
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Condensed Milk+Raisins Chocolate Cookies

When we go for grocery shopping, we would usually buy something for the kids for them to hold, or to keep them quiet. Usually they request for raisins. And this is what happens. They open a pack, ate some, then request for the same thing again next week, repeat, and now, I have 4 packets of raisins at home - opened half & half.

I want to 'get rid' of the raisins. I am thinking of raisin cookies, or raisin muffins, something simple. I don't have sugar, but I have a LOT of condensed milk. I love my oats with condensed milk so I stock up on condensed milk. 

So, muffins or cookies? Err, I seldom hear condensed milk muffins. But condensed milk cookies, yes. So let's do condensed milk raisin cookies, eh?

All my ingredients are agak-agak. 1 cup butter, 1 cup flour, 3/4 cup cocoa powder, half a can condensed milk and raisins. I have to keep adding more flour because the dough is wet and sticky from the condensed milk.

I rolled them into balls using my hands as I don't have an ice cream scoop.

Gently pressed them down a bit, and bake at 170 degrees for about half an hour.

The result? Very bitter chewy chocolate raisin cookies. Not sweet. Not buttery (maybe I put too much cocoa). Edible, but I won't say it's the best in the world. It taste EXACTLY like bitter-sweet dark chocolate cookies. I prefer sweeter cookies made with sugar or brown sugar. 

I put 16 pieces into a cookie jar.


Surprisingly, hubby FINISHED the whole jar of the cookies when he came back from "ching ming" with his family that afternoon.

People who don't like sweet stuff would love this, but not me kua, I prefer my cakes and cookies and desserts to be very SWEET (and condensed milk is not suitable because they are NOT sweet at all when used for baking).


The boys doing some beading.

Ok bye!


  1. So good your boys keeping themselves occupied! I love those raisins...

    1. Usually don't last long.. Maximum about 15 minutes, then they will make noise already, haha..

  2. aiyoh purposely buy the boys those raisins to "sumbat" their mouths ah?? and they only eat a little everytime but you are giving them new ones everytime?? errr, spoil them lah like this.. either you get smaller packets, they finish the whole box before they can have the new one, or have none at all.. unless you tell me you purposely do that so that you can gave raisins to "get rid" of la.. LOL!!!

    1. Eh really la, they always request for raisins, I just gave in, that's the bestest way to make them quiet.. Last week leh, I warned hubby not to give them raisins already, coz at home still got a few packets (I forgot to bring them out).. Then in the mall,they bising dou... Aiyoh, you just feel like shouting and screaming leh, so no choice, have to let them hold those raisins again.. Haizz...

    2. so cham.. next time put them into your handbag lah, then sure will not forget, haha!!

    3. Yep, next time, must remember to put in my bag, and act like it's a brand new packet when I hand it to them, haha..

  3. Louiz, I am having busy day today but had to come see your cookies first! I haven't heard of condensed milk cookies before and I am surprised that the cookies were not sweet. I find condensed milk very, very sweet. Maybe next time reduce the cocoa powder then it will taste better. The cookies look good though, Very rich and chocolaty. I like dark bittersweet chocolate so I think I will like your cookies :)

    1. You are right.. I think I put too much cocoa.. It's bitter.. If I make this again, I would reduce the cocoa, and still put in the same amount of condensed milk.. But I think the next time I'm making these again, I would opt for brown sugar.. More "heong" kua..

  4. condensed milk raisin chocolate cookies!! wah, I read the name only already think it is very very SWEET lor.. I will eat maybe one or two lah, but your hubby geng lor!!! he finished all 16 in the tub??!! he must be very hungry after coming back from ching-ming, haha!!! you just baked cookies and forgotten to cook lunch for him ke?? :p

    1. It's really not sweet at all.. I think I put too much cocoa.. Covered all the condensed milk lemak smell and butter smell too.. Hubby whatsapp-ed me and said he would be eating lunch with his family after ching-ming wor.. Come back, makan cookies as desserts only lor..

  5. I recently saw on youtube horr, there's one very quick way to make chocolate fudge using microwave lor.. and they use condensed milk, so I think you must love this lor!! just mix chocolate chips, butter, condensed milk and optionally add in some raisins and nuts.. microwave until the mixture melts and then set it to cool and then keep on fridge to chill then you can cut into pieces to serve.. pretty interesting woh..

