
Monday 10 March 2014


So, we went to Station One cafe opposite Leisure Mall, Cheras and had quite a heavy dinner. The hubs, me and Kenzie boy. (Baby G was at my parents', just in case you are wondering).

We ordered:
1) A pumpkin soup
2) Salmon steak for the hubs
3) Cheesy chicken maryland for me
4) Salmon spaghetti for Kenzie boy (he could wallop almost 3/4 of the portion)
5) Fried mantou in Szechuan gravy
6) Sausage platter
*#5 & #6 are for sharing
I am a big eater. I can eat you too if possible. Ooops, what did I just say? Chisin. 

But really, I am a glutton. Everyone who knows me know I eat a lot. I can eat 3-4 people's share, alone. Of course when I go out for lunch with colleagues during working days, I only order one portion for myself. I have to pretend to look pretty in front of them, yes? 

But if I eat out with the hubs in a kopitiam or any char-chan-teng, here are what we will usually order: Beef noodles for him, cheese baked rice for myself, another chicken chop for sharing, one wanton soup (or fried wanton/sui kow), french toast (with peanut butter, honey & butter drizzled on top), oohh and maybe one egg&ham sandwich or a pork burger. I think that's about it.

And if he is full and doesn't want to touch a single thing anymore after he finishes his noodles, I can wallop EVERYTHING by myself, no joke.  

Oohh, should I tell you too that I can eat 30 pieces of Ikea meatballs at one go? You know, the beef meatballs with brown gravy and a dollop of jam, served with fries, in Ikea? Yes, I can eat 30 pieces of balls. Plus fish & chips. Plus maybe 3-4 chicken wings. Lastly, a Daim cake (you can't get anywhere else but Ikea).    



  1. Heard of theplace, never tried. Next time I go KL, you take me...can?

    1. i think STP also kalah to you lah.. he probably eats like a kitten only!! both of you, your body and appetite sure don't match at all~~ :D

    2. STP, in Sibu don't have Station One cafe? Oohh, I thought the franchise is all over the country..

      SK, try switching body and faces, how? I wonder how would I look like if I exchange body with STP..

    3. This Sibu Mayor is so fussy that the KL bloggers have to sweat & think of the best outlets to treat him otherwise all kanasai in his blogs later. Wakakakakaka

      All his what nots and not to my expectations, stress me lo.

    4. So if he comes to KL for a visit, you all need how long time in advance to plan and think of the venue/restaurant to meet up?

    5. STP eat very little one. Tarak eat much .

      ya lo sweat la wanna bring him where to eat as he have high expectation leh

  2. Replies
    1. surprisingly you say you eat so much but still slim like barbie doll leh. what secret ah

    2. LOL....looks like your hubs taste similar to me. I will order Beef noodle too

    3. Slim like Barbie Doll? Yau mou.. Please lah.. I think you are the one looks more like Barbie doll body leh.. Eh, no joke, I can really finish everything by myself la.. But not all the time ma, kan? During working days, I have to pretend to be "see mun", so I only eat 1 portion (and very little).. So, it's not so bad afterall, kan?

    4. Me moe poh moe no barbie la LOL.....

      Wah..means weekend wallop kau kau lah ....terror la you

  3. Perhaps you are still "sang kan yuk?" Still puberty stage ma... that is why can still eat gluttonly.. hahaha... how nice if my girl can eat like you... I have to force her to eat more cos she is very skinny... Really good to have appetite... no appetite means sick liow! So it is always good to feel hoi wai ... seriously!

    1. Puberty stage? Aiya, not "sang kan yuk" la.. Already "sang sai" jor lor.. Maybe I'm a big eater coz from young, my mum used to force us to eat.. If we don't, then she will bring the cane.. And she always cooks a lot too.. She will "force" us to finish everything on our plates.. Oh yes, people say "sik tak hai fook" (can eat means good).. kekekeke.. *self consoling*

  4. Good morning Miss Glutton! No I don't believe that you could eat 3-4 persons' shares. You don't look enormous or fat at all. Either you always dig your throat after heavy meals and bluek out everything like those Hollywood actresses do or you just smelled them only.

