
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Believe It Or Not

The first time I did this, Kz & G were down with chicken pox, and not too long after that G was hospitalized for high fever, and then before his fever recovered, he fell down from the bed and got himself 3 stitches on his forehead. I had to take two weeks off from work to take care of him, and sent him to my parent's place for another week to recuperate.

You see, a month before that, I placed a jar of water on top of the cabinet, next to the TV (east direction). I also placed a jar of water in front of my pc. My body started aching and I wasn't feeling too well for a week, but I ignored it.

It was all in the mind, and we couldn't control chicken pox and fever and accidents, yes? 

So last week, I didn't know why, but I decided to "test" and did it again. I placed a jar of water in front of my pc, but I did not place any jar of water at home this time. I know most of you would say it's all in the mind, but I started placing the jar last Wednesday, and I got body ache (again) and it lasted til today (Monday). The pain was terrible, I couldn't sleep well, eat well, felt giddy most of the time.

Today once I reached the office, I removed the jar of water, but before that, I managed to snap some pictures.

Here's the jar of water. 

And here's the location of the jar of water. Coincidentally east direction too.

Maybe east direction at home and in the office is not good for me? I don't know. But for sure, I would remove it today, and see if the body ache's still there.

Ok, for those who knows Cantonese, "sum lei jok yung"? 

Ok, bye!


  1. Replies
    1. I removed it yesterday, and I know it's all in the mind.. Not so painful today, but the pain is still there la..

  2. fuyoh today Princess Ribbon talks about fengshui like Leelian Two!!! I like to read fengshui post, and I know Twilight Man used to write that but now he doesn't..

    1. Fuyoh, no la, princess just wana blog about something different.. Everyday steamed cake and ABC soup also sien lor..

    2. Muahahahahaha...

      We should call her Princess Ribbon Too or Princess Lilian.


  3. at first I never have expected Princess Ribbon to talk about fengshui at all, you know lah, post-80s baby mah.. and I always thought Princess Ribbon sky not scared earth no scared, everything straight forward ga ma.. haha!!!

    1. Eh, I memang everything not scared, but hor, "mm dou lei mm scared", once put water there, everything like not right leh..

  4. but horr, I want to ask la, why would you in the first place want to put a jar of water on your TV and behind your monitor leh?? errr, for humidity and static reason?? at first I scrolled for your photo sin geh, then I saw got something in the water, looks like some worms but I think that's actually the cable behind seen from the glass?? then I thought it's sinus or when read on, I thought black magic!!! :D

    1. Ya la, that black thingy is the pc cable la.. Office pc lei geh.. Wah, black magic? Canggih ooohh your brain...

  5. so how's your test?? must do it more often then can only conclude woh.. but then horr it's yourself who puts the water and you know there's a jar of water, like you said "sum lei jork yong" mah.. must let somebody else place or remove the water without your knowledge then only you can tell whether it's true or not leh..

    1. I removed it yesterday jor la.. Today hor, aiya, sure you say sum lei jok yung, but I feel better leh.. The pain is still there, but I hope gradually going away lor..

  6. but it only affects you?? how about your Teo boys in school and at home?? that one due to the water on TV?? did you test that or not??

    1. I hope it only affect me lor.. I don't want anything to affect the home, that's why I didn't put the water at home.. I dare not itchy hands jor la..

  7. Aiyo ... This is nonsense la.... If not we'll then seek medical advice. I also don't quite believe in traditional medicines.

    1. Nonsense hor.. I tell myself if the pain is still here after a week, I'll go see a doctor.. Can get mc :)

  8. If it makes you uncomfortable or makes you think it is bad, then it is enough reason not to do it lah. To me, feng shui and "sum lei jok yong" goes hand in hand one. If something makes you feel good and less worries then that is good feng shui..

    1. Yep, it makes me uncomfortable.. Actually, it is supposed to be good for me, but maybe the position not ngam or something went wrong somewhere.. Hmmmmm

  9. Feng shui...or the "cold" from the water is giving you the aches? Gosh!!! Imagine if you had a water bed!

    1. It's just a small jar of water wor.. Wah, water bed, I think my body cannot take it, hehe..

  10. Fengshui stuffs....must consult Anay la. He is the expert.,

    1. I like to read about fengshui leh.. Can try try if no harm, hehe..

    2. I believe the water could influence us but I am not sure about the aches & pain. Now this is scary la...what if your hubby buy you a fabulous house in front of the ocean? You might end up with backache tsunami!!! LOL

  11. as for placing jar of water there...lucky it's jar not cup....nanti tertumpah habis liao the PC.

