
Thursday 28 August 2014


It's hard to describe my feelings now. Mixed feelings I would say. Things are not really okay. No, not me. Somebody.

I used to envy that somebody who doesn't need to work, stay at home and take care of the kids only, shopping, go for facials, manicures+pedicures, hair-do's, buy branded stuffs most of the time. But now, I won't be complaining about a single thing anymore. Yes, am counting my blessings now.

It feels so surreal. I need someone to pinch me on the face to confirm this is not a dream.
One mistake, and life is crushed.

I've seen this somewhere - Everything is going to be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

No photos for this post? Ok, as usual, I'm gonna put my selfie picture here. Maybe some of you are missing me terribly already.
*Suka tengok boleh komen, tak suka tengok tak payah komen, thank you.

Everything is going to be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

Note: I will not be commenting for the time being, til my mojo comes back. Don't worry, I'm still here, just a click away. I will still be reading your blogs, I just don't comment only la.


  1. "I always complained I had no shoes...until I saw someone who had no feet!" Count our blessings, every little one that come our way and our lives would be a lot happier this way.

    Of course, others may be much better off...but those are their blessings - be happy for them...and be happy with your own. Envy is one of the 7 cardinal sins...and it will just eat into us and make us unhappy. Life is too short to spoil it like that.

    1. I'm glad you deleted that offensive remark by Anonymous, Princess Ribbon. That's very thoughtful and sweet of you, thanks. I wonder why there are people who do unpleasant hurtful things like that.

  2. Morning, Louiz! Life is like that lah, kan? We only see from the outside and we think that they are so lucky got this got that but we don't know the full story. Like what STP said, we must count our blessings. Don't always compare with people who have more than us or else there will be no end to it. For me, as long as I have a roof over my head, enough clothes to wear, enough food to eat, some money to pay for my basic necessities and the love of my family, cukuplah. Cannot go Japan for holiday pun tak apa. Take care and hope you get your mood back soon :)

  3. "... Don't ask. No, not me ..."

    errr.. so that means no need to comment la?? start the post already and you are building a fence, or rather wall, already woh.. already "kui yan chin lei" (reject people 1000 miles).. like that I don't know what to say jor, hehehe!!! :D

    1. Means the person not me la.. Ok I takeaway "dont ask".. hehe..

    2. She means "don't ask and not me" is the "someone" that she cannot tell who's that and the person definitely not her lo!

  4. I love this quote "Everything is going to be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.".. very inspiring and encouraging!!

    but then my humble view is that.. don't give up so easily, but also not to hang on for too long.. life has got many ups and downs, and definitely not just only one thing that matters us.. in the end what's more important is that we learn to accept what things had turned out to be, good or bad regardless.. it's very subjective and all depends on our perception.. okay to some may not be okay to others, bad to some may not be bad to others at all.. :)

  5. errr...what happen?

    "One mistake, and life is crushed." a good friend pass away? My condolence

  6. Morning Princess! This auntie here also wants to 8... if not mistaken, here is my "diagnosis"... that somebody whom you envied before, something bad happened to her... life is crushed.. but it is not the end of the world yet.. things will turn out okay, just hang on with time...
    Meanwhile, the princess here is feeling very moody about it cos this came as a shock to her... mixed feelings... still trying to accept or is it just a dream.. that is why you asked for a pinch.. :)
    Ok, back to reality.. hope you will feel better soon.. I will miss your comments in our blogs! Take care..

  7. Count your blessings, usually is u see me good, i see you good...

  8. wah ... so pretty this princess!!

  9. So deep, I better not jump to conclusions and guess what is going on. Take care lah..

    1. Wakakaka.... I also found it so deep and jumped into conclusions. Why cannot write more simple la cos my England not so powderful. Aiyo problems in life come and go like the waves in the ocean. We must try not to have too much attachments into anything like this. It is not healthy for our mind, body and soul.

      Have a good weekend Princess Ribbon and Happy Merdeka! Hip Hip Hooray!

  10. Oh dear, Louiz! Hope that you are ok :D

    I can understand how you feel... I'm the same looking for something to knock my head when I'm too tired... Well, nevermind. Hope that you will get mojo soon.

    Nice selfie!


    1. Dear Louiz,

      Hope that you are feeling better now. Having your blogging mojo back soon???


  11. take care...there is sunshine after the rain ;-)

  12. It's not easy being a stay at home mom too, it has it's challenges.

    Take care, whatever you're going through...

  13. We should be thankful for what we have, no need to envy about other people.

    Yes, things will eventually be ok, cheer up Princess!

  14. Hello Princess Ribbon,

    I am late in my comments again. I hope you are feeling better. That somebody must be very close to you to affect your mood like this.

    Like everyone else, I can only just guess what happened. I think a family has been broken up because someone made a mistake and did not appreciate their spouse. If this is really the case, sometimes it is a blessing in disguise. There may be a better someone out there for them.

    Hope to see you back to your commenting self again. Enjoy your long weekend! Take good care.

  15. Do whatever you like, as long as you're happy!! =]

  16. Er, I think I am not one of those lucky sahm. I dont go manicure and shopping. I prefer to stay at home and relax. hehe.

    Dont worry. Be real you. No one can judge you but yourself. Sometimes I do miss working, tell you the truth.
