
Thursday 26 December 2013

Just A Simple One

We had a very simple Christmas this year. No fancy food, no hotel buffets, no fine dining, no candle-light dinner, no celebration. Frankly, it was just another day.

While everybody was busy facebooking and posting pictures of where they went and what they ate on Christmas day, we just stayed home and I cooked a very simple dinner. Well, home-cooked food is still the best (sour grapes, heh).

We went for grocery shopping in the morning and planned to have a nice lunch in a nice restaurant after that, but the outing only lasted for less than one hour! I think you could guess why. Nothing to do with baby G. He was a good boy, sitting quietly in his stroller, observing and exploring his surrounding. It was Kenzie boy (who else?). He was still ok when we entered the mall. Halfway through shopping, he made tantrums, shouting and screaming while holding on to his toys (which I purposely bought on the spot to make him quiet, but obviously that did not work). He requested to walk when we put him inside the trolley. When we carried him out to let him walk, he requested to be seated in the trolley again. When we put him back inside the trolley, he requested to walk (again). And when he was walking halfway (reluctantly), he would sit on the floor, refusing to get up, and we had to drag him up and he would scream again. Along the way, he picked up rubbish from the floor and put into his mouth! Oh, just kill me! 

1 baby, 1 cranky toddler who keeps screaming and picking up stuffs from the floor to eat, 2 adults, 1 stroller, 1 trolley. Lots of groceries. You imagine.

Home we went after 45 minutes.    

Ok, change subject. 

For dinner, I made a simple cheesy baked rice with pork using just 4 ingredients: Pork, mushroom, onions and a can of cream of mushroom.

Pork marinated with soy sauce, pepper and Lea & Perrin's

Fried everything together with (cooked) rice, and I garnished with tomatoes.

I then boiled a can of cream of mushroom and added more oyster mushrooms.

I poured the soup on top of the rice, then topped with a few slices of cheddar cheese and baked for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees (I don't have mozzarella, so these shall have to to)

Ta-daa, my simple porky cheesy baked rice for Christmas dinner.


  1. mine also just a normal day lah, not christmas at all it just felt like a normal sunday maybe.. errr, old already lor, not going to any christmas party or go makan big christmas feast already..

    1. aiyoh, what happened to Kenzie?? so naughty, PMS ah?? muahahaha, i mean pre-mandom syndrome, muahahaha, what am i talking about, so nonsense, but nonsense is me mah.. kekekeke!! but if really like that ah, this boy sure kena kaw-kaw from me lah, only the daddy and mommy were so patient with him only..

    2. once is okay twice is still fine, but come the third time, it's over my boiling point and i cannot accept that already lah.. somemore want to shout and cry and sit on the floor ah?? tsk tsk tsk, i beh tahan like that sure i will get mad already.. sorry ah, i know that's your boy and you have your own way of bringing him up lah..

    3. muahahaha, again showing off your "one pot cook all" skills in the kitchen!! so simple right?? just dump everything together and cook, fuyoh, so you just need like 20 minutes to get this done?? how nice, actually now i wonder, every time you tell your hubby that you need to cook and get him to take care of the kids for an hour.. so are you always taking like 20 minutes to cook, while the rest of the 40 minutes or so, surf net or blog hopping using your phone/pad??? kekekekeke~~ :p

    4. Eh, you are same with me la.. I thought parents nowadays very "precious" to even scold their kids..

      Me ahh? I gave him my killer stare, and he was quiet for a few minutes.. My killer stare usually worked a bit.. But it wont last long..

      The hubs pulak would not give killer stares or what-not, he would straight away say "GO BACK" ... So, back we went lor.. Potong stim !

    5. Eh, cry and scream and sit on the floor nevermind.. This one pickup stuffs from the floor and eat leh !! Oh, just kill me! I never teach him that, entah mana he learnt that from.. Haiz...

    6. Haha, yes, a'ahh, showing off my 1-pot rice.. Aiyah, I'm not a professional cook la.. Everything I cook is simple only la (if you observe enuff)..

      Oh, the cheesy baked rice needed about 45 minutes to finish la.. Marinate the meat, chop stuffs, fry fry, took 30 minutes already... Then need to cook rice, and fry the rice leh.. Then decorate with tomatoes leh.. Then need to boil the cream soup leh.. Mix mix, put cheese, bake, etc, I think total need 45-50 minutes...Plus dilly-dallying and all leh..

