
Monday 28 April 2014

My Saturday

Now, this is how my Saturday looks like, if you want to know. Princess style? Puh-leeese. Slave style got la.

Hubby works on Saturday, many should know by now already. G wakes up as early as 6am! And that means, I can't do anything much, as he is a sticky baby and will require me to be by his side at all times. Kz wakes up about 7.30am usually. Both will have their bath around 8am, then it's breakfast. Porridge for both of them (which I cook at 5am). Kz hates porridge, but I manage to force him to finish the porridge with bribery (not gonna mention what kind of bribes as health freaks will condemn me here). Out of convenience, I feed both of them the same porridge so that I do not have to prepare separate breakfast for Kz.

Nap time for G around 9am, while Kz glues himself to the TV and YouTube. 
*Note: Don't condemn me, I have to do this, else, I can't do any chores.

Lunch for both around 11.30am. The same porridge for G, and noodles (cooked with stored-soup-in-jars) for Kz.

Noodles cooked with (leftover) soup stored in jars, vegetables, assorted balls and an egg. I do this almost every weekend and so far, Kz has nothing to complain and would gladly eat it. I boil my soup one day in advance, on Friday, then store them in jars, and (make it a point - must) finish them on Sundays. Afterall, leftover food is not good for health, but out of convenience, had to do it. I will have no time to prepare lunch if I hadn't prepared the stored-soup-in-jars earlier. 

A few noodle-meals to share using my stored-soup-in-jars. Kz loves these, and would (usually) finish (almost) all of it.

Then, nap time for both G and Kz around 1pm.

Hubby comes back around 2pm.

Then it's the usual routine - going to the supermarket to shop for groceries, then to the MIL's place for dinner. My life boring?

Oh, here's me, with G in the kangaroo pouch. Nooooo, you really think it's called a kangaroo pouch? Duh. It's called babywearing la ~ carrier. I use the carrier now instead of the bulky stroller, works ok with me.


  1. Interesting all-in-one meals! ;)

    1. Have to think of one-meal plans, else, no time to cook with two (sometimes three) babies around..

  2. 6am, that's pretty early, usually I sleep till 7 something on Saturday, hehe!!!

  3. Me is usually wake up early on sun as have to go church...

    1. I wakeup early everyday, no deep sleep, keke.. To be exact, every 3 hours :)

  4. Err .. bring them to mcd once a while.

    1. Eh, Saturday la.. How to take both kids out alone wor.. Mafan.. But if hubby is around, yep, will go for kaikai la..

  5. How nice if you are full time mummy at home! You will be babysitter and full time blogger as well. Tell your hubby you wanna resign from your office job today. Tell him you will devote your time to the kids for 5 years only and go back to work in office again after that. 5 years later, tell him another 5 years!

    1. I've been thinking for a long time about this.. But babysitting is a commitment, and it's tiring too.. Plus, people will not send their babies to me looking at I still have two of my own to care for.. Hmmm...

  6. Buy all the bento's moulds to cut boiled carrots, cucumbers and potatoes to make cartoons! Your kids will become addicted to cartoon vegetables over the rice or porridge!

    1. I once thought about Bento and all, but stopped halhway coz malas.. I have some simple sets like shape cutters to cut from bread/cookie shaper, but all stashed away in one corner now.. Maybe time to take it out back..

  7. I heard that some mothers carried babies like that is equivalent to weight lifting in the gym! Your back and leg muscles will grow!

    1. Kid you not, it's heavy (the baby's not heavy, but the other things made it so heavy, like the straps and all)..The pain will be in the stomach & waist area.. But it's better than hand-carrying the baby for a few hours la..

  8. A mummy alone at home taking care of 2 boys aren't easy hor...... You did a great job. At least you still cook healthy meals for the kids rather than 'ta pau'.

    1. Wana tapao also cannot coz noone is at home if I wana tapao.. Even the nearest "chap farn" stall also have to drive out one..

