
Friday 1 August 2014

Simple Breakfast Bento

Yep, started with these - Very cute and fancy food picks.

Got these from Daiso at RM5 per pack. Too cute to resist from buying. Made breakfast box for hubby - just for fun - for 5 (working) days - which I've compiled for my record.

Bento Breakfast # 1 @ Monday
Potato+egg+mixed peas+cheese cocktails salad and an apple
Secret sauce: Kewpie Japanese mayo

Bento Breakfast # 2 @ Tuesday
Bread with cheese (with butter), honey omelette and cherry tomatoes

Bento Breakfast # 3 @ Wednesday
Tuna mayo+corn rolls, steamed broccoli and an orange

Bento Breakfast # 4 @ Thursday
2 hard boiled eggs, 4 mini cheese-cocktails, cherry tomatoes and an orange.

Bento Breakfast # 5 @ Friday
Ran out of ideas, out of food, getting lazy. Haha.
So it was just (the same rotation): Butter+jam & peanut butter+jam rolls, 1 hard boiled egg, cherry tomatoes and an apple. 

Not making anymore coz hubby says it's too much for him to eat in the morning. Also, coz I think he's shy eating this in the office, so he ate in the car before going into the office. Excuses.


  1. Morning Louiz! Looks nice, those bento breakfast. The food looks good and quite substantial for breakfast. maybe better for lunch? But haiyah, your hubby shy pulak to eat in the office. Did you also prepare for yourself to eat in office? It takes quite a bit of time to do this right? What time you wake up to prepare? I have made lunch for myself before but after one week gave up liao. Too time consuming and not nice to eat because no microwave at the office.

    1. Nope, I didn't make the same for myself.. Like on Monday, I just "kiap" those potato-egg salad into two pieces of bread.. Tuesday, I just took bread & cheese.. Minus those veggies and fruits, haha..
      No, not really time consuming.. I boil those hotdogs, eggs, broccoli, whatever, then I go brush my teeth..

  2. So cute la!! I like the Thursday one the most! You're so hardworking, wake up so early to make breakfast, my breakfast everyday was just cereal and milk only, hehe!! =]

    1. New toilet ahh girl.. Yes, for that one week, I woke up earlier to prepare.. After that, no more.. I reach office at 8am everyday, you know rite..

  3. Wahhhhh!!!! So many choices each day, where got simple. Simple would be a peanut butter sandwich...or plain noodles, no garnishing.

    1. Simple as in no cutters or other what-nots.. Have you seen those rice balls shaped into Hello Kitty's head, with cheese and seaweed cut to make their eyes, mouth, whiskers? Wah, those canggih la, I don't think I wana do it, hehe..

  4. I love all of them...these few weeks I really lazy to get up in the morning... so didn't prepare snakc box for my son.... pity him lar...

    1. My son won't eat, so prepare for him also waste my effort one.. He's only interested in the picks, hehe..

  5. See the potato salad makes me crave for it, hehe...

    1. Potato-egg salad can never go wrong.. Just eggs, potatoes, maybe some bacon, avocado and mayonaise ! Kaotim..

  6. So thoughtful of you for your kids ! I also had a bento yesterday evening. Burp !

    1. Prince Chris, this is not for Kz la.. It's for hubby la.. I tried it for 5 days.. He finished, but didn't quite like it.. This week I asked him does he want again, he said no.. Boohoo !!

    2. This Chris never reads properly.... ! He saw the cutie stuff so he must be thinking they are for your kids! hahaha..

  7. My brain usually haven't boot up properly to let me do complicated task like preparing breakfast on weekday mornings. So I usually either have oats or just eat in the office cafeteria. This round I win liao..

    1. Haha, you are so funny la.. Yep, I wakeup early for a week.. But only 3 minutes hot la.. Since he doesn't like it, so I stopped liao..

    2. I don't think he doesn't like it lah, who doesn't like ready made breakfast? He probably just don't want you to tire yourself, so he act like he doesn't like it.

      **But then, he's going to kill me if he really doesn't like it but sees more breakfast next week**

  8. Very kan lik leh! And also very sai sum... your hubby sure lum chor! hahaha... Yes, perhaps he is shy a bit eating in office with all the cute stuff there.. haahhaa... on the other hand, he might make other men envy him also.. so might as well eat in the car lo.... Good job, Princess!

  9. My wife often made bentos for me too as I have posted them long ago in this link -
    It is true that I was shy to eat them in the office sometimes but I was too hungry while driving and finished all laaaa.... Your hubby's bento is more adults type and I would dare to eat them in office! LOL

    1. Yep, I saw your post long time ago, when I was still SK's stalker..

    2. OMG! You so scary stalker since 100 years ago!

  10. Are you aware that the Blogger Shirley Tay is the world class Queen of Bentos? I got blown away by her creativity and innovative ideas! Now I found out her mummy also has excellent creative sense!

