
Wednesday 17 September 2014


Neighbor asked for help one Thursday to takecare of her girl on Saturday coz she has to go to work and her hubby has OT. I said yes of course. It's good to help our neighbors as we won't know when we need their help in future.

Woke up early to prepare breakfast ~ Bread with strawberry jam, scrambled eggs and bananas.

Little girl was amused with breakfast and those cute fancy picks. I sent the picture to her mum and she was impressed with all the oohhhs and aaahs and wahhhs, said she never prepared this kinda breakfast for her girl before.

Made Milo popsicles the night before and today, the kids could enjoy them.

After breakfast, it was time for shower. Then play. And when they started to get restless, I on the TV and *ding*, like magic, all quiet already.

Lunch time. Noodles in chicken soup with potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions and pumpkin.
Psst, nobody needs to know I boiled this the night before. 

Lunch for the little bosses.

Ok, time for afternoon nap. Two down, one more to go.

Yay, mission accomplished. Now I could sit down and rest.

When her mum came to pick her girl up, she said, "If you open a nursery or daycare or decide to make your house a playgroup for the condo community, I'll be the first to enrol".

Playgroup? Nah. I have mild OCD, I don't think I can hold for even a few hours.


  1. Morning, Louiz! Wah, you made that little girl's stay very memorable. Little kids like all those fancy cute stuff. Do you normally prepare food like that for your boys or is it just special for this occasion? Not bad lah, you handled 3 kids so well. I enjoyed this post very much!

    1. Actually not the first time already, this is the 4th or 5th time this year I think.. I prepare these kinda food for Kz every alternate weekends lor.. Like one weekend it's just oats and bread.. The next weekend will be this kinda breakfast, I mean, normal food, but served on a cute plate and cute food picks :)

  2. Very well done, Louiz. I dont think I can take care of another kid with my 3 monkeys around. haha.

    The breakfast was good. I never made those fancy food for my kids either. ^^

    1. Darling, it's just simple food, but "decorated" cutely with picks.. Bread+jam, eggs and banana only wor..

  3. Haha .... now she found a good babysitter. ... hmmm....
    Nice of you anyway.

    1. She said once every month, I said ok. But actually, not every month.. Sometimes, once in two months, so I guess it's ok la..

  4. Wah, your overnight soup got blink blink one, it is magical! :D
    Next thing you know, the little girl will be nagging her mom to "use" you more often because she misses the love shaped sandwiches and the popsicles :P

    1. Haha, I put stars and glitter on them, using apps la, dear, haha..
      Oh yes, not that I'm bragging, little girl keeps telling her mum she LOVES to come to "aunty place" (my place).. Kept saying the night before she came, really! Haha..

  5. Morning My Dear... Guess the little girl will be asking her mummy when can she go to your place again, hehe...

    I loves those foods you prepared...

    1. Dearie, all simple food - bread with jam, eggs and banana only.. The soup is overnight ABC soup (shhh, nobody needs to know), coz I need the soup to make noodles for the kids.. Oh yes, little girl keeps telling her mum she LOVES to come to my place, kept saying that the night before she came.. :)

  6. wah, part time babysitter ah?? haha.. true also what you said, if we can help why not?? because we may not know when we will need others to help us in the future.. doing a favor to others is doing a favor to ourselves :)

  7. fuyoh such lovely breakfast you did for the kids, got heart shaped and kitty shaped bread, and those lovely picks.. maybe already normal to K and G, but to the girl, must she felt so much in love, haha!!

  8. so, "chicken soup with potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions and pumpkin" huh?? that means chicken ABC with pumpkin lor, haha!! why so cheong hei?? and yalah, we know you well, the soup must be leftover for you to use it to cook noodles la :D

  9. can la, if you decided to quit your job and open a nursery or daycare in your condo, I'm sure you won't worry you have no business.. and you are going to make it la, just need to get used to it a little lor.. :)

    1. 1) No part time la.. She said once a month, but sometimes once in two months.. I don't mind, little girl is a good girl, listens to instructions, good girl..

