
Thursday 11 September 2014

I Got My Detergents - Yay!

I received a parcel in the office consisting of laundry liquids about two weeks ago. This is NOT a paid post, but when you receive something free of charge, well, of course you have to use and review it, then blog about it. So that's what I'm gonna do now. 

The products are called Ecover products. It is a new brand of eco friendly household cleaners. The brand is over 30 years old globally, but very very new in Asia, so I think I was the first few ones (*ahem*) to road test them! Ecover’s cleaners use powerful ingredients made from plants and minerals, and they really walk the talk with their ecological factories.

It's safe for the entire family. It's: 
Tested for sensitive skin
Kind to your hands thanks to plant based and mineral ingredients
No petrochemical ingredients
No residue of unnecessary chemicals left on your clothes
Fresh perfume from plant based ingredients
Washes efficiently using the power of nature
Not tested on animals

Here's my loot.

A bottle of laundry liquid - for normal regular washing - Ecover products do not use phosphates (very bad for the environment and the water in rivers and lakes) Ecover was founded by a man who saw a need for cleaners without phosphates when he noticed his local streams were becoming extremely polluted. So as far back as Ecover’s beginning in 1980, the brand has never used phosphates in their products.
They also don’t use optical brighteners. This is the stuff that is added to laundry detergents to make your white clothes look even whiter. So when detergents promise you clothes that are ‘whiter than white’ .. be careful! It’s a synthetic chemical that doesn’t have anything to do with cleaning, and is left behind in clothes after the wash, so you’re the optical brighteners will rub off on your skin when you wear your newly washed clothes. It can cause skin allergies!

A bottle of laundry liquid, for fine fabrics - Ecover delicate is for fine fabrics, woollen clothes and silky materials. They even have the Woolmark approved logo, so it’s safe to use with wool clothes and winter wear. 

A bottle of laundry conditioner, something like a softener I reckon.
This softener is also cloth diaper friendly, because baby’s bum bum is very sensitive. Ecover softener does not cause product buildup, so no skin irritation. Good to use when washing the boss’ clothes.

Plus, four boxes of these, but they're all EMPTY boxes. I don't know why they were sent to me, since they're all empty.

***Oohh, updates as at 18.09.2014 @ 8am.
They replied my email and said that these empty Dylon boxes that was sent to me was 
just a filler so that the Ecover products are packed well. So, I was right - as cushions.

I don't have expensive silk or satin dresses to use this with, so I use it to soak my G's clothes. What's more delicate than a baby's skin? 

G's rompers and pants, soaking in the tub. It smells like lemon juice plus milk. Really. 

Psst, Ecover gets really serious about being safe for family use and looking after the environment. All their bottles are made from sugarcane! They call it Plantastic … plant-tastic .. geddit? So they are 100% recyclable. Makes me feel better, even though I also reuse my empty bottles.

Eh, what is this? The boss having his afternoon nap. Out of topic, back to Ecover please.

In the evening, I used the regular laundry liquid, mixed with this conditioner aka softener (I reckon) to try. Then I wash my laundry as usual. 

After 45 minutes, done. Here's my laundry for the day. 

Here comes my humble review. I'm a very simple but straight-to-the-point person. I write what I feel. 

My laundry smells like creamy liquid cleaners. Like C*F or J*F brand, those type, if you know what I mean. Try mixing C*F with water, and rub together with your hands. It smells just like that. The smell is acceptable, doesn't smell as strong as normal commercial laundry liquid. To be really honest, I prefer my laundry to have more fragrant smell, but I'm not complaining, because Ecover is plant-based, so not expecting "flowery" smell is normal.

Overall verdict and the texture? Very soft, I like. It smells ok when I took my laundry out from the machine, and when the clothes dried up the next day, there was still that refreshing lemon-milkish-cream smell.

I know you guys are getting bored already, teehee. Wait, if you are interested to try, you can email to

Ok bye! 


  1. Morning, Louiz! So far I have not tried any of these eco-friendly detergents or laundry liquids. I am so used to my usual brand that I tend not to make any changes. For laundry I still stick to the normal powder type and have not used liquid laundry detergent. I don't use softeners. I also don't wear satin or silk. Difficult to maintain. Plus I am very lazy when it comes to ironing hee..hee...

