
Thursday 24 July 2014


A post before the upcoming holidays.

Many people I know are already making plans where to go, what to eat, where to eat, even where to go for a short day-trip. But for Princess Ribbon here, it makes no difference. Still another ordinary day. Means, I'm staying at home taking care of the kids again. Boring?

Back to the kids, if they don't fight, I am happy. It's tiring to be alert and keep an eye, especially after what happened to G. But well, am not complaining, this is what I have to do, as parents, comes together in the package if I want to have kids. 

G's not interested with toys or the TV. When Kz is playing with something, G comes and attack, and vice-versa. So, they fight - all the time. Here's their rack. Would you be interested with this? Do you find it impossible that G doesn't even like one thing from this loot?

Ok, now come lunch. Lunch when I'm alone is simple. I only cook simple food. I will be making something like this - again. Soupy noodles with egg and assorted balls. Boring?

After the kids nap, my turn to eat. No, I don't sleep when the kids sleep. That's the time for me to eat and do house chores. I don't eat instant noodles all the time, but if I want something fast (so that I can start doing my house chores) this is the easiest thing I can whip up - Mamee Chef tomyam instant noodles! *Slurp*

Yep, I'll be eating this in my smelly pyjamas, oily face, messy hair, oohh with a stinky mouth too. *I only brush my teeth when I shower in the afternoon after both of them nap*

So dear readers, I guess this is how my holiday will look like - from this Saturday until next Wednesday. Happy holidays!


  1. Morning Princess Ribbon!! Same here also, I don't have any vacation plan, maybe I just spend my holiday in the KL Convention Center book fair only...(as I plan to go everyday to buy their daily promotion books!! =])

    1. This morning when you say holiday mood, I thought you'll be going for a holiday or something.. Wei, can go KLCC also syiok la.. Better than staying at home from Sat-Wed..

    2. I prefer stay at home rest more, still don't have enough rest, so this weekend gonna stay at home no going anywhere, just stay at home to read my books, hehe!! =]

      And have great weekend!! =]

  2. Morning, Louiz! Frankly for me, I would rather stay home during the holidays. The roads will be jammed and any places of interest like resorts would be full of people and crowded. I don't like crowds and I am happy staying at home doing my chores (I love housework, Am I mad?) and gardening and reading and blogging. Don't worry, when your boys are older you and hubby can take them on short vacations. For time being I think most parents with young kids have to make sacrifices lah.

    Your noodles though simple is actually quite tasty, no? Eh, no vege? I like having vege in my noodles and I like the hardboiled egg in there too. Ah, are those square things fried taufu? I love taufu in soup. I don't really fancy fishballs but I do eat them.Your soup look reddish. You put tomato sauce?

    You only brush your teeth in the afternoon? hee..hee..I cannot tahan like that. I have to brush my teeth even before I eat breakfast and then I brush one more time.

    1. Morning sweetie pie! The brown bihun is homemade stored-in-jar soup, for Kz..
      The red one, eh, it's instant noodles lah.. Ok, maybe I shall edit and put remarks there now..
      It's Mamee Chef Tomyam instant noodles.. Yep, I add in additional balls and seafood tofu..

  3. It is no pleasure to travel within Malaysia during holidays as the traffic would be scary in highways and the hotel rates might scare me off. Better to travel overseas though slightly more expensive. I won't be going anywhere yet as I am paranoid with flying now. Another 3 planes down over the news.
    There are lots of nice places to bring your kids to in KL! Happy holidays to you and family next week.

    1. Wah, TM so the early today.. Yep, I know it's not fun at all to travel during festive seasons, but imagine this - I (think) I'll be staying at home from Saturday-Wednesday! Work starts on Thursday.. Ooohh, by the way, Wednesday is a forced leave, everyone must apply leave, what a drag !!

    2. Hotels more expensive during holidays? Didn't know that. Air fares, yes. Many would take the last day of school off to fly, very much cheaper as they jack up the prices the minute the holidays start...and one would take a day or two off after school has reopened. Sibu-KL can be from around RM100 to RM400 or more, per person.

    3. Nice places in KL? Where? Where? Everywhere, it's, No worries about the planes. If it is God's Will, one would just drop dead anytime, anywhere. Have faith!

    4. STP, yep hotels more expensive during festive seasons.. There's a surplus charge during festive days..

  4. The Joys of Parenthood. Been there, done that. It may not seem much at the time but when they've grown up and flown the roost, you would think back on these times...and miss them terribly...and wish you could turn back the clock.

