
Tuesday 25 March 2014


No, not me. I had mine when I was 6.

It's G. G got the pox from his elder brother who had it about 3 weeks ago. Then 3 weeks after, it's now G's turn. The pox virus incubated in him for about 3 weeks before they finally decided to pop out. So please don't be too happy (yet) to see the other sibling not encountered with the pox after the one with chicken pox recovers after 3 weeks. The other sibling might have the pox after everything seems to be fine.

Been there, tried that.

The chicken pox vaccination is given to babies usually on the 13th month. G is only 11 months, and he has already got his chicken pox, so there's no need for the vaccination already. Kenzie of course had his vaccination when he was 13 months, and the result were very significant. His pox size were bigger, but they came out and dried up very fast, like in a few days then kautim liao. G's poxes on the other hand dragged for a week already, and there are stil new ones til today.

G keeps scratching everyday. 

No porridge in the meantime as porridge will trigger fever. Oats or (blended) maceroni/pasta will have to do in the meantime. I feed him with oats/blended pasta with vegetable purees. Sometimes oats with Bovril.

No eggs too. Ohh this is Kz's half-boiled eggs, I make sure the yolks are somewhat cooked and not too runny or raw.

Latest photo of G before being sent back to my parents' last weekend. Get well soon baby. Mummy's life is in a mess. *smooch*


  1. I think I had mine at very young age too!!!

    1. Morning, now only got chance to reply the comments, was on leave yesterday lor..

    2. Is okay la...I always take very long to reply comments, hehe!!! =]

  2. I got mine When I was 30 abs it's so tough !

    1. Yeah, my boss got it at 40, from his daughter (who got it from school)..

  3. Louiz, you cut his hair ah? Baby G looks so cute in the first photo, Second photo his hair all standing and last photo macam botak. Wishing him a speedy recovery! And you too hah...hah....

    1. So you on leave to jaga baby?

    2. Nope, didn't cut his hair ahh.. First picture was taken on a Friday, second one taken on Saturday, third taken on Sunday.
      First picture: Hair up la, but maybe the picture is not clear.
      Second picture: That's his original hair.
      Third picture: Camouflaged kot.. Reflection of the natural daylight maybe.. His hairs are still all up :)

      Yes, on leave. But no, not jaga baby, but jaga Kz.. Hubs went to Spore for work, mum could not handle two, so she jaga G as usual, and I jaga Kz (sent him to the kindy) and I go do my stuffs :)

  4. I never had Chicken Pox.... stay away from me please! So scary for older people to kena.

    1. Eh, once in a lifetime must kena ger wor.. How?

  5. The Mat Sallehs still eat everything when they have chicken pox and remained safe. Are we being too worried?

    1. I also not very pantang geh, but you know la, if G kena fever again, my mum will bising until I cannot concentrate in work.. So better avoid lor..

  6. Oh dear!!!! Hope he's ok now. Have you had it before? It's contagious. They say even if one has had it before, one may end up with shingles - the same virus or whatever still in one's body even after complete recovery.

    1. Yeah, I heard of shingles.. From Rose's FB..

  7. Replies
    1. Hopefully.. G's recovery is much slower, coz the pox is out little by litle everyday, unlike Kz, 1 week kautim..

  8. Replies
    1. Yep, that's why yesterday whole day no tuk-tuk.. Only published my post nia..

  9. at least still young kena chic pox okay lor. Less "San fu". Older will know how to scratch and will have ugly scars lor :(

    1. Yeah, many people say that, so I just tell myself the same to console myself lor.. *self-consolation*

  10. i had my chicken pox when i was 8, and that was during the mid-year school holidays, ngam ngam 2 weeks i don't have to take leave from school.. and it's better to have it when we are young, because i heard you suffer more if you have your pox when you are older.. dunno true or not??

    1. aiyoh, just 2 more months before G is getting his vaccination.. but then okay also lah, since he is still young and the chicken pox will get over pretty soon.. and you also jimat some money no need to spend on his vaccination anymore.. can use the money to buy G more toys to reward him for being a good boy during his "pox day" mah..

    2. sure one lah, when one in the family has pox, surely spread to the others one.. and it takes like 2 weeks from the infection to seeing the pox on the body.. and yeah, i remember i stayed away from many food last time, only eating bread and those more "ching dam" things.. porridge will trigger fever meh?? haha, i thought last time fever, cannot eat rice but can eat porridge leh.. anyway, just be on the safe side lah, after all G is still so young and can be more vulnerable.. no wonder Princess Ribbon complained her life is a mess now, haha~~ :D

    3. no worries lah, these are all parts and parcels of life.. just enjoy facing all problems you have, so that you have some change to use your brain mah, else your brain will rust very easily, haha!! errr, you yourself said that one ah, not that i am making joke on you ah.. you said you don't use your brain other than those family chores.. so just "see steps walk steps" lah, after all "the boat sails straight when approaching the jetty" mah right?? have faith in yourself and i am sure everything will be fine soon, and the crazy mommy will be playing with two active boys soon :)

    4. but looking at the photo, not too serious on G right?? and you also didn't complain him for merajuk because of the pox.. look, he still looks like "guai guai chai" in the photos and never throw tantrum at all mah.. so where got in a mess?? maybe you need to do extra blending of food to feed him only lah..

