
Monday 18 November 2013

From Hero To Zero

I suddenly thought of someone, so I decided to write about him.

Someone's wife took control of his money starting this month. He will only have RM500/- a month, for 20 working days or; RM25/- per day. 

I asked him:
Me: So which option did you choose? RM500/- a month or you have to ask for RM25/- everyday?
Him: Up to me
Me: Cheh, still want to talk like you are so powerful like that. What about weekends?
Him: Weekends can claim how much I use, if I go out with friends

I don't know what's the reason, and I don't want to ask the reason behind this money-control thingy. He asked me not to tell others as he didn't want to let anyone know about this. 

If you are a guy, would you let your wife control you like that? And, if you are a lady, would you control your hubs this way? 

And let me warn you, if you do this to keep your hubby from straying or flirting, please, let me ASSURE you he will still have his own way of doing it even if you control his everything, even his life! If he likes that girl, that young sweet thing, then there's always a way - nomatter how you control him. 
*If there's a will, there's a way*  

He frankly told me he feels like a bird without wings now. But I prefer to call it ~ From Hero To Zero.


  1. probably there are some reasons behind why this "hero" suddenly was made into a "zero".. but then if this is going to happen to me, i will feel shy to tell the other lunch buddies lah, it's no big deal and i guess colleagues should be understanding.. rather be frank than to pretend right??

    1. oooopsss, i mean i will NOT feel shy to tell.. :p

    2. So SK, means you will let wifey control your money one izzit? Every month, your savings all give her, she manage everything for you, like pay your bills and all..Then balance what's left, she divide into 20 working days per month and give you RMxx per day..Wah, whoever reading this, I think they wana become your wife liao.. hahahahhaa

  2. you are asking a question but then you yourself didn't express your own view?? so would you control your hubby this way?? or rather you would cook breakfast and lunch for him and get him to bring to office everyday, then don't even have to give him any pocket money?? muahahaha :D

    1. Yes, this post, I wana see your views.. See people's views..

      Me ahh? I don't think I will implement this on the hubs la.. He is an adult, he should be able to control himself and know what's right or wrong...

      To be honest, if a person wana do something, nomatter how you control also he will his own ways to curi-curi do, don't you think?

  3. come to think about it RM25 is not too bad lah, but also depends where your office is and where you usually go for breakfast and lunch.. sometimes i think i spend too much also, maybe it's good to also limit myself to spend only RM500 per month huh?? haha~~ :D

    1. Office location near Oasis, Ara Damansara. Ok mou RM25?

      Breakfast mamak or kopitiam, RM8+
      Lunch noodles or chap farn, or dai chau, plus drink RM12+
      If kiu soong different story oohh, hehehe.. Or if that day, the lunch group wants to go to have Chilis in Citta Mall, different story...

  4. I conclude that his wife must be a tigress and he is just a mouse at home. She could be his past life's creditor that is seeking to control him now. Her idea is definitely not acceptable to me and I suspect there could be some other hidden truths behind between them.

    1. TM, I thought I am the only one. But no, I still have you.
      I have been controlling myself and try to mind my own business..
      BUT I still think:
      ~ He's a useless man with no say, until can let the wife control him like that..

      Sorry, call me a biatch, and yes, this is none of my business, too, hehe..

    2. Now what century oohh? Still got wife wana control hubby like that meh? Or should I say, still got hubby so dumb can let wife control until like this meh? The man no go out "tau sik" (curi makan) considered lucky liao..

      Oops, terlanjur cakap pulak... Sorry.. Later got karma, hehehehe...

  5. woi....why so many bunnies one.....u pregnant ka ? LOL Joking

    1. Adeh, got bunny is pregnant meh? I chose bunny stamper coz it's cute ma.. Got teddy bear also.. But I chose bunny coz cuter ma.. No, not pregnant.. Stop at 2 :)

      But I'm contemplating whether to have no. 3 or not, and tipu my hubby about my period and ovulation timing, wakakakaka...

    2. Bunnies = ho sang yong mah.

      Adeii...tak baik tipu lol

  6. I almost never cook at home and my average meals per day is less than RM25 per head, so the allocated sum for him is reasonable.

    I always look at our lives as just illusions everyday, so we need to be well prepared for the future after this life. Our time on earth is very short compared to the journey and time in the other dimensions. We can only carry our merits and karma with us, so we better do good deed everyday. By doing charity and prayers often, we will definitely have smoother journey in this life. ..... Why am I preaching so much here like a monk? Muahahahaha

    1. depends on how we spend la....

    2. Errr, it takes me some time to read his 2nd paragraph... Like not really un leh.. But I like his preaches, it shows that he reads my blog, and "yao sum" (got heart) wana comment, right?

  7. errr....we as 3rd party manyak susah mau comment oh...maybe he have reason for the wife to control the spending...oh well am sure it wont be strictly rm25 la...surely maybe if big expenditure the have to discuss before purchase leh.

    Now economy very hard leh.

    1. Yes, am sure he has his own "foo chung" (sorry, I'm a banana, so I don't know the pinyin for this word).. But I really agree with TM on this.. Whatever his reasons, why become until like this? He used to be the most generous guy in the office, a yes-man who says yes to everyone and everything and I really "yan seong" him one.. But now, suddenly tell me everyday minta RM25 from wife wor, wah, all the markah gone liao lor..

  8. anyway...let's be happy. You friend wanna be control or what it's is business....time for us to smile and get on with the day ...yay! school holiday is here. Time to enjoy. Other people's problem they can kau tim sendiri la.

    1. Yes, agree, mamarazzi...It's his business, but I blog about it coz I wana know you all punya views on this issue..Anyway, yay, school holidays, means less jam on the roads.. You should see the jam in front of Citta Mall everyday at 5.30pm. Can die. Let's see today the jam how...

  9. First and foremost, Louiz, how do you manage to look like a cute and sweet 15 year old? Seriously, when I first saw your profile photo, I thought you put your daughter's photo (some people put their kiddo's photo in their profile) and when I went through your blog I realize that is you! Anyway, back to your story, maybe got good reason - the hubby is not good at financial control and budgeting and spends all his money. He sounds like a generous guy so maybe the wife feels that he should not spend too much :) Have a great day and a good week ahead, Louiz!

    1. Hi Phong Hong, thank you for your compliment. I am 32 by the way.
      A lot of people comment I don't look like my age, I always smile and say thank you, haha. I still have wrinkles la, people just can't see it from far.

      I am stalking your blog by the way..

  10. I guess the amount should not be a matter. I would think is the thought. If husband can afford then give more. We as a wife must also understand his perspective.