  9. Sometimes is liddat, I feel myself boring too doing the same thing over the weekends. When see people posting go for nice tea break with friends, go shopping, go holiday... I will started to think crazily and asking myself whay I'm still here doing all this... Sigh.....

    1. Rant rant abit here, at least you feel more comfortable... we are here to listen to your rants... hahaha...

    2. Sometimes when there is no mood - means no mood to do all kind of stuffs...sien

    3. Sweetie, I totally relate to what you write.. I have some friends in FB, has 1 kid (or kids) too, but she everyday can post her photos having hi-tea/pedi meni with her BFF's, go holiday, I am thinking "hey, how come she can do it, and I can't".. Sigh..

  10. Hi Louiz! Very practical and convenient idea. Boil soup and then store in jars. You know, I have been thinking of borrowing some of your ideas to bring my own lunch to office. Very sian eating the chap fan everyday. Your life boring? I think most of us also live a very routine life, so it is not only you. But for me, although my Saturdays are routine-mop floor, wash toilet etc (that is if I don't go to office) I don't consider it boring. I quite like it, it's better than being in the office hah! hah!

    1. Yes, yes, please, please, feel free to use the ideas.. Dinner for lunch (for the next day), store your (pre-boiled) soup in jars to make noodle soup or whatever, it's kinda useful you know..

  11. I bet every young mother will agree with you... weekends are for jaga-ing babies... I would say the same for myself too... er... 20 years before.. hahaha... that time where got storing jars... everyday eat porridge when young till they are old enough to take rice.. then each day must have at least one dish that they can enjoy eating.. like toong choy ching choo yuk, potato chicken or minced meat.. soup.. bla bla blaaa.... hahhaa.. this is Motherhood!

    1. Oohh, I know, "kid's dishes" = minced meat with baked beans, fried onion eggs, potato chicken, soup.. Yep, yep, so true !!

  12. wah, this G so enjoy life.. wakes up at 6am then then goes for a nap at 9am and then wake up for lunch and then goes back to sleep at 1pm.. so what time does he wake up again, and anymore naps for him for the day?? and what time does he goes to sleep at night?? hehehehe.. actually this makes me realize i also like to do that lor.. last time when i was still studying, i will set my alarm one hour earlier, wake up wash my face and then i go back to have a "nap" until my second alarm rang!! like that actually makes me feel like i have more sleep lah, actually it's the same, but then it's actually more of a "power nap" because i woke up and wash my face brush my teeth already mah.. actually better than sleep till the time and wake up lor.. hehehe!! actually i am also doing this now, but not 1 hour earlier lah, i set my alarm at 7:30am then wake up go brush my teeth was my face and then go back to sleep.. and my second alarm is set at 8:00am, so i have like 20 minutes power nap before i get up again to get ready lor.. and actually i wake up early for another reason also lah, because if i wake up later, my brother and SIL will be using the toilet, i don't want to wait mah, so i rather be the earlier one to use lor.. somemore recently got the catuan air, two days got water two days no water, so who wakes up earlier can be early bird to guarantee water to use mah, haha!! actually many people say i am crazy to do like that, but then it's my life - so i like, i sukak and i am happy to do like this.. i feel more refresh lor, because i have "more" sleeps mah.. actually during weekends, i sometimes wake up early to have breakfast, because used to wake up early already mah.. my alarm is set for everyday one, then after breakfast, rest a bit and then "fan hei gong sum" can easily doze off.. and that time ah, around 10+ in the morning ah, very nice to take a morning nap one i can tell you.. hahaha!! and then wake up around noon time, it's time for lunch already.. that's what you call "heh" at home doing nothing lor.. wait, what doing nothing?? sleeping is doing something, doing nothing is doing something also mah, right?? :D

