
Friday 14 March 2014

A Mini Announcement & Steamed Cupcakes

Hello dearies & sweeties,
I have a mini announcement to make. I have just changed my blogger name to Princess Ribbon, as given to me by those crazy bloggers whom I have known here from the bloggerworld. They are nice people, and whatever they suggest, I will consider. Glamour, heh? I think Princess Ribbon is more vogue la, rather than using my real name to blog. So, Princess Ribbon it will be, kay?

Ok, back to my post for the day. It's about bedtime snack and steamed (Milo) cupcakes.

Kenzie kept saying he wanted to have cake that night. He kept saying "I want cake". Then after a few minutes, he repeated, "Mummy, I want cake". I ignored. Then he said, "I want birthday cake". I told him it was already late and we couldn't buy any cake, we can have cake on other days. He then sang the Happy Birthday song and kept repeating he wanted cake. I think there were birthday celebrations for some kids at the kindergarten, he kept singing the Happy Birthday song whole of that week. 

So I was thinking, ok, why not steam some cupcakes for him. It was a very simple and fast process, so why not?

I quickly prepared my ingredient and mixed everything together. No measurements, I just dumped in whatever I felt right ~ a few tablespoons self-rising flour, a few tablespoons Milo, one tablespoon icing sugar, one egg, few tablespoons cooking oil, half a cup of milk and a small handful of chocolate chips. I poured into my paper cupcakes and (regretted) sprinkled some confetti on top of my cupcakes and steamed for about 15 minutes. 

Boo! Big mistake! Look at the smeared cupcakes. Stupid confetti. Should have made-do without it or only sprinkled them when the cake was almost done.

Nevertheless, Kenzie was patiently waiting by my side for the cupcakes to be ready, and he was very excited when he saw me taking out the cakes from the steamer. I let him wear a birthday hat, heh.

He just couldn't wait to dig in. But I said wait, let mummy take picture first. Afterall, being able to make four cupcakes in 15 minutes is a (very) clever thing already, because I'm not a good cook, and I don't bake (nor cook) very well.

Hang on there for just a few more seconds, baby. Mummy needs to take more pictures first, so that can have more choices to choose later (for my blog), hehe.

Ok, ready to be eaten now. He finished one cupcake, and asked for another one after that. I had to say no because it was almost time for bed and I was a bit worried on the sugar rush and all.

So, Kenzie had one cupcake. Mummy had half and daddy had half. So there were two cupcakes left. Guess where it went? No prize for guessing correctly though. Yep, packed individually for two jokers colleagues and brought to work the next day. Though a bit dry and yucky the next day, they still stuffed into their mouths and kept praising very nice & good good!  

I grinned the whole day.


  1. Nice cupcakes! Your boy sure seems to enjoy it very much.

  2. Looks good!!! But no measurements??? Dumped in whatever you felt right?...that's expert!!!

    1. Ya wor, no measurements.. Just use tablespoon and throw in 3 tablespoon each, except for the icing sugar.. Not expert la, I tried steaming cakes before lastime, so I kinda remembered the measurement lor.. You google steamed chocolate cake, you will find a lot, very easy too! Some just do it in a cup and microwave it!

  3. Morning, sorry Princess Ribbon! So clever can make cupcakes spontaneously. That's genius, you know? I can't. Got to refer to recipe. Since you steamed it, did the paper cups get wet? Your Kenzie boy must be thrilled.

    1. Haha, morning Phong Hong, you are early too. Yeah, that night, entah kenapa, "fatt hau" wana steam cupcakes, wana please my boy kua, since he keeps saying "Please, I want cake".. So I just campak the ingredients, gaul gaul and steam lor.. A few tablespoon of everything except the icing sugar.. The papercups ok wor, wet memang ada sikit, but they are still "hard" when I take them out.. The texture of the cake taste like "fatt koh", but ala, Kenzie boy mana tau, kan? Of course I prefer the baked version more..

  4. So clever can make up your own Milo cupcake recipe. For me same like Phong Hong need to refer recipe one.

    1. Hi sweetie. Oohh, I have made steamed cakes before (but not Milo), so I agak-agak know la.. The ingredients are simple, a few tablespoons (same tablespoon) for everything (flour, Milo, cooking oil, milk can add more) except the icing sugar and choc chips, depending how sweet you want it to be.. And just 1 egg (for small portion).. Can google steamed chocolate cake.. You can get many many many sources. Some just put in a cup and microwave and use a spoon to dig in.. Nice!

  5. Beautiful cupcakes. And I bet they were yummy because everyone finish them up. Next time when you bake, do remember to courier some over to me for tasting. Lol.

    1. Elo Rose.. Wah, by the time I courier to you ahh, already dry and hard like a stone liao.. Serious.. That's the problem with steamed cakes.. Leave it overnight and it will taste weird and dry the next day, unless the cake is small, then you can still feel some "softness" in it.. I still prefer the baked version if I have the time..

