
Wednesday 13 November 2013

I'm Not A Health Maniac

I made a not-so-healthy dinner for Kenzie boy and I kinda felt guilty about it because I just dumped in whatever I could find from the fridge. But the thing is, he finished the entire bowl of noodles. 

This not-so-healthy bowl of noodles consist of: Half yee-mein, 1 mini chicken sausage, 1 meatball (from Ikea), leftover chicken soup which was in the fridge for 2 days and 1 egg.

I have a confession to make and I hope I'm not offending any mummies out there. I'm not a health freak tiger mummy who insist to always have (very) healthy and organic food for kids. And I'm not one of those who serve millet and red rice for toddlers. When it comes to food, they eat what I eat.

I have seen parents cooking organic rice, organic meat, organic fruits and organic vege for their toddlers, and even buy organic baby clothes, duh. Then, they go eat fried lekor!!?? Wtf?

So if I don't use organic stuffs, means I'm not a good mummy izzit?

Visit any forum or toddler groups, and you can observe, there's this trend going on with the (organic) millet, quinoa, red rice, brown rice thingy to serve to toddlers. If I serve baby G with white rice porridge, does that make me a not-so-good mummy as well?

Say what you want. I serve my toddler with nasi lemak, chips, Twisties, cakes, kuih, KFC, nuggets, sausages, Coke, "tong sui", tau-foo-fa, luncheon meat, ice cream and other non-organic stuffs. So?


  1. errr, nothing's wrong with the noodles, cos there is always some nutrients that are good in everything (being optimistic).. but then why you have leftover IKEA meatballs but not your very own invention the apple meatball with butter?? haha, that one already finished one shot after out from the oven?? the only complain i may have is - the chicken soup stays in the fridge for 2 days!! aiyoyo~~

    1. My meatballs finished liao lor.. All churned, digested and out from the tummy liao.. haha.. Yes, how you know? Already finished sekali after I baked that day.. Usually, whatever baked, I don't leftover it, becoz it doesn't taste "right" the next day liao if I steam it back..

    2. Yep, sometimes the soup stays for more than 2 days.. You don't keep overnight soup ahh?

  2. very true and i agree with you.. don't need to be everything freaking healthy and all goes organic lah.. this will mean they kids will grow up "too clean" and surely will be quite intolerable (if not sensitive or allergic) to little tiny "pollutants" (pollutants to them but just normal thing to others).. just like if you keep a plant inside the greenhouse, sure they cannot survive by themselves if you put them back to the nature.. you get what i mean??

    1. Yes, definitely agree with you... Just imagine a kid living in a plastic ball (I forgot what is the title of the movie).. Overprotective mum, etc.. Scary when the kid grows up, face some failures, and then "tai mm hoi" and "jou soh si"... kids nowadays.. better be aware...

  3. i always think moderate and variety is the principle of lives lah.. don't go too extreme, the world doesn't only revolve around a certain thing.. we have to be exposed to more things and get easily adapted to the environment.. so all your nasi lemak, chips, Twisties, cakes, kuih, KFC, nuggets, sausages, Coke, "tong sui", tau-foo-fa, luncheon meat, ice cream and other non-organic stuffs may not be bad at all.. whatever organic or non-organic, just have them moderately and reasonably.. :)

  4. last time we were also brought up eating anything the parents eat right?? see we are still healthy and probably more stronger than the "organic kids"~~ :p

    1. Yep, look at me.. I grew up drinking cheap formula and going to RM50 per month kindy, I am still good, in 1 piece, haha..

  5. we protect our kids, but never over-protect.. at times we just have to let go and let them grow.. it's like playing kites, sometimes you pull and sometimes you release the thread, only with that the kite will soar~~ :)

    1. Haha, this kite story thingy reminds me during paktor time..You cannot over-control the man.. Sometimes must pull.. sometimes must release.. then only the man will love you more.. wakakakaka..

  6. Lol...u 2x 5 like me la. Simply sumbat them to eat whatever food there is in the fridge

    1. My reason is simple nia.. As long as he eats coz he's a picky eater...So when he eats, I feel very happy, like kena lottery like that.. As long as I'm not feeding him junks then I don't see anything wrong with white porridge with fishballs, followed by Ribena, some Twisties then Oreo... Just my opinion.. I might offend health group mummies..

  7. need say organic la ...but sometimes we eat organic food but then the things we use to clean house can be harmful too.

  8. LouizYee, you are very entertaining! Look, I drank coffee since I was 4 years old and I survived into a normal, healthy (ok lah too healthy in the fat department) and well adjusted adult. I ate what my grandparents/parents ate - among others luncheon meat/sausages and what not. I find that some people go a bit overboard with (especially these days) feeding and dressing their kids. As long as we don't let them eat too much junk food, it's fine lah. No need to be paranoid :D

    1. Hi Phong Hong... Nice to meet you here.. I just stalked your blog and whoa, its a food cooking baking blog... my favorite thingy...shall check out your blog and leave some comments real soon :)

  9. You are definitely doing alright as a practical mummy! I often hear some mothers saying that her kids need to be exposed to some harsh realities and dirty food sometimes to build better immunity. It sounds logic to me!

    I like the comment of Phong Hong about drinking coffee!! I personally know a professor at University Malaya who drank lots of coffee everyday since he was in primary as his mother could not afford milk powder. He went on to receive the prestigious Fullbright Scholarship and studied until Phd in USA... What organic or milk powder, unheard of in his life!!!
