
Tuesday 19 August 2014

The Phone Call

The school called around 4.30pm. I was working. My heart skipped a beat. Each time, when Kz's school or G's nursery calls, it's not a good thing. Never a good thing.  

I was prepared, it's either:
1) Fever
2) Something else

Principle: Mrs. Wong, this is Cathy, your son knocked on the cabinet, we already applied "wong yok sui", it was bleeding justnow, but now it looks alright, but I still need to inform you.

Me: Wait, kena where? 

Principle: The area between his eye and eye brow. 

Me: WHAT ???!!! Kena eyes or NOT?

Principle: No, no, no, no kena eyes. He was running around with a friend, then he knocked on the cabinet.

Me: *paused* What should I say, takkan I scold the school? 
Ok, I understand these things bound to happen, hope the teachers can keep an eye on them in future.

Principle: There were two teachers taking care of them, keeping an eye, but everything happened too fast, you know la, kids. So just to inform you ya.

Me: Can whatsapp me his photos now? I want to see how deep is the cut.

Principle: Ok, no problem.

And she whatsapp-ed these photos to me. Maybe it looks ok to you, or it's not that deep/serious, but what happens if he hits the eye? 

I believe the teacher asked him to smile and pose for the camera. I could imagine the teacher telling him "Kz, please smile for the camera, your mummy wants to see your face, please look like you are very happy". 

Ok, sorry, I'm being suspicious.

I applied some tea tree oil on him that night. The cut looks ok now. I think there will be a scar, coz he scratches and peels the "crusty thingy" a few times, and now it's "wet" again, without that "crusty thingy". But well, not complaining, as long as he remains healthy, happy and safe everyday. 


  1. Boys will be boys, all part of growing up...but of course, it is best to be more careful when playing. Your boy's very handsome!

    1. If kena his eyes, I can't live with it, heart beating so fast that day..

  2. Glad to hear kz is ok. So scary right? To get the call from school.

    1. Yes sweetie.. A phone call from the school/nursery is ALWAYS NOT good..

  3. Lets shake hands! My son also kena .. lagi serious than KZ.. few stitches above the eye, the same spot as your son... now he has a scar... but never mind.. like those "tai koh" scar.. "don't yeh me, see my scar??"

    1. Gawd, my heart trembling when I'm reading your comment.. Few cm kena eyes liao, how? Stitches? You kalah me liao, G kena stitches at 14 months! My heart can stop anytime, you know?

  4. Morning, Louiz! Oh, I can imagine how scary it is when the school calls. You would think of the worst, right? Any parent would. Fortunately did not kena right to the eye and he is OK. This sort of thing is bound to happen to active kids. Must tell Kenzie to be careful when playing. I am sure the teachers did their job but with young kids, it can get unpredictable and accidents do happen even at home. By the way, that last pic, Kenzie very leng chai leh!

    1. Yes sweetie, NEVER a good thing when the school calls.. My heart skipped a beat, no, maybe two, no three I guess.. My blood race up to my head, I can't think straight.. What if kena the eye? Can I live with it? Scary, sigh.. But I know these things are bound to happen, I can't control, and yeah, already lectured Kz kau-kau, gave him my killer stares too..

  5. Good morning Princess Ribbon,

    Hope you have a good day.

    1. Morning dearie.. I hope I have a good day too..

  6. Luckily no kena eyes, reminds my little nephew always dunno how he walks, always bang the wall like he can't see...sweat...and my little niece lagi funny, that's a day she hit something on the school then when she got back her mom ask her why got "oh chei" on her forehead, she answered because there're too many walls in the school....(faint***)

    1. Haha, I'm laughing la.. Too many walls in school? She's so cute, kekeke.. Yeah, G also always hit himself on the wall/floor, until got "hou mou lau" (bungalow), I apply tea tree oil lor, very effective one..

  7. My cousin when young, run here, jump there, knock on the cupboard, kena lu ku on the head....

    1. Yeah, I know these things bound to happen, but eeeee, so near the eye.. Scary..

  8. The principal also selamba aje, I wonder if she got her own kids? Or maybe she seen this kind of "near" cases too much until got used to it.
    I remember when I was in school, the worst thing that we fear is not the cane, is when the teachers threaten to call our parents, call parents confirm no good thing, not just for parents but for the kids as well >.<
    On the bright side, what's happened has happened, he's fine now, just an additional scar that might help him attract girls in the future ;)

    1. She was quite selamba when she called.. But she did say "The cut is quite deep, I feel I need to inform you".. Yep, whatever happened already happened, I'm thankful he's ok now, didn't affect his sight and all..

  9. It's quite a norm lah. J also kena before in school. Principal tarak call but come out explain.

    Kz principal kira okay la. Still contact the parent to let them know. Sometimes hard for teachers to jaga so many kids.

    1. Yeah, I know quite hard for the teachers to handle so many kids.. They have only 2 or 3 teachers for daycare I think.. But still, eeeeee, scary, so near the eye..

  10. Feed KZ more vit c. scar will go away. Still young. Have to remind him to be more careful when playing

    1. Ooohh, Vit C will lighten the scar? Maybe I shall feed G more too, G's scar worse than Kz's scar..

  11. I think I have the most bodily scars in my family and I got them all from my teens onwards! Your son starts earlier like any boys. Your are his mummy so it pains and worries you for sure. Now I recall back how my mother freaked out when my brother was chased my his friend and he crashed into the coconut tree's trunk cos he didn't wear his spectacles. His head bled so much blood and had stitches on his head. Heh heh heh....

    1. I think your son needs to be reminded often that he has to be careful whenever he plays, walks or crosses the roads and those blah blah blah..... He will be obedient and grow up well.

