
Tuesday 17 March 2015

"Same Thing" Day

Am being very honest. Am running out of stuffs to write. So I just randomly take photos of my boys last weekend, and blog about them, haha.

This was their breakfast last weekend. Am getting very lazy now to even fry an egg for them, let alone making pancakes. So they just get a cupcake, yoghurt and a Vitagen each. All from the packet, no cooking required.

After breakfast, it's playtime. I will sit and relax on the sofa watching Astro, while they play and watch YouTube on the tablet. G is not so sticky now as he is bigger already, so I get my TV time for a while, before he makes noise and request for Baby Einstein (on the dvd player).

I'll cook lunch around 10.45am - boil rice, heat up leftover-soup-in-a-jar and steam egg. If you want to see how it looks like, here you go. I only keep the soup in the jar, I took out all the "liew" already.

Not bad, finished all also.

 After lunch, nap time for them. G naps outside, while Kz naps inside the room.

Ok, what's after this? Usual lah, by now, you should have known already. Hubby back around 2pm, the boys wake up, we go to mil's place, hang around until dinner, and come back lah, what else. 

Ooh, I'll do the laundry, take a rest, and zzzz.

Ok, bye!


  1. shall I also go and dig out my old comments and then copy and paste the "same thing" over here?? muahahahaha!!!

    well, I guess we do the same thing most of the time without ourselves realizing it.. single ones still not that bad, those with family still quite okay, but those with family AND young kids then I would say you probably do things in a very routine manner and everything surrounds your kid??

    ah, wake up in early in the morning and cannot even sleep in late on a lazy Sunday because the kids are already up.. then prepare food for them, bathe them, do your own stuffs and housework while the enjoy a couple of hours of TV time.. then cook lunch and continue with your stuffs while the kids are having afternoon nap.. wake up, give them your iPad to keep them occupied while you prepare for dinner.. after dinner, bathe them again and then usher them to sleep.. one day is gone.. you wash up the dishes, clean the house a little, done with the clothes you washed in the morning and you realise it's already 10pm!! okay, go to bed and wake up tomorrow to work!!!

    okay, that's how I imagine your Sunday is if you are staying at home.. :p

    1. Wah, SK, lei hou lek ahh !! See, I always say you very lek geh.. Yup, Sunday sounds more or less like how you described.. Unless we go out for shopping (for 1.5-2 hours), then different a bit, but after that, it's all the same, until the 10pm part.. SK, lei hou lek, I like you !!

  2. Can put this as like you weekend routine, hehe!! =D

    1. Sheta, routine jor geh la, cannot run away.. Wana colour my hair also no chance..

  3. Morning, Louiz! I think most of us, at least me, also have same old, same old routine. I don't mind reading about your routine as what is routine or boring to you, I like to read and find it interesting. Are those cupcakes from Gardenia, ah? I see two nice dresses on the right hand side of your laundry photo.

    1. Cupcakes from Masimmo. They like the classic one.. There is mocha also, but even I don't like the taste.. Classic one ok.. Ooohh, the dresses are mine of course, hehe..

  4. Hope to read about your coming weekend in next week post, hehe...

    1. Next weekend ahh? I think same.. But maybe I can try blogging about MIL's place, what I eat there, the dinner she cooks, etc.. Hmm, good idea..

  5. Cupcakes? One enough? For you, you'll need a dozen, I'm sure. Hehehehehe!!!!!

    1. I bought 5 pieces from Masimmo! 2 for the boys, 2 for me.. I can wallop the whole cupcake in 2 mouths !! Haha..

  6. Married with kids, hai gam ge lah. That's why I always wonder, should I get married and have kids. Maybe I should just aim for many girlfriends! XD

    1. Teng ji sin.. Those who say dont want kids, will get kids very fast.. You aim for many gf, sure got one gf ahh, can make you change your mind and fast fast wana marry geh..

  7. You are so funny and honest! We have this Lazy Man blogger and now you sound like his female version too! Oh well, your family posts are most welcome and we enjoy seeing how your sons are growing up. I could see that they will become tall and handsome with mama having a hard time screening all the leng luis.

    1. Haha I am memang honest ma.. Really la, nothing much to write jor, sometimes just prefer commenting and reading others blog..

  8. Eh why both naps in different place?

    Good la your boys big already you get some ME time, my son still very clingy to me, sigh!

    1. Both cannot stay in same place wor.. Else no sleep and will tease and fight with each other.. So they both nap in different rooms lor..

  9. Usually it's a routine for us with small kids but sometimes there are different things that can happen.

    1. Yeah, agree.. Most of the time, it's the same.. But when we have dinners or outings, then it can be slightly different, hehe..

  10. Hi Louiz,

    Can't get out routine? I'm the same too... It is always work, kids, housework... and cycle continues. What to do? That's life.


    1. It's comforting to read your comment, haha.. That's why I take a day off from work, like once a month to "get away", kekekeke..

  11. doing laundry...pengsan...really pengsan kau kau when time to lipat and also iron

    1. Lucky I no need iron everyday leh, I buy dress/clothes no need iron one.. But I iron Kz's uniform everyday la.. Haizzz.

  12. If only my Jamie can finish up his bowl. Some dayz he did not want to eat porridge or rice at all. Just cookies and cakes. Well, hard to keep up with an active toddler.

    Me too, after he naps, I start doing the chores. Btw I hate ironing too.

    1. Kids kejap kejap one.. Lastime Kz hated soup and rice.. But now he likes it pulak.. Gotta keep trying..

  13. Weekend family bonding and activities! Last time I was also like that... same same... :)

    1. Yeah family bonding. Routine for me jor.. Every weekend same, unless we go to the mall or something..

  14. errr... don't feel bored ? Why not do something different like bringing them out to some short vacation?

    1. Hubby works half day on Saturday.. And he seldom take long leaves.. So the only family day is Sunday.. Kids still small, hard to bring somewhere far.. G cant stay still for more than 10 minutes..

  15. ur hubby works on every saturday? nevertheless ur weekend still not bad, u gotta visit MIL and the boys can go see their grandparents...It reminds me of my my father (last time) works on saturday too, so mostly i got to see my grandparents on sunday...yea both maternal and paternal side on the same day.

    1. He works half day on Saturday.. Yep, Saturday go visit mil, Sunday is to my mum's place.. Usually is like that la..

  16. It is good to have same same days so that the children can get used to the routine and feel more secure. Your soup, rice and steamed eggs must be very tasty because they finished the whole bowl.

    1. Soup is tasty, yes.. But steamed egg, very plain.. Just eggs and water, no salt.. But surprisingly they like it very much, hehe..

  17. Whenever you run out of things to write.. Photo blog! LOL.

    1. Yeah, don't have much things to write about now.. It's always about the kids, (simple) cooking, that's all..

  18. With kids and family...everything is routine. Till they enter school lagi banyak routine.hahha

    Chill mommy.

  19. my kids are choosy :( not all food they eat. My toddler even smell first before eat. :(