    CNY coming soon. so many stuffs happening. Kids fallling sick etc. Can go temple "change luck"(Chiun wan) liao. Hope 2015 luck will be good

    1. Lastime also I place a jar of water there coz I feel it's "relaxing" to the mind and nobody touches that part of the pc, so it won't tertumpah.. But I have removed it yesterday already la.. No more water..

  12. I have tried shutting off all the electrical plugs, sockets and internet connections when I sleep. My dream was better with peaceful sleep. The bad frequency from electricity is not good for me.

    If you believe that the water gave you negative results, then just check the bazi of yourself and kids. Just add the items in the house that suit your elements! Bingo! Windfall might come!

    I have to seriously avoid water esp the sea. I have nearly drowned few times in the sea and swimming pool. My bazi says water is No-No!

    1. I want to see you write more fengshui post.. Can ahh?

  13. Louiz, this is interesting and scary at the same time. Got to do with feng shui, right? Anyway, if it have bad effect on you then better be careful and not place water at those spots.

    1. It's not scary la.. I never believe in fengshui, but after last year's incident, I started believing - a little..

  14. Any reason for putting a jar of water behind the pc? As for me, before I sleep I pray.. when I get up I pray.. and in all circumstances, give thanks... :)

    1. 1) The cleaning lady doesn't wipe that spot, so the water's safe there
      2) That jar of water is to hydrate myself? Errr, my own theory la, coz I see people put jar of water in aircond places too wor.. Hmmm...

  15. i dun get it. What's with the jar facing east? Anyhow, when thing are not under control, pray and God will do its wonders.

    1. Maybe east direction in the office is not good for me? Honestly, I never believe in feng shui, just a nonsense post to see your comments.. I also wana know what you guys think..

  16. I don't understand, why you suddenly want to place a jar of water on your east direction?? For "wang choi"??

    1. 1) The cleaning lady doesn't wipe that spot, so the water's safe there..
      2) That jar of water is to hydrate myself?

  17. As for me, I put a small glass of water in my room. According to my mum, so that the AC won't suck our moisture from our I just believe it..hihi

    1. Yep, same theory with me.. But maybe I place at wrong direction..

  18. This is very hard to judge... Sometimes this kinda 'feng shui' cannot say totally not believe also... But cannot too superstitious also... Hmm, may be just coincident la, or like you said, sam lei juk yong?

    Anyway, I hope things are better now.

    1. To be honest, I never believe in fengshui.. But I started believing - a little.. Just a lil'....

  19. Allow me to first say that i don't believe this. Anyway I am curious where did you get the idea to put a glass of water in the office and at home? I thought if really want to do this kind of thing, must get a sifu to get your details and he will tell you exactly where to place those things in order to have good feng shui for yourself and for your family.

    1. 1) The cleaning lady doesn't wipe that spot, so the water's safe there..
      2) That jar of water is to hydrate myself? Coz the office is very cold, almost frozen everyday..
      To be honest, I never believe in fengshui, and hubby always says, "if wana do, do a proper one.. If dunno how to do, never do at all"..

  20. Hi Louiz,

    I asked the same question too... Why are putting a jar of water next to your computer??? If you really want to do that, can you put it in the west direction??? I think you are thinking too much.. I reckon all the bad things happen because they just happen. Nothing to do with this jar of water lah.


    1. Yep, maybe I'm thinking too much.. The water is to hydrate myself, coz the office is very cold la everyday, with the aircond and all.. And that spot is very safe, coz the cleaning lady never wipe that spot..

  21. Hmm. That was so coincident. Twice body aches when place the water?? Maybe can read some fung shui book and see what it say. For fun. My hubby loves to buy those books every year and read. But never really practise lah. Haha.

    1. Honestly, I never believe in fengshui, but I started believing, and reading a little - just a little.. But overall, I still don't believe in those stuffs.. I've removed the jar of water anyway..

  22. Get well soon!

    Yeah, it's all in the mind, but that's what Western medicine is too, they have to test for statistical significance against placebo (basically, the mind) and you'll be surprised at the results of placebo tests - they can even kill sometimes even though it's just a sugar pill instead of the real thing.

    The human mind is very powerful indeed, if you can harness it, why not? :)

    1. Today is the 5th day since I've taken removed the jar of water, and the pain's still here - just not as strong.. Hmmm...

  23. Hope you've recovered by now.. didn't know much bout putting jar at the east.. but i do believe that certain thing put at certain place might not be right..

  24. I believe in fengshui because I am basically a traditional person. After reading what TM said above, maybe I should turn off all electricity so that I can have better dream and peaceful sleep

  25. Is this really about feng shui? I have a friend who is office renovation contractor and he should know more about this. contact him for more info!
