
Monday 10 February 2014


Last week, I had the most expensive lunch (in a food court) of my life! RM14 for a plate of braised chicken rice (lou gai farn). 

If you know me, you would already know I'm working in Ara Damansara, and the nearest place we always go for lunch would be Oasis and any areas nearby. So we went to this food court DoReMi (which is our regular lunch place) but that day was the first time I tried their lou gai farn.

I asked for a plate of lou gai farn with additional oink oink intestines and an egg. When the waiter came and asked for RM14, I was stoned for like 2 seconds.

Is it only me or you had a shock too?


  1. CNY ma, so everything goes up too I guess?

    1. I guess so. But I think I won't patronize this stall again even after CNY, keke..

  2. aiyoh, food court sure very expensive now dei.. sometimes i also don't feel like going to food court, first the things are overpriced, second the food are not that nice, third most of them already manned by foreign workers and lacks the very authenticity of the flavors.. sorry ah, if i sounded like discriminating the foreigners, but i don't mean that lah, i am just talking in terms of the food.. :)

    1. RM14 for your braised chicken rice.. errr, i think about the same price in restaurants right?? and if you go eat at roadside stalls or inside kopitiam i think like half the price lah.. and of course lah, you tambah so many things!! fuyoh, sure can eat hor?? intestines and egg, i think those additional cost you like at least RM5?? for me okay lah, cos i don't eat intestines, probably will add an egg, maybe RM10 like that?? maybe the breakdown is like that lah

      braised chicken rice: RM8
      intestines: RM4
      egg: RM2

    2. wah, did you order any drinks?? actually i find drinks are very more over the board lor.. the cost of a drink probably less than RM1 but then can be sold like RM7 which is sometimes even more expensive than the food itself.. so many times i really "mmm seh duk" to buy drinks in food court lor.. rather go and buy my own can of drinks from supermarket and then bring up, or maybe after makan go supermarket to buy a can of drinks if i am very thirsty lah.. now even in kopitiam i also only order chinese tea only, that one 50-60sen still acceptable to me lor..

    3. I agree with you on most points. Yes, most of the stalls in the food court are managed by foreign workers already. I guess the boss just teach them a few times, then they handle themselves already.

      RM14 for a plate of chicken rice, if it's in a restaurant (with aorcond), still acceptable wor.. But this is food court only wor, no aircond one, open area somemore leh.. Ya meh, I tambah many things meh? Actually I wanted to tambah more things timmm, but lucky I didn't, if not, I think the price would hike up to RM20 per plate! I saw mui-choy pork, taufu, "suin-lat-choy (choy keok) and a few more timm.. Wah, lucky I tekan handbrake leh..

      I don't drink chinese tea when I eat out. Mostly I will order "leong sui". But now how, the "leong sui" taste like water. They add a lot of water (and sugar) and made it "thin" liao.. Maybe next time I should consider like you, order chinese tea, hehe..

  3. Oh yes, like SK said all the food courts are not cheap esp in the malls. You must go to Ah pek kopi tiam for cheaper food without air con. I went to the food courts at One Utama and Mid Valley but made sure my food would be under RM10.00 to make them worthwhile.

    RM14.00 for your chicken rice was a bit chocking to me! I would avoid the intestines as I had seen some dirt lining the intestine walls before. Bluek!

    1. This one not in the mall leh. If it's in the mall like Midvalley (or even Jaya Jusco), I don't mind. But this one is the normal open-area food court, like Payathin food court. You heard of Payathin?

      TM, if you know me, I like internal organs.. I love livers, kidneys, stomach, ears, tongues (wait, did I just mention ears & tongues?).. It's called "lou mei" in Cantonese, but then again, I know you dont know Cantonese. Sorry I don't know what's "lou mei" called in Hokkien, keke..

    2. Yeerrrr you make my hair stand all over!!! Usually some old aunties only eat intestines and organs like chicken back sides until their mouth also vibrate like chicken backsides non stop!!! Wakakakaka

  4. Yesterday I just treated an old friend to lunch at The Han Room at MV after waiting for almost 1.5 hours! The bill came to RM234.00 for 4 persons! I was stoned too and paid the bill with a senget smile. Well, the food was delicious and the service was like servants serving the Han Emperors and his Princes. The rentals are so damn high in the malls, so the menus are exaggerated too! If their rental is RM50,000 a month, they have to make so much profit daily to cover the overheads!

