
Tuesday 10 June 2014

G's Story

Not sure if readers would like to know what happened to G, but I'm writing for my own record.

26.05.2014, Monday - G had his MMR jab as scheduled (1 year old vaccine)
27.05.2014, Tuesday - G didn't have appetite and seemed to be less active than usual. Was it the effect from MMR?
28.05.2014, Wednesday - G woke up with one side swollen eye and a fever. Took him to the paed, was given antibiotics due to throat infection. Rectum tablet inserted to control his high fever.
29.05.2014, Thursday - G did not get any better and his fever did not subside. Rectum tablet inserted to control his high fever.
30.05.2014, Friday - G's not getting any better. Temperature spiked up to 39.8 degrees and we were uncomfortable with the rectum tablet already. Decided to admit him to the hospital. Throat very swollen with white spots. His hand was hooked up with the IV line from Friday til Monday.

02.06.2014, Monday - Throat cleared. Discharged.

Went home. High fever came again. Rectum tablet inserted. Temperature came back at night, I kept sponging his head and forehead to control the temperature.
03.06.2014, Tuesday - Temperature spiked up to 39.3 in the morning. Rectum tablet inserted. Seek 2nd opinion. Went to another doctor. Recommended by hubby's boss, this doctor is very popular with kids having high fever (and not subsiding) and all. Came back in the afternoon, took the medicine and the fever never came back! If I'd known earlier, I would have brought G to this doctor, and he didn't need to be admitted.

Just when we thought the nightmare was finally over, G fell from the bed, knocked his head, back to the hospital again, and received 3 stitches! The hospital had to call the neurosurgeon and the anesthetist. I felt like killing myself.
04.06.2014, Wednesday - Recuperating. 
05.06.2014, Thursday - Better.
06.06.2014, Friday - Better.

I'm back to work on Monday, 09.06.2014, G's with my mum for a week. Too tired to write anything else. 


  1. Glad to see he's getting better and recovering!!! =]

    1. Yes, he's recovering now, but I could still remember the day he fell and banged on his head, so much blood! Really hak sei ngor!

  2. What an ordeal! All in all, happy to know that G is all good. But now back to you. Your still got fever? You need to recover too. I'll come back later.

    1. I'm having fever and a bad throat infection.. Eye a bit red too.. But still at work..

    2. Are you on medication? Please take care. If it is very bad you better take MC. I am sure your boss will understand. Try to get some rest this weekend. I know it is tough to do so with two young kids. I feel so sorry for you.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm still recovering - from the trauma and all.. I'm still traumatized by the incident, especially when he fell and banged his head.. So much blood!

  4. Aiyo ... poor G and poor you and your hubby too ! Glad he's doing better now.

    1. He's better now, at my mum's place for a week..

  5. Oh dear! Glad that the worst is over. Sure isn't easy being a parent - there are trying times, but it is all worth it. Takes a whole lot of loving tender care. God bless, all.

    1. Yep, not easy.. Glad it's over, but more to come, I know.. He's an active kid..

  6. *Poor G* *Poor Mum* Both of you needs lots of good food from now on.. recuperating for Baby G and replenish back your stress by eating healthy and lots of rest!
    As STP said, being a parent is not easy.. my Baby Girl was also admitted during her 5th month.. due to coughing and lots of phlegm in her throat... I stayed overnight few nights in hospital too.. so I understand how you must be feeling then.. Thank God all is fine now... rest well, my dear..

    1. When I see the IV line and all the tubes stuck together, my heart sank.. He couldn't do anything but to stay on his bed.. That was tough..

  7. What a difficult time you and hubby went through. I am glad it's over and you could rest to write this blog. Yes, we will be happy to read whatever you wish to share. My heart really sank when I heard about his fever that took so long to subside.

    When I was a small boy, all my playmates were Spastic kids at the centre where both my parents were active fund raisers and board of management team. I was too young to understand why those kids had to crawl, urinate and dripped salivas all over the place besides having mangled & twisted limbs. My mother just replied that many of them developed extremely high fever and their parents merely overlooked causing the kid's to develop brain damages. So sad.

    These days, modern parents are exposed to better awareness in parenting with the best medical facilities available now. We learn from trial and errors in life so that it won't repeat. I am sure you know exactly which doctor to run to next time. Share with all mothers and heavens will bless your family always. This is what blogging is all about.

    1. If it's high fever, don't play play.. The temperature spiked up to 39.9, I couldn't think straight, inserted the rectum tablet right away.. But then, this tablet can only last for 8 hours, then the fever will come back.. When it comes back, back to 39.3 again! For a few days.. Scary!!

    2. Yeah it's true dun play play. Myself I very pantang that my kids got fever too..

  8. What a scare it must be - all the high fever and then the stitches. PTL G is recovering well now. And mommy please take things slow at work so that you can fully recover too. *hugs*

  9. Thank you for sharing with us on how's G is doing now. Good to record it all down. What's the name of those medication the last doctor gave him that kept the fever away?

    1. The medicine doesn't have a name.. Western doctors and paed will usually give Uphamol 250 or any PCM syrup, plus rectum tablets..
      But this so called "magic" doctor, gave syrup concoction, which is pink in colour.. She says baby has "mou tan".. She is a western doctor, but incorporate Chinese style too.. So I guess baby has "chue mou tan", which means the body is too heaty..

    2. Western plus chinese medicine doctor - very rare. Good that the pink medicine is very effective.

  10. Sorry Louiz about G's incident... I knew how you felt on that day. I'm glad baby G is getting better and better

    1. I didn't feel like myself the other day.. I couldn't think straight.. Brain frozen.. For a second, I thought it won't happen to my kids.. But anything can happen.. Haih, scary la..

  11. Poor kiddo, but I guess he's recovering, you don't worry so much, take good care of yourself too ok?

    Don't bother so much about blogging, you need to rest too~

    Hugs hugs~

  12. aiyoh, poor G and also poor Princess.. but i think this is quite common among toddlers huh?? i remember last time when i was a kid, i also always have high fever for couple of days.. and then my mom very leceh lor gotta take care of me.. she even complained she got pimples because of all those sleepless night taking care of me, muahahaha!! but glad that now everything is fine and G is in good conditions now..

    hmmm, you always must have a very hectic week but stay strong to take care of G.. so i guess you will no more go back to the first paed already but the second one who gives miracle medicine to G and his fever subsided immediately.. but then second thought, could be the dosage is much stronger than what was prescribed by the first paed woh.. you gotta see and monitor a bit lah.. taking care of G but then you yourself also have to take care woh..

    and bravo to Princess Ribbon!! she's a wonderwoman!! :)

  13. dear, dear. you certainly sound as if you've gone through a whole lot. big hugs.. hope all is well. or at least, looking up.

    stay positive. x

  14. Really a tough time to go through but glad it was over now. Speedy recovery to G.

  15. Sorry to hear this . Didnt know. Two weeks holiday so many things happen to you. Hope u okay now and the kids too

  16. Oh gosh, that must have been a harrowing experience for all. Glad G's fine, you too and things are more back to normal? Nevermind, we learn from experience. Keep up the spirit!