    1. I cannot do like her la, those canggih bento thingy, with cutters and all.. I can't even do what your wife did.. Mine is just cook and assemble, no cutting or shaping into Hello Kitty face leh..

  11. Next time put ganja inside and let him get high!!! Muahahaha

  12. I will comment here! Your hair cut is nice and neat making you like college student! You might hear whistles outside.

    1. Alamak, you ahh !! I purposely disabled the comment button.. Scared you all say ugly or longer hair better, then I malu la, kan?

  13. hah..hah..Louiz, I came over to comment since your hair cut post tak boleh comment! Then I saw TM also have the same idea :) I think your haircut is OK, not too short. Makes you look even younger than you already are. Cute also. How you awet muda, ah?

  14. Wah, all your bento looks good la!
    I got the similar food picks from Daiso too! ;)

    1. Saw your new hair, nice leh, like 'siu mui mui', tell people you are a mummy, they sure drop their jaw, haha!
      I can never cut my hair that short, my face is too chubby >.<

    2. Me seldom go for hair cuts. That day Raya break, hubby free, saloon opened, so I asked him to jaga the kids and I sekali go settle my hair lor.. Cut shorter so that no need cut again in a long time ma.. Hehe..

  15. Wow! Cut your hair short! Look nice to me.

    You are into bento? The kids will be happy to see the colourful box. I am lazy, never make nice bento for my kids. ^^

    1. Thanks.. No not into bento.. Just 3 minutes hot, coz I bought the picks from Daiso.. Tried it on hubby.. Never on Kz, he doesnt eat anyway..

  16. Wah, you are practising making bentos for your sons next time to bring to school so making them for your husband now. Did you also make the bentos for yourself too? I can understand your husband feeling shy to eat in front of his colleagues. I don't think is too much food for a man. He must be really shy. Very nice bentos. You are very creative, Princess Ribbon. :)

    1. I stopped liao lor.. For that one week I purposely woke up early to prepare.. Since he said he didnt want liao then I stopped lor.. Potong stim.. He could eat wantan mee or nasi lemak with his parents on weekends for bfast, but he said my bento food is too much and he feeks very full, I so geram..

  17. Princess Ribbon, I like your shorter hair! Shorter but the length is still long, as in shoulder length. You look like a cute doll! So sweet. :) Your office has a canteen? I thought only factories have canteens for their staff.

    1. Thanks.. hehe.. If you said longer hair looks better I'd cry.. Oops sorry, yeah not canteen.. It's a cafe..

  18. Happy weekend to you Princess Ribbon! May you have a good rest and enjoy your weekend with your family!

  19. wah.. okay woh, who say those are simple?? got lots of varieties and packed with lots of goodies leh.. got fruits, got eggs, got veggie, got bread.. and then decorated with those cute cute pins, aiyah, the kids sure very happy with those and want to eat more lah.. even if i got those bento, i would love them also woh :)

    1. Wah started replying blogs ahh? Rest first la.. Eh these bento are for hubby, since Kz doesn't eat..

  20. wei hangat hangat tahi ayam ka...why only one week post kihkihkih....i was wondering when you posted in FB. Whether you going to post breakfast photo daily like STP or not. :p

    1. Wei of coz no daily different bfast la.. Everyday same for me nia.. Milo and bread or biscuits.. The bento hubby say dowan liao..

  21. Tak aci tak aci........kasi commission ni...i posted no comment post...follow by sk and now you pulak...wonder next will be who...muhahaha

    1. Oh ya.. Tak terfikir pulak.. Started with you.. Then SK.. I should say copycat follow Meow and SK.. haha

  22. No comments there only.. but can still post here, right? Yes, your hair sudah pendek like school girl liow... if go out with you, sure people ask,"your daughter ah... " sure one... hahaha..

    1. Wah don puji me liao ahh, scared tonite cant sleep.. hehe..

  23. Hi Louiz,

    Nice hair! No need to comment... Just want to say that you look good :D

    Are these your bento or your husband's? They look nutritiously good. Your husband eating these in his car??? I think he is afraid to get teased because with the cute food pickers. My husband never allow me to decorate our cars and house with cute stuff. Not even his lunch :p


    1. Yep these were for my hubby.. But he asked to stop doing, so I stopped. He said he couldn't finish and too much for him (but he can go for bak kut teh for bfast sometimes)..
