
Wednesday 2 April 2014

Baby Porridge - My Style

Some colleagues ask what and how I cook porridge for G. They don't know my blog, but well, just to share. To name one ~ White-rice & millet with pumpkin, dried oysters, dried scallops and brocolli-chicken-potato-cheese-egg yolk puree.

Sounds complicated already? Actually, it's not complicated, it's kiasu-ism (is that a word?). I want my baby to have a little of everything. G stays with my mum from Mondays-Fridays, so I provide my mum with frozen baby cubes, whereas she provides meat chunks and fish.

Here's my way. 
1) I boil soup using ribs and vegetables (and store for 'future' consumption). I always find it useful to have some broth in the fridge (to cook noodles and what-nots), just add in some assorted balls and crack an egg, then Kenzie is a happy boy already. 
2) I steam, puree and freeze baby purees in cubes (spinach / brocoli / tomato / sweet potato / potato / pumpkin / cheese / chicken / beef). Use any few combos of your choice.

Broccoli+potato+chicken+cheese+egg yolk purees
Some of you may ask, why not cook fresh for G daily since he is living with grandma?
Answer: It's NOT possible to put in all the vegetables to boil together in the porridge as the quantity is very little, about one tablespoon of rice only. The way is to use purees. Grandma double-boils the porridge in a small ceramic bowl (for 1 person) only. Imagine. By the time she adds in the meat and fish, there's no more space to add in anything else.

Fast forward, so I used the soup (#1) to boil white-rice-millet porridge with 2 chunks meat or fish, 2 chunks of pumpkin with 2 dried oysters & 2 dried scallops (for calcium) using the electric lunch box. In the meantime thaw (#2).

Once the porridge is ready, add (#2) into the porridge, off the fire and serve (once cooled).

Nice? You think?


  1. Zou San, mummy Louiz...those porridge reminds me during my time making porridge for my kids....I bought Japanese rice to make porridge...Hehehe, giving them all the good thing right?

    1. Morning moening sweetie.. Eh, my sis also used Japanese rice, she said they will cook faster wor.. Really ahh? But I just use normal white rice only..

    2. Hmm, about the same thing lar. depends. Once I cook century egg porridge using Japanese rice lor... my son especially loves it the most. The rice looks crystal clear..

  2. Many use the small ceramic bowl - doubled boil to cook porridge eh...

    1. Yes, I double boil the porridge in my wok too.. Same like steaming :)

  3. I love put dried scallop inside porridge, simple, fragrant and nice to eat.

    1. Once the dried scallop soften, I took it out and chop finely and put into the porridge back. For easy chewing lar... you kids lar, don't waste the scallop right.

    2. Eh, me terbalik.. The dried oyster and scallop hor, after it is cooked, I makan myself, hehe.. Put everything into my mouth.. I tried feeding G tiny pieces of scallop, he "phui" out, so I guess he doesn't like the "yat si yat si" texture..

  4. You're good in doing purees, I'm very lazy in doing that. But what I did is always mix and match the ingredients for kids porridge. Even wolfberries they wallop...I love the most are ABC and spinach porridge.

    1. Fish with pumpkin combination is very nice... I tasted too.

    2. I didn't do purees lastime, mainly relied on my mum's pork and fish only.. Then my mum started requesting for purees, coz she is lazy to chop vegetables inside the porridge.

      Moreover, how can she chop a few small pieces of carrot and potato? Balance how? Takkan eat for a week? She doesn't cook for my dad by the way, she tapau, coz no time.

      So purees is still the way, she doesn't have to buy/chop/keep vegetables coz only need to use in a very very small quantity.

  5. Wow that's fast n simple. Btw pls email me yr address as I like to send u a gift.

    1. I have emailed you once I see your comment here..

      Yeah, purees is a bit mafan to make, but if frozen properly, it will remain "fresh" for at least 2 weeks, but of coz I make my purees weekly.. Mum requested for it coz she is lazy to buy/chop vegetables, and it's only a few small pieces..