    1. ooopss, new title for Princess Ribbon!! read my comments about her title here

    2. I saw lah her nama panjang Princess Jakun Glutton Pink Polka Ribbon the Queen of Poot, Pee and Poo!! So long can reach Hatyai market already.

    3. You mean eating disorder ahh? Bulimia izzit? Oh yes, I heard and know those Hollywood superstars (not only Hollywood I think), have eating disorders just to stay thin and pretty.. But they gian wana eat, so they either vomit after that, or just smell only.. I know someone who put the food into her mouth, chew, but no swallow.. She spits out after that, just to get the taste, gawd..

      Come la, we meet one day, then you belanja me nice nice food, see I can eat mou lor.. Kekekeke...

    4. Waah! I must belanja just to see how you eat? Kidding......? No thanks lah. You should belanja SK to drink water and see him bloat up. Cheaper treat.

  5. wah, yes!! i am really impressed, or rather say overwhelmed, by how much you can eat!! eih, you look petite only, but your stomach is definitely a lot bigger than many big guys dei.. salute salute!! i would usually done with my own portion, or the most one other dish for sharing lah, but never can have like 3-4 portions into my stomach lor.. eih, i hear skinny people can eat more!! so jealous lah, you eat so much still so slim, i drink water also can get fat!! swt =.="

    1. Muahahahaha!!! Drink water also get fat!!!! ROTFL.... SK you sound like Chennai's water buffaloes!

    2. very true lah.. even just drink plain water i will also get fat.. no joke, and this is somehow very saddening also dei~~ :(

    3. I think you need to buy that latest OSIM stand & shake machine that can vibrate your colons to piss out all your water. Something gone wrong with Thambee's cells!!! Your colons work like electrolux vacuum cleaner that sucks water and your body cells must be very dry like old sponge! I want to help you too. You lie down and I walk over you few times!!

    4. i am not Andy Lau, they didn't want to sponsor me one~~ :D

    5. Andy very lau liao laaa... You better be next celebrity if not Rosmamah will sit there and shake like Hippo Queen!

    6. Drink plain water also will get fat? SK, don't make me die right now due to choking coz I'm chewing on a sweet right now.. If you say drink Coke or Milo also will get fat, then ok la, understood.. But plain water? Eh, if you want to starve yourself and wana lose weight fast, you drink plain water to feel full also ma.. It will come out as urine after that, no?

      TM, I don't poo everyday.. I poo like every few days.. I don't know where have all the food I've eaten gone too..Sometimes once a week nia..

    7. Andy Lau may be lau now but he is still the most loved artist of HK lah.. Badak Sumbu can sit there meh?? i think once she sits on, the chair also broken down and she fell flat on her big ass, muahahahaha!!

      eih Princess Ribbon, cannot drink too much plain water also one ah.. will have "water poison" one you know?? you know what is "water poison"?? go google about it..

    8. Lucky I don't like to drink plain water.. I everyday must have Milook only.. hehehe.. I'm cheapo ma.. Come into the office early morning, make one Milook sin.. Then sometimes, lunch, if I don't follow them out, I have another cup of Milook and a few slices of biscuits.. Then around 4pm, tea time kan? I make another cup of Milook.. So yes, I must have Milook la, hehehe.. Got "Milook Poison" or not?

    9. What is Milooooook? Sounds like alien's nectar! LOL

  6. Once upon a time, I used to be crazy for the food at Station One or Wongkok as they were trendy cafes! They were often packed with long queue of patrons outside, not anymore. I am also missing from these outlets cos the prices gone up, portions shrunk like inflated balloons and no QC in kitchens. Anyway, I still ate the other day when I had to buy a memory card for my Spy Pen camera at Scott Garden.

