
Tuesday 18 March 2014

My Brownies, My Like!

My cream cheese's gonna expire this week. Wait, what?! This Saturday? Open your eyes bigger - 22nd March 2014!

I have to think of something - fast. I saw this from Zoe when I was blog-walking the other day. Not as perfect as hers but it was still the tastiest brownies in the world! Great recipe! If you are reading this, I already commented in your blog, but I need to say it again here - I love you, dearie Zoe. 

Wait, dah masak ke belum nie? The whole thing looks wobbly. But it did say if poked with a knife, it will come out (still) wet. Ok, safe. 

I followed instructions and refrigerated it for a while after it cooled down - for easy handling & cutting. 100% agreed!

Boy, that was the tastiest, chewiest, ooey-gooey-iest (wait, is that a word?) I've ever tasted on earth! Even the hubs who doesn't like desserts and cakes gave me a perfect 10! He couldn't wait and dug in with a spoon before I could take any pictures. I didn't get mad or raised my voice because 'nan tak' he eat wor, takkan I nak bising lagi, kan? He guessed if I had wanted to cut it and take pictures (for my blog), I would have done it the minute I took it out from the oven as always.

He finished half of the "slab" in seconds, yes, digging with spoon. (He would have eaten less if the brownies were nicely & neatly cut into squares).

Princess ribbon favourite phrase ~ My brownies, my like, my sukak!


  1. As the saying goes, the test of the pudding is in the eating... ;)

    1. Whoa, hak sei ngo, you are early today.. Thanks for coming over early in the morning :)

    2. He is always that early...

    3. Poslaju...jamit sampai Sibu esok...... *hint hint * Princess ribbons

    4. He wakes up at 4.00am daily to sit on his throne to excrete all his kompia and kampua!! Muahahaha After that he will be glued to his PC and live on internet!!! I want to be like that too when I am retired!

  2. Is okay about how it looks, as long it tastes nice, right?

    1. Oh yeah, agree.. Hubby doesn't like cakes (or any desserts) also puji nice.. That's what that matters lor..

  3. See how you describe it...hmm... still have mou? Pass me one of your brownie, your like and your sukak! hehehe

    1. I should greet you first but kenot stop commenting...tak boleh tahan that brownie really looks good. I told you I can't see your photo from my office browser...but I can view all the photos from my phone.

    2. Morning sweetie.. Lastnite the last piece was finished liao.. usually hor, I tell you la, when I bake something hor, a cake or cookies or whatever, I eat a some, hubby eat teeny-weeny bit, and the kid also eat teeny-weeny.. The rest, bring to office.. This time ahh, all finished by the two of us (adults), none for the office.. I'm satisfied :)

      Eh, scary la.. Weird you cannot view from your office browser, but can view from phone.. Mou hak ngo wor.. Same here wor.. I only see your update at night lastnite around 9pm, padahal you already published the post at 12pm in the afternoon.. Haiz..

    3. Ok princess today I breifly post something... got show in your blog roll mou? Testing Testing 123!

    4. Nope, didn't show wor.. How? I need to manually click on your link, then only can see your new post wor..

    5. Eh, how come I cannot comment as Princess Ribbon geh? It asks me to create a Google+ profile wor..

  4. more for me i was thinking go your opis and take...*sob sob* sulk at one corner

    1. looks good enough round make smoother will be nicer presentation lo...even now the taste is right jor.... so clever can one time tembak cepat and tepat

    2. Last night finished liao lor, last piece.. Hehehe.. Hubby dig and eat with spoon, you dare or not eat our saliva? Missed you yesterday :(

  5. Good morning, Princess!I have been seeing this brownie at Zoe's and a few other bloggers'. I was asking myself, shall I or shall I not? I think you have convinced me liao to bake this. I have cream cheese in the fridge but I have to wait for next weekend because this weekend Saturday and Sunday boh water. I can't believe I was so cool looking at the other brownies but when I come here straight away I want to bake it. If you sukak, I think I will also sukak!

    1. Go bake this! I think you will love it, coz I love it too.. We ahem, have the same taste I suppose? Not that I'm picking up the sand, I know the presentation is not nice here, coz Zoe's brownies ada layers one.. Layer by layer.. Can see the cream cheese very clearly.. But mine "yat pek yeh" coz hubby dug with spoon while it was still soft.. But who cares la, janji sedap.. And you gotta trust me, it's memang sedap !!!