    1. 1) I stick to my normal laundry detergent for a long long time already too.. And since I live in a condo, there's no open+sunny space to hang the laundry, so I'm very concerned on my detergent "smell" and I must use softener, "heong tit" ma.. BUT, who doesn't want (to try) free products? Hehe, I'm very honest hor?

      2) I don't have satin nor silk too.. So I just replace with baby clothes.. What's more delicate than baby's skin?

      3) I don't iron my clothes at all, I don't even iron for hubby.. I only iron Kz's school uniform, and itu pun cincai-cincai aje, hehe..

  2. Those empty boxes...are they supposed to put sample or stuffs inside, maybe they forgot and they thought they already put in...but very funny la!! How come they send empty boxes to customer woh!!

    1. Morning darling pie.. I also dunno why they send to me those boxes.. I have to clarify in my blog that it's empty lor.. I don't think they forgot, coz the invoice and DO only mention about the 3 detergents, they didn't state the boxes too..

    2. Maybe to keep the things inside in place...or maybe free samples, stolen by the delivery people? What a mystery!

    3. Mystery indeed STP, but the invoice & DO never stated the 4 boxes also wor..

  3. It's cleaning and washing time! :D

    1. Yep, I have mild OCD, so I love washing my laundry, really.. Don't laugh..

  4. Mayb can call up the company n chk with them the empty box...

    1. Like STP said, it's a mystery, but the invoice & DO never stated the boxes at all.. Just the 3 liquids..

  5. errr not a paid post?? or you mean not paying you money?? so they just sent you the samples to use for free and didn't need you to blog about the products at all?? so good one this company?? I also want to get them to send me the products to use and no need write paid post, haha!! you know lah, freebies sure Uncle wants mah~~

    1. not just sample but full size products woh actually when I saw you holding them.. so good, like that can save up a lot horr?? errr, sorry ah, I have no idea about the price and how long a bottle can last, cos I don't do laundry mah you know ga la, don't even know how to use the washing machine at home also!! muahahaha!!!

    2. you can say I am very "hou meng" lor bcos I'll just dump my clothes into a basket everyday and my sister will do the laundry for the whole family one.. but then of course I'm not like sitting there to be spoonfed kind if ppl la.. at least I go and collect my own clothes after drying out there and fold them myself lor..

    3. so I am not one that does not do housework at all ga.. so I fold my clothes myself mah.. sometimes lazy to fold hor, just hang them there and then the next day wear them lor.. that's why if you see me like wearing the same clothes so often, it's not that I didn't wash my clothes, just that washed jor lazy to fold je.. kekeke!!! :D

    4. You are still so funny in your comments, never fail to make me laugh one.. Aiyoyo, you damn "hou meang" la, dunno how to use the washing machine timmm.. I actually read twice to check whether I read wrongly or not.. Your darling sister is so sweet to do the laundry for the whole family la.. But I think she just chuck everything into the machine and press ON only right? One load? Entire family laundry wor.. And you only take your own clothes once they have dried up? I thought you collect the whole family's laundry from outside, then put on the sofa, and then just choose back your own clothes? No? Oh dear, if you only collect back your own clothes from outside, and leave others hanging outside, errr, like not very good wor..

    5. By the way, I'm not a 100% hao poh who only knows how to wear ribbons ok.. I vacum the house EVERYDAY when I come back from work.. I wash the toilet EVERYDAY when I'm showering.. I mop the house a few times a week, and I do the laundry everyday too.. Psst, I change bedsheets every week too..

    6. Oooooh today is darling sister!!! That day I thought I heard past life's partners... So giler relations that swing like a Yo-Yo. Wakakakaka

  6. One for normal laundry and one for soft fabric? Means have to do 2 loads of laundry separately? Mm hou wan lah (don't play lah), lazy man got no time for that. I always do 1 load together, and the washing machine set to "Delicate" :P.
    The entire post, the most interesting photo is the boss' photo XD

    1. Oh yes, I agree with you, I worry you guys will be bored of this post, so I just put my little boss picture in there to attract attention a bit, haha..

      Oh yes, there are 3 different kinds of liquids, so yes, in order to test all, by right I should do 3 loads, but I do 3-in-1 in 1 day..

