
Friday 18 October 2013

Now You Know

Now you know. See you want to have third one or not.

This was what my hubby said lastnite when we were discussing about sending Kenzie boy to playschool cum kindy next year.

Before you continue reading this post, please note that I am not rich, thus, I feel the school fees for a 3-year old is very expensive. You might not feel the same and think the fees is just peanuts for you.

You see, due to various and personal reasons, we have decided that Kenzie boy is to stay with my parents in Cheras starting next year, and we only take him back every Friday evening after work, and send him back to my parent's every Sunday evening. This is the best we could think of now, for him and for us.

My mum helped out, drove around and looked for a few kindies for a few days. The one we wanted was full for the 3-year old class next year, and many more were still on waiting list. So we gave up on that one.

Then my mum came across Q-dees near her area, which is in Taman Segar, Cheras. She talked to the principle, and she felt this one is the most OK one, compared to the few which she has surveyed. One class will only have 15 kids, and now there are already 7 kids. She called us and discussed over the phone about the fees and all, and we agreed. She paid the registration fee and booked a place for Kenzie boy for next year.

This was what she said over the phone:
Application fee is RM60. Monthly fee is RM220. So means, for registration fee, we need to pay RM280 first. RM280 only ma. Then upon commencing school, you need to pay RM600+ for term fee. Every kindy is the same, they go by term. So you ok mou on this?

I was hesitating because I know we will not only be paying monthly RM220 for such a popular kindy. But I immediately agreed because she sounded very impatient in the phone.
***This is the thing when we seek help from others. If can, I would have wanted to do it myself, the rounding and surveying and all, but again, due to various reasons, I had to ask my mum to help.

Later that day, she WhatsApp-ed me the attachment below. I was like, gawd, there are so many other more miscellaneous fees. Upon registration, the fee is RM280 (which my mum already helped me to pay yesterday). Upon commencing next year, we will have to pay another RM634 + RM190 (the principle FOC one pair of gym wear since my mum paid immediately on the spot after calling me). Total first fee is RM1104. Every term, we will have to pay RM634 on top of the monthly school fee. And please, by the way, the monthly school fee is not RM220 as claimed by my mum. They have other miscellaneous charges which add up to RM350 per month. All these for only: 8.30am-12pm.

My jaw dropped. I never thought the first payment would already touched over RM1100++. Compared to the current nursery Kenzie boy is attending (plus daycare until 7pm), the fee is much much lower than this, but again, due to personal reasons which I am not convenient to talk about here, I had to make some changes.

Mommies, if you are reading this, forgive me, as I am a new mom. I really don't know and never expect playschool cum kindy fees can be so freaking expensive now. And now, they have term fee? Gawd. I thought only sekali pay one lump sum upon registration, and then we just sit back and relax and just pay the monthly kindy fee. No?

Hubby added one more sentence, "Sang zhai mm chi mai ka".
Ok hubs. You win. I got no more energy to argue with you.


  1. i guess every parents are having a hard time figuring out where to put their kids in nursery, kindy, school, high school, college and then uni.. and after decided a few options, gotta run around like mad dog to get the best one possible.. nowadays need to register two years ahead somemore!! i remember last time, i just go to the school and register on the spot on the first day of school.. and i guess just pay like RM20..

    1. Register 2 years in advance? Tell you something, my sis's daughter, Kimberly, she's only 2.5 years old now. I was told her dad has already registered her in a popular school for standard 1 already! Wtf? 2.5 years old register for standard 1 liao? OMG...

    2. Now still have pay rm20 register in the spot la, sk.

      It's tadika kemas. Government punya. They provide school books n even give d kid a school bag leh

  2. i was shocked to see that bill of fees too!! it's like "mei gin goon sin dah 30 dai ban" (beat 30 times before you see the officer).. now raising up a kid is really expensive~~

    1. All the while, I know raising a kid is expensive. But I never thought it would start as early as 3 years old! I thought it will start when the kid starts school. So I guess I belum cuba belum tau... Now cuba-ed already, then have to go with the flow lor.

  3. Replies
    1. I also dont want so famous punya kindie, but my mum wants something near to her house. This is the nearest. This is the thing getting help from others, like being controlled by that person. Now still thinking la, maybe go for 1 year first lor..

    2. better also if get kiddie near home coz you wont know what emergency will happen in kiddie . Your mom might have to rush to the kiddie. If kiddie faraway then the kid also have to wake up more early. ho cham leh

  4. J punya not famous kiddie. Mthly rm280. Each half year hv to pay abt rm600 for books and food. The kiddie gv them food for recess.

    As for uniform I only paid once. Used from last yr till now.

    For nov lagi best oh....hv to pay school fees for December too. But it's half mth la. Coz December cikgu also hv to makan mah lol.

    So far this kiddie ok la.

  5. Your term fees is it for school books? Maybe its for school books and teatine like j kiddie. Then kira ok la

    As for misc...u better ask them l.

    1. That RM600+ half yearly is for material fees and multimedia fees. Must be for the study materials, stationeries and pc thing kua. Books separate wor.. Books is sekali pay 1x ger wor..

    2. wah ...books lai kira ah...ho chong pei oh....

      wei...can you add "subscribe via email" in your blog ah? senang sikit oh when u got new post the system will notify me. My dashboard full up with those dormant blogs la. The darn system wont let me unsubscribe...adoi

    3. Ok, I try to add. I didn't add coz I thought noone will notice my blog ma, hehe

  6. I am not a daddy but I can feel your concern and pain! It was shocking but not surprising to hear the hidden costs. My wife is a lecturer in a prestigious cut throat university and she told me that her students freaked out on hearing that they had to pay for additional exam fees every semester after paying one lump sum of over RM40,000 fee per year!! I pity them ~ for being stupid to choose that place when you can get the same degree standards from other kanasai university. LOL

    1. I agree with you on your last sentence. Now there are many "kanasai" and small colleges / institutes which offer 3+0 programmes.. These institutes are located in shoplots and I never even heard of the name..But still, people graduated.. Still, people can find a job and do better than me.. Really kanasai!

  7. Times have changed these days where both parents need to work to stay alive and feed whole family. Unlike the old days, our papa could bring the bacon home alone proudly while mama stayed home to cook, sew clothes and cane the kids left & right until blue black!! These days, parents may not even have time to see the precious kids let alone dare to hit them with a finger.

    I only went to kindy at 6 years old and still graduated. My friends complained that some kids went to kindy for 3 years and now dropped out, selling handphone stuffs in pasar malam pula. These boils down to being realistic and face facts on our own goals. Babies who drank the best milk powder and went to the best kindy schools for 3 years do not guarantee a good future. The same goes with many students at my wife's varsity who dropped out eventually after burning their parent's pockets - big holes!! The parents should have used their fortune to open a franchise Coffee Cafe outlet to let their kid to manage and be taukeh.

  8. It is very expensive to have kids nowadays. Unless you dont want the best for your kids that is different story.

    Sigh. I also feel the pinch. Not only monetary terms.

  9. The fees are pretty the norm for franchise pre-schools now. We paid almost the same price for our 2 older girls and now for Cass. We even have to pay in advance for Nov at the beginning of the year! Now, they are asking us to pay RM350+ for booking of next year's class and then come Jan 2014, we will need to pay RM1k++ again!!