    1. Gip me 5! Until today, I still like Wongkok and KimGary, coz I just simply love their cheese-baked rice and french toast.. I still think KimGary serve the best cheese-baked rice.. Many many yonks ago, when they just started, their popular dish was the cheese-baked rice, and the portion was very big, gravy "banjir" and everyone puji until "got sky no ground".. But now, like you said, times have changed, the cheese-baked rice now is very shallow, can finish in a few spoon already...

    2. I love KimGary baked cheese rice too even their bakes cheese pasta set also tasty...

    3. Wah, Angeline, gip me 5 and 5 and 5 and 5 and more 5 !! I always like to hear people having same favourite as me, keke.. Dunno why leh.. I'm not kidding you, I can eat 2 sets of the cheese-baked rice.. Coz now the portion has shrunk to very small size you know.. I always have the beef cheese-baked rice or the chicken chop one..

    4. KimGary is definitely the best choice for me!

  7. so our Princess Ribbon has got more nicknames already now?? wah, powderful lah her title now is so long you see?? Princess Jakun Glutton Pink Polka Ribbon the Queen of Poot, Pee and Poo!! hahahaha.. just joking lah, you know we just like to talk nonsense here, no way we are going to type your whole title all the time when commenting mah, that's very tiring and who the hell can ever remember such a long title?? so in the end also, we will just call you Princess Ribbon lor.. :D

    1. You know, I really have to reply this comment first when I was scrolling at the comments justnow.. I can't help laughing when I read all the comments here.. OMG.. I think I can feel some urine ter-keluar into my panties justnow when I was laughing.. Ooops, 18SX, sorry ahh..

      Gawd, SK, Princess Jakun Glutton Pink Polka Ribbon..You forgot about Queen of One Pot Rice and ABC soup too.. I doubt you can write this name each time I comment in your blog or vice versa.. This is gonna waste so much time, man ! And yes, last last, you guys better just stick to Princess Ribbon :)

  8. eih, this Station One Cafe, errr, how to say ah?? is it the photo or i really can see the food all looks dry lah, except maybe the fried mantou that looks so oily to me lah, you see the carrot on #6 aiyoyo, like they have kept in the fridge for one month dei.. pathetic, and no wonder Princess Ribbon didn't even mention anything about how she found the food taste like.. :D

    1. SK, lei hou lek ahh ! You are so observant.. Carrots also you can observe.. Pathetic hor the carrots.. I didn't touch the carrots at all.. Yep, they don't have much gravy in almost all their food, and I had to ask for extra gravy on the sides.. Of course I asked first will there be extra charge for extra gravy, keke.. Food was so-so, nothing to hoo-haa about lor, dare not say so much, later you all really go there and eat, then curse me, then die lor, keke..

    2. cannot criticize too much also, must be moderate "gin hou jau sau" (see good and keep) later kena sued you know or not??

    3. Yep, correct.. I am very careful la when it comes to eating out.. I try not to comment too much on the food itself.. Just post some pictures, talk about some nonsense, that's about it, keke.. I'm not a professional food critic also la.. I'm very cincai when it comes to food.. On some days, I'm contented with 3 hard boiled eggs with soy sauce and Koko Krunch with Milo.. Serious.. Then on some days, I'm done with one plate of rice with soy sauce and fried onion eggs.. Really..

    4. I love to eat fusion food yet I never want to blog about them. I am lousy in describing the details like how our pro Sibu Food Mayor writes! He can eat same thing and blog 5 times in different patterns. Fuyoh!

  9. Now got so many fancy cafes sprung up in Klang Valley and I do hope the veterans would improve and upgrade their menus & QC. So tough to run a business these days when everyone started grow own kangkong veges at home to save cost.

    The other day I argued with some fellas that in the old days of Penang, we all could bring our own eggs from home to give the Char Koay Teow man to fry inside our order without extra charges. No one believed me until another kiam siap Penang old aunty confirmed my nonsense talk. Times have changed!

    1. Errr, that uncle CKT really layan and used the aunty's egg and fry for her? If I am the uncle ahh, I won't do like this leh.. If everyone also follow, then susah oohhh.. So do you bring your own eggs and ask uncle CKT to fry for you?