    2. Boring what? Your blog, your sukak lah what you wanna write XD

  7. Yes, Julia very nice and friendly person and this product will be the next big thing

    1. They even have cleaner for septic tank

    2. I hinted and asked for floor liquids, but I don't think I can get it coz she said the review is only for laundry liquids..
      I told her I have mild OCD, I would be happy if I can get the floor soap (for mopping the floor) and the toilet cleaner (coz I clean the toilet everyday)..

  8. Good morning princess!

    Never heard of this brand, but looks like a good one, and you very lucky la! =)

    Eee, empty boxes?

    1. Yep, empty boxes, dunno why.. But the invoice & DO never stated anything about the boxes, so maybe they put it in as "cushion" for the detergents?

  9. Good to get free products to review. The empty boxes should not be empty I think. The contents must have been removed.
    I also have not tried any eco products before. You are very good to include a break in your review by showing a photo of your boss. Hehehe he looks so big now.

    1. Oh ya, I know this could be a boring post, so I just put my boss's picture there lah, kam ngam, he was having afternoon nap ma.. He's 3 yrs and 5 months now :)

  10. Thanks for sharing this, Louiz.. free household products, I also would love to welcome them anytime! :)

    1. Yeah, somemore I got mild OCD one, when I receive cleaning detergents/floor liquids, sure happy giler !!

  11. This is interesting to learn about new products that could keep you so happily clean and confident. I have been psycho by the bloggers to use METHODS and now kinda stuck to these very pricey items because it is very safe to my sensitive hands and skin. Eh, your boss is so cute while sleeping!

    So just email to Julia and she might send me a lorry full of detergents!!! How nice!

    1. Oh yes, she's a nice lady, you can email her and see if you can get the same products, maybe more, who knows.. I emailed her to ask aboit floor detergents and toilet cleaners too, but dont think I can get it, haha..

  12. haha...this is so 'aunty' post...btw, ur son memang sleep like a boss!

    1. Yep, sweetie, cleaning+washing+laundry post..
      Oh yes, the boss sleeps like a boss, and talk like a boss too :)

    2. bossy meh? did he talk to u like a boss?

  13. I using eco-friendly products for my home too. A way to help the environment and lower down the carbon. :)

    Happy weekend, Louiz.

    1. Happy weekend to you too dearie.. I think you will get a good rest after all the celebrations this week :)

  14. wow.... got new detergents, can do more laundry now!! :P

    1. Errrm, without the (free) detergents also I everyday do my laundry 1x.. Sometimes will gila do 2x.. haha.. ocd..

  15. Oh? I think I want to email them. Thanks!

    1. Yep yep, no harn trying your luck.. Maybe can get more stuffs..

  16. Interesting!

    It seems like this environmentally friendly natural detergent market is really growing eh? Haven't heard anything like this 5 years back and now a lot of them are on the supermarket shelves. I quite like the smell of Method, that's the one I'm using but this looks good too.

    30 years they've been available eh? Looks like we get our stuff very late in Malaysia, will try it if I see it on the market.

    1. I think it's not available in the market yet.. You can email to the address I mentioned if you wana try the products.. Maybe you could get it right away.. haha.. I got mine after a week..

  17. Replies
    1. My initial+original post was not this long.. Very short and simple only.. But they emailed back and asked to add in more details.. That was what I did, haha..

  18. In my family, we use washing powder + concentrated liquid detergent, double power

    1. This post's topic is about cleaning and washing, I like!

      I usually wash my own clothes, air them and fold them all by myself, I like doing houseworks, it gives me a sense of achievement

    2. Used to use washing powder.. But changed to liquid detergent after that.. Smells nicer, haha..

  19. wow, got free products to try. As for me, I hv switched from Dynamo to Melaleuca.

    1. Yeah, free products to try.. I feel bad writing a long essay and bore you guys, but what to do?

  20. Hi Louiz,

    Well done that you are reviewing products! I like your most honest opinion.

    You said that the company sent you four empty boxes... huh??? I wonder what is the company is expecting you to do with these empty boxes.


    1. Still a mystery til today.. The invoice+DO didn't mention anything on the boxes, so I guess they were just for "cushioning"?