      2) Oh yes, you are right, to little girl, it is something new.. Her mum says she NEVER makes this kinda breakfast.. It's usually just bread with milk or porridge.. (eeewwww, boring)..

      3) Haha, you really un me.. I know, I know, you are getting sick of my ABC soup, but really, I need the soup to boil noodles for the kids.. I can't use any other soup, coz it'd taste weird.. I tried old cucumber soup though, not bad..

      4) Don't think I'd quit my job to be a babysitter.. I'd cry :)

  10. In US, they conduct courses for baby sitters or nannies as they called. They even give them a cert after the course which is a must-have by young couples seeking the right person to care for their child. I am sure you can conduct this course here! So talented!

    1. My friend's daughter's baby sitter inside their condo quit her office job and baby sit for 3 kids. Now she earns more than the full time job in the office!

    2. Oh really ??? I just replied to SK's comments and said I'd cry..
      Maybe now, I will consider.. But I myself already have 2 rascals wor.. If I takecare of another 3, I dunno if I can handle or not.. Hmmmpphhh...

    3. Wait until your rascals grow older and go to school, then you can handle one lah. In fact I see some babysitters employ their own rascals to help look after the kids :P . But I doubt your ABC soup will be as much ingredients and as nice, when it is a business then must calculate cost..

    4. It is easy to do the rough Maths. If you save the monthly fees of your 2 sons' baby sitters, you are giving them in return, the best & priceless motherly love and care at their important age. Now can earn extras by taking one by one the kids to jaga. Who knows, you will enjoy it and take 5 kids!!! You can even hire a maid now while you surf blogs and do online shopping daily!

  11. That's very kind of you! Plus I think your neighbour's daughter is almost same age with your boys, so babysitting them should be easy la! ;)
    Yes, now you help them, next time they also won't hesitate to help you in return.

    1. Yeah sweetie, at first, I thought it's gonna be hard (if little girl is the active type), but luckily she's a goody girl, listens to instructions :)

  12. i need you to take care of me for a day too can? :D :D :D

    1. Take care of you ahh? Can, no problem.. Come my place, I cook (simple food) for you, you can rest a bit, shower, online, watch TV (no Astro though), can? Haha..

  13. So nice of you to babysit for others. I did too...for a friend...twice. Ok, but not something I would want to do on a regular basis.

    1. Same here, we have the same thinking.. I can do this, like once every two months (her mum works on the last Saturday every month), ok, once a month - max. It's very exhausting, and I had to keep an eye every minute.. Very very tiring indeed..

  14. I also want the lunch you prepared cos I love noodles and abc soup. Last time I used to cook abc soup big pot and eat for the whole week.

    1. Oohh, so we are same! I have never tried cooking a big pot to last for a week, paling maximum for 3-4 days.. I boil the soup on Wed or Thurs night, then I use it til Sunday :)

  15. You are so kind to help your neighbour look after her little girl. One good turn deserves another. :)

    1. Little girl is good and listens to instructions well too, so honestly, I don't mind, but don't think I will like it if it's on a regular basis.. Once a month or once in two months, I'm ok :)

  16. so sweet of u to take care of neighbours kid, miss sweetie pie ;-)
    u really is a good baby sitter, at least u can control the kids rather than having these monster 'overpower' u. And u cooked very nice & colourful meals....ah..the breakfast and the noodles are so colourful, really boost up the appetite!

    1. Initially, I was afraid I would be controlled by those monsters instead of me controlling them, but thank God, everything went fine.. When little girl is here, Kz behaves well too, like showing his "brotherly" character, haha..

  17. I don't think I can handle playgroup also, every time school holidays I always very stress, they're seriously too noisy shouting here and there, want to take a nap also cannot, sleep halfway then wake me up can I borrow your iPad, when afternoon need to take my sister out to ta bao for the kids...almost quarter of the day goes to the kids stuffs already...