    2. Aiyo, that was long ago in Penang's history where you could bring your own eggs to the hawker. If you bring today, the seller might throw your eggs back to our face! Phiak!

  10. i was actually sweating as i read on your list of dishes you order and can wallop all!! and 30 pieces of meatballs, somemore want to have fish & chips plus 3-4 chicken wings, and then the daim cake!! Thambee faints lah.. how can a lady like you eat so much!! i once heard an ex-colleague who can eat 3 sets of Big Mac meals during her pregnancy, and i was like WTF that's impossible.. but now you are the second person who let me "O-mouthed".. now i wonder, when you were pregnant, you sure ate more than this?? probably two times or three times what you are eating now?? @.@"

    1. I told you I suspect she korek and dig her throat...!!! Yieerrrrr so geli.

    2. or maybe when she was eating, she was so happy that she laughs and then we all know when she laughs what happen right?? hahahaha.. maybe that's why she can stuff so much things inside, because the IN and OUT happen at the same time!! :D

    3. Eh, even if I dig my throat to induce vomiting ahh, you think easy ahh? Very sanfu one wor.. Have to dig and induce.. May as well just smell the food like you said, or chew the food without swallowing it, to get the taste and the juice of the food, kan? Plus, I don't eat like this everyday ma.. Told you during working days, I need to pretend to be "see mun" and "normal" and eat very small portions.. Especially with the guys, I have to pretend to look cute right?

  11. 30 meat balls at one go... That is too many meat balls lar...

    1. Unless I will opt to go for 30pieces of potato chips at one go.

    2. Oohh, I love potato chips too.. I love the Pringles, I can stack up those chips, and stuff into my mouth at one go, haha, nah, kidding.. I prefer to eat slice by slice la.. I'm not that "chou lou".. Keke..

  12. Seriously you can eat so much? I know I have a big appetite but I cannot compete with you. Especially now that I am older, somehow my stomach shrank a little. But still I am considered a big eater compared to most people. My partner also eats a lot. We used to go to hawker centre and each of us will order two or three dishes. And we can each eat two or three (if very hungry four) bowls of rice at Chinese restaurant. I used to be able to eat (still can I think) one regular Pizza Hut pizza all by myself including one full bowl of salad. I am sure you also can and you still got some room for chicken wings and dessert. But you don't seem to put on weight. High metabolic rate I think. Wish I can eat like you and not grow sideways. But I am not paiseh one. In front of other people, colleagues or otherwise, I still eat at normal steam. Hah..hah...

    1. Whoa, regular pizza means 6 slices of pizza, yes? Hehehe, yes, I can too.. When we order Dominos online, we always order 2 regular pizza and some sides.. Hubby can eat about 4 slices, 2 slices from each flavour.. And the rest, all belongs to me, wakakaka.. And yes, I still have room for chicken wings and a bowl of lasagna.. But I don't eat like this everyday la.. I still eat like a normal human being on most days.. Bfast: a cup of milo and a few slices of soda peang. Lunch: a bowl of noodles and a drink.. Dinner: I sometimes skip dinner and just drink soup.. See, I am normal right?

    2. I see, I see....Your normal everyday meal is considered very light by my standards. And yes, it looks very, very normal. I suddenly remember many years ago when I was renting a room, on Friday evenings after work I will tapau 2 packets of chap fan and eat. Sometimes 1 packet chap fan and 1 packet chicken rice. Yes, me too is a big glutton :D

    3. Wah, I'm impressed! Hehe.. I kalah to you liao.. You can have 1 chap farn and 1 chicken rice.. I salute you.. I paling paling pun 1 chicken rice BIG, and then tambah those goreng goreng stuff like popiah or karipap and 1 tongsui.. But you can have another chap farn lagi... Really salute you, haha!

  13. Wow! Didn't know you are such a glutton! LOL! But the food at Station One Cafe nice meh? I thought it was just so so and overpriced.

