
Sunday 1 June 2014


I'll pause a while in my blog and also commenting in other blogs. G was admitted due to high fever from tonsilitis. I need your hugs & prayers. See you once I'm back on my feet.


  1. oh gawd, so sorry to hear that.. Uncle SK hoping for a speedy recovery for G add oil for G... and lastly, hugs and prayers for both G and Princess Ribbon..

  2. Oh dear! Hope G gets well soonest and you take care too. God bless, all.

  3. Oh no, Louiz! Hope G get well soon. A hug for G and a hug for you! Take care and I will remember you both in my prayers!

  4. Take care of your baby... no worries about blogging and commenting.. we will always be here for you... God Bless!!

  5. Hugs and prayers to you. Praying that G get well soon. *hugs*

  6. Awww ... get well soon G !

  7. I know you will read this comment......!!!

    Please update us on your boy's progress. Hope he is back home playing happily now. Mummy can rest and sleep well again.

    1. Discharged today, throat all cleared.. White spots gone, tonsils gone.. But still having fever.. I dunno why, maybe due to the antibiotics fighting and all.. Have to monitor still..
      P/S: Am not on my feet yet.. I'm feeling like s**t right now.. I haven't been eating since Wednesday!

    2. Adoi so sad.... I am praying now for him... namo namo namo.....

  8. oh..take care..speedy recovery to yr boy..

  9. Oh dear, sorry to hear that!
    How did you find out it was tonsilitis? I brought Aden to paed for Zentel treatment last week and when he checked Aden's throat, he said there's a white spot in his throat (no wonder he has been coughing on and off, not often and serious la, but can hear a bit coughing), but paed din't say it was tonsilitis or anything...
    Speedy speedy recovery to G!

  10. Oh dear. So sorry about your boy's condition. Hope he gets well by now. You take care, Louiz.

  11. )):

    sorry to hear. really really hope he's better now. BIG BIG HUGS x

  12. How are you and G now? Please rest whenever you can. Hope G is recovering well now. *hugs*

  13. Hi Louiz,

    I know that you have quiet lately due to school holidays... but worst to hear that G is so sick. Hope everyone is going to be ok. Please take care.