  13. yalah, not good to eat so much of the leftover lah.. keeping it for too long is one thing, and then you keep recooking it is also another problem, the more you cook the more nutrients you lost lor.. better to have things fresh so that your kids can get more nutrition and then grow up "fei fei bak bak" mah.. but then of course i understand you are not a full-time staying-at-home mommy, really taxing to find time for you to cook also, that's why everything has to be convenient and simple and fast.. so actually you are doing your best lah, and you don't only simply cook anything as long as can makan then you considered done.. but i can see you actually put the kids into your thoughts lah, how they can intake more types of veggie and more nutrients and to have a more balanced diet, though you always have one-pot-cook all but then that one pot sure is very wholesome and has everything they need all in one.. eat into the stomach only mah, in the end also blended and become one thing out lah, hahahaha!! sorry for being so gory ah.. so back to your noodles, see, got veggie got meat got eggs, everything.. and this one looks more normal because there is no cheese!!! muahahahaha, call me jakun lah, i can accept cheesy sauce with noodles the "gon lou" style but never with noodles in soup lor, but then that is what you boy likes huh?? hahaha, unique taste but as long as he loves it, and it's not something unhealthy, just go for it lah, right?? but i actually more prefer the second dish lah, the soup beehoon, looks more appetizing to me leh.. the weather so hot ah, actually "ching ching dei" eat like this also good hor?? actually when it comes to noodle soup hor, i would like to make a lot of soup lor, more soup than the noodles.. because it would be funny to see more noodles than soup and then the noodles also "suck" in the soup and turn very soggy.. like that rather have "gon lou" lah right?? :p

  14. so you don't bring him in the stroller when you go out ah?? like that carrying him in that "kangaroo pouch" you okay or not?? not heavy and not tired meh?? or you and your hubby take turn to carry him?? actually i want to give you LIKE for doing this lor.. first, you are carrying him and you can look at him all the time, it's more intimate and he can feel you.. unlike being dumped in the stroller, you cannot see him clearly and he is like being left alone, maybe not so much of "on chuen gam" as compared to carrying him.. second, the stroller very bulky and all the time blocking people lah, and especially now many people just take the stroller up the escalator, aiyoh, like performing acrobatic to see who has the biggest muscle meh?? actually stroller is not allowed on escalator lah, unless it is those flat type and not the stair type, walk a bit and go take the lift lah.. it can be a safety thread and also causing inconvenience to other people using the escalator lor..

    1. Again, your comments are longer than my post liao.. I shall reply all in one la, ok?

      Yep, G wakes at 6am or 6.30am, but nap again at 9am (coz he woke up early ma), then nap again around 1pm.. Lastime leh, he will nap again around 4-5pm, but I tried to "stop" it coz if he naps around 5pm, then by the time he wakes will be 6pm, then how to sleep at night, kan? To answer your question, he sleeps around 8.30pm at night..

      The noodles ahh, I try to incorporate all kinds of stuffs inside la, like assorted balls (which is not good I know), vegetables and egg, but I think you should know by now, Kz only eats the noodles, balls and the egg. He would not touch the brocolli nomatter how I pujuk him.. But my "sum lei" is, if I chuck in the brocolli and boil together inside the soup, then the nutrients will "fall into" the soup, and he usually finishes all the soup anyway, so the nutrients is already inside his tummy kua, correct ahh I think like this?

      About the kangaroo pouch, lastime I used to take the stroller.. But very bulky and it's a drag especially when going up the escalator.. Going down still ok, but going up, errr, I takut ahh... We always have to take the lift, mafan a bit lor.. So now, sekali I take the "kangaroo pouch", kautim.. Tiring is tiring, yes, but we don't shop for long ma.. Maximum 2 hours..

  15. jusco one utama? (: hehehe

    "slave style" >> lol, you're funnyyyy!

    1. Nope, Jusco Mahkota.. Nearby my MIL's place..

  16. Wah Princess Ribbon, you are so diligent, can wake up at 5am on a Saturday to cook porridge for your sons. If me, my children will starve because I die die also cannot wake up that early so lucky for them, I don't have children.

    Your idea is very good, cook soup and keep for the weekends to cook noodles for your eldest son. I see your noodles all very yummy, I myself will be happy to eat them.

    You are also very strong, your younger son looks quite happy wor and you can wear him in a carrier like that. Really super mama. Tabik!