    1. I don't have a microwave.. Used to have one, but rosak jor, so never buy another one ever since.. We just use the stove and steam if we want to heat up our food.. But I do miss my microwave, maybe I should just get one again..I am interested in your recipe leh, ok, I youtube it..

    2. i saw this clip and thought it's pretty interesting to try at home leh..

    3. Just watched the video.. I keep on "tarn hau sui" (swallow saliva) when I'm watching it leh.. Very very nice, but that needs a lot of chocolate chips.. Maybe can substitute with cooking chocolate..

  6. I can wallop all your cookies too. I don't mind if it is not sweet, I love cocoa flavor too!

    1. Perhaps you can make this as your next baking project, if you think it's not too heaty la.. But if too heaty, can try SK's suggestion on his comment above, very interesting leh..

  7. Hi Louiz,

    3/4 cup of cocoa powder to make 16 cookies... I can imagine each cookie must be very chocolaty and of course, you will need a lot more sugar to make them like the sweet kind of cookies :D

    I guessing... did your husband enjoy the cookies with his kopi? Even though the cookies are bitter, they must be very fragrant like unsweeten kopi and will be sweet again if the bitter cookies are eaten with mildly sweetened coffee :D


    1. Yep Zoe, made a mistake, threw in too much cocoa, to be honest, it was not 3/4 cup. It was a full cup. Equal amount of white flour and cocoa! The cookies were bitter, and I could not keep adding condensed milk coz it would make the whole thing wet, and I gotta keep adding flour.. But yes, hubby finished and he said the cookies got sweet taste.. Hmm, his taste bud must be something wrong..

  8. What a smart chef to bake something from agak-agak theory and yet hubby finished all. I think I would like the taste too! I know that the brand of cocoa would be the cause of bitterness. Example - If you use imported Cadbury Cocoa, it would be pure taste and bitter! Other brands will vary in taste and smell. I learnt this from my Mama.

    I thought I am the only weird one who used condensed milk with oats. It tastes better than sugar.

    1. Hoo hoo, I eat my oats with condensed milk every weekend, I can eat that everyday.. Taste so nice leh.. I eat from young..

  9. It's been quite sometimes since i bake, very lazy...

    1. I want to see more of your baking, and cooking.. Simple cooking and baking, I like..

  10. So rajin to bake, Louiz! So few days later you will get another four boxes half half again? hahaha...

    1. I must remind myself and hubby, no more raisins.They can choose other goodies though.. Kz loves Kinderjoy surprise chocolate egg..

  11. Agak agak but can still come out nicely, best of all your hubby finished the whole thing, nice ma!!

    1. Yep, agak-agak lor the texture, at first it was too wet with condensed milk, gotta firm it up with flour..

  12. Not bad since you are agak-agak and testing your baking. I dont mind some of the cookies as I am not so into sweet stuff.

    Good boys. Can keep themselves busy.

    1. The boys can occupy themselves not for too long.. After a while, they get restless already..

  13. yummy i see the biscuits cookies so dark....must be very chocolaty...i love it

  14. I'll eat cookies which are not sweet ;)

    1. Then you will love dark chocolate cookies, bitter & not sweet..

  15. I would love to eat the cookies that you baked because they are not sweet. Did you let your sons try some?

    1. Boys no try, they are so dark and chocolatey and bitter-sweet, scared heaty :(

  16. wow, yummy cookies..I used to bake cookies but now very lazy..

    1. Please please start baking again, I wana see :)

  17. raisins as decoy huh? that's actually a brilliant idea! lol. nice cookies u got there, i like bitter stuffs too so here... gimme some... :D

    1. Bitter sweet is nice actually, but I could not taste any condensed milk lemak taste.. Hmmm..

  18. I remember these raisins from when I was a kid! It was the most famous brand - Ligo. There's a sultana line also, green ones. :)

    1. There are yellow and black ones.. I like the yellow ones, but my boys like the black ones, hmmmppp...

  19. I just love the way you agak-agak your way to baking great eats. Btw, did you know that raisins (the yellow ones) do wonders for arthritis? I read that when the health report was out, the sale of these raisins increased.
