
Wednesday 23 April 2014

I'm Happy Again

I listen to this when I have that "down" feeling. I feel down, I'm unhappy, but after listening to this song, I'm happy again. Ok, not 100% back to my normal self, but it kinda helps - for a while. Even just for a few minutes. It helps. I try to "prolong it", so I listen many times, yep, it helps. To stop me from thinking about stuffs for a while.

It's working now. It works today. It will (still) work tomorrow. After that? Will it still work? I don't know. That feeling will still come haunt me I know. 

Anyway, nope, I don't even know the song. I don't know Chinese. I got to know this song from Shazam, yep the apps (go search from your PlayStore). I was driving home one day as usual, then this song was playing in the radio, I liked it instantly! So I took out my Shazam, then ta-daa, I found the video. Yay!

Just a short post today, to share my thoughts and unhappiness or whatever that's bothering me.
Do you like this song too?


  1. Hope you will feel better today. I go thru this lousy blue feeling very often too. But I'm actually too busy to drown in sorrows haha! So i think by keeping yourself very busy, you can forget some of your unhappy thoughts :)

    1. Agree.. If I'm bz, then I'll be too "bz" to think about "that thing"..I like your word "too bz to drown in sorrows", but sometimes, even if I'm bz, I will still drown into sorrows, damn!

  2. Hope you feeling better now, I was always full of unhappiness but still got to think of some happy things!!! =]

    1. Now after lunch liao, tummy full full, but still down leh.. Once I think about that thing, I will be down liao..

  3. Hi Louiz! I am glad that you are happy today. And I hope you will be happy tomorrow and day after and day after that :) Me, not happy today. Feeling depressed but I'll be OK. This feeling comes and goes. Some days I am happy/normal and some days it just hits me. Got to learn how to relax and de-stress. It is good that a song can lift your spirits :)

    1. Dearie, we make a pair.. I can't tell, but yes, I feel depressed (most of the time) but am controlling it.. I may look happy & normal on the outside, but my panic attacks do haunt me every now & then..

  4. Oh Louiz, sorry to hear you were feeling down.. hope you are feeling On Top Of The World Now! I wish I could play my guitar and sing you this song personally! One day I will record it, OK? But with one condition, you will have to wear a thick jacket when listening to it.... hahahaha....

    1. Elo claire.. The down feeling come haunt me every now & then, I keep quiet only.. I have my "attacks" every now & then (OMG, I sound like a chisin por).. Ok, you record the guitar thingy and whatsapp me k? I'll be waiting :)

  5. Hello Princess Ribbon,
    Yes songs can lift up my mood too. Hope it will lift your mood every time. I too will feel up and down. When down I discover it happens more often when I am very tired so when I go to sleep, I feel happier when I wake up. Hope your song will do the same to you, make you happier every time. If you grow sian of this song, maybe another song will do the job.

    1. Oh yes, you are so right! I'm so worried I will get sick of this song, which is pretty soon, coz I've been listening for a few days already from morning til evening (during working hours) in YouTube.. But what is the next song?

    2. Keep listening to the radio, got good chance you will find another song you like. Fingers crossed for you!

  6. Nice song. I also felt down these few days. Maybe I'm not feeling well plus the kids also sick. Ahh.... and time not enough. Got so many things to do but can't finish them on time. But when got the time, no mood to do. How ? How ? Haiz....what a lousy start of 2014. Hope the next half of 2014 will be a great one !

    1. You listened liao ahh? Nice hor? Happy song hor? Thinking of many things now.. Hard to explain..

  7. Positive thinking. Think happy, feel happy, be happy!

  8. Hmm, feeling a bit emotional eh? Hope you are feeling much better now!! *hugs*

    I love this song, very sweet!