  6. cheese expiring?? eih, come to think of it ah, actually cheese is "expired milk" mah, so if cheese expired that means it become more mature cheese and taste even richer lah, correct or not?? many times they say "best before" mah, so if after that date, it may not be best, but still better and then still good before turning bad and worse and worst right?? okay okay, i know i am talking nonsense here lah.. but nonsense to open up the topic mah~~ :D

    1. errr, sorry ah, call me jakun (pinjam your signature quote) but i see there is a tub of brownies and then in front also got two biji of cupcakes there with some white color thing splat on top.. errr, hamsap people will think how come put two biji of things there?? so which one is which one?? you are in the end going to bake the cupcake thing or that tub of thing?? and what are those white color thing like "yat pek yeh" on top??

    2. wah, so heavenly meh?? you described until like so "kua cheong" leh, the best one on earth?? then you can make more and sell lah.. but before that, please PosLaju to a few bloggers first for a testimonial lah, PosLaju same day delivery tau (not the normal next day delivery).. then ask them to write a review of your "San Kap Brownies" (god level brownies) then sure there will be more people who are interested to buy.. and then hor, Princess Ribbon can establish her own brand of brownies, and then become a rich woman jor!!!

    3. wah, your hubby who doesn't like desserts also korek to eat and love it very much?? how about your two princes?? did they bother to have a bite?? and this time no more left for you to bring to office for your colleagues ah?? and true also lah, i think hor, sometimes when the crave is there, just use fork or spoon to korek to eat is way nicer than having nicely cut ones lah.. sometimes those big big cakes also the same.. cut into small pieces like so formal, if everyone just use the fork to korek and eat, feel more happy and closer to each other one.. :D

    4. Princess Ribbon's Brownies
      once bite you can't stop!!
      your brownies, your like, your sukak!!

      hey, how about those taglines for your own brand of brownies?? :D

    5. Woi, I can't help but keep laughing lah SK.. You made my day.. Actually this morning, I was feeling very down.. When I came in, there was no internet connection, and only my pc got this problem wor.. Others ok wor.. So you could imagine my potong-stim-ness or not?

      Ok, one by one.. I actually layered the baking pan with chocolate, then cream cheese slices, then top with chocolate again. Then got remaining of some cream cheese and chocolate, so I pour into the cupcakes and layer them until I finish all the ingredients lor.. Creative mou? Did you click on Zoe's link? Her brownies layered with cream cheese is DEFINITELY more better looking than mine, mine is "yat pek yeh" like you said, coz hubby dig in with spoon, instead of cutting into NICE NEAT squares..

      Wah, not "san kap" la, don't make me vomit.. Normal simple-cincai brownies jeh.. If you have seen Zoe's brownies, then you will feel my brownies are very ugly jor.. Coz it's not in layers.. The real thing is supposed to be in layers - chocolate, cream cheese, chocolate again.. Like sandwich la.. Paiseh la wana courier to bloggers.. I imagine STP saying "No thank you".. Kakakaka..

      Yep, hubby ate half of the tray, can you belif it? Kenzie ate a few mouth lor.. Cannot eat too much la, scared heaty.. Lots of chocolate inside ma.. Yep, didn't bring to office to offer any kyp (#kunyamping#), shhh, only you and I know this term..

    6. muahahaha!! looks like STP's "No thank you" is so famous and everyone knows that comes from him now~~ wah, your hubby ate half of the tray??!! he very hungry was it?? you purposely didn't want to cook and forced him to eat your brownies?? :p

    7. Woi, don't la say like that.. Hahaha.. Eh if a person is hungry ahh, he sure wana eat savoury food ma.. Like rice or noodles.. Hubby won't eat sweet stuffs or desserts even if he's starving leh, kaka..

  7. Good Morning Princess Jakun Glutton Pink Polka Ribbon the Queen of Poot, Pee and Poo!!! Now you got new vocabs - ooey-gooey-iest!!!! Well I tried to google this word's meaning and the link brought me here!!!!! Muahahahahahaha

    1. So is ooey-gooey-iest a word? Kakaka.. I refer to the oozing chocolate wetness from the middle of the brownie when I took it out from the oven.. But after cooling it a while, it became chewy... Yummeh...

