
Friday 11 April 2014

Peanut Butter Chewies

Gawd, these are so easy to make! It only uses 3 ingredients! My sister shared with me this site which only uses 3 ingredients and I have to say it's really cool. Look at these peanut butter chewies topped with white chocolate chips (optional). This ones's a keeper and am definitely making these again.  These are good for family gatherings or simple office makan-makan thingy.

The recipe only uses: peanut butter, (icing) sugar and egg. One cup peanut butter, one cup (icing) sugar and one (small) egg. You can reduce the sugar, your like. I made some patterns and topped them with white chocolate chips (and chocolate rice, confetti, anything), optional (coz then it will be > 3 ingredients already). Your like.

These would be slightly hard outside but a little crunchy and chewy inside, that's why I name them peanut butter chewies. They are NOT going to be hard in the center like any other cookies texture because it doesn't have flour in it. Wokay?

Here's my peanut butter chewy staring at me on my workstation. I'm gonna eat you soon Mr. Rocky-Face Chewy Crunch. Say bye! 
*Wait, I am giving them names now?


  1. No flour? wow.... then must be very heong of peanut butter! I can see a lot of new faces there.. some with colourful beard too... yes, do name them all and then you might not want to put them into your mouth after you do.. hahaha... So do your kids like to eat them or you did them for your colleagues? :)

    1. Yep, darling. No flour. So it's a bit soft ya, not those crunchy cookies type..
      Do checkout the website. All uses only 3-ingredients. Including brownies, mac&cheese..
      Hubby ate 5, I ate 5 (there's only 16), none for Kz coz heaty and he's having cough+phlegm. So the rest go to the office :)

  2. Like that you make different face of them le, so cute!!!

    1. Yeah, I have some leftover confetti (a big box actually), so I decided to "throw" onto their faces.. But very messy, so I only did 4..

  3. Morning! Morning! Wah got penaut butter chewies this morning! Are they very sweet? I suppose I can adjust the sugar and use the no sugar added peanut butter. This is the sort of thing that is so hassle free. Anytime at home when mouth itchy, can just put this together and kautim. Nice to eat in front of the TV. That last pic of your Mr Rocky Face Chewy Crunch sort of remind me of the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street :)

    1. Checkout the site dearie.. And please choose one (or all) of them to explore and blog about it.. Wana see if it's really that simple..
      Yep, put less sugar, more peanut butter and makesure the egg is not very big.. Else, it will be softer.. My sis modified to 2 cups peanut butter, 1 cup sugar and 1 (small) egg, she said crunchy! But mine was soft.. *ok, confession made*

    2. woi...the both of you pakat ah...Friday post up cookies and cakes...hmmm...making me drool no. Think i will probably try or Phong hong's cake...coz no need butter. House notenough butter left hahaha....but tarak banana how ah.....hmmm.....substitute???? what else goes well with cocoa?

    3. No pakat ahh, where got pakat, hehe.. Tarak banana then just bake the chocolate cake lor, sedap jugak.. I am planning to bake the chocolate cake only also leh..

  4. I think i will save your recipe for school holiday to make with J la.

    Too much work if normal day.

    1. 3-ingredients nia.. My sister modified and used 2 cups peanut butter, 1 cup sugar and 1 (small) egg.. Crunchy.. Mine soft, tell you sin ok..

  5. The faces are all so cute! LOL!!!

    1. There is one that looked like your cute face too! Muahahahahaha

    2. Which one, which one, faster tell !! Wait, compliment or teasing first? Got fishy or not?

    3. Why? Why? You wanna take shoes and smack that cookie flat? Oh No! I am just kidding nia. Wakakakakaka

  6. I am truly amazed that it doesn't need flour to make cookies! I thought it would melt like pulp but turned out cute and nice treats. Well done!

    1. Yep, I felt the same too.. But please note to put more peanut butter and use a small egg. If it's too wet, it will turn out to be soft chewies.. But overall, it's slightly crunchy, just please use more peanut butter and a small egg..

