
Monday 25 November 2013

Short "Jail Break"

Finally I can post something on shopping and eating out. Ever since having baby G, I have been staying at home on most weekends and public holidays. With two kids around, it's hard to go shopping, let alone eating out. When we need to buy groceries and house stuffs, one will stay at home and take care of the kids, while the other goes out (and shops in peace). In my case, I'm the one staying in.

Anyway, one fine weekend, my mum offered to (try) and takecare of the two kids and asked us to go dating. 

Went to Ikea, bought a sofa cover, bathroom mat, baby chair tray, some Swedish meatballs, chocolates and some house goodies at Ikea, but forgot to take any pictures because the hubs took the loot back to the car before we crossed over to Ikano for lunch. 

Anyway, here's my little loot from Daiso, Ikano ~ a cute flower mug, kitchen sponge, dust cleaner for clothes and two washing nets (I could have bought more, because once I enter Daiso, there's no coming out, I would be trapped inside for hours).

Then, lunch in Bubba Gump restaurant. 
We ordered a plate of clam chowder soup & Cajun chicken strips with Bleu cheese dipping for appetizer.

Hubs had the Cajun grilled chicken, and I had the burger with onion rings and mash (instead of fries).

Overall, it was a fruitful outing. Managed to buy things for the house, had a good short date and a nice lunch. Think I should do this more often and take more advantage of my parents.


  1. hehe, everything also nice if doing it moderately bored if done too often.. i think if ask you to ditch your kids with your parents so that you can go "pak toh" with your hubby like every weekend for a few months, what do you think?? :p

    1. Talking about this, I have been having sleepless nights coz Kenzie will be staying over at my parents' starting this Dec, and we only get to send him back with us every weekend. Then back to my parents' on Sunday evening.

      Mm kuan lor, like wana cry leh thinking of it..If just for a few hours during the weekend, I am ok la. But long term only can see him every weekend only, I think I "mm seh tak" lor..


  2. why only your hubby gotta go out for the groceries while you stay at home?? i thought this one should also take turns lah, you and your hubby go for groceries on alternative time so that the other one stays at home with the kids.. but i think couple of years later, it's quite okay to bring the kids out along already lah.. just hang on there :)

    1. Yep, waiting for the kids to grow a lil' bigger, then easier to bring both out.. We still bring both out occasionally, but it has to be fast lor.. Either shop, or eat. Choose one. Cannot both shop and eat, coz Kenzie boy will be restless and become a nuisance after half an hour...

  3. hehehe, so nice got a car boot full of the loots you conquer from shopping?? errr, Daiso!! haha, i actually like going to Daiso, there are so many creative things to see and thinking that each item is only RM5, you will always end up spending a lot more than you would expect.. one item RM5 but then usually you sapu a few things and end up accumulated quite a lot huh?? so it's dangerous to go there~~ :D

    1. Yep, give me 5! Once I get in, I can't get out. I will be stucked inside for hours. But I tend to control la. Haha, I am laughing, "dangerous" to go there, yeah, I so agree with you.

      Before going inside, you already plan what to buy, like some house stuffs maybe.. Then once you are inside, wahlao, you will be hooked on the cute mugs la, food containers, macam macam stuffs, those "koo ling jing guai" stuff, kan?

  4. oh, nice food there!! actually i very ulu, i have NOT been to Bubba Gump before lor.. errr, i mean haven't dine in there before, passed by of course got lah, haha!! smart choice to substitute the fries with the mash potatoes, they indeed looks nice woh.. :)

    1. Oh yeah, I always replace my fries with mash whenever I eat stuffs with fries (like burgers, etc). So if that meal comes with fries, I will replace with mash lor.. I have a fetish for mash.. If I see mash, I'll go crazy, hahaha, sort of..

      Remember my crispy chicken chop burger from Cravings? I replace the fries with mash too.

      You won't see me having fries if I dine outside. It's always either mash or baked potatoes.

  5. You should sing the Queen's old song - I want to Break Free!! It suits your much needed freedom so well. Well, parenting is all about one's choice & sacrificing your life to give the best care to the kids. When they are bigger, you should be more free and easy to manage.

    1. Yeah, couldn't agree more. Was thinking to sacrifice and resign from my current job, and find something nearer to home.. So that I can fetch my kids and don't have to depend on my parents.. I don't want my mum to raise Kenzie her way. Still thinking..

      God, please show me a way...

    2. You are very wise to think that way and should quit your job right away even for lesser pay. Your kids will benefit a lifetime with the attention you could give them now and you won't regret at all. Many mat salleh mothers quit their jobs and only returned to work after their kids were like grown ups. Many took part time jobs which is not so common in KL where they have flexi-hour punch cards in Europe. When your kids reach Std 1, you can work again cos you are still very young.

      Did God ask me to show you this way?....

    3. Wah, when I was reading your comment, I was really thinking hard leh.. Maybe God really bring you to me wor.. Wait, did I just say "bring you to me"... Sounds like flirting.. Anyway....

      Are you a rabbit? I mean your chinese zodiac.. Coz according to Lilian Too, rabbit is my "secret friend" and this rabbit may appear out of nowhere out of a sudden to help me when I am in need.. Could it be you, TM? Are you the one? Hello, hello ?????

    4. By the way, I am not young. I only look young. When my kid reaches std 1, I will be in my 40's.

    5. Show way not enuff... Need to show the job also.. Looking for one is the hardest part..

  6. So you had a shopping blast at the Curve's area. You could shop and shop so much before feasting on a good meal. I also like to hang inside Daiso or those One Price Stores which are abundant in Japan.

    1. Like SK said, Daiso is a dangerous place to shop. Once you enter, you can't get out with your hands empty.. Haha..

    2. Muahahahaha... You know our SK is like an old aunty!!!

  7. Louiz, I love to go to Daiso! Can spend hours there and end up buying lots of stuff. Once in a while it is good for you and hubby to have an outing together. I must try Bubba Gump one day :)