    Sad but the fact is children don't stick around and stay with their parents anymore - some do not even bother to come and visit, always busy with this and that. When that time comes, you will be grumbling that you have so much time but you have nothing to do...and you feel so so so alone and lonely - especially when while the kids are growing up, you break all ties with your friends and grow apart, not close anymore.

    1. Very very agree on everything you say.. Yeah we break ties with friends, and we don't go for gatherings anymore coz we have to take care of the kids and its not convenient to go out.. Very true indeed.. At times I wish they grow up faster, especially when they are sick and all.. But at times I wish they don't grow up so fast, haha.. Life..

  5. Wah .... look at the toys ! You all so manja the kids. Hehhe

    1. My mum says I "jung wai" the kids, but I don't think so.. I use the cane too, hehe..

  6. Don't eat too much instant noodles. After I saw a nutrition on it , I stay away.

    1. Once or twice a month I'll eat instant noodles la.. Convenient..

  7. I will be heading to the zoo this weekend. Why not make some plans for a short getaway ? Good for your stress too.

    1. Told hubby about it last night, he said "see how"..

  8. Understand that Malaysia Tues also holiday, here only Mon...

    1. Yep, here public holiday would be Mon & Tues.. Wed is a forced leave, everyone MUST apply leave.. I start work on Thursday..

  9. Bring your kids go jalan jalan during the holiday, destress...

    1. Maybe shopping mall.. Not to any resort or somewhere far..

  10. I will balik kampung and sleep throughout the weekend, and then come back to Penang for work on actual Raya, how awesome is that? >.<
    Your soupy noodle is too hard for me. Separately make a hard boiled egg? I will just crack the egg into the pot while cooking the noodle... that's how lazy I am ;)

    1. Haha, I crack the egg into his noodles too.. Alternate days.. If two days in a row he eats eggy soup, he will be fussy about it..

  11. aiyoh, long weekend and raya holiday is coming woh.. so you have already "planned" how you are going to spend your off days at home doing housework, monitoring both fight-prone kids, cooking simple soupy noodles with assorted balls, and oh, eating your brunch in your smelly pyjamas, oily face, messy hair and stinky mouth!!! muahahahahaha~~ well, bodek WWV to bring you out somewhere lah!! or ditch the boys at home, so that you can take turns to go out for a breather, hehehe!!

    1. Yep, this post very unique one.. It's not about "after", it's about "before", haha..

  12. aiyoh, K and G are still fighting?? hmm, maybe as they grow up they would become closer and good friends at home lah.. like my two nephews, when they were younger they always quarrel and fight.. but now they are both in the same school, i realize they seldom quarrel and fight, but indeed they are like very close buddies.. they talk non-stop about things at school, they talk non-stop about their common likes, they play together.. ah, that's very good, sometimes i feel very impressed how close they are too, haha..

    1. Yep, they still fight with each other.. The other day, Kz pushed G and G fell on the floor, bumped his head again! But touch wood, no blood la.. Now I phobia liao when G falls on the floor and hit his head..

  13. hahaha.. i think you stock a lot of noodles and balls at home hor?? because you always cook noodles, and when you cook noodles, there are sure a lot of balls to go with it.. at least better lah, you see me, if i am going to cook instant noodles, that would only be the instant noodles itself lor.. your one, you see, added so many balls and toufu, aiyoh, indeed very luxury bowl of instant noodles lor, don't complain lah!! haha~~

    1. You are so "sai sum".. Yeah, I stock a lot on noodles, all kinds - yee mein, bihun, pasta, egg mee, everything.. And assorted balls, yes, very observant.. No choice, Kz likes, have to add 1 or 2 biji inside, to make him eat lor..

  14. errr, the Raya Holidays until Tuesday officially only lah, your company gives you another extra day off on Wednesday ke??

    1. Wednesday is a forced leave, everyone MUST apply leave.. What a drag !!!

  15. long weekend coming up ah?

    1. Sien lor, I dunno about other mums, up to them if they wana condemn me.. But I sien lor, so many days at home..

  16. They play so neat de. if J sure tunggang terbalik la

    1. That's becoz Princess Ribbon here, picks up toys all the time.. After they play, I pickup.. They play again, I pickup again..

  17. This holiday me too tarak go anywhere. Sure jam like mad

    1. Sure boh, I tak caya.. You sure go kaikai, makan makan, rayap rayap one.. J boy sure wana go out, kan?

  18. I might be landing in KL... not fixed yet though... Well... at least you can relax at home.. (while the kids were sleeping!) Happy Tom-yaming... I see a lot of liews in your tomyam lunch... add in some greens and the meal is perfect! hahaha.. now I am slurping!

