
Thursday 17 October 2013

Rojak Roast Chicken

Another home-cooking post. Coz that's what I like, and also one of the things I am good at (Not good at cooking canggih gourmet food, but good at cooking simple home-cooked food from anything I could find in the fridge). Don't mind or don't get bored ya?

I was on leave yesterday because I had to take Kenzie boy back from my parent's place, and after that, took him for his 2.5 year old jab at his paed's (2nd dose of Hep A). He stayed at my parent's from Sunday evening until yesterday afternoon as his nursery closed from Monday til yesterday.

Anyway, back to this post. When you see the word "rojak", no no no, it doesn't mean I marinated the chicken with the black rojak sauce. Haha. It means I marinated the chicken with anything available at my kitchen counter, and chuck in with whatever vegetables I could find in the fridge.

My all-time favourite McCormick's Italian Herbs spices have finished. So for the marinate, I make do with: Soya sauce, pepper, oyster sauce and Lea & Perrin's sauce. I also chuck in some lemon, an onion, carrots and potatoes for taste. Before baking (at 190 degrees for 1 hour), I threw in a blob of butter for the extra rich-ness.

Rojak roast chicken

And since I did not go to work yesterday, I made the effort and cooked more varieties for dinner, because usually on weekdays, I don't cook, as it's already late when I reach home from work. The hubs cooks, because he usually reaches home earlier.  And normally it's just "chin tan chau choy" kinda food. Or I call it the 3F's (Fried egg, Fried fish, Fried vege) kinda food.

So, for my own record, I also cooked these for dinner yesterday:

Chicken herbal soup ("yoke zhok" & "pak kei")

Minced pork taufu

Bittergourd fried egg


  1. when i see rojak roast chicken, the first thing i had in mind was really the "rojak" sauce!! muahaha.. eih, never tried never know right?? maybe it's something nice leh?? ok, your next assignment is to try this recipe, of course you gotta make some improvements lah, haha~~ :D

    1. Morning SK. Haha, actually, I don't like the black "har kou" rojak sauce. It kinda stinks, hehe.. No offense, but weird, when it is mixed with fruits+peanuts, sedap pulak ???

    2. Maybe I should put an "inverted comma" on the word Rojak, no?

  2. okay woh your roast chicken, just dump in everything you have in the fridge!! so impromptu and so improvise, that's the fun of cooking right?? it will be so boring to follow exactly other people's recipe.. cooking is art and not a science, agree?? :)

    1. The next round, I wana try dumping pumpkin and sweet potato timmm.. haha.. let the juice of the vegetables mix with the chicken fats, and cook together. I wana see how does the gravy taste like...

  3. wah, the herbal chicken soup looks nice, and i also love that bittergourd egg because the color stands out from all the other dishes you cooked!! okay lah, actually i also like this dish~~ :p

    1. The soup I only put "yoke zhok" and "pak kei" only. I don't like fancy fancy herbs and make the soup dark in colour. I like plain-coloured soups actually.

      Ooohh, you like fukua egg too? Yeah, the tactic is to rendam the fukua in salted water for hours, then it won't be so bitter. When fried with egg, wah, sedap tau! (self-praise).. haha..

  4. Hmmm rojak roast chicken ah...hmmm....tak biasa eat this.

  5. But i love the soup. Must have been very sweet

    1. Yes, sweet, coz chicken put a lot. Water put little. Hehe.. Oohh, and "yok zhok" put a lot too..

  6. I love McCormick roasted chickens. Always cook using my flip pan at home, add potatoes to my chicken.

    Yummy cooking you have there.

  7. Bwahahahaha!! first time I heard of Rojak Roast chicken! That's your signature dish and should patent it.

  8. I like McCormick brand of seasonings. They have the best herbs to make spaghetti sauces!
    I am very sure your roast chicken was a hit lah. You should slowly experiment and cook more dishes like Rojak Soup, Rojak Cake, Rojak Fish and change your blog title to Rojak Blogger!!


    1. Rojak blogger ahh? Eeeyer, sounds geli ahh.. Like blog about nonsense.. hahahahaha... But I like the idea of "rojak" food... ok, next mission, i try rojak cake ok..