    2. Wah, scary wei !! Run and hit the tree trunk, bled and had stitches.. Same like G, rolled over on the bed, fell down, knocked his head on the wall corners and bled so much, my heart skipped 5 beats!

    3. Muahaha....Your replies are often funny although you were terrified and worried.

  12. Yeah , I think you needed to reprimand your kid a bit. Ask him don't run around else he will get injured. The teachers are humans too , they are not perfect. On the other hand , why not u consider becoming a full time housewife ?

    1. Yeah, lectured him already, gave him my killer stares too.. Fulltime housewife? Nah, no money, no freedom, no rest, no leaves, no mc, no bonus..

  13. yalor, no news is good news lah.. you think the kindergarten teacher so free to always give you a call everyday to report the progress meh?? if they call, sure something is not good one.. so, rather hope they do not call at all lor.. i am sure your heart sank when you saw the kindergarten calling, the same feeling like somebody call you in the middle of the night at home like that lor..

    1. Ya ya ya, same like receiving calls in the middle of the night, heart beating very fast, skipped 5 beats maybe..

  14. wow, that is indeed a very dangerous spot, it's on the eye lid!! OMG, and i heard he "knocked" on the sharp edge of the cabinet, that hurts for sure.. not like he "cut" his eyelid on the cabinet, you get what i mean?? knock means the impact is great and could probably affect the eye leh, you better bring K to see doctor lah, if just cut then should be fine..

    1. Yep, dangerous spot.. I think a few cm kena eye liao.. Scary wei.. The teacher said "chong dou" (knock lor, right).. I asked hubby should I take him for eye-sight check, hubby says no need wor.. He looks ok, so, I hope he's ok la..

  15. i wonder how the cabinet will cause the cut?? a sharp edge probably?? and why did they have sharp edge in the kindergarten?? and if they have sharp edge furniture, why are they not covered?? you know there is something like rubber to cover the sharp edge of furniture right?? they kindergarten should hav use that one every furniture they have wat.. those don't cost a lot of money, or if they say want to save cost, Princess Ribbon can just be the good samaritan to donate a box for them lor.. it's for the sake of the kids' safety mah, these money cannot save one..

    1. I was thinking the same too.. In my house ahh, I have those corner protector one.. Put those rubber stuffs on the cabinet corners, and anywhere which have sharp edges.. But if I buy one box and give the school, will it be too sarcastic ahh? Plus, the incident has passed about 1 week already... Hmmm, ok, let me think..........

  16. Oh dear! It was close . Almost "kena" the eye. In few days time, it will bruise and he will have pain at that area.

    Yaloh, like you said, when the school called, nothing is good news. Thank god they called you up than wait and tell you when you picked him up.

    1. I guess the school takut also if they wait until I pick them up.. They also wana faster let me know, so that I'm prepared, than making a big hoo-haa when I pick him up kua.. Yes, swollen the next day, and I had to apply tea tree.. Worked well though..

  17. That's so close to the eyes leh!! I see liao also scared, luckily din't kena the eyes lo!

    Hmm, I think incidents like this is 'normal' la, especially to the boys, they tends to be more active and when they got excited playing together, sure macam ini one... I also must get prepared when Aden goes to nursery next year~ =_=

    1. Yeah, I also understand these kinda things are bound to happen, I can't protect them forever.. But my heart still beat very fast when I think about the incident.. If kena eye, dunno how liao.. Worst then getting a fever call.. *shrug*

  18. hyperactive kids? luckily no kena eye...ur boy still able to smile for camera yea? haha
    well at least the school called u to inform and even took pic to show you. Imagine the time without phone camera...the mummy will have to worry lot coz not sure how 'terrible' the cut is until seeing the kid.

    1. The school is scared also la, they also wana faster inform me first, so that I don't make a big hoo-haa when I go pick him up..

  19. Oh lucky he's OK now. But cannot blame the teachers also, sometimes the kids running around very hard to jaga them.

    1. I didn't blame the teachers la, but I do blame them for not child-proofing that area.. Cabinet corners are sharp, they should know better..

  20. I guess the school also scared that's why early early inform you first. Also yes, most likely they asked your son to smile for the camera.

    1. Yeah, my heart skipped like 5 beats! Can die anytime when I see numbers from the school/nursery..

  21. Ai yo, Louiz! Poor thing... you must be very anxious to hear this phone call. Good thing that KZ is still smiling in your photo!!!


    1. Not only anxious, but can die already when I see the school's number popping out.. Grrrrrrr....

  22. Yeah, that is very close to the eye...if you hit there too hard, it IS in fact the eyeball behind that cut. It's a good thing he's okay.

    I agree, boys will be boys, I've fallen out of trees when I was a kid (love to climb trees) and fractured my arm once but I guess that's how we learn.

    1. Oh dear, now that you mention, yes, it IS the eyeball behind that cut.. But as at yesterday, the cut has been healed, there's a light scar, but am not complaining.. Hope the scar will go away soon..

  23. ah, i'm sorry to heard about this, hope he will get well soon~ =D

    1. He's completely healed now, but the scar is still there, haiz..

  24. oh goshhhh.. hope he recovers soon ;)

  25. Let's count your beat..missed a beat then two, followed by three then a five..hmmmm..not hip hop, samba, salsa, cha-cha or even zumba, not somewhere near with that kind of a beat. Sorry cannot figure out your dance, guess its quite close to off-beat..hehe. Hope Kz gets well soon, best you cut his finger nails to prevent more scratching.

    1. I cut his nails la every week.. Not only 10 but 20 including toe nails.. Wait, not 20 but 40 coz I cut G's too at the same time.. No no, make that 60 coz I cut mine too! So I cut 60 nails a week!
