
Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Turtle & The Rabbit

Take some time (if you are interested) to watch the video.

Do you think the story applies to you and your company? You may want to share this video if you are planning on your company team building event. Or you can share this during your office meetings. I personally think this is an interesting video.

Just to share, when I was working in my previous company about 8 years ago, I joined their first team building in year 2005. I remembered clearly it was at Saujana Hotel @ Shah Alam. The very next day, an employee tendered his resignation. After a few months, more than 10 employees tendered. The company then stopped having team building activities for a few years. They organized another team building building in year 2009. It was still clear in my mind. It was held at One World Hotel @ One U. There were rock climbing activities as well, followed by a scrumptious Japanese dinner. Everyone was happy. Very happy. And motivated. The very next day, on a Monday, our Financial Controller was asked to pack her things and leave immediately due to cost-cutting and restructuring thingy. Few months later, many big shots left too. I left after a year.

I have been working in my current company for 3 years now. They so far, had organized 2 team buildings. I went for the first team building. No effect. They talked about working in a team, yadaa yadaa, but when we came back, everything was back to normal. Department A still blames and points finger at Department B when problems arise. Until today.

Is team building activities a waste of money? I personally feel yes, it is. To me, employees just treat it as a "holiday", for free food and fun, and also "getting out" from the office.

Your say?  


  1. interesting video clip, i watched it full length.. yes, it does give a very good and positive message, and an appropriate one to go with the topic of your post today.. but then, of course the success of the win-win situation still has to rely on how willingly are both parties to share the "cost" and "return"..

    1. I watched it few times too. Am thinking if this happens in the company, how nice leh... But in reality, I doubt so..

  2. hmmm, i wonder why so many people tendered resignation right after the teambuilding?? haha, am so curious if that was purely coincidence or a root cause?? haha.. anyway, i guess the management and employees would probably have different perspectives and perception towards the teambuilding event.. the top one would have been too ambitious (with what the organizers convinced about the benefits) but the employees would probably think it's just another day of work, or so unnecessary or maybe more optimistically just a day out for fun and free food~~

    1. I don't know if it's a trend or what. Kam ngam both times of team building, both times also next day "kena" something. Hmm... Or maybe kam ngam they wanted to tender, but boss asked them to hold on first, think about it after the team building? Just my guess.

      Yes, agree different people have different perception on team building. The big shots hope it will somehow motivate the employees.. The employees pulak depends... Big fries would hope the people in his team will get closer and get to know each other better, whereas small fries treat it just another day of work+free food+fun (no replacement leaves given back if the team building falls on Saturday & Sunday, gawd!)

  3. This is an interesting post today. I guess you must be working for big corporate companies in order to have such team building activities. I think the biggest company I ever worked in was the Japanese Texchem Group shortly before I left for US. It was such a huge group and the results were good due the Japanese's way. However, I have heard and agree that many have failed miserably like your case. I would think they need good leaders who have excellent rapport and PR. I am talking from experience that such capable heads can hold the departments well though not easy.

    I have worked for over 15 companies in my life and have seen enough monsters & back stabbers. Now I have become a wiser monster today.

    1. The previous one that I mentioned, yes, German MNC, based in Petaling Jaya. Big company that send me to overseas for training every year. But I left in the end.

      Current company is not, hehe.

      Oh yes, I too, have learnt to become a cili padi and a smart monster over my working years. Don't be too nice to others. Really. Noone's gonna appreciate (I am talking about myself). I used to work effectively and efficiently. People give me work, and I finished in a jiffy. End up, I have more work. Boss gave work to A, and A said "give it to Louiz, since she so fast, everything boleh, rite"..Wah, like "wan bun" like that. So now, I do my work more slowly, no more rushing.

      So, yes, I am a cili padi+smart monster+2 headed snake at work, wakakakakaka...
