
Wednesday 20 November 2013

The 3 Botaks

The 3 botaks having dinner at Craving's @ Tesco Cheras because the hubs wants to try their popular "sang har mein". The last time we went, we saw almost every table with this, so we make it a point to try this time.

Kids eat free here, yay! Yeah, call me Aunty Kiasu, but I always look out for kids-eat-free restaurants when we dine out, heh. So it's always an advantage of bringing Baby G out too, so that we get 2 free kiddie's meal (but accompanied with 2 adult's meal la). 

Free kiddie's meals: Craving's fried rice and fish and chips (picture of the fish and chips not taken due to the kelam-kabut-ness on the dining table when all the food come together). Each kiddie meal is accompanied by 1 vitagen.

I ordered the famous crispy chicken chop burger (with mash instead of fries), and the hubs had "sang har mein".

*Oops, forgive me. I dress Kenzie boy in pink again. Well, at least Baby G is wearing a pastel violet romper, haha.

So, back to the post's title. Hubby went for his hair cut last week and he looked like a monk / military soldier when he came home. I was surprised to see his almost-bald head. Need some time to get used to his new look, haha. 

After he came back, he immediately took Kenzie boy out to the same shop to have his hair cut pulak. So both of them have the same hair style now. Baby G is still hairless now at 7 months. Ok, he has some strands of hair, but overall, we can still see his scalp, so, he is considered still botak. 

I so need to post this in my blog, coz I think all 3 of them look cute. Ok, not 3, but just 2, haha. Kenzie boy and Baby G look really cute and adorable, don't you think? Ok ok, I know, Baby G is wearing a pink romper again.


  1. errr, what "chi gik" you hubby has got that he suddenly went to get a skin head?? haha.. and then feeling not enough, he went home and brought Kenzie to have the same haircut.. i hope he doesn't do that one day to you~~ muahahahaha!! :D

    1. Wah, if he does that to me, you think I will let him? Better kill me than ask me go cut botak.. Then no more lenglui face oohh.. Opps, tak malu, kekeke..

      I asked him why he suddenly wanted to get that hair cut. He said "nothing akk, oi chin mai chin lo" (wana cut ma cut lor)... Like that wor..

  2. no lah, what's wrong with pink?? errr, unless you are really a sissy guy, then wearing pink will probably make you look like a Mak Nyah.. but if you are a macho man, i think wearing pink is somehow fashionable and also very "ying" woh.. the conclusion is, it's not about the clothes or color but the person wearing it.. we wear the clothes but not the clothes wearing us mah~~

    1. Yes, totally agree with you. If a macho and always well-dressed man wears pink, I think it makes him more yau yeng hor.. Oh, for Kenzie and Gavin, they are still small, and I can't help it but to buy pink clothes and dress them in pink wor.. I guess it's STILL alright hor.. I won't dress them in pink when they grow up la..

  3. wah, really very famous and delicious meh?? errr, from the photo just normal woh, or maybe they don't look that nice in the photo only but really taste good?? no comments on the "sang har mien" lah, but then your FAMOUS chicken chop burger, errr, a bit too skimpy right?? just the bun and the chicken and nothing else in the burger?? eih, my Ramly is better leh like that, muahahahaha :D

    1. Err, to be really honest, the sang har mein taste ok only.. RM19.90 for a plate.. Looks like any cantonese fried mee lor.. But since every table also ordered that one, we also kiasu wana try lor..

      My chicken chop burger looks normal, but taste wise, can la, not too bad.. A bit dry tho'. Yes, it has a big piece of chicken, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese hidden underneath.. I didn't open up the burger and take pictures, due to the kelam-kabut-ness.. You know la, with 2 rascals along, somemore got time wana take picture this that meh...

      Yeah, I saw your Ramly post... And yes, can't deny.. Ramly burger has been my favourite from young.. Even now. But the problem is, they only open at night, and I have to walk out to buy, malas lor, so I didn't eat for a long long time liao..

