
Monday 25 May 2015


Hello bloggers. 

I have not updated my blog for more than a month. I hope you guys still remember me :)

I've recently lost interest on certain things - working, cooking, baking, blogging and even eating. I just want to sleep whole day. 

It's the hormones.

Yep, I'm pregnant. This is not a planned pregnancy. It took me one week to accept that I'm pregnant - again.

I'm 11 weeks along. No, I don't have any pantang. So, yeah, I do not wait until I hit the 12th week before I announce to the world. My husband (of course), my mum and lady boss are the first few persons I told. Then to a few close colleagues. And now, you :)

So please forgive me if I don't update my blog. Really, I just don't feel like doing anything at all. I just want to sleep - all day. 

Ok, bye.


  1. Oooo...congrats! Hoping for a girl this time? You have two boys, right?

    1. Thank you. Yep, I have two boys. And yep, hope this is a girl :)
      But girl or boy, nevermind, most important, healthy.. Damn my morning sickness, lost 5 kgs..

  2. Oh! That is a good news, Princess. I am so happy for you. Congrats to you. Take care and rest more. Eat well. So baby would be year end baby? Little lamb. ^^

    Take things easily and we would miss you if you do not blog often. We understand.

    1. Thank you. Yep, due date mid December this year. My morning sickness is killing me. Lost 5 kg. Still can't keep anything down, surviving on Milo and Coke (that's the only thing I can keep down for a while)..

  3. Take care ya!! And miss you!! =D

    1. Think of you everyday too, but each time I think of eating or mealtimes, I wana vomit :(

  4. welcome back to blogging. Kung hei kung hei!

    1. Dunno when is the next post wor, I just want to sleep all day..

    2. Small Kucing might be the next Mama To Be!!!!


  5. oolala, of course we have not forgotten about the legendary Princess Ribbon ABC Bandaraya Assorted Balls!!!! xD

    and this is rather a surprise to all of us, a happy news on a boring Monday!! congratulations on your unplanned pregnancy, but like you said "ju dou lei mai sik lor" (eat it if it's served), you sure are keeping things cool since you already had two times experience..

    11 weeks, so the baby is going to see the world like end of the year?? yay, could it be Christmas Day?? that's cool, and I hope your dream of having a girl comes true lah, so that you can help her to "ban leng leng" and can't wait to see Princess Ribbon Jr then.. hehehe!!

    and no worries about all the blogging and cooking and baking etc lah.. just make sure you are happy and you sukak the way it goes lor.. I suddenly thought, now that you are pregnant hor, means you can wallop three sets of BigMac value meal and still not enough or not?? muahahaha..

    1. Aiyo, now cant wallop even a bowl of ABC soup leh.. See food only want to vomit.. I hope I can down 3 sets of Big Mac and 20 pcs of chicken nuggets soon :)

    2. oh, you are in the vomiting stage now ah?? eat what vomit what now is it??

    3. Yep, vomiting stage now. Day til nite, nite til day, siennnn....

  6. Good to hear that you are pregnant, congratulations!!!

    1. Thank you Sharon.. I just want to sleep whole day..

  7. Oooohhh congrats!! Er... they say the first trimester is like that one right? Then it should get better soon gua? With 3 kids, maybe it is time to retire and be a full time yellow face woman? XD

    1. Yep, first 3 months lose weight and vomit day night.. Stay home and stop working hor, thinking thinking.....

  8. LOL that is okay, sleeping all day, it's understood because your body is adjusting itself to bear another human being again soon. Sooo happy!! Baby no.3? Congratulations! Wohooo! But hopefully you will write more about it soon. So excited!

    1. Hopefully I can write more about it, but really don't have mood for anything, especially eating.. When it's time to eat, I very phobia, hehe..

  9. This is certainly very GOOD NEWS and woke me up from my sleepy Monday!
    Oh dear, try to drink juices and snack if you have no mood. I am no woman but I can just offer advice to do whatever and eat whatever that could make you happy now.
    Yes, you are very wise, boy or girl is not so important so long as baby is healthy and happy like mama.

    1. I'm surviving on Coke, sweets and Milo everyday, not good I know, but that's the only thing that I could keep it down - for a while.. Lost 5kgs.. Cant wait for this phase to be over and I can eat like a pig again..

