
Friday 7 November 2014


Bitten. Sounds like a dracula/vampire post. 

Nah, it's about Kz. No, he wasn't bitten by anyting (or anyone), but his classmate was bitten by HIM the other day! 

The teacher whatsapp-ed me and told me Kz bit his classmate on his shoulder. Goodness, of all places, the shoulders? Now, that really looks like a vampire bite mark.

That night, we talked to Kz and told him it wasn't right biting others and stuffs like that. We sent him to sit at one corner, to think about what he has done. Seems to work a little, he was quiet the whole night, and he had that I-am-sorry-I didn't-mean-it look.

But yesterday, when I picked him up from the school, the teacher told me that Kz tried to bite his classmate again. Oh dear :(

You know, I use the cane too, but not all the time. For this case, this time, the cane doesn't work. 


  1. Some children have the habit. Dunno why. Used to leave my girl with my MIL when I was at work and she was babysitting one little boy and my poor girl would get bitten here, there and everywhere. No matter what threats, what punishment, the boy kept biting. Terrible!!!!

    1. Oh really? The nursery told me G bites other friends too, and he's only 1.5 years old, sigh..

  2. Oh dear, Louiz! Luckily Ilham is OK and his mum was quite sporting about it. I guess need to talk to Kz again. And his teachers need to keep a closer watch.

    1. Yeah, I think the same too.. Aiham's mummy was cool about it, but I don't feel good la.. *headache*

  3. My Jay bite and scratched a kid last year when he started his kinddy back in Kuching. I was surprised when the teacher personally told me that my boy did that. Must be the other boy who agitated Jay because I knew he would not disturb unless been agitated. Lucky no more such incidents.

    1. Same here, I also think Kz was somehow provoked by the other friend, else, why would he suddenly wana bite others? Hmmpphh...

  4. Maybe have a good talk with Kz first instead of punishing him...

    1. Yep, we talked to Kz, and we just asked him to sit in a corner to think about what happened, he was pretty cool about it :)

  5. Cham, if it becomes a habit, you will have long to contend with this headache. I used to have a schoolmate who goes around trying to squeeze other guys' balls for no fun. If someone evades, he will see it as a "challenge" to "overcome". Turned out his elder siblings play this "game" with him at home. He never grew out of this habit even when we were in Form 5.
    Maybe have the teachers keep a closer watch on him and the people surrounding him. I'm sure there must be something that caused him to bite people. In engineering terms, need to get to the correct root cause to administer the effective corrective actions.

    1. What, really? Sqeeze balls? Biar betul.. I must makesure this biting thingy doesn't turn into a habit, sigh..

  6. J bitten me once and kena I jentik so no more bite.

    Guess it wont work even if you cane him coz when he bite his friends must be punished by teacher immediately. If come home, u punish, no effect liao. Kids cannt connect the punishment and the event in school.

    Like RG said. Teacher hv to monitor him more strictly and punish swift if he try again

    1. I agree with you. I disagree with the dad when he said he wanted to use the cane, coz it happened in school, and by the time he comes home, it's already "lost connection", like you said.. Ok, jentik.. I know what to do next time.. When G or Kz bites again, I'll terus jentik, see how.. Thanks for the tip..

  7. tell ur kids only dogs or animal bites human and they are not animals. I guess there are reason why ur son bite his classmate, mst be something he wasn't happy about that fella.

    1. I think so.. My guess is, the other friend provoked him or did something to him, but well, no proof and the teachers did not see it, so can't blame anyone but my boy lor, sigh..

  8. LOL. I wanted to laugh at the ending of your story. Your son is so naughty but cute to me!!!
    My father also didn't use cane on me. He always made me sit on the chair or face the wall for 30 minutes! It was such a torture in those days.

    1. Wah kam ngam geh? Same here wor.. He also sat on the chair facing the wall but only for like 10 seconds.. Then the head pretended to turn around wana see the TV..kekeke

  9. muahahahaha, laugh die me lor really.. ooopsss!! did you watch Rigor Mortis with K together, and make him learned the biting from the vampire?? instead of biting on the neck, he bit his classmates on the shoulder!! wah, your boy really "lorng sei" and also "ngork sei" lor.. i think when he tried to bite his classmates on the neck, perhaps cannot reach the neck as his classmates defended, so shoulder also jadi lah!! or probably he wanted to be creative and has his own style, so he chose to bite on the shoulder instead of the neck.. modern vampire kot?? hehehehe.. :p

    1. Wah your comments longer than my post jor and yeah, your first comment laugh die me too! Hald half wor, yes we really watched Rigor Mortis last week, it was aired in Astro, but no, he watched the beginning part only, and he got bored and he went to play his toys..So bite the shoulder only, cant reach the neck, keke..