  6. Hail the Princess.. Her Royal Highness Princess Hamsap Ribbon of Jakun Glutton Pee Poo Fart!! wakakakaka, aiyoh, what else you can have in your title ah?? i think can write one whole comment of 30 lines lah.. can get into the Guinness Record for the person with the longest title leh.. okaylah, in short, Princess Ribbon, of course sounds so glamor lah.. now maybe nobody can find you using your real name already.. and you can just say what you want to say, without having any worry!! great~~

    1. wah, now i know how scary this Kenzie can be!! he can keep mumbling and saying and singing the same words repeatedly for one whole week!! aiyoyo, that is kind of like want to psycho you and brainwash you!! finally the mother also BTH, gave in and "faat fai" her talent to just hantam anything she can see and whatever she sukak to make him some cupcakes!!

    2. wah, really "geng" woh.. no need measurement but just following what your heart feels!! I LIKE THIS WAY OF BAKING, hahaha.. and yes, i do think this is more fun than having to measure and weigh the ingredients precisely to 0.001g.. i always say, cooking and baking are art but not science mah, so no need to be so precise, just follow the heart.. and that when you are happy, sure the thing came out nice.. but if you do not have nice mood, then the thing will also end up yucky lah.. you agree with me??

    3. hahaha, yalor, i wonder why you didn't put the colorful thing later on?? maybe baking and steaming different ah?? baking you need to get them together with the mixture is it?? aiyah, i dunno lah, i don't know baking and never bake before also, kekekeke!! but then, okay lah, just treat that cupcake something like "rainbow cupcake" rather than "cupcake with confetti" lor.. if you say you are baking cupcake with rainbow top, then you are successful lor.. sometimes have to see things from another angle mah, cannot directly straight, have to think out of the box..

    4. taste wise, if Kenzie didn't have enough then means you are successful lor.. haha!! he ate one and requested for more woh, instead of just eat two mouths and left the whole thing for you like your signature yee-mee-in-leftover-ABC-soup-with-milk-and-egg you are so proud of!! muahahaha, sorry ah, this comment may sounds like "got bones" and "ada udang di sebalik batu".. but we all friendly and straight forward people mah, no need to hide one.. you "jaat" me and i "jaat" you sometimes baru more fun right?? :p

    5. Wah, SK, I like all your comments.. No, I should re-type.. I LOVE all your comments.. Ok, I shall comment from your last one first.. Seriously, I NEVER think your comment got bones or prawns ahh.. In fact I love it, coz you understand Kenzie (and me) so well. You know he is a picky eater, and you know I always boil noodles for him with my leftover ABC soup.. You know, you impress me sometimes.. I wonder "lei hai mat yeh yan" (you are what people).. You are a mystery...

      Eh, even if I don't use my real name already hor, if people google my name also it can link them to my blog right, coz my previous blogger name in all my previous posts are using my real name wor..

      Oh yes, Kenzie is very irritating one la.. If he wants something, he will keep bugging for it.. Just last night, he wanted Koko Krunch.. I ignored and pretend I couldn't listen. He kept bugging like forever saying "Please, I want chocolate cereal" (that's his term for Koko Krunch)... Last last, gotta give in lor..

      I thought the confetti is like chocolate chips.. Remember the theory you asked me? Chocolate chips can be baked like forever in the oven (or steamed), and they never melt and smear.. They will always remain satu biji satu biji like dat.. But when you put the chocolate chips in your mouth, or on your palm, it melt! Now, please explain that theory..

      SK, I really like your cupcake name wor.. Steamed cupcake with rainbow top... I kalah you liao.. I thought my brains can twist fast, but can't belif your brains twist faster than mine.. Should have changed to this name before I published this post, kekeke..

  7. Good Morning Her Royal Highness Princess Hamsap Ribbon of Jakun Glutton Pee Poo Fart!!
    It is baking time again like making ABC soup! You are expert to agak-agak & still bake wonders. Look at your son enjoying them is evidence!

    1. Wah, my title is getting longer and longer.. The longer you guys know me, I think the longer name I will get.. More of me you guys will still need to find out, keke.. But SK is quite scary at time, he seems to know me (so well), I can feel la.. And we don't even meet up / know each other yet.. Yep, all agak agak.. I used the same tablespoon for all ingredients except the icing sugar and milk, coz milk can add more.. Other than that, all agak-agak lor.. Steaming won't go wrong, coz nomatter how long you steam, the cake will still rise, coz I am using self-raising flour, and there's an egg inside.. Just makesure the batter's not too dry, keep on adding milk until the consistency is right.. It turns out like "fatt koh" texture, coz it's steamed ma..

  8. Before I borak further, I think you need to know that we called you the grandeur name of Ribbon Princess which means you are the Ribbon's Diva because you have so many types in your collection. Now you bestowed yourself as the Princess Ribbon which means your name is Ribbon!!!