    1. Food nothing to hoo-haa, so-so only like you said, but it was the nearest to my mum's place and we wanted to make it fast (with a cranky kid around).. Yep, agree, the food there not cheap.. The meal you see above cost around RM130++ !!

  14. Hi Louiz,

    How can you eat so much and won't get fat!!!! NOT FAIR!!!

    Sobbing Zoe!!!!

    1. Zoe dear, I don't eat like this everyday of course.. If I do, I would have become a "tai fei por" now lor.. Kekeke... On normal (working) days, I only have a cup of Milo for breakfast, then a bowl of noodles for lunch (I have to pretend to look pretty in front of my colleagues).. Then for dinner, I sometimes skip the rice and just drink soup.. So I am a completely "normal" person most of the time ~ LOL

    2. Now seeing what you eat everything, I think you eat too little...

      For me and my everyday, I ate 2 cups of cereal + a cup of milk for breakfast. 3 pieces of bread + 2 pieces of cheese for lunch. Dinner depending on what I cooked but a generous serve for dinner... typically rice, vege and meat/tofu??? Plus lots of fruits, chips and juice after dinner... Yeah. I ate a lot and burned lots of energy after I started running :D I used to eat much much lesser before then... but have been losing weight and need to bump up for energy and strength :D


    3. Oh Zoe is one of your reader too...

  15. Hi, dropped by from [SK].

    I'm just an opposite of you. I'm a mild eater. Usually, hubby will be the one sapu all the food on the table. If I have a main portion for myself, I can't eat something else. But I love going to buffet. I love to pick and eat and enjoy my food at the buffet table.

    1. Elo, I just changed my name to Princess Ribbon, keke.. They give me this name in the blogworld, mostly from the "virtual kopitiam" (SK's blog).. Oh, I don't eat like a glutton everyday, only weekends.. On weekdays, I eat very little.. A cup of Milo in the morning, a bowl of noodles for lunch and maybe some rice for dinner..

  16. Princess Ribbon? Fit you well considering your wardrobe and accessories. ;)

    I love Western food and dont mind go out and indulge in this. And wow! You sure can eat! 30 meat balls one go? Too much for me although I love to eat. Lol

    1. Hi Rose, yep, I just changed my blogger name to Princess Ribbon yesterday.. This name was given by the bloggers whom I've got to know here from the blogger world.. So thought of changing it lor, rather than using my real name.. P/S: Louiz is in my IC, so I don't want to use my real name anymore, ma change name lor, teehee..

    2. Like me loh. Rose is my blogger name. Because I like roses. ;)

  17. Coming by to wish Princess Ribbon a good day!

    1. Then should I change to Baking Queen...but I kenot put this name or lese other will think that I'm very geng in baking then "wan tan " lar me...people come to my blog for recipes but I don't have many for them to refer...cham lar liddat.

    2. You so cute la, purposely come here to wish me a good day.. So sweet of you.. I also hopped over to yours to drop you a message liao, keke.. Waiting to finish work only..

  18. Wei you look pretty and just like cutie pie to me ler... Me aunty liao and please don't call me cute oh! Blushing here....

    So what is your FB account mind telling me so I can add you in my list, can or not...

    1. 5.30 i still kenot go back yet. Got meeting later for our company event next month....tired!!!

    2. I add you kay? I think I saw you comment in Meow's post before, if I'm not mistaken, your FB name is Angeline Chee rite? I try find you and add you now kay..

  19. The mantou looks so nice, go with chilli crab the best!

  20. 30 meatballs is really a lot, at most I can only eat 10 meat balls. Heard a lot about IKEA meatballs but never try before

  21. From a blog for your own eyes only and few comments, now you reach 76 comments, good achievement princess ribbon!

    1. Of all my posts, only this post has 76 comments, teehee.. Kam ngam jeh.. Other post will be back to normal, less than 20 comments :)

  22. I am not really a big eater, but I get hungry easily, every 5 hours I will be hungry
