
Monday 16 June 2014


Simple post today. This was saved in my draft before G got sick. Short one. Sunday. Nothing special. Routine.

First thing when the kids wake up, drawing on the Doodle board, playing blocks, alphabet foams, number foams, the usual ABC-123 thingy, G chewing on flash cards and book corners. I serve breakfast at 7.30am. Porridge for G, and oats for Kz (if there's no bribe), else, I would feed both the same porridge. After breakfast, I steamed Milo cupcakes again, *backside itchy*.

Shower time around 8am. I now shower them together to save time ever since G started walking and could balance himself while standing.

YouTube time after shower. G naps after that. I do house chores and prepare lunch while he naps. Kz would sit at his corner happily with his tablet, a bowl of Koko Crunch, yogurt and juice. I would be watching the Korean drama -  "The Sun Embracing The Moon" at this time. 

Lunch at 11.30am. Both naps after lunch. Here's G, asleep in the stroller. Don't ask. I need the stroller to make him sleep. 

Fast forward, prepare to cook dinner around 4.30pm.

 #1 - My trademark oyster-sauce-tomato-sauce roast chicken

#2 - Vegetables with glass vermicelli & fried fuzhuk

#3 - Simple steamed fish with ginger slices & tomatoes

I do more when I'm at home - during the weekend or when there's a holiday (and hubby needs to work). Am sure most (mummies) agree with me. When I'm working (in the office), I do less, and more relaxed . Afterall I spend most of the day in the office, and by the time I get home, it's already evening *guilty confession*. Anyway, am not complaining. It's normal becoming a slave playmate and play"maid" for the kids :)

Janji everyone hepi!


  1. Oooooo...TWO lovely boys! You're one lucky mum!

    1. Roast chicken looks great. Wowwwww!!!! Poor fish buried under all the ingredients. Heheheheheh!!!

    2. Roast chicken is the simplest food to make of all.. But must line with aluminium foil..
      Haha, poor fish, yep, too watery from all the juices and all, but we slurped them up alright! Teehee..

  2. Replies
    1. Welcome back my love.. Yep, many things happened.. I'm still traumatized with the incidents, now thinking back or sleeping at night or whenever I'm alone at home also will think about those flashbacks..

  3. no mood to cook leh. weather too hot. Like wanna sing that song "I dont feel like doing anything~"

    1. Same here, now no mood cook also, after what happened for the past 2 weeks.. This post was saved in my draft before all the "sui" stuffs happened..

  4. Hi Louiz! Your oyster sauce-tomato sauce-roast chicken is the best! I haven't reply your comment yet. Hope you are feeling OK today. So that is how you spend your Sundays.Oh, I see that G can stand up already. hee..hee..I like that "censoring" part, so cute! I also like your vegetable dish because I super love broccoli and fuzhuk. The steamed fish looks good too. I love the chap as it is very flavourful. I like to drink it!

    1. Elo twin.. No, I'm still NOT alright today, but it kinda got better when I came to work.. You know, those "attacks" always come when I'm at home, alone, with the kids.. And no, it doesn't come attack me when I'm at work..

  5. A diary of an housewife ...
    Sounds like what my wifey does daily !

    1. Yep, an aunty Sunday diary.. When all things are good and no accidents (oops, touch wood and stupid mouth), this is how I spend my Sunday (and Saturday).. No going out, really..

  6. Hoe Mama! Waking up so early... and bathing the kids at 8am? Somemore take a picture while showering.. hahahaa.. now with blogging anything also can! Like the time I went to retrieve my slipper in the heavy rain at the balcony... also wanna take a pic! hahahaa... anything also on camera! hahahaa... yeah, I like the love ribbon part too.. how did u do that? Canggih!

    1. No choice babe, have to wakeup early coz G wakes up as early as 5.30am !! So he needs to nap by 8.30am or 9am.. Which means I got to feed and bathe them by 8am so that I can rock G to sleep by 8.30am.. Then I get 1-1.5 hours of "quiet" time to do house chores while Kz glues himself to the YouTube..

  7. The roasted chicken looks good...

    I only cook if i have the mood...

    1. These was taken about 1.5 weeks ago, before G got sick and hospitalized and all.. Now, I don't have mood to cook too.. Don't even have mood to takecare of the kids.. Oh god, what am I talking? Like phobia already when I see kids having fever now.. Haiz...

  8. wah, routine stuffs then i think you typed this post within 10 minutes and kao dim right?? haha.. or maybe type it into a post you need to think, but then when comes to doing them, you close your eyes also can complete them all hor?? not to say i kua cheong lah, but then if things are really routine ah, really do not have to think one, very naturally you will do this and do that in sequence and before you realize you are doing it, you have already got it done jor..

    so G is totally recovered already?? goodness gracious!! and nice, he can now stand stably and you can one shot bathe the two boys together!! errr, actually easier to bathe them together or separate them?? or you also bathe with them together since your G must see you in his eyes?? hahaha.. like that not "yuen yong hei sui" (mandarin duck play water) already but a "3-some hei sui"~~

    okaylah, looks relax only mah.. routine but at least all also "hand palm eye see work" mah.. but then serving breakfast at 7:30am on weekends really is a little bit too early right?? or you all one family are early bird ah?? i wake up like 7:45am on normal days and 9am plus on weekend.. cannot torture myself for not sleeping in a little late on weekends lor.. so your breakfast is served at 7:30am, means you woke up even earlier to get things done!! okaylah, even your "one pot cooks all" style also at least need 30 minutes gua?? fuyoh, waking up before 7am on weekends!! kill me~~ :D

    hahaha!! playmate or playmaid also never mind lah, cos both are your "bone meat" and both also "poot" our from your intestines mah.. as long as no need to be a praymate or praymaid then can already lah, can have peace of mind no need to worry this and that and what nots about the kids, but they can grow up healthily and happily mah~~ :)

    1. okay, i know you are going to say my comment is longer than your post!! but hey, that's for sure one mah, hahaha!! i always type long comments one woh, i am long-winded people leh.. and i know you like it loooooong~~ :D

    2. How you know I want to say the same thing? Haha.. Ya ma, really, your comment is already longer than my post..

      Let me confess first.. These days, I'm very lazy to comment long long already, due to the depression and all, and also to what happened to G 2 weeks ago.. But I know certain things in life cannot be avoided, and with kids, things are bound to happen..

