
Friday 28 March 2014


EL stands for emergency leave. Actually it wasn't an emergency leave. But because I already took leave last week and another MC two weeks ago, so I just called to apply emergency leave that morning as I felt paiseh to submit my leave form to my immediate superior (again) if I'd applied a few days earlier.

I had to take leave because the hubs went to Singapore for work. Mum couldn't handle two rascals, so she took care of G (as usual) and I took care of Kz. Sent him to the kindy that day and I had all day to myself.

And so, I drove to Berjaya Time Square (BTS) for shopping. Call me cheapo or whatever you want but I like shopping there. Every corner I go or every shop I enter, I always can get some nice stuffs at very (and I mean, very) cheap price. 

Upon arrival, brunch first (11am), at Wendy's. I had a mushroom-melt cheese burger combo that came together with a (fizzy) drink and a cheesy fries. I ordered another chilli-cheese nachos too.

Ooops, wait, another picture after I've bitten into the burger *slurps*

Ok, tummy full already. Time for shopping.

I need cardigans. I wear a cardigan to work everyday. Yes, everyday. There will not be one day you see me without a cardigan. My style is always a dress (mostly with ribbons tied behind) with a long-sleeved cardigan. Everyday. Yep, Princess Ribbon style. 

Got it. Grabbed all the colours available. Same design, different colours only.

Next? Shoes? Yep, let's look for flats. I wear flats to work. I don't wear heels. There, you know another thing about Princess Ribbon already.

Here are my flats. Grabbed all the designs available. Again, same design, different colours only.

Wait, wait. I still have slippers. Two pairs. Same design, different colours (again) only.
P/S: My style, my cardigans, my flats, my slippers, my like, my sukak!

Went home. Had my afternoon nap, boy that felt so good. My me-time. Woke up, picked Kz up from his kindy, drove out (again) to buy dinner, but he only ate one fishball, *damn*

Finish story - end of my EL.


  1. I was wondering what is EL. I know EL as Expatriate Lifestyle which is a magazine. So I take it that you had a good me-time. eating fast food and then kai-kai shopping. These opportunities are few and far between, right? Aiseh, you bought so many cardigans, all very sweet colours (and classic black and white). I cannot wear cardigan because I will look like a wrapped up nangka. Your shoes and slippers are so cute! The shoes with ribbon remind me of Minnie Mouse. So did not buy any headbands with ribbons? The name Princess Ribbon betul-betul berpatutan!

    1. Wah, EL so canggih meh, Expatriate Lifestyle.. How I wish, kekekeke.. Jadi siew-lai-lai, stay at home, fetch kids, go pedi & meni only..

      Yep, had a GREAT time.. You are right, I only have this kinda chance like a few times a year, when I "tipu" MC or apply leave, but usually it's always becoz of the kids or hubby not around..

      I only button the first one on top when I wear my cardigan.. My mum sometimes also says I "bao zhong" (wrap bachang) coz of the boobies, kekeke.. Sometimes, they look like they are shouting "Let me out, let me out, I'm suffocating".... Hahahahaha.. Don't button lor, just wear the cardigan cannot meh?

      Eh Minnie Mouse wears heels.. I'm wearing flats la..

    2. Phong Hong describe EL very changgih leh.

  2. I always buy clothes with same design but different colours!!! =]

    1. Gip me 5! Same with me.. Shoes, clothes, everything, even hair bands or hair clips.. Same design, different colours, I sure grab all.. You see, then you like already, must buy, coz I seldom go shopping ma.. So once I spot something I like, faster grab lor..

    2. I like different design...

  3. EL? Ya I got it from my mind and wanted to say I know what is EL... hehehe...
    Zhou san babe, how are you feeling today? So did you wear your new dress and new sho to work today? I agree everyone has their own style. Do not have to follow the trend - "si lao heng" one. Just follow your "sukak"... as long as we feel comfortable where and when ever we are.

    1. Yes, I wore my new cardigan and new shoes straight after that (to work the next day)..

  4. Emergency Leave summore can go shopping "beh phai" leh... Time arrangement and sorting out your time smartly. Good job.