    1. Princess Ribbon sounds more "soon yee" (nicer to the ear) than Ribbon Princess la.. Tee hee.. I have many ribbons, but I don't put them on everyday.. Certain days, it's just a small clip.. If I name myself Ribbon Princess, then all my photos must have a ribbon wor..

  9. 4 cupcakes in 15 minutes using steamer! Amazing! Won't the paper cups get wet and soggy?
    The only time I steamed cupcakes were following Small Kucing's Banana Muffins. They tasted good too.

    1. Nope, surprisingly, the papercups did not get soggy.. Wet, yes la, a bit.. I would be lying if I said no. But it still managed to hold the cakes pretty well, and we still need to tear the cups in order to eat the cake.. The cups are still intact, hehe..

  10. Face Reading Expert Anay says that your son's forehead is quite big and that means he is an intelligent kid who will excel in his studies. All such kids are sometimes rebellious, temperamental, cheeky and good at throwing tantrums during their growing years. They are also very curious, smart and talkative too. This is the package that comes with smart kids that could drive parents up the walls. Heh heh heh....

    1. Oh yes, I think you are right.. His head is very big and I dare to say he is a smart kid from small.. He knows his A-Z and 1-10 by age 1, and he knows his additions now already.. he will be 3 next month by the way..

    2. Eh, since you say you are an expert in face reading, can you read my face? What can you tell about me?

  11. wow, speed baking! great! And happy birthday to your boy!

    1. Hehe, it's not my son's birthday.. I let him wear a birthday hat coz he keeps saying he wants to eat birthday cake, and he keeps singing the Happy Birthday song.. I guess he learns that from school.. So I just let him wear the hat for fun..

  12. wahhhh..very geng wor.. can whoop up some cupcakes within minutes! I surely cannot.. no flour, no icing sugar.. in the house.. maggi mee got.. 3 eggs got.. hahaa...
    yes, kids are easy to please... confetti or not, he looks so happy!

    1. Should have named the cupcakes as: Steamed Milo cupcakes with rainbow topping, like what SK suggested.. Yep, he looks happy.. He sees cake, then he's happy..

  13. Oh yeah... the name is more glamorous now!!! Congratulations, Princess!

    1. Hah, like that also wana congratulate ahh? Ya la, Princess Ribbon better than using my real name..

  14. Nice name Princess Ribbon. Suits you. very 'geng'. Can bake / steam cakes in just 15 minutes ? The love of a mother ! haha

    I always wanted to bake for the kids but can't find the time to do. I'm so lazy :(

    1. Steamed cakes very fast, 15 minutes can kautim.. The cake very small only la, only uses 1 egg.. And I divided into 4 cupcakes jek.. Else, you can get the same cake in a mug, really! Google steamed chocolate cake, some microwave everything in a mug, and use a spoon to dig in after that, they lagi geng!

  15. Hi Princess ribbon...

    hee hee... I'm gumboots witch because I wear lots of red and black and gumboots!!! LOL! Like your new name... COOL!

    Your steamed cake with colourful smearing toppings looks COOL too! Are you sure they are not made in purpose??? Then, I like called them very delicious accidents :D

    Kenzie is so sweet being so appreciative! You are a lucky mum having this beautiful boy :D


    1. Yep, the cakes were not planned.. Else, I would have baked it..Hubby somemore said "Are you crazy, it's 8.30pm now and you wana make a cake for him? He's just playing you".. Haha..
      I don't like steamed cakes, they taste like "fatt koh" and dry up fast.. Gee...

  16. You're a good mama, Princess Ribbon. Your kids are lucky to have you. :D

    Psst, thank you for stopping by.

    1. Whenever I have time, I blog-walk. And I always see your name in SK's comments. So, gotta drop by and say hi lor, keke..

  17. Nice cupcakes =)
    Leave a footprint here~

    1. Elo, didn't see you for a while.. Thanks for dropping by.. I'll hop over in a while.. Have a nice day :)

  18. Hi Princess Ribbon
    Came from Zoe and noticed your cute name. Read your posts and love it! Following you, sweetie!

    1. Elo Lian, thanks for dropping by.. Will hop over in a minute.. Thanks for leaving your comments, else, I won't know sweetie.. Yep, changed my name last week, instead of using my real name to blog.. This name was given to me by those crazy bloggers whom I've got to know here from the bloggerworld :)

  19. Oh changed name? LOL! Nice cupcakes! Although I am not a fan! Too much sugar and carbs. Haha!

  20. SO Kenzie only managed to eat one? He should have eaten two since he had been asking for cakes the whole week! Haha.

  21. it is clever!! milo cupcakes? that's definitely a first!

    ps: i think kenzie's such a nice name :D

  22. Wou wou... i wanna try that.. was looking for the recipe this page.. hahaha...