    1. Yep, feeling emo today.. Ada la, something happened, the attacks come haunt me again..

  9. aiyoyo, what happen to our Princess Ribbon?? seems like she is not happy having been haunted by something?? never mind lah, this blog is very positive, instead of ranting and being emo and drama, you wrote that in a very positive way!! clap clap.. hopefully you are now what you wrote lah, be happy and do not let the negativity bother you too much..

    hmmm, yeah!! i think listening to songs can help to uplift your mood, a little if not totally.. just like you say, of course it's quite hard to get the "down" disappear immediately, i always think it needs time, so with the help of listening to a nice song, the process will be quicker lor.. anyway, i've read a quote which is so meaningful, which says "time is a good agent to heal, but not a good option to resolve problem".. still it all drill down to us, not about forgetting the problem, but to face it and resolve it and then make it a no-problem in the end.. hmmm, maybe we all think say is easy lah, but then some times we just have to believe lor..

    errr, never heard of this song before and today is the first time.. hmmm, not really my kind of music at the moment lah.. a little too sweet and sticky and lovey dovey to me gua i think.. i prefer a little more alternative or rock or dark or indie music recently, those sad ballads like you want to kill everyone, those sweet pop songs like it's too unrealistic etc not quite ngam me now.. i think i am rather, want to be a bit different from the rest of the people lah.. hahaha!! :D

    okaylah.. don't want to write so much lah, since you just have a short post today, else you say my comment is even longer than you post!! errr, wait, i think already longer right?? but never mind lah, most of the time, i comment longer than the post one lah, to show support mah, you support me i support you like that lor.. hehe!!

    have a great day and tomorrow is a brand new and beautiful day again :)

    1. Yep, no "radio deejay" stories to share ya, just feeling a bit emo today ahh.. Your comment never fail to make me laugh.. "sad ballads like you want to kill everyone"... I tried not to laugh, coz this is my sad post, but I still laughed reading your comments..

      This "thing" that is happening to me, errr, actually already very long time liao.. Time could not heal me (yet), I'm still waiting to be healed though.. Gawd, I talk like I'm a chisin por..

  10. I like to listen to songs that makes me feel happy! But I also like to listen to sad songs too haha!

    1. Tell you something, whenever I have this feeling, I always think of your post "Forgiveness".. People may be happy-happy on the other side, but terbalik me feeling down here, "hor pit" leh? But (there's a but), easier said than done, need more time kua..

  11. I seldom listen to chinese songs on radio. English songs are better and more creative to me, Chinese songs all sound almost the same LOL!

    1. I listen to both stations when I drive.. If this station is playing advertisements, then I switch stations..

  12. SO what was actually bothering you? Anyway, be happy always! :)

  13. music can really heal the soul..

    1. Hopefully.. Time too, can heal, but it's not working on me..

  14. Hey,

    Try Jordin Sparks - One Step At A Time.

    Better .

  15. Great ! Try to think and stay positive and you will feel good. Exercise a bit , it helps.

    1. Err, I don't exercise, maybe I should try. Thanks for the suggestion!

  16. apahal apahal *kaypoh mode* okay scroll up and read

  17. now my turn to unhappy pulak...cant listen to that song lah....too slow to load :(

  18. Morning Princess Ribbon, hope u feeling better...

    1. Today ok sikit, but I think the song is not working much anymore *sobs*

  19. The song is pretty good considering I don't listen to Chinese songs much!

    Good to hear that you're happy again, music does help but I found out that the best thing is to have something that no one can take away from you (e.g. religion, relationship etc).

    Take care Princess!

    1. Some days, I look ok. Some days I don't. And guess what, today, I am not ok. It comes & goes. Unexplained. Can't tell anyone. But thanks for coming by my humble blog!

  20. Oh dear, just one of those "not good" days huh? But glad you are happy again. Wewouldwant to see a happy Princess Ribbon, not a sadone.

    and yea, hi five! I dont read Chinese too. Banana mums. Lol. But i do listen to Chinese songs.

  21. Everyone's mood swings will rise up and down like the ocean's daily tides. Some will be low much longer depending on their ability to control the situation. Do you know why the ocean's tides could rise up & down daily? It is because of the moon's direct beam on the water. Now the whole world's oceans could be influenced by just one moon planet! Now you and I have 70% water inside our bodies too. So the moon can affect our mood because it can cause the body's water & blood to rise up and down too.

    So we humans need to exercise sufficiently everyday to control the situation of our body's fluid flow.

    1. Yes music helps because it sends the right frequency to our brains which will hopefully lift up our mood and spirits. So it would be a bonus to listen to nice music while doing exercise!

  22. Same here, I love listening to songs, both happy and sad songs, depending on the atmosphere and mood.

  23. I also got share songs in my blog, do hop over to listen to them, nice songs too!
