
Thursday 23 October 2014

Sexy Legs Again?

I don't know if it's appropriate to post this photo coz I'm my legs are so sexy here *ahem*

After Kz treated my legs as a highway and crashes his monster truck into my legs last week, he decided to "crush" into me again, this time together with his brother! Ouch!

But honestly I felt good when they "crushed" and bumped on my back, my bones, yes, they felt painful at first, but after those crackling & brittling boney sounds, eh, felt very nice pulak. I think I'm old already and I need people to massage my back.

Maybe I should ask them to do this often, to massage my bones, LOL.


  1. So much fun! You're just like their elder sister... Bet they love playing with you. :D

    1. Anyone who lies down on that mattress, they'll come and pound at that person, ROARRRRR, hahahaha..

  2. One stone kill 2 birds, this is called. The boys have fun, and you get free massage :D

    1. Eh really feel not bad, I thought I'd be irritated, but actually, I love it wor.. I mean my bones love it, not me.. hehe..

  3. muahahaha!! Princess Ribbon kena bullied by the boys!!! laying flat on her face and then kena attacked by the boys riding on her body!! the hubby only stood far away watching and taking photos but never wanna help at all, better stay away from the danger zone he thinks?? muahaha~~

    1. Hubby never bothers to come and "save" me coz he prefers to stay out of trouble, like you said.. You really understand him wor.. How come you are so smart geh? Yep, whoever who comes near that mattress and lie down, the kids will come and pound on that person, and ride on that person.. Hmmpphhh..

    2. I see how the photo was taken then I knew already.. I smart mah no need to understand your hubby one~~ :p

  4. hehehe actually me not interested in your sexy legs but I wanted to see your face more leh.. no ribbons on the messy hair and then the face flat on the tilam, probably very greasy and sticky after doing housework and cooking for the whole morning.. yeah, that's the "woo where" look I wanna see!! must be so different and unrecognizable from your usual selfie photos!!! hahaha :D

    1. LOL, you really really know me wor.. I look very ugly that time, so I'd better bury my face under that pillow la.. Messy hair, oily face, very geli la, hahaha..

    2. of course at home you don't "fah hang sai jorng" (put on heavy makeup) mah, unless you are "siew lai lai" no need to housework at all la..

  5. Didn't take a picture after u got up from the mattress... hehe...

    1. I wouldn't wana look at my face after I got up from the mattress also la, hehe..

  6. So much fun... kids stick to mummy is good thing though.. haha..

    1. Wah, too sticky then I cry oohhh.. Can't do anything already if too sticky, but I really enjoy this "ride" coz of my aching bones..

  7. What a funny mama! LOL
    Ask them to walk up and down on your back when you tell them nursery tales of the Tortoise & The Hare.
    Good tricks!

    1. They attacked me and it was too late to escape, so no choice, gotta let them crush on me.. Crush my bones, ouch !!

  8. hah..hah...Louiz, like horse but the horse is flat out! When I was very small my grandma used to make me walk on her back (I was not a heavy fatty yet) as a form of massage for her. But be careful lah, tell the kids don't be too rough or your back might be injured.

    1. Most of the time they're rough and I have to quickly get up.. But if I lie head down like this, then it feels good actually.. But yeah, need to watch out also, like you said..

  9. pweett wittt! sexynya!

    my mom used to get me and my sis to sit on her like this last time...that was when both of us were just about ur son's size...haha!
    now I wish some kid can sit on me to give me a good massage too...backache and shoulder-ache after facing the PC in the office for so long.

    1. Eh surprisingly it's really comforting leh.. Initially it was painful, irritating too, but after that, if I face down like this, it feels good, hehe..

  10. Wakakaka! Been there done that. So who snapped the pic?

    1. Hubby lor, who else? hehehe.. He didn't bother to come and save me, wanted to stay out of trouble.. Coz whoever that steps onto that mattress and lie down, the kids will come pound on that person !!

  11. Louiz! So how was the traffic for sexy legs? hahahaa... Hope it is effective!

    1. Maybe my blog not popular ler, traffic is still as per normal.. Not much big difference leh..

  12. Oh! I love back massage and leg massage too! Haha! Good lah can get free massage from your kids! :D

    1. Yeah two in one hor.. It felt quite good lying head down.. If head up then die liao, they'll be jumping and stomping on me liao, haha..

  13. Yah!! Very sexy and white legs!!! totally agree with it!!! Wahahahha~~~

    1. Haha, thank you wor.. Yeah, my legs very fair one, but body not fair :(

  14. Wah who taught your sons to attack like that one? The father so funny can take photo some more or you asked him to take punya?

    1. The boys always attack and pound on anyone who lies down on that mattress.. Weird.. The father, upon seeing this scene, laughed and continued watching the TV, didnt rescue me, so I asked him to snap a picture.

  15. Haha. Too sexy lah. Censor please! ^^

    My hubby sometimes also requested the kids to massage on his back by stepping. Like the Thai massage. Lol. It does feel good to get someone to massage your back. Destress and feel good after that. Now I miss body massage. It has been more than 6 months since I had it. ^^

    1. Go pamper yourself with the massage.. You need it too.. SAHM does more work and more tiring. I know coz I do more when I'm at home than when I'm working..

  16. nice way to get massage. I remember I used to massage for my late grandma by stepping on her legs.

    1. Stepping on her legs? My boys would accidentally step on my legs and I would push them away, coz felt like chau kan (cramp).. huhuhu..

  17. Your legs are so fair , princess.

  18. Sexy legs! LOL!

    Hi I'm new here. Neat blog! :-)

    1. Elo sweetie, nice meeting you.. I'm dropping by in a minute...