    1. Must fully utilize lor sweetie.. Guess you will do the same if you are me too.. Not many chances like this in a year (gosh, say until so kua cheong hor).. But really, if I take leave or MC (I hope nobody from office is reading this, keke), I will plan what I need to do that day.. Unless if it's a really sickly MC and I need to lie in bed whole day, then no choice lor, just stay at home..

  5. I'm lucky because my company provide us uniform. Or else I get headache thinking of what to wear. Ended more shopping to do and waste money again. So right now save more for rainy days..emergency use and for the kids especially...

    But once a while, we must treat ourself good right...Shop something we like

    1. Eh, I also wish I have a uniform la, then everyday wear that one only, serious.. But our company has T-shirt though, can wear every Friday.. But they only gave us 1.. So every Friday also wear that one, for about a year liao, wash until "chan" liao..

  6. ooh, EL.. can mean Earned Leave, Equipment List, English Language, Electra-Luminescent, External Link, Experience Level, Enhanced Latency, Entity List, Estee Lauder, Education & Learning, Equilibrium Level, Exposure Level, Employer's Liability, Executive Level, Ejaculation Latency, Election Law, Electronic Load, Emergent Learning, Encode Level, Endurance Limit, Energy Level, Energy Loss, Entry Level, Environmental Law, Environmental Liability, Explosive Limit, Extension Line, Empirical Likelihood, Enumeration Level, Electrical Load, Enforcement Layer, Enterprise Linux, European Lotteries, Expected Loss, Emergency Lightning..

    errrr, what else?? hehehehe.. early morning talking about nonsense already, how Princess Ribbon i am now~~ :D

    1. aiyoh, why you take EL?? you already know your husband is traveling and you need this day off right?? why feel paiseh to submit your AL to your supervisor?? if you have a valid reason that you need a day off, then why paiseh?? i think you take EL lagi make the situation worse lah, suddenly say you want to take leave and you can make things kelam kabut in the office lah.. but if you take AL then everything can be planned ahead mah.. rather unfair to your other colleagues and supervisor lah, unless those that deals with you directly "secretly" know you are going to take EL today.. errr, sorry ah, i also got bowl say bowl got plate say plate lah.. come to Princess Ribbon's blog, we must tell the thing in our heart mah, correct?? hehehe :p

      hmmm, sekali everyone thought you took EL to go for interview!! you know lah, very sensitive one mah taking EL.. :p

    2. wah, so happy happy!! take EL and sent off Kenzie to kindergarten then she can happily enjoy her day already.. go to Berjaya Times Square to makan and shopping somemore!! you see, eat Wendy's and bought back home so many things!! wah, so that was done within just a couple of hours?? efficient lah, after that still have time for an afternoon nap.. i wonder what time you picked up K from his kindergarten?? i thought usually just half a day and by noon they are going home already geh?? but seems like you only started at 11am and did so many things woh.. call me jakun lah, can explain a bit on the time arrangement?? hahaha~~ :D

    3. wah, so good appetite woh.. mushroom melt cheese burger with drinks and fries and also nachos!! but enough for you meh, so little only woh!! bet you must be having something else later lah, haha!! and i can see three platefuls of chili sauce there, need to have so much mou?? you drink the chili sauce ah?? you dip your fries with the chili sauce, or you use the fries to go with your chili sauce?? muahahaha.. i want to know if you finished all the chili sauce, or just took a lot first and never bother whether you can finish them later (since it's given for free)??

      sorry ah, i again very straight intestine straight stomach here.. i hate those who pump a lot of chili sauce like there is no tomorrow.. only ended up consuming a little bit of them.. the rest of the plates, untouched and wasted!! i despise this very much lor, it's called deliberate wastage lor, very "jit doh" lah like that.. now i also don't take any sauce if i go to fast food chains lah.. KFC got lah, cos must have some for the chicken, others i can just eat like that without any sauce lor..

