
Monday 14 October 2013

Baby C & Baby G

Here's Baby Clarrisa (Baby C) together with my Baby Gavin (Baby G). Clarrisa is my niece, my older sister's baby. She has two girls. Kimberly is 2 years 5 months, and Clarrisa is 8 months.

I have two boys. Kenzie is 2 years 6 months, and Gavin is 6 months.

I don't like to compare. But since this is my personal blog, hehe, I can't help but keep looking at the size difference. Baby C is two months older than Baby G, but Baby G is so much bigger than her. Well, she was born small, to start with. My sis gave birth through c-sec sharp at 37th week (ngam ngam full term) because she didn't want to wait any longer. I gave birth via natural birth 4 days before my due date, at 39th week+3days.

I want a 3rd one. But hubby says enough. So, yeah, I'll stop at two.

Happy Monday from Baby G and Baby C.

P/S: I can't help but to dress Baby G in pink rompers and pink socks. Crazy's my name, remember?

Gavin and Clarrisa


  1. as long as kids are healthy it only matters

    1. Yes, agree. As long as they are healthy. Really. I don't compare milestones and weight and all. But, hehehe, can't help looking at the photo.

      The first thing I did after the baby was out from me was to count his little toes and fingers and made sure there were 10 fingers and 10 toes. Never cared about the looks, look like who, handsome or not, etc.. First thing that came to mind was: Please God, let this child be healthy.

  2. wah, you must be very close with your sister huh?? you both were pregnant at the same time, for twice somemore!! good for both of you, as well as the kids because they have cousins of about the same age to play with~~ :)

    1. 1st baby - I pregnant first, then 6 weeks later, my sis's turn to kena.
      2nd baby - she pregnant first, then 8 weeks later, I kena pulak.

  3. aiyoh, your name is not Crazy but INSANE!! muahahaha.. how could you dress up a boy in pink?? i can feel that you really want a girl (but your hubby said enough).. i understand that, usually ladies would want a daughter so that they can "decorate" them nicely and prettily like Barbie dolls~~ :D

    1. Yes, most of the clothes at home are pink in color! Gawd, what is happening to me? Yes, I want to try for the 3rd one coz I hope to "pok" a girl, then I can doll her up. Kekeke. The hair clips, the hair bands, the cute leggings, cute bracelets, OMG...

  4. You lucky gal with 2 sons!!! They both have very nice names! Hope they will grow up looking like K-Pop stars!

    1. Hi TM, thanks for the compliment, haha. Yes, my mum always commented the boys have small eyes (mung jue ngan) and thus, will look like Korean actors in future, haha. I have double lids, hubs has single lids. So they obviously follow daddy's features.

      Oh, just to share with you their names:
      1) Wong Kenzie
      2) Wong Gavin
      Just like that.

  5. Sometimes the baby is bigger sized by following the parents. i guess your hubby must be a big man too. You want 3 and just pray for it many times. It will make the fate happen.

    1. Yes, you are so right. Both boys follow daddy's structure. Yes, hubby is tall. Not very big sized though. Yes, I really want a 3rd one. My dream is to have 3 kids. I hope it's gonna happen.

  6. Lol...hard not to compare . Well later sure will catch up in size

    1. Ya wor, I told myself not to compare. But tend to "automatically" compare, even at home, with the two brothers.. I will try to change, haha..

  7. Sure stop at two? ...there might be a girl next wor

  8. Size is not a concern at all as long as the child is healthy, so no worries ya :)

    1. Agree! But I feel very "sum tong" (heart pain) to see Kenzie boy so skinny. He's 2.5 years old now, and he only weighs 11.7kg ! He is a picky eater.