  7. Nice peanuts chewy...will come back here again sweetie pie... Today I have meeting rally lar...

    1. Wah, meeting rally ahh.. Meeting got the word rally one ahh? Like so canggih.. Then on 15th you go Pg for training again.. Really bz oohh mummy :)

  8. Nice peanut chewy. Weekend is here, so more baking and cooking, I bet. You have a great weekend there.

    1. I don't bake (or cook) every weekend, only sometimes la.. If every weekend bake, dunno what to bake also, and I'm not expert, hehe..

  9. aiyoh, so simple only ah?? just three ingredients peanut butter, icing sugar and egg??!! cannot believe it lah, thought at least must have flour in doing all the bakeries, but i am so wrong!! there is no flour needed at all!! aiyoh, i learn something new today lah.. and this one just can get the ingredients easily lor.. i am thinking ah, if can do this with peanut butter, probably can also apply to nutella lor?? haha, i actually likes nutella more than peanut butter lah, but dunno work or not?? why not Princess Ribbon try that and let us know?? hehehehe..

    1. i am actually wondering, the first photo belongs to you or not ah?? because the chewies look so much nicer than what you showed below it, and also looks very different from the other photos lor, so quite reasonable if i suspect this photo is what you have taken from somewhere else.. haha!! but then hor, SK being SK mah, not like Princess Ribbon always never (want to) use her brain.. SK examine the names of the photos, wei?? all in the same format and can see they are taken on the same day and around the same time (except the last one which is taken 2 days later, you brought to office and took the photo on your desk ke??).. so probably the first photo was really taken by yourself lah, which is the finished product of your baking day.. but hor, cannot tahan wanna say one more time lah, the 1st and the 4th photo, the difference is so big leh..

    2. Eh, I mm-seh-tak use Nutella and try in this project leh.. Call me kedekut, but Nutella really mahal la.. If I were to use a cup (or 2 cups) Nutella, then almost the whole jar use finish liao wor.. I rather use a spoon and dig straight into the Nutella and put in my mouth ahh, keke..

    3. actually one of the fun thing about baking is to decorate the cookies lah.. see, can use the chocolate chips to make different face on the cookies, isn't that fun?? hmm, maybe one day you should allow Kenzie to bake together with you, so that he can also enjoy the fun mah.. and naming your cookies ah?? aiyoh, so many of them woh, really want to name them one by one meh?? and after you have named them, put them all into your cookie jar, can you still remember which is which?? muahahaha~~

    4. Wah, SK, I really salute you.. You actually "examine" the name of the photo? Eh teach me how? Right click and see the format name ahh? Wah, canggih dou.. I speechless liao.. Yes la, the first photo is the same thing as my finished product la.. I stack on top of each other and zoom big big ma, so it looks kinda "professional" kan? I purposely zoom big big to cover the sides of my plate ma, my plate not nice.. So I only concentrate in the middle part lor, which are all the stacked-up chewies..

      Wei, I'm still laughing by myself now.. You really too free nothing to do ahh, examine my photos.. Wah, if you paktor ahh, then you examine your gf sin mou? Like do a background check on her, check her statements, bank accounts, what-nots? Hehehehe..

  10. Thks for sharing this 3 ingredient cookies. I would love to bake for my kids but I'm a lazy mummy :(

    1. I'm lazy also, but sometimes just wana find something to do only.. Something simple lor, hehe..

  11. Only 3 ingredients? Wah, amazing!

    I love baking as well, been missing it actually, the recent water rationing make everyone so inconvenient, can't cook can't bake! Tsk tsk tsk~

    1. Choose the days when you have water lor. Here, it's two days with, two days without.. On days without water, we can still survive thru the condo's tangki.. Thankfully, it's sufficient to cover us for 2 days..

  12. wow, seems so easy but I'm too lazy to bake nowadays.

    1. Yep, it's very easy to do, if you like chewy centres, then it's good.. But if you like crunchy type, then must add flour instead of egg..

  13. They look so cute ! I dont feel like eating it. Hahhaa.... I guess you love to bake a lot.

    1. Errr, not to say love to bake la.. I'm not good at baking actually, but just to put the oven to good use :)

  14. Oh no flour at all? Good! I love peanut butter!! :D

  15. I think I can finish up 20 at one go! :)
