
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Mummy Must Be Crazy

"You must be crazy", said my colleague when he saw this:

Yep, I bought this tea-party set, for fun, for the boys. Errr, maybe for myself more, teehee.

Back home that evening, I took out the set and gave it to G, he was excited (of course) and tried to take out the fruit in the package.

G was having fun with the play set and I think he loves the kettle the most. I kept singing "I'm a little teapot short & stout"...

He kept playing...

and playing...

Ok, time to pack and tidy up the toys. Bedtime!

Goodnight, bye!
Psstt, mummy must be crazy!


  1. Wish i could turn the clock back, can play all this, hehe...

    1. Err, I also wish, but I have boys instead of girls, haizz... No hello kitty, no masak-masak, no "ban leng leng", hehe..

  2. What the... boy play masak masak set? Ngo jip sau mm dou lo! @.@

    1. Errr, nevermind la, just for a while ok, then I'll keep it, I promise, haha..

    2. It is ok la. Start young mah. Look at Realgunner, now play masak-masak every night also wat. :)

    3. Ehh, kam yau hai wor, very clcver in cooking timmm..

  3. I think all kids (including boys) like to play "masak-masak". I have a set of those kitchen and pizza stuff at home and my boy always play with the sister when smaller. Now it is the youngest one's turn to play with them.

    1. Oohhh, nice to read this.. Happy to know I'm not alone.. But the masak-masak set, at least Jan's there, and it's for her, and the boys just tag and play along.. For my case, I purposely buy for the boys, hmmm, like it's not right, haha.. But who cares, I'll keep it or give it away after some time, not for long term :)

    2. No need to keep away. Just let them play this together with their other toys. I really don't believe these toys are gender based.

  4. No, I did that too when my girls were toddlers. They loved to play masak masak. It's a fun game.

    1. Phew, glad to know I'm not the only one.. I have this thing for girls, but my kids are boys, haha.. I even dress them in pink, haizzz...

  5. so today's post is about toys ah?? hahaha, talking about toys, for sure i can have a lot to say lah.. because i also like toys, in fact i have collected a lot of them on my desk!! hahahaha.. maybe when i was young, i did not have many toys, then now when i can afford to get my own, i start to collect them.. then you know i actually have a lot of Doraemon stuffs ga la, this one is like already an open secret among people who know me hor??

    1. Wah, your first line sounds like me, hehe.. Same here lor.. When I was young, I didn't get to have a lot of toys.. Mum was strict, and we couldn't afford a lot of fancy stuffs, so when I'm older and start to earn my own money, I spend on "trying to look young" toys like Hello Kitty hairbands, clips, ribbons, OMG !!

  6. let me show you one corner of my workstation lah.. hahaha, this is my workstation in my ex-ex-company circa 2009.. so 5 years down the road, can you imagine how many more toys i have collected?? muahahaha.. of course now, i cannot display all of them on the workstation lor, bikin malu lah, gotta keep some of them already and only display a few of the more favorites lor...

    My Playground

    1. Wah, SK, lei hou canggih! I clicked on it liao.. Psstt, I didn't know we can insert images in people's comment box.. Fuiyoh SK, I really admire you leh!!
      OMG, you really put all those stuffs at your workstation? Not chor teng meh? Together with your cup la, wet wipes la, tissue la.. And the two yellow birds at the back, their heads look like bread/bun, yummy.. Hahaha..

  7. though the toys you bought are girly masak-masak toys but then i think quite okay for boys to play with it some times also lah, of course not all the time lah, hahaha!! and i actually find all these toys very cute lor, maybe we all adults like makan, so when we see all these miniature food ah, we also find them tempting.. especially nowadays with the advanced technology, these toys they can make until very real you know?? unlike our times, all really look fake, but nowadays, those toys can look so real even can take them to cheat people leh.. neh, you know got one type of bread and cake, soft soft one leh, really looks like real lor.. i've seen people biting them thinking they are edible, muahahahahaha!!

    1. Don't play play, even me, an adult, also attracted to the cute cake leh.. You see the cake, can "cut" into 4 pieces one, really don't play play.. Canggih !!

  8. so when you are cooking or baking in the kitchen, you can take out this set and let your boy plays with it lor?? or when you are taking shower, you can ask him to play with it outside, so that he won't have to look at you taking shower, hehehehe!! gotta start training him now lah, else when he is older still want to look at mommy taking shower meh?? :p

    1. Eh, even Kz who is a big boy now, still open my shirt and peeps underneath leh.. Hmmm...

    2. Did you tell Kz not to do it with other people? Imagine if he tries to open his teachers' shirt to peep underneath, then susah la.

    3. Yep, I taught him not to do it to others, so far I think he didn't do it to others, coz the teachers did not complain to me about that..

  9. Even my boy wanted to play masak masak when he saw stuffs like this ..haha

    1. Good, good, then I'm not alone, I tried to control, but ended up buying it anyway..

  10. hee..hee..hee..hee... so cute! so cute! Louiz, if I were small, I would have insisted I want that masak-masak set! I can see that G was delighted. He is smiling and holding the teapot in the second photo. Not crazy lah. G seems to be enjoying himself :)

    1. Yep, G loves it.. But it only lasted for 2 days.. No more uummphh, haha..

  11. That's a pretty tea set. Can buy a cooking set next time - a MasterChef in the making. :D

    1. Cooking set too expensive, this one is the cheapest, haha.. They even have kitchen set, tool bench set, barcode shopping set, wow !!

  12. How come Kz did not play this masak-masak with G?

    1. Ohh, you are very observant.. Kz was staying at my mum's house that day, it was the day after Selangor's public holiday that day..

  13. So cute leh, I like the cake!! I remember last time mine one was only the fork, spoon and simple cooking stuffs, now they've cake, vege, meet, many pattern as you can think of lo!!

    1. Now macam-macam ada, don't play play ohhh.. Got cake, fruits, vege, ice cream, pizza, buns, even butter, yes butter !! All looks very real, can "cut" somemore leh..

  14. I wish to have such play set during childhood but sadly never got one. I normally play masak-masak and party set at neighbours/cousin's place.

    1. When I was small, I didn't get such things too.. Not even nice hair clips, hair bands, cute bags, really... So when I started to earn my own money, I bought a lot of hair clips, ribbons, hair bands, and so, I'm wearing ribbons til today :)

  15. Hi Louiz,

    Sad that we don't have girls hor... Me too... I end up buying tea sets for myself rather than giving them to any children :p


    1. I think if I have girls, I'd be very bz, painting her nails, wearing her hairband, teehee..

  16. I can't help wondering - you bought the tea party set for your son, for yourself? LOL!

  17. I thought boys prefer to play cars!