    4. hmmm, so everyday a dress with cardigan and a pair of flats with ribbon, and then a ribbon hair clip on your head.. so everyday you also the same 10 yeas no change look to word?? errr, actually i wanna ask ah, 30 over degree celcius hot weather, how come you all still can wear a cardigan geh?? aiyoh, to me really beh tahan lah, i see already also feel like want to sweat on your behalf lor.. haha!! or maybe you are always indoor with air-cond lah, but many times when i am at the LRT station hor (no air-cond those type) i can see guys wearing cardigans ah, pullover ah, and got one guy even more pening, he wears those jacket, neh like the Michelin type with fur somemore!! fuyoh, i so worry for them they will "jung shu" (get heatstroke) and fainted just like that lor, if not heatstroke i also worry they will "sang yit fai" (heat prick) lor.. swt =.="

    5. wah, those sales girls sure love you very much lah.. because once you buy you will buy a few de.. one piece for each color of the same design!! like "foot tai" (rich woman) like that lah.. just point point point and ask the sales girls to pack them all into your shopping bag, swipe the card and leave.. but me hor, no lah, one design i will only buy one color lor, and sometimes will be quite decisive which color to choose.. so during that moment, i will be the most "grandmother mother" (poh mah) like an auntie lor, muahahahaha!! :D

    6. eih, what happened to me today?? so many things to say?? hahaha, maybe what you have written entice me to tell nenek moyang kebayan stories lah.. so many things i can relate to lor, hahaha!! i also got a shock leh when i see so many comments and long comments i can type.. errr, let's see ah, i started the first comment before 10:20am and now it's 10:41am, eih, 20 minutes only and i can borak so many things.. such much more than i could tell in my own blog leh.. true also geh, my post is one topic, but this post is so many topics, i can tell stories on each of the topic mah.. so my comments here add up to more than 900 words lah, geng mou?? my own post also not even half of it~~ :D

    7. okaylah, enough of nonsense and borak.. wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead lah~~ :)

    8. Whoa! Whoa! SK more long winded than Princess Ribbon today! Birds of feather flocks together! Muahahahahaha

    9. no lah, still cannot compare to Princess Ribbon lah, she one comment mari already longer than 5 of my comments above dei~~

    10. Wah, SK, your comments add up is more longer than my post itself already la.. Aiyo.. When I was reading your comments thru my inbox (I no time to comment last Friday, and I don't comment on weekends coz will be from my phone), I was admiring you leh, I think this is the first time you comment so many leh, kekekeke..

      Seems like you are interested in this topic ahh?One by one ok.. Eh, you so intellectual ahh.. All your EL terms so canggih one? I thought Phong Hong's one already canggih, your one lagi canggih.. You gila liao, kekeke.. So you search in Wiki or all from your brains one?

      Eh, of course I "sing mook" one ma.. Few days before, I kinda "announce" and made a big noise that my baby kena chicken pox (from his elder brother).. I kinda need the people to know ma, kan? So that when I suddenly need to take EL (which I already expected I will need to take), then they won't suspect or think I go for interviews lor.. Their mindset will be "oohh, her baby chicken pox, no wonder"...

      Time arrangement: Morning 7.30am send Kz to kindy.. Then come home do some housework, vacumn, mop, wash clothes, hang clothes. Then I mandi, rest a while..
      Chut moon" at 10.20am, reach BTS around 11am (damn jam coz of the school holidays, everyyone rushing to KL I think), then terus brunch at Wendy's.. Started my shopping lor.. Left around 2.30pm.. Reached home 3pm.. Mandi, have my afternoon nap, wokeup at 5pm, do some housework yada yada, picked up Kz from the kindy at 6pm, buy dinner, come back. The end. Detailed?

      Eh I can finish all my cili sauce.. I always need to take like 3 plates, coz I like to dip with cili sauce ma.. I will pour the first plate of sauce into my burger, then left 2 plates, I eat with my fries lor (together with the cheese sauce).. And don't forget I have nachos too.. Can dip with nachos..

      Wei, office got aircond one ma.. So I can wear the cardigan whole day without taking it off lor.. My arms fat ma, so I need the cardigan to cover my arms.. Hubby always say I got "batman": arms la..