  6. Should be nice lo, if not nice, he won't finish it right? hehe!!!

    1. Taste not bad, but not as salty as we adults punyer porridge la.. Yeah, thankfully G is not a fussy eater like his elder brother.. Else, I will be pening thinking of what food to give him..

  7. Err ... didn't know got such baby food. Usually my mom or even my wife will make scallop porridge for them. Anyway, they're kids now, they prefer mcd instead. Lol

    1. Yeah, mum requested for purees coz she is lazy to go buy/chop vegetables (carrots/potatoes), somemore only use a few chopped small pieces, then balance how to finish? She doesn't cook for my dad, she tapau, coz no time..

      Oohh, I also sometimes buy McD Happy Meal for Kenzie but he is only interested in eating 2 pieces of fries, half a nugget and a whole cup of Milo, that's all. He is a really picky eater, drive me up the wall sometimes begging him to eat..

  8. good morning good morning!! i just had my bowl of organic instant baby oats, just put hot water and then add in raisins and sunflower seeds lor.. and then the mouth a little itchy, took out two pieces of sugar crackers and munch munch, haha!! i remember last time, i used to have muesli and then pour one cup of yoghurt and kacau into a very nice breakfast.. but then aiyoh, everything is getting so dear now, the muesli all imported one mah so surely expensive lah.. and the yoghurt now also very crazy lor, close to RM2 a cup leh, really cannot afford that.. so gotta resort to this cheaper way lah, just oats, raisins and sunflower seeds.. actually last time i add in almonds also geh, but then almonds also expensive.. hahaha!! i think sooner or later, maybe have to just drink water already :D

    actually just oat like that not quite enough lah, can get hungry very fast de.. gam ngam i bought a packet of sugar crackers so quickly eat two pieces, baru feel more satisfied lor.. actually not purposely wanna buy that lah, because i was buying something else from the supermarket mah.. you know lah, they all like to price the items XX.99, so the 99 sen means you gotta pay 1 sen more, i very cheapskate one, i don't want to give them earn that 1 sen, so i gotta buy three items, so that the total will end up with 7sen so round down to 5 sen, like this i earn 2 sen better than let them earn 1 sen from me mah, muahaha!! so everytime i go supermarket, always buys 3 things lor just for the sake that i don't rugi.. but then second thought hor, for that 1 sen i gotta spend more to buy other things!! worth or not leh?? but my money my sukak ah, i rather spend more in order that they don't earn that extra 1 sen lor.. they cannot just price the items to nearest 10 sen geh meh?? die die also 99 sen like that, that means when they report the sales to the tax department, they actually can earn something from there ah??

    aiyoh, sorry ah, how come started with such a nenek kebayan story which has nothing to do at all with this post?? errr, not entirely not related lah, at least talking about food also mah, right?? hehehehe~~

    1. actually i have nothing to comment about this post mah, hahaha!! i am not a mother and i don't have a kid.. you say normal baking ah normal cooking ah, at least i can still squeeze out something to say mah.. but then kids thing, sorry ah, even want to make up stories also quite difficult, kekekekeke!! so the Princess Ribbon style lor, the topic not ngam then have to tell other stories and bring you to Holland that far, detour and finally come back to the topic and talk just a little bit to give face lah, tak kan totally talk nothing about the topic of the post itself ga ma, right??

      okay, so this post is about cooking baby porridge for G la.. hmmm, so many things blended into the porridge woh, sure very healthy and nutritious lor.. all the nutrients needed, actually this one is as good as those very expensive imported baby food hor?? neh, those in small little jar one we can always see on the supermarket shelves leh.. wah, baby food actually more expensive than many things leh.. so i think you cook at home a lot cheaper lor, somemore sure no extra additives and also preservatives mah, sure more healthy like that.. but then horrr, can just simple go with any combination of the veggie ah?? haha, because i suddenly recall having read a lot of articles where they say this thing and that thing cannot eat together, because they will cause stomachache lah, diarrhea lah, cough lah, too cold too hot etc etc lah.. correct also lah, because each type of food has their own characteristics, that is why there is a profession called nutritionist mah, they are the expert to get the best from each type of food, and how they combine to give the maximum effect.. eih, actually quite interesting also hor?? but then i don't think you have time to read up those things lah, you are one-pot-cook-all people lah, just hantam anything inside the pot as long as you think you sukak them.. hahahaha!!

