
Wednesday 16 April 2014

Feeling Like S**thole

Warning: Ranting post ahead.

The moment I'm typing this, I'm feeling very down. It's about work, nothing personal or "radio deejay" stories like affairs or what-nots *Gotcha, I know what you are thinking you evil, you want to read about affairs*

Here was the scenario.

Somebody went on a maternity leave. So I got to do her s**thole work. I know zero about it, and Mr. N just threw it at my face, expecting me to know what to be done, like I'm a genius. So, I did what I needed to do, then something went wrong somewhere, Mr. N asked me to verify, I did. I asked the professionals who created the darn system what went wrong. Mr. N wasn't too happy I cc-ed all the bosses. You know what our friend did? He called my (lady) boss and complaint about me. He said "I'm not comfortable your girl flying emails around". A**hole! "Your girl"? Puh-leeese, you know my grade & position ahh? Lady boss called me, lectured me, sided Mr. N. Nie yang aku tak suka nie. Lady boss told me not to cc so many people and could have just "quietly" settle the issue with respective persons. S**thole. "Quietly"?

Guys, how do you feel if your own immediate superior doesn't stand on your side? This is not the first time. She always, always stand on others' side rather than my side.

I was not in the wrong. I don't think I'm wrong. I'm not wrong. 

Mr. N, if you are ever reading this, do you know everyone hates you? They call you "illegal immigrant". Go find out why. 

(If can), don't work for lady bosses. They are a drag.

End of rant.

Wait, no picture meh? My post cannot without pictures one wor.
*Sulking at my place with pouted lips


  1. Many said that lady boss is hard to work with, but I had a good lady boss in my ex-company. She treated us lunch once a while, helped us with our work and really take good care of us. But company politics played her out. She was sacked by the big big boss and that's the end of her career with that company. We can't even do anything to help her. Sad.

    1. breath in .... breath out ..... it is ok. Just stay firm and if u are not in the wrong, u don't need to be afraid, right ? Like that, ppl won't bully you. Working world is cruel. Just need to be 'seng mok' to make things happened the right way. All the best to you !

    2. Hey sweetie, you are fast today.. I used to like her a lot, really.. She used to be a kind person, but over time, she changed. Oh by the way, yep, not all lady bosses are difficult.. My ex-boss from previous company also was a nice lady, also sacked wor.. But we are still keeping in touch..

  2. Replies
    1. Don't worry Xiao Ying, I will deng ngang seong..

  3. Oh no! I had many ex lady bosses and they were all foxes and bitches rolled into one new species of animal. They better stay at home and knit woolen socks to stuff their mouths!

    1. Again, you are always making me laugh.. You are so creative with your words.. Stay home and knit, ok, can accept, stay home and knit woolen socks to stuff their own mouths, my! Can choke from excessive laughing !!

  4. You so pandai to pose and sulk like a girl who lost her mama in the shopping centre. Call Suituapui and he will give you all his sweets to smile again. He has so many chocolates and hams to feed you for a year.

    1. What? What? You went all the way to Japan, did not get her any of the Japanese Kit Kat kah? Not enough friend lah you... Why you so like dat one? :D And simply use my name, pull me underwater. Tsk! Tsk!

    2. Both of you are so funny.. I wonder if both of you meet up & face to face, got "fight" like small kids like that boh..

  5. We all learn from bitter experience at work and we learn to work smarter next time. Once bitten twice shy (A popular saying) Next time you see the snake at work, just take a plier and pull out all the fangs! Mr. N will be toothless and start purring like pussy cat..... Miao!

    1. Not only pull out all his fangs.. Hope I can skin him alive, then put him in hot boiling water, and serve to the whole office after that.. Grrrrrrrr

  6. Wahhhhh!!! Office politics. Had my share of that. So glad I've retired, out of all this madness. Can get really really pissed off sometimes.

    1. Politics are everywhere, I understand.. Just need a space to rant.. Glad I have this space..

  7. Awww ... Your sulking so so cute ! Is Mr N a foreigner ? Well, probably you don't what Mr N injected into your lady boss. Take it easy .... Work is always like that. Sometimes they wrong , sometimes u wrong. ...etc etc. Times heal !

    1. N is not a foreigner. But we call him "ngoi lou" becoz of his looks, the way he talks, his attitude, everything.

    2. So, feeling better today ?

    3. Hey Chris, morning. Yep better.. But when I see lady boss's face or hear her voice, I wana throw up!

  8. hmmm, the benefit of your blog not known to any of your colleagues (to your best knowledge) is that you can right on the spot write up a post to rant and to release your frustration!! i guess you were feeling better after you finished typing, or shall i say, hitting the keyboard to type, this post?? because you ended the post with a selfie, and that sulking look also seems to be quite happy lor, haha!! :D

  9. lady boss tough to work with me?? errr, maybe ladies with ladies only?? haha, because i have worked with lady bosses before, and actually i didn't find problems with that woh.. i think it's more about the people lah, it's not fair to stereotype like that.. there are boss betina who are easy to work with, and there are also boss jantan who are difficult to work with.. there are all kinds of people in this world lah..

