
Thursday 9 January 2014


Million is my parents' dog. A miniature poodle. Million has been with us for the past 11 years. In dog years, he is already 77 years old, older than my dad. Mum says Million has arthritis now and could not jump or run as fast as he used to. He used to jump on top of the couch to rest (yes, his sleeping place is on the couch), but nowadays, he could not jump onto it anymore. So he whines, and my mum would carry him up to the couch. Poor thing. His eye sight is getting bad too, as he has cataract on both eyes. My parents treat Million as their son and when Million has pee-ed or poo-ed, mum would say to dad, "Your son has poo-ed". But Million's appetite is still good tho' and is still eating a lot.

Some pictures which I find funny and cute:
1) The dog watches over baby G or baby G watches over the dog?

2) The dog keeps an eye not to let baby G near grandpa's hot bowl of curry-mee or the dog also wants a sip of grandpa's curry mee soup?


  1. wah, so this post is all about the BROTHER of Princess Ribbon?? haha, why called him Million?? call him Trillion lah, now all barang also naik, million also not enough already, hahaha!! sorry ah, early morning telling you so much nonsense, aiyah, that's me mah~~ :D

    1. wow, an 11-year-old dog!! very old already, i remember my dog passed away when he was 17 year-old, so that was how many years old converted to a human's age?? but Million the brother of Princess Ribbon still looks young and quite active woh.. at least not like die snake rotten eel like that only lies down, but does hang around Baby G mah..

    2. i think Baby G is a good companion to Million, and Million a good companion to Baby G, they each make good companion to each other (muahahaha, actually the last sentence can already lah, aje-aje want to lengthen the comment).. both also watching the other, and both also sama-sama go and manja your dad for that bowl of curry noodles lor..

    3. Eh, I like nonsense, it's ok, haha. I like to read nonsense, post nonsense, comment nonsense, etc. I am ok with nonsense, coz I am sometimes nonsense too :)

      17 years? Biar betul.. 17 x 7 = 119 years old in human world !!
      So did you cry and sulk like a girl when your dog passed away? What dog is that?
      Gosh, feel sad already as I am typing it.

      Yeah, everytime your hand is holding some food or something, the dog will come looking for you already. There was once my mum asked out loud to us "You want or not to eat now?".. Before we could answer, the dog already ran at top speed to the kitchen.. See, the wrong "person" answers, she said :)

    4. LOL...clever dog ma...manyak seng muk leh

  2. This dog is really very friendly type and quite handsome too. My friend's mum had this dog for almost 20 years too until had to be put to sleep as it had too much decays inside the body. The dog could understand every single word my friend's mum talked to her. I was quite surprised by its human-like brains and interests too like going shopping and kai-kai, the tail would wag happily..

    1. OMG, SK's dog 17 years also already I feel so cheong-meang liao, your friend's mum's dog lagi cheong-meang, 20 years, man ! Means 20 x 7 = 140 years old in human age!
      Eh, very sad la when you mentioned about the decays in the body. I would have done the same and put the dog to sleep instead of letting him suffer, but I know it's easy to say, but very very hard to do one la..

      Eh, really, dogs are very intelligent one.. They know how to listen to many words.. Million knows almost everything that we talk about..

    2. wah...i thought dog usually around 14-15 years old only...tak sangka can be so long life

  3. When the vet advised my friend's mum to put it to sleep instead than allowing it to suffer in pain with maggots coming out of its body, she protested.. The mum told the dog for many days that she was sorry that she had to put it to sleep soon. The dog just cried with tears everyday. The final day was like a funeral in the house, the family members had to drag the old mum away to allow the vet to bring it away. The dog??? She always whined mournfully too.... Sobs!

    1. Oh dear, I feel sad also la after reading what you typed.. Imagine the dog whined, and he actually understood what was going on.

      You know, I easily cry when I watch movies with animals in it.. Like Hachiko.. You watched (or heard about) Hachiko before?

      I think you will cry like a bimbo after you watch it.. I dare you to.

  4. I never want to keep pets as I might cry buckets if they die. I sound like a wimp but even Arnold with muscles would cry lah. Muahahahahaha

    My wife used to suggest keeping small dogs but I protested with the same reasons above. So she kept fishes instead and when they died, she cried behind the door when I had to scoop out and bury a small gold fish for her!!!!! Wakakakakakaka

    Now my wife understands me better. Kikikikikikiki...

    1. Yes, you are smart enough not to rare furry animals, like rabbits, hamsters, cats or dogs. Because if they pass away, you will cry coz you have feelings for them. Everyday sayang them, take them for walks, etc.

      Those without fur (to me) I got less kam-ching la.. Like fishes, turtles.. hehe.. Coz I cannot take them out to sayang, etc... Kekekeke..

  5. Louiz, Million the doggie is so cute! Love the photo with Baby G. I think both also want grandpa's curry mee hee..hee...Dogs are very affectionate and loyal. We can get very emotionally attached to them (and likewise) and when they is very sad! When my pet dog died when I was a teenager, I cried buckets and I felt like my heart just exploded to a million pieces. Since then, I did not want anymore dogs. Too heartbreaking and I am a very emotional person.

    1. Yeah, I guess it happens to everyone who rares pets. Once they pass away, the feeling will be very sad and it takes days, even weeks to recover. Altho' I'm not staying with my parents anymore (have moved out since I got married in 2009), I still miss Million now & then :)

  6. Million is a cute family dog. I am sure everyone loves him.

    1. Yep, everyone in the house loves him to bits, and they treat him like a human. They talk to him in human languages too. Scold him like scolding a kid, even gossip about him, haha..

  7. So cute la Million. old jor...another 3 more years wor...

    1. Me also wan cuyrry mee leh....can moe? So tempting leh