      ooopsss, digress too much jor.. come back to this baby porridge for G.. actually it doesn't look at yucky as i can imagine woh.. the color is golden yellow, very appetising and the texture also looks smooth only.. and good that he can actually finish the whole bowl woh.. at least he is not like K always just eat one ball and that's it.. aiyoh, actually like that quite worrying hor?? how come he doesn't eat much ah?? or he is too addicted to your so-called delicious yee-mee-cooked-in-left-over-ABC-soup-with-beaten-eggs-and-cheese so he doesn't bother to eat any other things?? hehehe~~

    2. wah, nowadays all parents also talk about giving the best for the kids hor?? last time where got lah, as long as got food then our parents will give to us already.. never bother how nutritious or how junk the food is.. errr, maybe your generation is different from Uncle's generation lah, but last time hor, the logic is "big germ eat small germ" lah, we were exposed to all kinds of things and probably were better immune?? now the kids, this one cannot that one cannot, a little too over-protected jor, so little bit of things also may be harmful to them.. errrr, sorry ah, i also dunno what i am talking about, i just type what come out from my mind lah.. this is Princess Ribbon's blog mah, no need to filter no need to think, can just blurt out the words like that mah.. correct or not?? muahahahaa..

      wah, i say the topic not ngam but i still can borak borak the nonsense nenek kebayan stories!! eih, today i am more geng than last round woh, the comments added up to more than 1000 words leh.. sei mei?? hahahaha.. no need to say, longer than your post lah.. OMG, can't believe i can do this.. want to construct one sentence in my own post also i am struggling, but today i can just vomit so many words out in commenting!! eih, must give me an award lah.. :D

      okaylah.. enough lah, my hands so painful now!! have a great day ahead~~ :D

    3. SK, you are fantastic!

      Wah, SK, I very “pui fook” you.. You somemore dare say you dunno what to comment about this topic, and yet, your comments are longer than my post liao.. I very “yan seong” you, you know? Hmm, so you are using my tactic lah izzit, drag further to Holland first, then once the length looks long, then slowly drag & come back to the post topic, clever boy ahh you.. Got copyright one or not? Coz this is my copyright wor, now you are using it liao..

      First thing first.. Yes, muesli is not cheap.. For yogurt, I buy Calciyum for Kz.. Those packed in 8 one.. Got strawberry, grape, vanilla and mango flavor.. Then I top the yogurt with some honey stars lor.. Can’t afford to top with muesli like you said, plus, he is a picky eater, waste my money buying for him, and later he “phui” out, how?

      Actually I don’t really do the puree cubes.. But since my mum requested for it, I just obliged lor.. Coz afterall she is taking care of G, and if she doesn’t give him vegetables, I feel not good also.. Kiasu ma.. I also want him to eat everything.. So I made the purees lor.. Choose a few vege combo, steam, add water and blend lor.. Then freeze.. People say it’s not fresh, but frozen properly, it can last a month, BUT of coz I don’t keep a month. I only give my mum 5 cubes, 1 cube a day.

      Baby food is not cheap at all.. The H***z brand kan? Well, that’s the only baby jar food I can see in supermarket shelves. One jar is close to RM4, and sometimes. Better blend own fruits then add into rice cereal, that’s my thinking and opinion la.. But if going out, or got wedding dinner to attend, then of coz baby food jar is more senang.. Feed then throw, no need do purees, put in warmer, etc..