    1. oops, I mean your younger son looks quite heavy wor.

    2. He's not really heavy, less than 10kg, but when put together with the carrier and all, yep, it feels heavy.. The tummy and wait part hurts.. But not for long, coz we don't shop for long..
      Ohh, about waking up at 5am, well, I wakeup every 2.5-3 hours, coz he wakesup for milk every 3 hours or so..

    3. Even when you work you gotta wake up so many times a night? Wow!

  17. Well, I truly understand that kinda feeling where we have a sticky child!! Really 'tau mmm dou hei' ar!!

    Eh good that you still can use that carrier, really kinda convenient one. But my son is too heavy already, so we have been keeping the carrier in the cupboard since months ago.... Plus he din't really like to be carried that way =_=

    1. G is a really sticky baby, totally opposite from Kz, who "choi ngor de soh".. Really wana stand up go do something also cannot, he will make noise.. Ok, you can say ignore.. If I ignore, he will start crying, when he starts crying he will gag and cough, then vomit.. And I have to clean up all over - change clothes, mop floor, etc.. So there...

  18. Hi Louiz,

    I laughed when I read about you saying puh-leese about being princess... LOL! I always remind myself that I'm not Angelina Jolie. I didn't have a Brad Pitt husband and a train of nannies :p That's me! Hey, you are not alone :D

    I remember carrying my son a lot using the baby carrier. I reckon that it is so much easier than using the stroller :D

    Btw, I won't be doing any travelling post :D Cheers!


    1. Haha, yep, I'm not a princess, how nice if I am.. I have royal nannies to takecare of the kid :)

  19. Coming by to say hello. Wish you have a nice day.

  20. I have 3 kids but I dont own a baby carrier. Nice and lazy Saturday.

    1. The carrier was given second hand by some friends lastime.. Kept it in the cupboard for a long time liao..

  21. Suddenly I'm thinking about making porridge using slow-cookers. Ever tried that? Start cooking the night before and voila, by morning the porridge is ready. Maybe beats having to keep soup overnight. Just a thought.

    You're a cool mom! :D

    1. I used the slow cooker to cook porridge for G lastime, to bring to the nanny.. But I find porridge cooked in slow cooker not that nice leh, maybe becoz I only use 2 scoops of rice, so the sides will be burnt, thus, the porridge has some kinda burnt smell.. So I purposely wakeup early to "taan" (steam) the porridge in a wok lor.. But yes, will start to use back the slow cooker really soon coz G will be going to the nursery..

  22. I like the way you carry your baby. Those days we had to carry our babies close to us and no stroller too.

  23. LOL...kangaroo pouch....aiyo backache leh last time whn carry like this. Thank goodness j very fast doesnt wanna be caried

  24. Love the food you perpared. a lot of Liu. Healthy leh.

  25. Wow! Wake up at 5am to cook porridge? I can't wake up that early haha!

  26. Oh you have so many leftovers? Not good lah, food should be freshly cooked. But of course, you don't have the time.

  27. Of the three meals, I like the 2nd one best!! Yum!

  28. Oh the baby carrier very handy right? But if baby is heavy, then might be a burden!

  29. So this is your Saturday routine every week? OK a bit boring if it's like this every Saturday. Maybe need to change your routine a bit. But who am I to teach you? hahaha!

  30. Hi Louiz! I read your comment at my place but I have not replied you and the others yet. I think what you are having could be post-partum depression and anxiety comes along with it. As I understand it, some women experience depression after delivery and this depression can last for some time. Have you read any books on this subject? It could help. On your anxiety, I also have the same thing. It happens when I have to meet people for the first time, going for meetings and when I have to visit government departments. or even making phone call to someone for the first time. And yes, also when there is change of environment or change in routine. It drives me nuts. It may sound silly to some people, but this is very real. And I agree, some of the things that get us down we cannot tell people because it is too personal and it will freak them out. I have that too. Take comfort of the fact that you are not alone with this problem, I am hoping that somehow, you will be able to overcome this depression and anxiety attacks. Take care, Louiz!