  8. It is good that you could learn many things and recipes from bloggers! Better than read the nonsense and political circus in newspapers. So you struck lottery that your hubby gave you thumbs up! Sekali cuba, mau lagi!

    1. Belum cuba belum tau, sudah cuba hari hari mau :)
      I know what you are thinking, you hamsap!

  9. Brownies are very rich and tasty yet it is not cheap at cafes! I heard they are easiest to make and this is really good money. You can start planning to open your own cafe and quit your job to run business with ample time to jaga your 2 Princes! Call it My Like, My Sukak Cafe or even Princess Ribbon Blogger Club. Sure we will come to support and eat your brownies & ABC soup!

    1. Ooohh, ABC soup goes well with brownies meh? Maybe I serve ABC soup, one-pot chicken rice, M&M cookies, no-bake cheesecake and chewy ooey-gooey brownies hor.. How nice if I can quit now and stay at home shake legs like STP.. Eh, I like Princess Ribbon Blogger Club.. I'm imagining I run this club, and everyday bloggers (or not) come to my place for chit chat, manicure, pedicure, talks about affairs, hamsap stuffs, secret fantasies, nonsense.. Wah... Can't wait !!!

  10. waahhhh... another yummylicious and dessert-licious post! I am a dessert maniac, for your information.. anything sweet I sure like one... only setback is I can easily gain weight.. seeing this, I thought of getting a tub of BR home tonight! sei moe...

    1. Elo elo.. BR got brownie flavour ka? I thought only Magnum ice cream has.. Neh, always I can see in the advertisement one.. Magnum brownie.. Yumm... Now I can imagine the chewy-ooey-gooey-ness liao.. But too bad, finished already last night.. Am so gonna make these again, but maybe I will halve the recipe.. Food if kena rebut baru sedap, kan?

  11. you are into baking! great! your brownies look so yummy!

    1. Not pro baker Wenn, just play-play, very amateur level.. And I have a secret - I don't use any measurement in gram or the mixer.. I beat using fork or whisk only.. If it's in grams, I agak-agak using cup.. There, confessed liao :)

  12. Hi Louiz,

    I'm very happy to be loved... Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I was a little grumpy this morning... feeling trapped in my usual routine but feeling good now after reading what you wrote :D You made my day!!!

    I'm very HAPPY that your family and you like these brownies :D Now, the song, Happy by Pharrell William is in my head :D


    1. Hi Louiz,

      Forget to mention that I'm sorry that I didn't know that you are allergy to nuts. I have tried baking a spongy kind of brownies by Bill Granger that I'm going to post next week... You want to see if you like it??? It is not a cake but spongy kind of brownies...

      I try not to substitute finely ground nuts in some recipes with extra flour as it will toughen the texture. If you after something cake-like, it will be worse...


    2. Morning Zoe, very early today, 6,02am! You know what? I faster YouTube that song - Happy by Pharrell the moment I read your comment this morning, at 6.30am when I was driving to work.. Really! I listened on the way to work, just to know how "happy" it is..

      Not to say VERY allergic to nuts, but each time, after having nuts (all kinds of nuts - peanuts, nuts in the restaurant while waiting for food to be served, nuts we always get in hampers, everything), the area around my mouth will turn red, and then, red patches on my face the next day. I have to use Ezzera baby cream on my face to "repair" and smoothen it. Takes a few days before being back to normal.

      Yay, will wait for your brownie post !

  13. woah ... brownies!! Yummy ... you must love baking very much. :)

    1. Hi Chris, thanks for coming over too.. Nah, not to say love baking very much.. But I bake for fun, play-play only.. Not even amateur level..

  14. Hello Princess Ribbon, your blogs are amazing.... next time if you cant finish the cream cheese, mix them with a pack of Timtam biscuits, roll them into tiny balls and dip in melted choc then let them set...oo la la :)

    1. Hiya Let's Go!! Haha exciting and happy name you got there.. Thanks for reading my blog.. Yeah I blog about my amateur cooking and baking, parenting, work and some nonsense.. So its a rojak blog.. Some say its a fun and very 'real' blog... I just blog whats happening around me..

      Whoa I will definitely try your suggestion.. I love Timtam too and I can finish like 3 packets by myself! Afterall one packet only has 8 pieces of biscuits, teehee

  15. I love brownies too! Fei sei lor but who cares, eat first, worry later, kekeke...