      Ooohh, I always tell my hubby to help jaga both for a while, I "yau yeh chou" (got something to do), then I purposely do slow slow la.. Like hanging clothes, washing clothes, wash plates, etc.. I do slow slow, "sun bin" relax la.. hehehe.. Buy time ma.. Or "steal" time? kekekeke..

    7. wah, killer stare but only last for few minutes ah?? like that no good enough leh, you must "gar dor leong chin yoke gan" baru they will scared you lah.. but then how, your hubby one sentence "GO BACK" then what also no use lah, hahaha!! :D

  2. Wah! Wah! What a big drama your son could put up. Next time bring a rotan along and scare him for spoiling your grocery shopping and lunch plans. Kids are quite naughty sometimes for no apparent reasons. Thank god, I sleep well at night with no screaming kids. My friends and relatives loved to throw their babies for me to baby sit when they surrender at their noisy kids. I will chubit the baby's buttocks until they shaddup! Muahahahaha

    1. Eh, the more you cubit their buttocks, the more they cry ma, no? How can they shaddap instantly? They can shaddap instantly if parents buy buy for them on the spot, but mine didn't work leh.. I bought a toy truck for him and it could only keep him quiet for about 10 minutes only..

  3. Where did you get that recipe from? Sounds so easy and delicious like those from the Wongkok Chan Char Teng's menu. I always ordered those baked cheesy rice stuffs. So yummy!
    You so pandai to always post same time as SK!!! You 2 pakat to post together?

    1. Eh, I where got pakat same time post with him jek? Kam ngam only kua.. I realize his posting time is around 8am.. I also post around this time coz I baru sampai office, can edit and "chap chap har" before I click the "publish" button ma..

    2. I check from Mr. Google the recipe, and then modified here and there, depending on what I have in the fridge lor.. Original recipe is whatever leftover cold chicken or roast chicken you have in the fridge, with mixed peas.. But I have neither.. So I substituted with pork and added tomatoes lor...

  4. I was so bloody tired after my China trip as my friend & his whole family flew into KL just hours after I touched down. They stayed with me and I had to entertain them all day till last night. Phew! I slept like a Christmas Log cake last night.

    1. Wah, they hou yi si come disturb you after you touched down ahh? Somemore stayed with you timm.. Sure you damn tired lor, but no choice, still have to entertain them whole day, bring them here there..

      Wah, if me, I behtahan oohh.. Need to unpack, wash bedsheet, change bedsheet, vacumn, etc.. After a week not in wor.. Wah, still need to entertain guest somemore, I boh syiok ahh..

  5. Home cooked dinner is the best. I also dont fancy those hotel buffet because there are expensive and not worth it as we couldnt eat that much.

    1. I used to fancy and naik gila over hotel buffets, but over the time, I guess my metabolism slowed down. No eat also will become fat, haha, so we seldom eat at hotel buffet liao lor..

  6. Aiyo Louiz, very susah when kid throw tantrum. Your Kenzie very "kau lat" hor? I wonder why kids do that. One time I saw this lady at 1-U, pregnant, one arm carrying a small girl, the other hand holding on to her screaming son. Apparently the boy-boy wanted to follow his father but he is supposed to follow his mum. He betul-betul scream at the top of his lungs. His mum got no choice but to drag him. As he was being dragged, he scream and shout. Some more jumping up and down. I really beh tahan. Walk faster and quickly go into the supermarket. Haiz...

    Eh, your cheesy baked rice looks so simple to put together. Seriously I haven't eaten baked rice because I am scared of cheese generally. Cannot tahan the smell. Cheddar cheese in sandwiches, omelette and mozzarella in pizza ok. Other than that, very takut. Hope you had a nice weekend. Oh ya, your Kenzie boy starting kindy in a few more days huh?

    1. Those signature cheese-baked rice which you can get from Wongkok Char Chan Teng or KimGary uses mozzarela (I think).. I didn't have any, so I used cheddar... If you don't like cheese in rice, I think you can omit the cheese, coz afterall, we only put it on top to bake and let it melt (to look nice, I think)..

      Oh yes, Kenzie boy started kindy yesterday... You very "yau sum" to remember, hehe.. Thank god he could adapt, and didn't shed a tear.. He enjoyed himself very much there and made new friends :)

  7. Christmas ah...where we go ah...sei for....can't think..these few days like kilat la. Gotta check camera pic baru will know pigi mana