  10. Hi Louiz! Wah, this can only be good news! Congratulations :) I remember reading your old posts and you did mention that you enjoyed being pregnant and wish to be pregnant again. So here you are. It must be really tough right now and hope that this phase will pass and you will feel better again. If you don't have appetite, take honey to give you the energy. Have plenty of rest too. I do miss your posts but right now, if you don't feel like it, continue to take a break. Please take good care of yourself, Louiz!

    1. You got good memory, the second one, planned pregnancy, I said I love nausea, nausea is good, means the pregnancy hormone is high.. This one, unplanned, came as a surprise (I swear that time got protection), so somehow this time, macam very sanfu, unprepared, unexpected ma..

  11. Good news! Congratulations! Take care.

  12. Congrats Princess Ribbon! Of course I miss you. I kept leaving comments in your previous post. Please sleep more and no need to blog here unless you feel like it, ok?

    1. I wish I can sleep whole day, everyday, 7 days a week..

  13. Hi Louiz,

    Congratulation! I knew that something has been going on with you... Glad that it is a great thing that happened!!!

    Yes... Please sleep and rest more. Take care!


    1. Alright, I will..Thank you.. I wish I can sleep whole day 7 days a week..

    2. Hi Louiz,

      How are feeling better now? Still tired? No blog update? :p


    3. Zoe, same, tired and sleepy and moody all the time.. Hope faster pass la..

    4. Hi Louiz,

      How are you feeling? Hope that you are all good with your pregnancy :D


    5. Hi Zoe, yep, all's good. Too long no blogging, now getting lazy already, hehe..

    6. Hi Louiz,

      Very long already leh... Still no blogging? Still tired ah :p


  14. Congratulations!.,Take Care..

  15. Oh, I am so happy to come by and read your post today!! Congatulation Princess

  16. You can sleep and rest and laze around like me... Lol... But I am not pregnant... Just old... Hahaaaa... Take care, my dear!

  17. This indeed a very good news, Princess Ribbon. I want to praise you and your husband for the good job. lol! By the way, I wish that I could have this type of unplanned pregnancy too. I am so conflicting right? I know if it is planned one, I don't want. Unplanned one, I will accept. What the hell I am talking? Anyway, congratulations to you. Stay easy and happy, dear.

    1. Thank you Yannie.. Still not in the mood now.. Morning sickness plus taking care of 2 toddlers.. I feel very sanfu, sometimes I feel oh dear, somemore no.3 is coming, what am I talking....

  18. that's great news! congratulations! cant wait for my time to have wifey and babies~ LOL

  19. Congrats Princess Ribbon, I just welcome my little nephew to the world on 2 June, hope your baby will be happy and healthy, rest well and take care

    1. Thanks Libby.. Welcome your baby nephew to the world too..

  20. Congratulations dear!!! Sorry I am a bit late :p

    Take good care and enjoy your pregnancy!

    1. Thanks Hayley.. Now start to get a bit better, but still tired all the time..

  21. OMG congrats on your pregnancy! :)

    I thought how come you haven't updated for so long.

    No worries, even though it's not planned, God planned it for you so it's all good. Take care!

    1. I think the same too, but I was feeling crazy for the first few weeks, totally unplanned, and we had protection all the while, hmmmmmm...

    2. It happens, condoms aren't made to be 100% effective, maybe 99.9% or something to that effect.

      I've heard of people on the pill who got pregnant too, a friend of mine did and she told me she takes the pill every day without fail, she only stops once every 3-4 months, which is unhealthy.

  22. Ding dong....time to update blog..kihkihkih

    1. Ding dong.. Moody hormones still here, will update soonest.. kekekekke..

  23. That's unusual!

    You had protection but it still happened? mom told me I was born that way (accident was the word she used). I gather the condom broke. :)

    1. I also used the word accident.. Lastime I dont like hearing ppl say 'oh this one accident one, bla bla', mana tau now sendiri kena..

    2. Haha! True, maybe a better word would be unplanned. :)

  24. Congratulations! Sounds like a happy surprise! Hope you can get some rest :)

  25. Congratulations! It's a blessing. Enjoy your pregnancy!

  26. I still remember you! Thanks for commenting on my posts every time!

    1. Of course I still comment in others' posts.. I sendiri malas only, coz long time no blogging liao.. Haha..

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Yes pregnancy can be surprising sometimes and there is a lot of work to do to prepare for yourself and the baby. For example, if your house do not have functioning water heater, you need to repair water heater before hand. And ofcourse prepare yourself mentally and physically for the baby to come. I am sure you will be a great mum.
