
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Having It For Once

Certain things in life
We must have/experience it for once in our lifetime
How many 30 years we've got?

I once had you
I once loved you
You were mine
What remained now are just memories 

I fall in love
The feeling slowly grows
I miss you everyday
I think I can't live without you

You said you'd walk with me
Love me, be with me
But you went away, leaving me alone
My heart was broken into a million pieces
On most nights, I just cry myself to sleep

I'm strong
I have to be
I can kick you out from my life in a second if I'd wanted to
I choose to think about you
I choose to have you in my life
I choose to make space in my heart for you

What about you?
You were never supposed to exist in my life in the first place
But will you come back to me?

Nah, it's not an affair
Although the way I'm writing looks like it's one

A BAG, you bimbo!

Inspired by a friend while we were chatting, I've decided to blog about "having it for once in our life"
Could be anything - A bag, in her case

So do you agree about having that "thing" at least for once in your life?
A (very) expensive bag, pink hair-dyeing, donating to a sperm/egg bank, becoming a surrogate mummy (ok, it's not legalized in Malaysia), could be anything
Anyone, anysecretsthing to share? 


  1. How can a bag went away from you? The only way it can leave is if you let it to, in which case, stop whining and crying LOL!

    1. Sigh.. I bought that bag a few years ago, my very first "branded" and "very expensive" bag.. But it has left liao la now.. And I'm back to using cheapo bags, hehe..

  2. Nothing lasts forever - just make the most of it while you can.

    1. Chop Chop... very true. Nothing lasts forever.

    2. Nope the bag didnt last forever.. The problem with bags is, if you dont use it often and keep too long in the wardrobe, it will be out of shape.. Sigh.. Using no-brand cheapo bags now, easier..

    3. Nothing is permanent in life, not even our problems! Go to Pavillion tonight and swipe your card! Aha! Tomorrow post here your new love and share with us!!!

  3. Good morning Louiz babe. Having it for once in our life time? Hahaha if for the bagS case then, there are many brands you wish to own one of them in your life time...It will never stop one...
    Today you bought RM600's bag, later RM1Kplus bag then later how ar?

    1. But hor, it is better to get ourself 1-2 good bags lor. Another but is...don't keep the bag anymore lar... use it. Then I think we will not so "sam tong"...Hehehe

    2. You are very sharp and smart girl.. Yes read my friend's reply at the most bottom.. Like you say, if today can afford one rm600, then the nex day will wana get another rm1k bag.. If got 1x, then sure got 2nd time..

    3. Have to agree with what you all say. After I eat the Spanish Paella in a restaurant here, then next thing I want to go to Spain and eat the Paella there. Hee..hee...

  4. LoL, at first I was thinking is an affair duh! >.<!!

    But for a bag argh, depends on how much you like it la, as you said your blog you suka so even though people said why you spend so much money on a bag, you'll answer my money I like, right?

    Ask that you really like it or not, if you really really like it then buy lo (but make sure you use it if buy only, no use also wasting, right?)

    If really considered so much about the money, it could be you're not so into the item?!...So take it or not, just depends on how much you like it and it worth for you to spend money on!! =]

    1. You are so right.. I bought an expensive branded bag few yrs ago.. I mm seh tak use, kept it in the cupboard.. Then when I wana use like tak biasa and macam out of shape, not nice liao.. Yes you are right again, I was not really into this bag, but my sister also said must own one XXX brand bag for once in our life wor.. So I ma buy lor..

    2. Again super LIKE Sheta's comment.
      When you are really in love with the won't care so much of the money (maybe you have the approved budget, RM3K - RM5K but not RM10K lar) hehehe.
      But it don't have to be too expensive lar... should we do that? There are many things we can do with the sum of money.

      So if decided to buy then use it, don't keep it lar. Leather needs to be carry many times then only the bag will be alive....

  5. Morning Louiz! Wah pagi-pagi already so poetic :) I am not into bags or clothes or shoes. Let me see what must I's definitely food related. I must have :

    1. Authentic Spanish Paella
    2. Expensive Belgian Chocolates
    3. Italian Gelato
    5. To dine in an authentic Japanese Restaurant and eat very fresh sashimi.

    Wah 5 things already! And if I think of anymore, I will come back and tell you. You can put aside some money and buy your expensive bag :) If it is something you really like and will use it frequently, I think it is worth the money spent.

    1. Twin, you are right. If its something I really want, I wont whine so much about the money.. But its not something I really want, but my sis and good friend said having an expensive XXX brand bag is something you must have once in my life.. I dont think they are worth buying..

    2. One more thing that I want. A Pandora bracelet. I can go crazy looking at Pandora bracelets but they are so, so expensive!

    3. what la this accountant...1, 2, 3, 5 and 5 things already! ....i salute!! lets go eat Paella and ice cream :)

    4. Oh ya lah....from 3 jump to 5. I pening lah, now is peak period hee...hee...come come let's go eat paella and ice-cream :D

  6. Phew .... I thought you are talking about me .... all sweat now!! :P

    1. ChrisAu so perasan one!

    2. Chris, for a moment, I was thinking about you when I was writing this :) lol..

    3. Amboi.... 2 married birds doing e-Flirts here! Wakakakaka

  7. terkejut aku...why suddenly write poem pulak...adei....all because of a bag kau really have artistic soul la

    1. Meow must change way of writing sometimes... Then only got 'san sin kam' ma..

  8. must be in wrong line of work have the emotional energy and imagination to be an author la. If you do come out with a book I wanna mintak autograpgh liao

    1. I memang boleh imagine very far one hehe.. I think far too.. Aiya just for fun.. Different way of writing this time.. Give u all suspense in the beginning ma.. Sure 100% will think its an affair when they read first line.. Haha

  9. Yes. I have been waiting for it for long long time now!! That LV bag! ^^

    1. Like what Phong Hong says, if you really love that bag and will use it everyday, go get it! Dont be like me, think a lot, haha

  10. HAHAHAA...Everyone seems to be "tertipu" by you... such a romantic and sad poem... reminds me of my younger days when I used to write love poems.. hahaha... so it is a BAG! Ok la... buy la if it really haunt your mind so much... but of course, make sure got money to spend on food for the kids after buying.. don't la buy and then go without food.. hahahaha... OK, I said BUY!