    1. Yep sweetie, taking care of kids is very tiring and exhausting one.. Have to keep an eye all the time.. And yes, whole day is about them.. Cooking, picking up toys, keeping an eye, shouting, haha..

    2. Yah, later they fell down or hit the table or wall, end up susah back ourselves, kan?!

  18. waahhh... very good job done! Very small heart... yes, maybe you should think of opening a daycare.. not too many kids.. just 4 or 5... then can earn some thousands! hahahaa... Seriously... can think about it one!

    1. Actually I thought about it - but it was a long long time ago.. For bigger kids.. Not for babies.. Hmm, thinking thinking thinking..

  19. Hi Louiz,

    You are very nice helping your neighbour to look after her daughter and I think you did an excellent job!!! The kids are all very well behaved and well fed too!

    Opening a childcare??? Nay! No for me too... I rather open a bakery or cake shop :p


    1. I wouldn't quit my job to open a daycare too.. Maybe yes, in future, for bigger kids.. I don't know, but no for the time being.. I still enjoy my job :)

    2. Hi Louiz,

      No new posts lately??? Mojo not back yet??? :p


  20. well, i do help out a little on babysitting my sister baby nowadays~ >.<

    1. That's a sweet thing to do.. So you got no problem in handling a newborn I guesd..

  21. Nice! I remember making those Milo popsicles when I was a kid too - using about the same moulds!

    Haha! My mom got them when I was in primary school and my sis and I would make all sorts of funny flavors - condensed milk etc. I once made a menu for my sis and forced her to "order" an item and pay me 20 cents for it. I made her Milo + coffee + tea + condensed milk + Quaker oats + God knows what else. I made her drink it too, it was so funny being kids. :)

    1. Oh yes I agree with you, so funny being kids.. I remembered (accidentally) putting salt instead of sugar into Milo and then forced my neigbour friend to drink it.. Eeeyeewwww..

    2. HAHAHA

      Actually salty coffee is very nice, some people actually put salt into coffee instead of sugar or honey. It works very well. that you mention it, I feel like trying it. Salt + Milo will be a little bit like salted caramel right? A bit salty but also sweet.

  22. Good morning!

    So nice leh of you to help babysit your neighbour's kid. When you not free, can also ask her help to baby sit lo

    Mmm...the lunch so yummy leh...i love this soup with bihun

    1. Miss you leh meow.. Lunch so so only.. I usually make this kinda noodles for Kz every weekend, that's why I always boil ABC soup la, hehe..

  23. Wah so nice offer to take care of your neighbour's daughter. Yalah, you should open a nursery lah :D

  24. LOL! Your neighbour knows you boiled the soup the night before if she reads your blog. Or you told her already? :D

  25. Looks like the TV is a must with children around eh? LOL!

    1. 1) Wah I dare not open a daycare la.. Heavy responsibilitiessssss..
      2) I didnt tell her I boiled the soup the night before, and she doesnt know I have a blog.. If she finds out maybe she will pretend dunno kua, hehe..
      3) Oh yes! I need the TV when kids are around.. It helps a bit.m

  26. Princess, you make food so very interesting and appetising, of course. And my dear, you are making great memories too for your kids and the little girl there. One day you will go down in their journals or diaries or memoirs or whatever in writing. True that taking care of kids is a huge responsibility and you are doing it well, so well. Kudos!

    1. Thank you for the sweet words.. Yep taking care of another person's kid is double the pressure and stress, but not complaining coz I'm happy to help.. Wil never know if I need their help back in future..

  27. We have the same yellow Mickey blanket from HK Disneyland! You bought it fr HK too?

    1. Hi dear, I think yes, SIL gave it to us as souvenir from HK.. So yes, I guess she bought it from Disneyland too :)

  28. it's good to help our neighbours whenever possible.
    you hv done a good job.

    1. Thank you dear.. Yes wouldn't mind if it's once a while.. If every week I'll have my panic attacks again..