  10. errr, when sending emails in the corporate world, one has to be very careful lah.. some people will find it offending if there are too many people in the cc-list, as if the sender wanted to put the recipient in a trap like that lor, or like pushing the recipient to do the work else the whole world is watching.. and those who are in the cc-list may also find it irritating because they might not necessarily relate to the whole thing, but being cc-ed by the sender, it means they cannot have their hands clean.. come to think about it, when one is not happy with another colleague, he/she may want to cc a lot of bosses in the email to put a revenge, right?? haha~~ :D

  11. maybe your lady boss also got "nan yin zhi yan" (some predicament she could not explain) lor.. well, when you use the word "lecture" then i supposed your direct boss gave you a good lesson using stern words etc?? well, of course that would make one go mad, and right, at that moment surely think what also stuck in the mind, hear what also cannot go in lor.. must cool down and calm down, maybe tomorrow you friend-friend with your boss again leh?? :)

  12. anyway, forget about all those politics and relationships in office.. be that a good or bad incidents, we all learn from them and accumulate our experience lor.. that is how we got to be better and stronger and smarter, and see things and people clearer.. and maybe after this incident, Mr N will never want to ask you to do things anymore and then you have less to do lor, haha~~

    1. Wah, all your comments add up is longer than my post itself liao (your favourite sentence, copyright I know).. So I'm going to reply all in one, easier for me..

      First, yep, nobody knows my blog (yet). No friends and family members (yet). Ok, even if there is, I also won't know, coz they did not post any comments here, and noone ask me about it.. But like I said, on the day I resign, on my farewell note, I will write down my blogspot and ask them to visit the blog when they are free, teehee..

      Errr, ok la, not all lady bosses la k.. My previous boss from my ex company was a lady too, and she was a nice lady.. But got sacked in the end, and left. We are still keeping in touch today though. Errr, this is a rant post ma, so just to let me rant only.. Of course not all lady bosses are b***ches and s**tholes la..

      The list of cc-ed people in the loop, well, those are the standard people in the list.. Lady boss was in the loop all the while, she knew the problem from day1 (if she has been reading her mails), but she was keeping quiet all the time.. Her character is like "No things don't come to find me, got things lagi better don't come find me, I don't kacau you, you don't kacau me".. This is the impression she gives me - from day1 I joined.. She wants to be nice to everybody I know..

      Yep, after N called her, she asked me to go to her place, and started scrolling the email and at the same time lectured me.. I was like "Stupid fool, you didn't even read the emails, you don't even know what's the problem, come on, who's more expert? You or me? You don't even know the system"..

      But well, sometimes, things just have to be "swallowed" lor, what to do, I'm not the boss.. I'm ok already today.. Thank god I have this space for ranting.. And thank you for being here :)

  13. there are always office politics wherever one works. One needs to work smart and be smart. Don't be bullied and should make your stand should it happens.

    1. Yep wenn, I'm like that.. I stand firm and "sei kor" with him, but didn't know he directly called my boss to complain, and the one I tak sangka is my boss sided him, instead of me.. Just a rant.. Thanks for being here for me :)

  14. Hey, Louiz! I sympathise with you. Things like this do happen and it is very unfair for your bosses to expect you to pick up someone else's work and get it done just like that. Like you said, you are not familiar with the work, so of course you won't get it perfect. Besides, that system may have it's problems and how can they expect you to solve it right? And I think you did the right thing by keeping the other superiors in the loop. But I think that Mr N ego lah. Don't want others to know that his department or whatever got problem. Your lady boss should have been more understanding and supportive. I mean, you did what the best that you could under the circumstances right? She probably want to look good and be in the good books of the upper management. You have my support lah. Hope you feel better now and that things at the office cool down. How come you still look so cute while sulking?

    1. Wah, I read the comments in in email first, then I faster wana come here to reply you la.. You made my day. Yep, you are so right, she wants to be an angel and also to look good in front of the bosses.. I can totally understand that.. But all the while, she never talk harshly to me one, yesterday she did, so I terasa a bit lor..

  15. WAHHHH very scary face la.....

    1. Scary ahh? Sure boh.. Phong Hong says I still look cute wor *tak malu mode*

    2. scary leh...princess merajuk wor......nanti OFF WITH THEIR HEAD ...habis la then

  16. funny they should pass the work to u just like that. Should have given you some training before the lady gone on maternity leave , at least not so complicated when wanna take over the work.