    1. Hi sweetie, yep thats exactly wat I want - to trap u guys and make u all tertipu.. haha..Good leh, u guys think its an affair, hehe.. Oh I thought it reminds u when u first had your puppy love, keke.. Hmm that bag? See how sin..

  11. haha... at first i thought it's an affair, hehe...

    1. Yeah make you all suspense a bit.. Once a while I will change my way of writing.. Suspense suspense hehe..

  12. wah, today like so "man ngai" (artistic) writing a poem pulak, hahaha!! i think most probably last time you also write love poem to your then-boyfriend huh?? i guess only lah, but one thing for sure now is that you are not doing that for your hubby lor, correct?? muahahahahaha~~

    1. I thought you will say this is a radio-deejay post when you read the first few paragrapghs..haha.. Yep now not writing poems for hubby.. He will say 'i dunno how to yan siong'..

  13. hahaha, something that is a must-have once in a lifetime?? aiyoh, then i think there are a lot of things leh.. not only things to have, but also things to eat lah, things to do lah, things to see lah etc etc..

  14. things to have: aiyoh, to many already lah.. the list is too long and i think keep changing once i have one of them, hahahaha!!

    things to do: probably bunjee jumping or sky diving..

    things to eat: errr, one day maybe i will try eating those fried insects, haha!!

    things to see: all the places around the world!! and of course many places you go once is enough lor~~

    1. Ya ya I also have bunjee jumping in my mind.. but dunno when can do it la..

  15. Bananaz oldest item still in good use ~ electric iron 40 years old, jogging shoes 22 years old...what else? Shall come back when can recall.

  16. You are so scary and start to write lines that made my blood pressure rise! I will die and have phobia to come here to read dramas. You should sign up with TVB to be their supporting actress la... Wakakakakaka

    1. Wah that means me good or no good? Can make you read until blood pressure rise wor.. Means too 'chi kek' or excited izit?

  17. Hello mummy, how's your day?

    Well, really sounds like an affair, haha, you ni, act like Sk already, keep us suspend only :p

    Anyway, I do agree, there's things in life which we must have at least once in our life.
    To me, the list is long, it could be a branded bag, super expensive facial, a far far away vacation, girls clubbing night and so on....

    1. Hehe, yep, I wana follow SK style, wana change my way of writing once a while, suspense a bit.. Red hair dyeing WAS a must (read: was) when I was younger, now, no more, keke..

  18. What a nice poem. I thought you were writing about your husband. Oh only a bag. Get one only if you will really use it and can afford it. No need to be pressured into it. Nothing in life is a must have except just enough food and water to stay alive.

    1. Poem? No la, actually, it's a normal post, just that I divide into a few sentences, haha..

  19. haha...i got tricked with such poem...
    very nicely drafted till everyone got fooled with it.
    at the a BAG???!! pengsan...aiyo...u can get as many expensive bags as u want (if u got money)...but i guess human relationship is something that i treasure mch.

    btw, u look really cute in short hair...haha...u disable the comment in the previous i comment here lor

    1. Yep, that's what I wanted to do - to trick you all, haha.. Once a while, must change my style in writing, to make you all suspense, keke..

  20. hmm, for me is living in a bungalor house and drive BMW lor, must have once in life~ haha

    1. Ahree, who doesn't want? I want to stay in a super-big house with maids too (one for the house-keeping, one for cooking, one for babysitting, one for massage/manicure).. Wow..

    2. Me! Me! I don't want. I am not comfortable living it up. I prefer to live a low key life. Don't feel nice having maids.

  21. Hi Louiz,

    You are losing sleep or crying yourself to sleep... over a bag!!! Not for me :p I wouldn't do that :p Maybe, I will lose some sleep if I don't bake a nice cake. Not because I need a bag... ha ha ha!


    1. Hehe, I must exaggerate a bit once a while.. Nah, I also won't do that over a bag.. But just to change my style of writing once a while, suspense suspense :)

  22. Oh, I thought you are talking about your ex-boyfriend. LOL!

    1. Hmm, maybe.. Maybe current bf, not ex.. Hehehe, suspense, suspense..

  23. Bag only is it? Not important lah haha. Or try to save money and buy it :)

    1. Aiya, once a while, must exaggerate a bit, change sense of writing ma, then baru suspense, kan?

  24. Yes, I agree we must have that one thing once in our lives, but don't worry, if you can't get it, there's always next.... I mean next life :D

    1. Some may not agree, but many may agree, certain things, must do it once in our lifetime.. How many 30 years we've got? How many "young days" we've got? Depends on individual la.. If we feel worth it, then just do it.. If not worth it, no harm to think and fantasize about it :)

    2. If you think like that - how many 30 years you got - means you want it a lot lor so just get it.

      Each person got different values so to each their own. Best is not get pressured by peers into doing and buying things.