  10. fuyoh, luckily the classmate is OK and did you called up his mother and salam a bit ah?? actually why K suddenly went to bite people geh?? must be some misunderstanding or he was made agitated by the classmates?? aiyah, you know lah, kids mah, sometimes quite unpredictable and unexpected and can anytime give you shock and nightmare leh..

    1. Everytime when the my phone rings or got sms, I very scared.. But this time fuyoh, whatsapp man! He bites coz G bites him at home kua - for attention.. Just my guess..

  11. luckily nowadays the teachers can communicate with parents immediately through smart phones leh, then the parents can know what happened to their kids at school right away.. one good point advanced communications technology brings to us.. unlike last time hor?? maybe have to ask the kid to go home and tell the parents to go to school, then days after ding-dong ding-dong like that, met already but then all heat turned cold and both the kids become best friends again!! :D

    1. Good thing is we know straight away but like Meow said, if cannot punish immediately, no effect and lost connection liao by the time they come back in the evening..

  12. aiyoh, i think K already immuned to your way of punishment jor gua?? maybe when being punished still have to act like he "ji chor nang goi", must pretend a bit so that your heart also soften easily mah.. but then turn the back away, maybe he was already giggling there and then care not to repeat the same thing again.. so he went to bite his classmates again?? aiyoh, addicted ke?? maybe gotta bring him see doctor and check if everything is alright with him leh..

    1. Oh yeah he's very good in giving me that kesian or I-am-sorry look.. The next day he tried to bite again, lucky no complaints.. I will jentik his mouth next time, see got effect mou..

  13. so naughty. kid shall be kid lol. but bitting maybe be harmful, later bite off something no good leh.

    though, i remember when i was very young, i walk around cari gaduh with bad kids. watch too much kung fu movies. at least i am top of the pack, other bad kids will back off.

    1. Haha.. Yeah, kids nowadays... I think he bites coz his younger brother bites him sometimes- for attention.. Just my guess..

  14. Maybe his teeth itchy? Sorry.. just kidding! Babies like to bite when their teeth are coming out... but your son seems to be big enough already... anyway, it would be good to find out the real reason.. maybe permanent teeth is coming out and he feels very "yuk kan".... just my 2 cents.. hope this problem can be overcome soon... take care!

    1. Sometimes G bites him at home.. So I guess thats where he learns it from.. I shouted and scream like a mad woman each time that happens, threaten with a cane too..

  15. maybe you can let him bite some soft toys and tell him he can only bite his own toys.

    1. Hmm good idea wor.. Thanks for the tip, can try if I've run out of ideas and if he bites again.. Fingers crossed I wont receive any complaints from the school again..

  16. When you ask him why he bite the other boy, did he say anything to you? Luckily the other boy did not try to bite him back or else it would be a biting fest!

    1. Yep we asked.. He just said 'becoz Kenzie bite lah', you know, kids and their answer..

  17. Did you asked him the other way round, like how about people biting you?? Would you like it?

    1. Oh yes, I asked him, he just looked at me blur blur and kept quiet.. Hmmpphhh...

  18. Replies
    1. Lucky now no more complaints from the kindy liao..

  19. aiyo ... guess you need to talk to him.

    1. Already.. Lucky now no more complaints from the kindy.. Fingers crossed :)

  20. Hi Louiz,

    Seeing what happened to KZ reminds me of the biting saga that my son had when he was 2 to 3! Everyday he was coming home with human bites and I'm guessing that KZ and my son are looking too delicious :p

    Not to worry... The biting experience will be over when the kids grow older.


    1. No more complaints from the kindy so far, so I guess Kz has forgotten about it already.. But G still bites Kz at home, it all came from G actually, sigh, dunno who to blame :(

  21. Ouch! Kesian that classmate!
    But things like this sure happens la ho? Just have to teach them, and pray that no more next time~

    1. Yup, you are right.. Kids nowadays.. Fingers crossed, now no more complaints from the kindy :)
