at home, on his real first day to school, 2nd January 2014. He was still at home that time, very in the mood to put on his new school uniform and pose for his daddy. But when they reached the kindy, hubby said Kenzie was crying very loudly (because all kids were crying at the same time) when he left this morning.

I hope everything will be okay.

Regretted for not taking leave today to bring him to the kindy. I thought he could adapt because he did not shed a tear during orientation last week.


  1. the hottest topic after Christmas and New Year in Facebook and the blogsphere - first day of school for the new year!! i think many people are blogging or posting photos about this event, though not as "flooding" as the former two i guess, haha!! :D

    1. aiyoh you didn't take leave on this "historical moment" but just your hubby took and brought Kenzie to the kindergarten?? hahaha.. aiyah, maybe that was why Kenzie was crying so loudly lor.. :p

    2. yeah, everything will be fine lah.. eventually the kids will make friends and enjoy learning and playing in the kindergarten.. i guess controlling the kids is somehow a more challenging task for the teachers than the parents though.. so, you paid them and expect them to jaga Kenzie also lah, haha!!

    3. Eh SK, you did not post anything geh today? I was expecting to see your post in the morning at 8am, haha..

      Ya lor, I did not take leave today to bring him to the kindy coz I thought there's no need to.. He could adapt well for the past 2 days for orientation wor.. Also full day ma, from 8am-6pm. Ok wor..

      But today, aii, nitemare lor.. Coz my hubby texted me and said all kids were crying at the same time, so maybe that was why Kenzie boy was also crying kua.. Monkey see, monkey do.. Haiz..

      I agreed with you on the paying part, haha.. I am aunty kiasu ma, I don't want "sitt dai", haha.. Paid teachers liao, let them do the job lor, hor?

      Haiz, but say is easy ler.. Now no mood work la, wondering how is he now..

  2. The first day I went to kindie, I shooed my mother off right away and not to stand at the window. She was taken aback and went home happily while my girl cousin cried from morning till noon like idiot. She carried on crying for weeks until school principal told her mum to stop her kindie lessons. Today this cousin has become a teacher and cited the kids as cry babies!!! KNN! I reminded her of her crying days like a radio. She replied me "Did I cry?"

    1. Haha, you never failed to put a smile on my face.. I always smile ger wor, reading your comments..

      Haih, today ahh, I "mat yeh mood tit mou sai" la.. Can't concentrate in work.. Feel like calling the teachers, but scared people don't like pulak.. Have to learn to "fong sau" jugak rite..

      Oh dear, I hope Kenzie wont become like your cousin who cried like a fool from day til evening and eventually kena stop her kindy lessons.. OMG.. I am praying hard now..

  3. Your boy will stop crying after the first day of tears. Put his favourite toy inside his bag and that will do the trick.

    1. Can't wait.. I know he can, and will adapt..
      Haiz, kids go to skool, parents worried sick pulak..
      Not fair :(

  4. Dont worry. He will fine in few weeks time. But my boy still cried going to school last year. Yesterday also he shed some tears but today he is doing fine and eager to go to school. :)

    1. Yep, my hubby reported to me today that he didn't cry, but his mouth was pouting (pin jui), well, guess that's an improvement..

  5. Louiz, hope Kenzie boy did OK after the first day blues. That kind of reminded me of my first day at kindy about 100 years ago hee,,,,hee....I think I was very clingy to my grandma. I wanted to go home. I didn't like going to school.

    1. I remembered my kindergarten days very well. I have to always vomit 1x a day before going out. My mum was really pissed with me, but what to do. It had became a habit. Before going out must vomit 1x.. Eeeyeww.. Scared kot..

  6. Hi Louiz,

    Judging from the pic, I think Kenzie looks very brave and strong to me. At least that he is not crying in this pic... My going to be 5 son is attending full time school this Feb (Australian schools starts after Australian Day...) and hope that he will be as brave as Kenzie :D


    1. Oh yes, not self-praising, but Kenzie boy really did not give me much trouble usually.. Yes, he would cry, but it wont last long. Only for a while. If the teachers distract him with toys or books, then he would stop crying and forget about everything liao :)

  7. no worry la....he will adapt soon enough. boy will be boys....soon he will run into the kiddy leh

    1. Mama meowwww, am waiting for the day he runs into the kiddie and ask me not to worry about him, haha

  8. kiddy also have orientation ka? J kiddy no orientation but usually first week they dont do anything. just play and teacher give out books. this week la baru start proper kiddy.

    1. Got la, orientation day something like "test power" like that school.. fully daycare.. means fully play only lor.. to let them get used to the place..