  17. as for the cc type of thing , I guess he thinks you gone over his head la cc to the bos. like mou tai mou sai. some management staffs are like that. very teritorial

    1. Over here, it works like that wor.. Must cc all the bosses one, else, they dunno that you are working ma.. The list of cc-ed people are the standard list.. Already like that from day1, semalam baru mau complain?

  18. well at least you have this blog to rant...rant already will feel better. Like poeple say "yan tuck chau yau, yan em tuck jau fong"....applicable for ranting and also farting LOL

    1. Yep, altho I dunno mandarin, I know "yan" is knive stabbed into the heart (chinese character).. So I will "yan".. Meow, I will "deng ngang seong", gambateh to me!

    2. cantonese la...not mandarin

  19. Haiyo dear, I see your face I sad too... I'm back in the blog.

    1. Hi dearie, welcome back.. Sure you will have something to blog about your birthday with family and the Pg training? Ooohh and also office birthday celebration.. Looking fwd to it..

  20. No worries lar, let it be bygones... at least you rant it over here.... your heart will be "shu fook tit" one... sek fan ok?

    1. Ya lor, lucky I have this space to rant.. Was really feeling down that day, it could affect me the whole day one leh..

  21. I don't liket to work for lady bosses because they are more petty and sensitive oops I am a lady myself too, I had my share of experience working for lady bosses and I know how it feels, I think guy bosses are more diplomatic and understanding.

  22. Glad I am out of all these office politics because I choose to do so, which is one of the reasons why I choose to teach young children.

  23. I am not good in dealing with politics, so I can't advise you here, but I would like to say "cheer up" at most 东家不打,打西家,meaning if this company doesn't suit you, there are so many companies for you to choose, of course, I would not advise you to resign or quit on impulse.

  24. Sometimes, we cc the email to all the superiors because we need to keep them in the loop but other people misunderstand and feel not "song".

  25. Corporate world is very cruel on, gossiping, politics, back-stabbing and what not. I had my share of experience before, so I am 过来人。

    1. Hey Libby, give me 5! Hehe, I know it's not fair to "curse" lady bosses are not good to work with, but, this is my blog, my rant, my like la.. Of coz not all lady bosses are like that, kam ngam mine (and yours) are like that, teehee..

  26. Hello hello!! Hope you're feeling better now....

    Well, that's part of the working life... Those bosses sure are the one who do the talking, and we, have to swallow only, regardless of like it or not.

    1. Elo, elo, yep, already better now.. Usually it will last for a day.. Sometimes, two. Depends on the situation., But glad this one lasted for a day only..

  27. Hello Princess Ribbon

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Have fun baking

    Hope you are feeling better today. It's Friday!

    1. Yep, already better today.. You too, have a great weekend :)

  28. Hello Princess Ribbon,

    Sorry to hear about this but after ranting sure feel much better, right? I saw your comment in Wenn's post so drop by here for a visit. Have a good weekend!

    1. Hi dear.. Thanks for coming by.. hehe.. Today is Sunday liao.. Sigh..

  29. I don't know whether this will help but whenever you have to or asked to stand in and do work for someone else (other than your immediate superior), make it a point to let your immediate superior know to keep her in the loop. Regular updates to her/him would firstly, keep her abreast of your situation and secondly, you will make her/him feel important that you are keeping her in the loop. My two cents.

    Sorry you had to go thru that situation but hang in there, every cloud has it's silver lining. Cheer up!
    Remember that nobody, NOBODY can make you feel what YOU don't want to feel, you call the shots as to how you want to feel. :D

    1. Glad to see your comment here, it really helps. Something happened (today), I'm feeling down (again), not supposed to have this feeling, but am having it now. It's haunting, darn! But after reading your comment, I kinda, errrm, felt better, especially your last sentence - Nobody but MYSELF can make me feel what I don't wana feel.. I'm trying hard to overcome now.. Trying so hard, you know?

  30. I know people like Mr. N. They get angry coz they're generally insecure and have low self esteem about themselves or their work.

    People who're confident will never be angry or bothered that you CC'd the bosses, if there's not a need to know, the bosses will not reply, if there's a need to know they'll take note. The fact that he was so kamcheong that you CC'ing the bosses (and your lady boss) says a lot about them.

    Don't worry Princess Ribbon!

  31. i wouldn't care, i'd still cc. lol!! i think cc-ing is a good practise for business e-mails. it allows for a paper trail. why the heck would they ask you not to cc and "settle quietly." UNprofessional! don't be down. they suck. what is it you do for work anyway?