  7. I knew what is EL right away as my office staff has to sms me when they take EL.My staff all abuse the EL just like you. I should go spy on them and they might be shopping like you at Times Square.

    1. I dare not abuse one la.. I sendiri will feel paiseh.. Other staffs hor, they take MC every month ga.. Few days somemore.. Ahem, princess ribbon here, paiseh wana take also, but sometimes cannot be too good girl also la.. Nobody appreciate.. So may as well fully utilize, but not really fully la.. maybe 2 months take 1x lor..

  8. This new generations sees it tough for mothers to care for 2 kids with one hand while our grandmothers could fend for 10 kids easily! They didn't complain as it was normal last time.

    1. Really, go facial also no time.. If wana do own things/go shopping/relax/me-time, must take MC liao.. I'm being realistic.. Annual leaves (ann emergency leaves) are saved for emergencies, like hubby goes overseas or kids sick (touch wood).. If wana go for shopping or just wana "tau lan" (curi tulang), then must take MC liao..

  9. Wowwwwww!!!! Take leave go eat and shop till you drop, so nice!!!

    1. No shop til I drop la, kekeke.. The stuffs in BTS all very cheap only.. Cheap cheap dei, ok la..

  10. hahaha... good good!! Very loyal to the designer! hahaha... Your cardigans more than my girl... she also has a few...

    1. I wear cardigans to work everyday.. Need it, coz of my big fat arms..My arms very flabby one, so I need the cardigan to cover it..

  11. That is a grwat stress reliever. A shopping therapy.

    i prefer shopping by myself too. Been to BTS few times, too many shops. Need to really browse for good bargain.

    1. Oh ya, many shops, and many floors too.. I usually go up to 5th floor, then slowly walk til G floor.. I don't go beyond 5th floor.. Anything after 5th floor would be facials and slimming centres and offices, so I don't go over there..

  12. Wah u dare to take EL ah? My side if take EL will kena potong markah during appraisal lo. Boss will say why give u high mark. Your own AL also cannot plan . Have to take EL.

    1. Eh sweetie, if kid suddenly sick or hubby suddenly need to go overseas next day, how? Still need to take EL for my case lor.. But actually I already knew 4 days in advance, but I dare not apply AL, so just call to EL aje, keke..

  13. I baru "discover" BTS last year. Previously I dare not go as the place was very classy and prices of stuff very mahal.

    Last yr went with sis ...surprised the price so cheap. RM10 can get a blouse.

    1. I also thought BTS high class and mahal leh, coz near to Pavillian and all kan? But mana tau, really, all shops RM25 lastime.. I used to call them RM25 place..

  14. cardigans- i love the yellow ones....

    1. I love those pastel ones.. Yellow, green, pink.. Sedap.. Like ice cream colours, teehee..

  15. Last time when I work in an office, I also like to wear cardigans, simply love cardigans and I got different colours, red, yellow, white, black, etc.

    1. Gip me 5! Yep, office cold ma, hehehe, need cardigans.. Or like some people, they put a shawl or sweater behind their seats, and put them on when they arrive, put them back when they go out for lunch or leave the office.. But for me, nope, I wear all day.. Nothing behind my seat.. "chor teng" ahh..

  16. Hi Louiz,

    Your clothes must be very uniform... All the same but different colours :p What a fun way to enjoy your emergency leave. I love shopping too but didn't have much time to shop these days :(

    Btw... kaffir lime leaves are not curry leaves lah!!! They have both very different taste and fragrant.


    1. Oh ya, people say I'm boring, coz I wear the same thing to work everyday - dress, cardigan and flats.. Except on Friday, can wear company T-shirt and jeans skirt.. Boring ahh? I would call it loyal, teehee..

  17. wah seh ! U go out shopping and can grabbed so many things in such a short time ! I used to wear cardigan (like yours) to work too but not anymore. Last time I used to wear skirt. But after gave birth, I don't have any more skirt in my woredrobe. Wearing leggins / pants are more comfortable. haha
