
Monday 25 August 2014

Homecooked - A Heavy Breakfast

I woke up early and made these the other day.

1) Homemade chicken nuggets
Ingredients: 1 piece of chicken breast, 1 potato, some carrots. Steam and blend everything together, can add broccoli or cheese. Roll into balls, dabbed in egg, coat with Nestum and lightly fry in cooking oil.

2) Flourless banana pancake 
Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 banana. Mash banana and crack two eggs, whisk everything using a fork and fry on non stick pan. It tastes like banana omelette. If you are expecting classic pancake texture, this is not for you.

3) Pizza
Ingredients: Bread or wraps or instant puff pastries (depending what you have in the kitchen or how much you want to do), sausages, mixed peas, tomato sauce, cheddar cheese, can add onions or mushrooms, but who wants to do so much early morning? Spread tomato sauce on bread, add sausages, mixed peas and top with cheese. Bake for 10 minutes. 

Heavy breakfast? Yes indeed. Lots of work too. But that's me, when I have the mood, then I'll do it. Else, it's just Fruit Loops+Honey Stars+Koko Crunch with milk for breakfast. 


  1. I like I like, especially the sausage, you put on top of the normal bread instead, make it more creative leh!!! =D

    1. Simple easy peasy nia.. Whatever from the fridge..

  2. Like that heavy kah? Not for me! Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    1. Not heavy ahh? But to Kz, I think super heavy liao, hehe

  3. Morning, Louiz! Wah, that is a very filling breakfast. I assume you did this on a weekend right? After that can still eat lunch mou? That pancake is interesting. When I first read it, I thought of banana omelette hee..hee...and it was. Whatever, your sukak. The toast pizza looks nice. Something that I want to try one of these days :)

    1. I learnt that "pancake" from one of the mummy's forum in FB.. They call it the flourless banana pancake, but honestly, it taste just like a banana omelette.. I prefer to add flour in future..

  4. Hou meang la, your kids. More hou meang than me. 3 course breakfast somemore~

    1. Not always la dear.. Only when I have the mood.. And this was about 2-3 weeks ago! Haha.. Baru sekarang post la..

  5. If me, will used minced chicken as me lazy person, kaka...

    1. Oh, on normal days, I would also use minced meat, but that day, only (frozen) chicken cubes were available in the fridge..

  6. Wow ..Make so much food in the morning. Eat so much to beat the monday blues ?

  7. so rajin wake up early to make so many things ah...salute

    1. got enough sleep or not ah.....i see you wake up already 5am leh....

    2. Meow, copy your pizza style ma.. Oh yes, 5am wakeup liao, G minum susu that time ma..

  8. wah, woke up early?? i wonder what time did you wake up that day to prepare this "heavy" breakfast that gave you lots of work.. or rather, i am more interested to know how long it took you to get this breakfast ready..

    1. Wah, so many comments wor, longer than my post itself jor.. I wokeup around 5.30am I think.. All these took me 1 hour to finish..

  9. certainly this one would be more interesting than just Fruit Loops+Honey Stars+Koko Crunch with milk for breakfast lah.. you see, got Homemade chicken nuggets, Flourless banana pancake and Pizza!! instead it can also be lunch or dinner woh, for breakfast sure as "foong foo" as those continental breakfast buffet..

    1. Oh, this post was drafted about 2-3 weeks ago jor.. Last weekend, it was back to Fruit Loops+Honey Stars with milk..

  10. wah.. Homemade chicken nuggets!! this is interesting leh.. i thought your style would be to stock up those frozen nuggets bought from supermarket, when you need then just pop them into the oven to cook.. i am "inspired" that you are such a person from your assortment of balls stocked up in the fridge~~ :D

    1. Yep, when I got that "sum kei" ahh, I can do anything I tell you.. I also surprised I was willing to steam+blend the chicken and potatoes so early morning leh.. It would have been so much easier if I just thaw+fry a few pieces of Aya*** brand nuggets, haha..

  11. Flourless banana pancake!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i can't help to LOL when i read this.. like this anything without flour can also call flourless pancake lor.. then i can cook the same thing with onions and call it flourless onion pancake, i can cook the same thing with potatoes and call it flourless potato pancake!! muahahaha.. ooopsss, maybe your flourless banana pancake just is mashed banana to me lah~~ :p

    1. I learn this from the mummy forum in FB la.. They call it flourless banana pancake wor, I ma follow lor.. But seriously, I prefer to add flour in it.. It really taste like fried egg with mashed bananas only..

  12. finally the pizza!! hahaha, the lazy people's punya pizza.. i used to do this type of pizza during uni time, when i had to cook for myself.. but instead of tomato sauce, i used pasta sauce lor, taste nicer mah because they have got the tomato puree and all kinds of herbs blended inside.. and then use whatever can be found in the fridge as the toppings.. simple and easy and convenient, and of course delicious~~

    1. Yes, lazy man's style pizza.. Kz loves cheese hotdogs and bread.. But when I mix everything into this pizza, he doesn't like.. Guess he doesn't like that tomato sauce taste kua..

    2. We little kids know one, you mix something yucks into something that taste good, will only spoil that good thing only XD

  13. I understand, when we have the mood and mojo, anything can be done!

    The pizza looks ok ma!

    1. Yep, when we have the mojo, everything can.. If suddenly feeling down or no more mojo, stand up also malas I tell you, teehee..

  14. long have u took to prepare all these?
    I salute u...haha I normally very lazy in the morning

    1. Took about one hour, already all planned out the night before ma..

  15. aiks...jst read thru some comment above, so u took an hour to do all? not bad consider the one hour u can whipped out 3 things!

    1. Already all planned out the night before ma, morning just chop everything and steam lor.. Yeah, I do things very fast one in the kitchen, don't like to dilly-dally..haha..

  16. Heavy breakfast is ok because it is the first meal to.give us energy. I think the egg omelet will taste special.

    1. I mean the egg banana flourless pancake.

  17. Why break fast or rather bread first is trendy with bloggers? Reana also talked about eating like a horse in her breakfast entry haha

    1. Her one different, her one is hou meang one.. Eat out one, no need to cook at home one, hehe.

  18. Kudos! Very kan lik la, Princess.. I thought princess is supposed to be very tarn one? hahahaha.. never mind. for own love ones, anything also can, right? This is called unconditional love... :)

    1. Only when I have the mood.. These was about 2-3 weeks ago la.. Now, it's back to Fruit Loops+milk.. Haha..

  19. Wow! You are so hardworking to prepare those breakfast. It does look pretty heavy to take in the morning. :p

    1. Hehe, yeah, the mood suddenly comes, so I gila lor.. But now it's back to normal routine.. Cereals+milk for Kz and porridge for G.

  20. Hi Louiz,

    You are cooking so much for breakfast. Flourless banana pancakes!!! Very impressive :D


    1. I got to know this in the mummy forum in FB la.. Those mummies always flourless this or eggless that or sugarless this or whatever-less that, hehe..

  21. wow, you are so hardworking. You got up so early to prepare breakfast. Good..

  22. Good morning Princess Ribbon,

    What breakfast did you eat this morning? I would love to have item 2 from your above breakfast list if I am not too lazy to make them flourless egg and banana pancake - hhhmmm really yummy!

  23. Delicious! :)

    I'll like to try making the flourless banana pancakes too, I know it won't be fluffy like a normal pancake, texture-wise, but I like goreng pisang kind of texture too!

  24. It may look easy and yummy but it will take me over 2 hours to make them. I need to cut, cook and fry them before washing up. So penat woiiii. Wakakakaka