      Eh, to be honest, I’m like in your last comment also.. I’m not a fussy mum.. Not “papa paipai” those type.. I am a very cincai person if you know me.. I even feed Kz ice cream and potato chips and French fries.. On days I am lazy to open wok and cook, I just cook Maggi mee with egg for him.. I know I will cursed by health-conscious mummies.. But really, if you know me, I am cincai one la.. But for G, different, coz taken care by my mum, and she requested this that, so I just obliged lor.. If I sendiri take care G ahh, I think would have fed him McD by now, teehee…

    4. OMG! Faint reading SK's comment here LOL!

    5. Yeah, I also pengsan-ed when I read it..

    6. Louiz, you and SK very ngam hor? When I came in here I saw SK punya comment so panjang lebar. SK, mana ada nenek kebayan? You should be the Datuk Kebayan. Maybe should be Tan Sri Kebayan given your prowess to cakap-cakap sampai takder esok (until no tomorrow). Anyway, I had a good laugh reading your very long but entertaining commentary.

      Louiz, your blog really brightens my day!

    7. No pengsan la. SK only reciprocal mah :) he is always nice in this way :)

    8. I pengsan-ed coz he still can write so much although he mentioned "actually I don't know what to write for this post coz I'm not a mummy, etc".. You see, he doesn't know what to write also can write so much.. Pengsan-ed !!!

  9. Huh???? So many things in your porridge? *faints*

    1. Kiasu. So i blend all and mix into the porridge, hehe..

    2. Not kiasu's all-in-one mah. good right?

  10. Pooi Fook, Pooi Fook.. *hands clasped and head bow* ... Really ah... sangat rajin la!! As for me, I no rajin like you... I did what you mother does...dump everything small small tupperwares in teh fridge.. hehehe...

    1. Eh, mum requested for it la.. Coz she lazy wana go buy/chop vege, so I just obliged.. I also kiasu ma, also want him to have more stuffs inside then just meat/fish plain porridge..

  11. I used to make steamed puree for Aden too, but now that he's growing up, he no longer likes puree =_=
    He's a 'fan tong' (rice lover)

    1. You must be so happy that Aden is a "fan tong".. How I wish Kz eats more rice, but guess it's not gonna happen.. If he eats a few tablespoon, then I must celebrate liao..

  12. So your baby G is getting very good nutritious food. Some more got scallops and dried oysters. Just reading the ingredients I felt hungry because it is almost dinner time liao. I think this is a good idea. Very practical and baby G gets proper good baby food. This is a whole lot better than the ready made bottled stuff that I see on supermarket shelves.

    1. Yep, homemade is better than canned jar food, but a bit mafan to make, and need to thaw (and reheat) before eating.. Have to be mixed into porridge or rice cereal, else if just eaten like that, G will reject it (lots of texture inside)..

  13. Oh you use purees! That's a good idea! :)

    1. Yeah, coz I wana mix and blend everything inside, rather cooking it together with vegetables (chopped vegetables). G won't be able to absorb those chopped cubed vegetables, he won't even wana chew it, so purees is the only way..

  14. I used to hate eating porridge but now I like it! I normally eat millet porridge for breakfast nowadays and it makes me feel so good! LOL!

    1. Oh really? You eat millet everyday? Good for you. If only millet, it has one-kind smell (like soya smell, right), yeah mix with white rice better kan?

  15. Yea last time I also boil and freeze up . Then can eat bit by bit

    1. Meow, you mean you cook a big pot of porridge, then you freeze into cubes, one day thaw the cubes and one cube for every meal? Tak takut masuk angin?

    2. nope tak masuk angin. so far was okay. LOL

  16. ahem...the ones who asked you why not masak fresh most probably doesn't have baby or have a maid to take care of that at home is it? How to make la daily like that. Unless they expect your mom to eat porridge daily with the babe la

    1. I love this comment.. I get offended actually when people ask why wana freeze and not cook fresh, coz freezing is not good.. Duh, who dunno mummy is a woman?

  17. I cook baby porridge daily. Never stored in fridge.

    Btw, did you received my mail??

  18. I'd heard of frozen pureed baby food but I never try that myself when the kids were young. Partly, MIL was taking care of them and she cooked for them. She used slow cooker to cook the porridge. But her porridge are salty so I had to remind her from times to times. Luckily my MIL is quite understanding. She reduced her salt but then, still salty to me. If I cooked, I don't add salt into the kids' porridge. I will season the meat with a bit of salt and add into the porridge to boil together. A bit of salt enuf lo.... Moreover, meat will give natural sweetness when boiled.