    5. Wah, so long comments, longer than my post.. Hehehehe.. So happy la.. Yeah, I think the older you get, the pox will be bigger.. Like Kz.. His pox were much bigger and more "bloody", whereas G's pox were small tiny biji-biji, like mosquito bites only..

      Yep, I said my life is in a mess now coz I take many days off liao from work this month.. You name it: MC, annual leaves, emergency leave, all applied this month. Yes, kids come first, and I don't give a damn about the boss (and work), but still, heart not feeling too good if always take leave lor.. And then, my mum keeps complaining everyday, hinting for me to get a nanny / change to a nearer-to-home job, etc.. Hou farn ahh..

      Oh yes, I agree with you.. "kin pou hang pou" ma.. I plan to save all my leaves for year end geh, but since now I use up so many liao, no choice lor.. "kin pou hang pou" lor.. Paling teruk pun, unpaid leave lor, but I hope that will not happen la.. So "mm dai"..

      Eh, G already kena high fever about a week before his pox showed up. But thank god, during his pox "season", no fever lor.. Mum is taking care of him, of course I don't want him to get fever or whatsoever, if not, she lagi bising until my ear drum pecah..

  11. I had mine when I was Form6. Old liao...

    1. Hope he is in speedy recovery. I'm on leave to day too. Bring my son to Taiping Zoo just now. Is a holiday...

    2. Thought of you too. Take care mummy

    3. Ooohh, you guys went to the zoo? Nice.. I've never took the kids to our Zoo Negara.. Plan to take them there soon too :)

  12. I remember my little girl got it first. Then followed up by her sisters and brother. It's better for them to get it when they are young.

    1. Yeah, many people say that.. So I also tell myself the same.. Sekali get now, faster kautim, less one thing to 'farn" next time :)

  13. Porridge can trigger fever? I thought porridge helps to reduce fever, no? I always eat porridge when I have fever LOL! But I do know rice will make a fever worse.

    1. I asked mum the same thing. Usually sick people (fever) only eat porridge, but why babies cannot? Mum said rice or porridge got "mai hei", so better not. Even the pediatrician said avoid rice/porridge wor (for babies la, adults I dunno, but most of us still eat porridge when sick, kan?)..

  14. I heard that people can still get chicken pox a second time if their immune system is low. Also, those who have had chicken pox may get shingles later in life - it appears that the virus that cause chicken pox is the same as the one causing shingles.

    1. Yeah, STP mentioned too, people who got chicken pox already don't be too happy yet, one fine day MIGHT get shingles.. But meantime, one thing at a time lor.. "kin pou hang pou", been taking too many days off from work this month because of the boys' pox.. First Kz, then now G..

  15. Its ok.. getting them at a younger age is better than when they are grown.. more sun foo one... kids will heal faster...
    By the way, Princess, you commented in my blog that you have eczema... do you have email? You can write to this lady.. she will send you the products to apply, like the ones she sent to me. Here is her email... Betsy Yeo

    Dear Claire,
    If you have any other blogger friends who has eczema or severe dry skin, please get them to contact us so they can try out Marine Elements too. We are still looking for real stories.

    Thanks again.


    1. Thanks for sharing reana.. I'm writing to her soon.. Not only for me, but for the hubs too.. He has some red patches on his head, it won't go away the skin specialist says, but it can be controlled with medicine and shampoo and creams and all.. Like you said, they are all steroids..

  16. Hi Louiz,

    Glad that G is recovering well now... You must be feeling relieved.

    Funny that I have not been infected with chicken pox before but I'm immune to it. My grandma is also the same :D


    1. But I thought everyone must kena chic pox for once in their lifetime? You are immune to it, means your boy kena already, but you were (still) safe? Kekekeke..

  17. My hubby and 8yo girl have not infected with chicken pox. Maybe strong immune system. Lol.

    Glad your boy is alright. My Jay had chicken boy when he was around 8 months old.

  18. Louiz Miss you are you today? masih on leave ka?

    1. Coming here looking for you...

    2. Elo, elo.. No more on leave jor la.. Working liao lor.. Ok, will hop over to yours to say hi pulak, keke..

  19. Why would porridge trigger fever eh? When I had chicken pox (at age 21YO !), it was really terrible and I ate everything, including dark soy sauce haha! Thank God, no scars, phew!

    1. Dunno leh, but my mum and other old folks say it's true... When a toddler is having fever, don't feed rice or porridge.. Anything made of rice (mai hei) will trigger the fever more wor.. But I also don't understand, coz when we are having fever, we always say "oh, can only eat porridge coz fever"..

  20. I know what u meant by your life in a mess. hahaha.....Both my kids had the pox too last Nov. They are good in choosing the best date to have the pox which is during the long term school holidays. No need to miss classes ! haha

    But then, dealing with them are terrible. Their pox were so many all over the body. Kesian......

    Hope your boys are fully recovered by now.