  4. Auntie Kiasu?? hahaha, if they offer kids eat for free, then why not?? if they have good business, i think they won't have this kind of marketing gimmick lah.. so indirectly, when we see kids eat for free and we patronize them, we are giving them business!! afterall they won't rugi also, this is win-win situation lah.. especially now everything also naik harga, and just recently whopping increase in the cukai pintu in KL.. no choice but we have to be Auntie and Uncle Kiasu lah~~

    1. I don't know about others, call me cheapo, but lastime, when Kenzie was still small, I don't order my share, coz I eat the kid's free share.

      My hubby will order 1 meal, then I will choose something from the kid's menu (konon for Kenzie) which I want to eat, then when the food comes, I will eat Kenzie's kid meal.

      As for Kenzie, I feed him with porridge and cereals which I brought from home.. Then I "harn farn" 1 meal, hahahaha..Samrt mou?

      But can't do it now coz Kenzie can eat outside food liao, won't "hau" my home-made porridge/cereal liao..

  5. The food at Cravings are nice but not cheap! I won't go there again. Your Big Botak man is rich, so no problem lah. I noticed it has become a trend for young and old men to go bald. I will do so when I have retired and living on savings. It would be cheap to be hairless and can adapt to the global warming - So Cool.

    1. Oh, so you been to Cravings too? Also at Tesco Cheras branch ahh?
      Yeah, not very cheap, but not many choice at Tesco lor.. Hou kor mou...

      Eh, cheap to be hairless? No hair also you need to use shampoo what.. But lesser amount only.. Then when the hair grows back, still need to spend money go shave it again what...

      Currently you spend a lot maintaining your hair meh?

      Eh, but I think think hor, I think yes.. I need "mm siew chin" (not less money) also to maintain my hair every (two) months..
      Every 2 months, I need to:
      1) Touch up my roots (to cover my grey hair) or
      2) Color the whole head (if too much greys and I behtahan)
      3) Do treatment / steam
      4) Cut and "zhap zhap" a bit
      A few hundred bucks gone.

      Then, every 6 months or so (if I can drag), rebonding. Wah... not cheap also..

      So, errr, yes, agree with you... But girls cannot shave bald rite? So how?

    2. I went to Cravings at 1-U. Ladies can go bald and wear wigs to functions. Do you know that Tun M's wife wear wigs everyday? It is more costly for ladies to look their best compared to men.

      When I am bald, I can use razor to shave them like how we shave our beard daily.

  6. Your older baby looks like Papa and small baby looks like Mama. Both babies are cute! You should go to the photo studios for professional shoots. I saw some albums of relatives and the way they posed were fantastic and great!!

    1. The hubs is not a fan for all these photo shooting at studio thingy... Orang kuno!

    2. When there's a will there's always a way!!! Remember my motto to "Control The Situations & Not Let Situations Control You"..

      Tell him you will go alone with the 2 kids for studio shoot without him!! See how he reacts??

  7. nothing wrong with boys wearing pink. my boy has few pink shirts.

    The noodles sure look yummy. I like this kind of serving.

    1. My mum always nags me when she sees me dress them in pink.
      She will say "Later they become zha bo hing (sissy in hokkien)".. Hehe..

      The noodles taste ok. Not attractive I know, looks like any other Cantonese mein.. But you will see every table ordering this when you go there. So it is a must-try, but pricey tho'.. RM19.90 for a plate...

  8. Cheras ah...too far for me kiasu too :p

    1. Yeah, my parent's place in Cheras ma.. Grew up there.. Only go back there during weekends..

  9. Your three botak so darn cute la.. :)

    1. Really ahh? But I feel actually only 2 botaks cute, hehehe..

  10. Later I hv to google c if gitvbr ir not. I kiasu too

    1. You mean google Cravings? Yeah, since you like to jalan jalan makan makan, maybe should checkout this place too. Lots of branch.

  11. Hee..hee...the 2 small botaks are so cute! My partner also likes to cut his hair until so, so short. I prefer him with longer hair but he says that his head feels lighter and not so ganggu. So, Louiz you prefer hubby with botak head or more hair?

    1. Hi Phong Hong, was waiting for new food post from you..
      Honestly, I prefer him with some hair.. Still not very used to his head right now.. Still looks like a weirdo to me, gawd, am I bad? Tee hee...