      Yes, I'm quite an early bird, coz G wakes up as early as 5am! Kz wakes up around 7.30am. When both wakeup so early, I will also prepare them early lor.. Breakfast and bath, all done by 8am..

  9. What a lovely post of a mama's rants! i am sure SK would mimic you next! So easy to capture your original style. No nonsense from your hearts and transparent until 2 boys in birthday suits. They are so cute!!! Awwww

    1. Lovely meh? When no accidents happen (ouch), then lovely (and cute) lor.. If something happens, like two weeks ago, I feel like a drag! And to be honest, til today, I'm still very much traumatized by the incidents..

  10. I love that photo so much of your 2 princes watching the tablet. Reminds me of my idiot brother and I when we were tiny tots watching the B&W TV from the floor... We also peed together doing Zorro crosses! Muahahahaha....

    Sweet memories!

    1. No choice, gotta depend on that tablet if I want to do house chores.. I know many will disagree with me, but the tablet (and YouTube) is the best babysitter in the world.

  11. You should write and publish your own Princess Ribbon's Cook Book with the title "Anything Can Masak"... "All In My Wok"... or "Lazy Mama's Easy Cook"... I am sure you would create a storm and silent the chefs.

    1. Haha, can, I will think about it.. Won't publish a book la, but maybe can compile and blog about it, haha.. But then, readers will be boring liao, with the ABC soup, one-pot chicken rice, roast chicken, fried vege and simple cakes..

  12. When the kids nap, it's the time when we the mummy can do things, hehe~

    You are quite a busy mum, but I agree, mum is busier during weekend than at work, but for me the stay-at-home-mum, everyday also is a busy day, hehe!

    1. Yes, I salute you too Hayley, I know SAHM is more tiring than FTWM.. People may think I'm not a good mum, but after the incident with G two weeks ago, I have phobia taking care of kids (or him?) especially when I'm alone..

  13. Good idea of showering them together. More fun for them and save time for you. I like to eat steamed fish. You are a good cook. Your dishes look delicious!

    1. No no no, I'm not a good cook, hehe.. I cook very simple food only, anything from the fridge.. You know why I steamed the fish? Coz I live in a condo, and my kitchen is very small, I didn't install the vent, so I don't really (deep) fry food.. Rather steam it lor..

    2. But steam food is better for health than deep fried food. Anyway I find those cooker hoods that are supposed to suck smoke out don't really work.

  14. Replies
    1. Actually I'm a lazy mum.. I have (mild) depression, am contemplating whether or not to blog about it.. Thinking thinking.. Then reader won't think I'm a good mum afterall..

  15. I love reading your blog.. simple rants of your daily life

    1. Yeah, my blog is my friend.. I tell my blog everything.. But not 100% everything, haha.. Family and friends don't know about my blog.. Not even my hubby.. So I can write anything..

  16. Replies
    1. Those are just simple food.. Even baking.. I only bake simple stuff.. No frosting, no cream, nothing.. Haha..

  17. super yummy yummy food!!!! :D i'm curious; would i be able to make milo cupcakes in the microwave? & if yes, how long d'you reckon i should put em in for? it's strange to see "oats" & "porridge" in that same sentence because i know oats as porridge. lol! i realise folk here mean congee when they say porridge though (: it's so cute that G sleeps in his stroller! haha. i used to fall asleep all the time in moving vehicles. i guess the movement helps. goshhh, being a mom sure seems awesome!! /bigshinyeyes

    1. Oh sure! You can "steam" chocolate cake in a cup in a microwave. 5 minutes perhaps? I call it the 5-minute chocolate cake in a microwave!

      3 tablespoon self raising flour, 1 tablespoon Milo (or cocoa, whatever you have in your pantry), handful of chocolate chips, 1 tablespoon (icing) sugar, 1 egg, 2 tablespoon cooking oil, half a cup of milk.. Stir all into your favourite (microwavable) mug, and microwave under High - 5 minutes. I hope I'm right, teehee..

  18. It's good that you are able to do your own cooking. I always encourage my friends to cook for their kids instead of eating out.

    1. If there's time, for sure will cook at home.. Afterall, eating out is not cheap nowadays.. One week's food supply cost about RM50 (fish, minced meat, pork, chicken, vege).. But eating out for one meal in a restaurant in a supermarket already cost RM100+

  19. Hi Louiz,

    Totally agree that I do feel more relaxed at work than at home... although my work can be very stressful. The least, I didn't have a child and a man that are trying to rip me apart... LOL! Just joking :p


  20. Oyster and tomato sauce chicken? That was appetizing. I love the combination of these two sauces. I could eat two bowls of rice with that dish!!

    Sunday is always busy and chaotic time at home. Haha. But it is fun with kids around.