    1. Seafood tofu and "tiu pin" pork balls only.. Hehe.. But yes, I like to put a lot.. Nope, don't like greens..

  19. Ello ello!
    Same here la, no where special to go, nothing special to do also.
    Same like you, stay at home looking after Aden.

    1. 'hai kam geh la' mummy, once got kids (especially if they are still young) we got no ME time even during holidays.. All time are for them already.
      Unlike single/paktor time, got holidays sure think of where to go/how to celebrate with friends... That time so free and easy, no need to think so much.. Hehe~

    2. Yes, you are so right.. I don't have time to go for facial and hair dyeing liao.. Yes, of coz I need to dye my hair, coz I got lots of white hair hidden underneath, so I have to take leave or cheat MC la.. Ooops, cheat MC pulak.. "kong dou kam larn teng"..

  20. I must brush my teeth before breakfast otherwise I feel funny having my food. hahaha!

    I also not going anywhere during the long holiday. Will just visiting some of hubby's staff during Raya.

    Happy holidays!

    1. I'm happy I'm not alone *selfish cunning face*.. Yay !! Many people not going anywhere, hahahaha...

  21. Hello Princess Ribbon,

    I accompany you. I am not going anywhere too. Just staying in klang valley and try to sleep more to rest. Do try to sneak in more sleep when your husband can take care of both children. Happy holiday to you!

    1. Haha ok you must accompany me.. Then I feel better.. Happy holiday to you and family too..

  22. Would prefer to stay at home it's the best..

    1. Yeah, I think so too (sour grapes)..But will still be going to the mall.. Just not to resorts or somewhere far..

  23. Happy weekend Princess! So how do you find the food and place? was it what you expected?

    1. Bread and cakes attracted me though.. Hubby's curry mutton mee nice.. My nasi lemak normal..

  24. At least there's something to do? hahaha.. i've yet to know what I will be doing but this evening i am invited to friends' house for some bbq and i've yet to prepare any dishes :D

    Then and the rest of the daysss.. i just want to become a worm .. on bed.. watching drama :D

    1. Elo bride to be.. So wat did you prepare for your fren's bbq? Just make some potato egg salad? Or buy pre marinated meat lor.. Kaotim..

  25. Hi Louiz,

    Ordinary? I must say that life with kids is not as ordinary as life without kids :p With kids, it seems more challenging. I know that it is exhausting but can be rewarding.


    1. Yep very exhausting indeed. But if hubs takecare of them once a while, I feel free, hehe.. Like today, hubs takecare of them and I go out do my hair, nice..

    2. Nice! You deserve and need this!!! Happy with your silky and smooth hair today?

  26. Good morning Princess Ribbon, I read your comment. You are very familiar with Jalil Links area. I thought you live far away near Ara Damansara. Hope you are enjoying your holiday.

    1. I stay in Bkt Serdang, nearby Jalil.. My condo is just behind TPM.. I use Kesas to go to work, and back..

    2. Good morning Princess Ribbon, Wow, now I really salute you for driving all the way to near oasis for work everyday. I could not do that. *thumbs up*

  27. Yum! Comfort food!

    Interesting your boy doesn't like toys. Maybe he's onto bigger and better things.. Think Picasso or Mozart or Einstein or Bill Gates or even David Beckham. :D

    1. Really, they now don't play toys from the rack anymore.. Maybe for 5 minutes, then "yim jor" liao..

  28. I learned after I had Cass that babies and toddlers do not like their toys. They like what we adults use! So for Cass, I hardly bought her toys. I gave her my old handphones, the pots, pans and kitchen accessories and she loved them all, but only for a few days. Then I kept those things and brought out 'new' stuff from my drawers and then the process went on. :D

    1. Oh yeah, good idea.. Old handphones, pots, pans, bowls.. I have a set of Ikea plastic kid's plates, bowls and cups, but they are not interested at all..

  29. wow...I saw kid's tent at the corner of the house! I so wanna be in that tent!!! LOLx! I guess if I m a kid, I will hide there whole day and with my coloring books...haha
    the noodles looks least u hav meatball to go with it. My instant noodles normally hav veggie and egg.

    1. Haha we bought a tunnel too, to go with the tent.. But the kids didnt seem to appreciate.. Or dunno how to appreciate.. Oohh Kz's noodles must always have meatballs, to tempt him to eat..
