
Thursday 30 October 2014

Butterless Chocolate Chip Cookies

Long time no baking post already, yes? So here's one.

Oh, before that, I'm not a good baker, but I do know how to bake a little. I started baking about a year ago, since I found out I have a secret admirer and he said he admired me because I look like the perfect girl who is fast+efficient+effective in her work, knows how to cook, bake, yada yada.

Sorry, I've digressed.

So yes, I baked some chocolate chip cookies (without butter) last weekend. I have everything, except butter, and I didn't bother getting a block of butter from the nearest mini-mart, so I had to make do without the butter.

Ingredients: 1.5 cup self-raising flour (I only have self-raising flour at home), 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup cooking oil, pinch of salt and 1 egg. Supposed to add some vanilla essence but I didn't have any.

I mixed everything using my hands, yep, my hands. No spoon, no fork, no whisk. Just my hands.

Added a cup of semi-sweet (Hershey's) chocolate chips. 

Here's what I discovered. I don't like working WITHOUT butter. It makes the dough firm and sticky. Very sticky. It was very hard trying to roll them into balls using my palm. As you can see, the first row, yep, I rolled with my hands. But after that, errr, I just scooped with the spoon. Even with the spoon, it wasn't easy.

Anyway, here's the end result after about 10 minutes resting outside the oven.

I tasted a piece. It was good. Crispy, crunchy and a little chewy at the center. One word - Gooooooooooooooood!

These were made without butter but there were LOTS of chocolate chips inside the cookie, so I'm not complaining. No doubt, it would be more fragrant with butter. But without the butter, it's STILL very very good. Really.

G had a piece. He kept tailing me from the moment I made the dough until I got the cookies out from the oven. I gave him the one with the least chocolate chips. Heaty for babies.

Oh yes, G is wearing a pink romper. Mum says I treat him like a girl.

My two batches of chocolate chip cookies. Half gone on the same day. Another half, I think you'd be able to guess it. Yep, for that secret admirer :)

Ok, bye!

Thursday 23 October 2014

Sexy Legs Again?

I don't know if it's appropriate to post this photo coz I'm my legs are so sexy here *ahem*

After Kz treated my legs as a highway and crashes his monster truck into my legs last week, he decided to "crush" into me again, this time together with his brother! Ouch!

But honestly I felt good when they "crushed" and bumped on my back, my bones, yes, they felt painful at first, but after those crackling & brittling boney sounds, eh, felt very nice pulak. I think I'm old already and I need people to massage my back.

Maybe I should ask them to do this often, to massage my bones, LOL.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Monster Truck Crashed Into Sexy Legs

Lately, Kz is into monster trucks, Bigfoot 5. 
Wait, trucks have names too? 

He watches a lot of monster trucks in the tube and he always says, "Monster truck car crash" or "Bigfoot 5 in action". Call me jakun, I don't know how a monster truck looks like until I see it in the tube (with him). 

Last week, we were shopping for groceries, and Kz spotted a monster truck. It was cheap, less than RM12, so yeah, I got one for him.

That night, he lined up all his cars and trains and whatever on my sexy beautiful legs and treated my legs as some sort of a highway, then used his monster truck to crash on those poor cars.

Well, a monster truck is supposed to work that way, isn't it? To crash all the poor cars underneath it ~ LOL.

If I could drive a monster truck in KL, I would. Then everyone on the road (including the traffic police) would be so afraid of me and give way to me, like a VIP.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Fresh & G

This post is about two types of "Fresh" and also my G, of course.

G has been coughing (with phlegm) for the past one month, he is very prone to phlegm, and when he coughs (with phlegm), I'd get very scared coz he would cough, and then *eeekkk* vomit already. But people say it's good babies know how to "cough out" (vomit) the phlegm, rather than "keeping" inside.

As usual, one afternoon, G is having his afternoon nap. 

Then, he coughs. One time. I'm ready already. I'm already holding the potty next to me, waiting for his second cough. Then before I can hear his second cough, he vomited on the bed already. Arrrgh, I got no choice but to wake him up, change his clothes and bedsheet right away. I bet you can imagine the smell.

Then I remember I have a bottle of Bed Fresh which I put in G's room. I grabbed it, and sprayed on the mattress.

Bed Fresh is designed to eliminate mites and bed bugs, it also has sanitizing effect to get rid of any bad smell on the bed, couch, curtains, everything. Bed Fresh is: biodegradable, has fresh fragrance, eliminate odors, non toxic, safe for kids, safe for pets and MOST importantly (for me, coz I have mild OCD), it's anti bacterial.

And, few days ago, I gave a bottle of Ze Fresh to my hubby for him to spray in his car. His car stinks! No, not from smoke (he doesn't smoke), but he sweats a lot, and the whole car stinks. Imagine all his sweat absorbed into the cushions. Ze Fresh is proven to protect against bacterias and it is designed to help absorb all kinds of nasty odor.

No, I'm NOT advertising for these products, and no, am NOT selling these products too, but I share it in my post today because I feel all, yes, I mean ALL households need things like these, especially if you have kids (they vomit and spill food/drinks everywhere, on the couch, bed or even in the car), you would find these products useful.

It's available in Village Grocer @ Sunway Giza mall, or contact, or just call Mandy at +6012 396 6388 (to see if you get anything free, again, teehee).

Oh, back to my G pie, here's G, making his manja face each time he wakes up from his nap. He still  loves to lie on my chest and sticks to me like a koala, and I'm sure I will miss this feeling when he stops sticking to me like this anymore one day.

Ignore my ugly face, ugly hair and ugly pyjamas. I look like this at home most of the time.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


Goodie goodie news for all my sweeties & dearies here. 
Remember this post about the laundry liquid I got?

Now they are offering samples of the non bio laundry liquid - in 100g sample, and it comes in miniature bottles too! Very cute. And you only need to fill up your details here.

It's very easy only, don't be lazy, just click on it, fill up your details, and they will send the samples over before you know it, really! Err, only 30 trial bottles available, so hurry, go get it, k?

P/S: Give some face k, coz they're only for my blog readers (not available anywhere, they claimed). If nobody applies for the samples, means it is assumed that noone reads my blog. Don't do this to me k?

Oh, wait, only for Malaysian address ya.

Have fun :)