    1. I have heard of the Han Room. Eh, that's a pricey place to dine leh, but I heard the food is good. Aiya, kira ok la, one person RM50+ in Midvalley wor.. Like you said, their rental is very high, but I don't know how much la, could be RM50k like you said. So your friend got pretend wana take out wallet and say they pay the bill mou? Hehe..

    2. I took so long to catch up with my old hometown friend again and offered to treat him a memorable CNY meal. He is the most famous handicapped blogger who champions for all the disabled in Malaysia and used to make so much noise until the former Cow-Minister had to layan him baik baik. This is his blog link

  5. Cny! That is their excuse in price hike. Haha. I am more cautious. Will ask for price before order. Lol.

    1. Yep, learnt my lesson and will not kena "potong" liao, will be smarter the next time round :)

  6. Prices always hike up during CNY. I prefer to eat home-cooked food during the festive season.

    1. During the CNY holidays, we ate at my in law's place almost everyday. But after I started work on cho6, we started going out for lunch only lor.. But dinner time, we still cook lor, no eating out, unless it's in a restaurant with fixed-and-firm price.

  7. That is really too much! I think in future better ask for the price first or else these people will take advantage. I wonder how much it cost if only with chicken. But was it good? Or too shocked until cannot taste? If sedap, then maybe kena sting one time at least you got something out of it.

    1. You were so right, not shocked but I was too "no mood" to taste whether it was nice or not.. Just wanted to gulp down everything as fast as I can and leave the place, and be done with it!

  8. But then even if you ask for the price, takkan you want to cancel your order after knowing how much, right? Shy la. Never mind, one time business and treat yourself once in a while. After this, eat roti for lunch for a week:))

    Oh hi! A bit rude of me to just barge in. Enjoy reading your posts:))

    1. Elo Shereen, nice to see you here..
      Ya lor, cannot cancel order, coz the waiter already brought to my place.. I ordered from individual food stalls, so the food could not be cancelled (even if I wanted to, heh)..

  9. Manyak mahal oh......though the intestines looks yummy. Really eat gold meh.

    1. Hubs like to eat lou ngap farn but so far tarsk thus mahal la. Eh pj hv one very nicr punya. Near Sam U restaurant.

    2. Lagi ada apa sedap in oasis ah? Been there only once. Had arab farn. Haiz....yet to post up ..sei ng sei....tu la ..Dec cuti too long. Now sooo many backlog post. Wait fir me post up duno d restaurant still exist moe

    3. Ooohh, I know the Arab restaurant in Oasis.. There is set lunch right? Mostly kebab and lamb, if you like to "sou" taste la.. Not cheap also right, about RM25+ per person per set including drinks if I can still remember..

      Oasis got some burger restaurants which I like.. There is Bad Boy, Burger Factory.. Both also I went before, ok jugak.. Then there's Secret Recipe, Tapper's.. Can la overall..

    4. Cont's...yesterday halfway commenting the line kaput ...grrr

      not la not set lunch la. went there dinner time. Not cheap . can say "i've had better and cheaper"

    5. Got Tappers meh? tak perasan...ahem got cheaper one ah?

    6. Tappers got.. But if you ask me where, I don't know how to describe pulak.. They pusing pusing, jalan here there, U-turn sini sana, hehehe..

      Cheaper one ahh? I think got mixed rice and mamak, I thought I saw it before, but don't think it's cheap.. There's one mamak called Ali, Abu & dunno-what-something, they said the food there not cheap also..

    7. i only know outside of oasis have phun chun. Sometimes go makan there punya

  10. But that is a lot!!! Enough for it's Chinese New Year - all special prices.

    1. A lot meh? Maybe I zoomed too near, that's why it looked like it was a big plate.. But I could finish it in a few mouths la, tee hee..

  11. Kwai a kwai tit.. but you know chinese la... teok tak yau teok especially still during the 15 days of CNY....

    1. Yep I have the same thinking too. But I did not bring food from home for lunch that day so no choice lor, gotto follow them out for lunch and kena 'teok' like you said...
