
Monday 23 December 2013

Ho Ho Ho Outing

Occasion: Christmas ~ My favorite season of the year :)

Took the kids out to let them "feel" Christmas. Ho Ho Ho!

First, a carousel ride. The ride was moving, so forgive me for the blurry picture. Oh, it was RM6 per ride, not cheap.

While waiting for the hubs and Kenzie boy to finish the ride, I took a picture with baby G who could only sit in his stroller and watch, poor thing.

Kenzie boy always talks about Christmas trees at home, but when we finally saw one, he ignored and walked away. I dragged him back and forced him to take a picture. Look at his reluctant face.

Next, we went to have lunch at Pasta Zanmai. Kenzie boy loves anything spaghetti or anything creamy with white sauce. So, Pasta Zanmai we went.

Chicken cream sauce pasta for me, beef pasta for the hubs (picture not taken), mini mushroom pasta for Kenzie boy and there was also a mini cheesy-ham-tomato pizza. Oh, wait, there was a potato salad and a potato cream soup too, but picture not taken due to the kelam-kabut-ness when the food all came together. Managed to just snap what's below.

Kenzie boy glued to the tablet, while baby G chewing on a zucchini (from the potato salad), and later he chewed on a brocolli (from the potato cream soup) and also on some spaghetti strands. So mummy & daddy could eat in peace and it lasted for about 10 minutes.

Did not buy anything. Went home straight after lunch because the kids got restless and started their nuisance-act. Ahh, but better than not going out at all right?


  1. Hi Louize,

    Stumbled into your blog via Phong Hong's... Ops! Hope that you don't mind that I'm nosey here to check out your Christmas outing :p

    Your boys look like they enjoyed their delicious lunch... Yum!


    1. Hello Zoe, good to see you here.. Welcome to my humble blog.. I like blog-hopping too, I hop to blog rolls of the bloggers around here.. Will go checkout your blog too :)

  2. ho ho ho!! and yes you are right, i think christmas is the favorite festive to many people huh?? i think though many don't really celebrate (as in religious reasons) but i think everyone does do something on christmas.. it's a festive of joy and sharing, i like too~~ :)

    1. Yep, totally agree with you.. I don't celebrate the occasion (like going to church or countdown Xmas at 12am midnite with friends in Bintang Walk), but I like seeing the decorations and looking at all things Christmas as they are so joyous and colourful.

  3. errr, this one is 1U or MV?? errr, cannot remember lah, so many shopping malls with similar decorations, and both also have Pasta Zanmai with them hahaha!! aiyoh, you didn't get the chance to ride the carousel?? i thought you always take turns with your hubby to take care of the kids?? maybe each can hope in and out of the carousel and ride for a minute each lah - provided you were not scolded by the guard!! :D

    1. Eh, after I read your komen only I realized I didn't state where I went, haha.. It's at Sunway Pyramid la.. Yeah, mostly all shopping malls have carousel rides and similiar Christmassy deco hor, kekeke..

      Eh, call me kiamsap.. RM6 per ride leh.. if take turns and I pulak ride afterwards, ma gone another RM6? How to hop out and faster hop in again wor, the thing is moving ler, hehe..

    2. Wah rm6 mahal la. Mv rm5 I already sakit gigi. .must follow stp say no thank you lol.

  4. both boys also didn't look excited woh, they are under the weather ah?? or maybe you brought them to somewhere else with more fun and games, they would probably become more excited lor.. or they always like to act cool in front of camera?? haha~~ :p

    1. The big one was not excited during the carousel ride, look at his "worried" face.. Like very scared like dat, kan?

      The small one pulak, probably didn't know what was going on, so he showed no interest in anything lor..

      But during meal times, ok wor, both kinda happy.. The big one glued to his tablet, while the small one chewed on almost anything, including licking the baby chair..

  5. Pasta Zanmai!! i like this place lor.. i remember once when they just landed in KL i almost went there to makan every weekend, haha!! love their fusion spaghetti and also the pizza, as well as the curry rice and garlic CHAO FAN!!! aiyoh, so nice lah, talk talk har i also feel like eating leh~~

    1. Oh, so your favourite are spaghetti, pizza, curry rice and garlic fried rice huh?
      My favourite would be the potato salad and the cream sauce spaghetti (with egg yolk and mushroom).. I really love their cream sauce spaghetti..

      Wah, talk talk har, you also feel like eating ahh? Go, go, faster go and eat, then blog about it lah, hahaha..

      Everytime, after Pasta Zanmai, I sure go next door to Shojikiya (they are always next door to each other everywhere, yes?) to buy their green tea+red bean ice cream (for myself) and Panda biscuits (for the kid).. I love their green tea+red bean ice cream, usually the one with the fish-shaped ice cream..

  6. yalah, so "nan duck" you one whole family can go out together.. and not only either one of you out, and the other stayed at home taking care of the two boys.. albeit just a short one in a nearby shopping mall, call this a nice family outing!! :)

    1. Correct, not all the time la I have this chance (gosh, I talk like I live in a prison).. So got chance to go out, sure go lah, hehehe... Just a short trip also "houkormou" lor..

  7. Hello! Hello! This mama is always wearing her big signature ribbon on the head! LOL

    1. Hello TM, you are back! Yep, you are right! Feel like kissing you already, you are really observant.. That's my trademark, my big colourful cutie ribbon clips, kekeke..

  8. Your sons are so cute and you even dragged one back to take photos. Kids are fickle minded like the weather sometimes. Their mood and tantrums can change about any minute. I have not visited Sunway Pyramid for a long time now. Need to go and see their Christmas decorations!

    1. Eh, if you wana see Christmas decorations, I suggest you go to Pavillion la.. I think more "in" and happening there.. But Pavillion is too far for us to go, and a bit "chap" there.. But for you, no issue la.. Can just grab your wallet and car keys, and just go!

  9. RM6 per ride is definitely not cheap but their setting up costs is even higher!! As long as the kids are happy and shiok, then it is worth the happiness.

    1. Aiyoh, I kiamsap ma.. To me, RM6 very mahal lor.. But after reading your komen, then I think back, yes, I agree with you.. The setting up costs is more high.. And not many ppl ride in it.. Yeah, as long as the kids are happy, then I am happy la..

  10. Hi Louiz! Merry Christmas! Nice family outing. Your two boys are very cute :) The Pasta Zanmai food looks nice. I haven't been there before. I also like pasta but right now trying to lose some weight before CNY. Can't have my tummy bulging in my new clothes. LOL!

    1. I gave up losing weight ever since having baby G.
      Can you imagine, no eat also can get fat, keke..
      I tried starving for a few days surviving on just milo (and nestum), no difference.
      And I don't exercise. So, I gave up.
