
Monday 29 September 2014

Let It Go

Today's about letting go. Letting go of something and wake up from my fantasy. My mind is clear but my heart is not made of stone, baby. In fact, it's made of glass. Broke into a million pieces previously, sometimes I think it's better to leave it broken than hurt myself trying to fix it.

Have you ever hold on to something, something that you possess want so much, and then, let it go in the end? It feels so heavy-hearted. So difficult. My motto is simple, just like my tagline - Just do it, make it happen, but when it is starting to hurt, it's time to let go. 

I saw this in FB last week, a friend posted on her wall: Never let someone let you down for more than two times. One time, it's a warning. Two times, it's a lesson. More than that, it's a choice, don't blame anyone. I prefer to rephrase it to: More than that, it's stupidity. Plain stupidity. There's no turning back for stupidity. You think about it, utter some vulgar words, then move on.

So, let go when that thing is starting to eat you up. No point making a big hoo-haa out of it. The other party might be enjoying himself, heehee-haahaa celebrating, while you are here, crying about it. Silly, isn't it? So, so silly.

I saw Claire's comment in TM's post, which I like very much. Pinjam sekejap, k?
Life is short, time is fast, no replay, only in my mind, no rewind, only in my dreams, discard the sour, keep the sweet.

Dear heart,
Let me let go, forgive & forget about the past. Thank you. Oh heart, there's another message for you:


  1. Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions. They don’t walk in your shoes. Why bother? --- Owen Yap

    1. I like this! Thanks Sheta.. Will try ya, not to let them control my mind, feelings and soul :)

  2. Life is short, don't let the unhappiness bother you, no matter what, life still have to go on...

    1. Oh yes, like my tagline: Life is short, Just do it.. Will definitely do it :)

  3. Reminds me of the song from "Frozen". Sometimes we just have to let go, no looking back at the bridges that we're burning - live for today and tomorrow, not for yesterday. Life is short - no time to waste on what had been or what might have been.

    1. I agree with that STP.. Yes, I listen to that theme song too sometimes, nice..

  4. I prefer this - Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!

    1. I think the right word is "fan jin" kot. Stupid is being fooled unknowingly, if being fooled knowingly = fan jin. Don't worry, it happens to me all the time too :(

  5. Louiz, your post title reminded me of the song from Frozen. I watched it when I was in hospital. Anyway, I understand your meaning. Problem is that it is hard to let go, the brain says let go but the heart is still angry or hurt. That is where we need strength and resolve to really, really, let go of the past or the hurt so that we can move on and never look back. Choose to be happy :)

    1. It's difficult to just say let go, forget it, bla bla bla, but heart is still angry/thinking about it.. Need time I guess.. Time shall heal everything :)

  6. Same as STP. I thought today post is about the Frozen Movie punya theme song. Now this sone very popular

    1. cantonese words "yan tuck chau yan, yan emm tuck jau fong"(can tahan then tahan, if cannot tahan then let it go)

    2. Haha, I also expected people will think it's about Frozen.. Yes, I will keep that in mean, "yan tuck jau yan" ! Yes!

  7. Reminds me not of Frozen but of Titanic song lyrics.. Near, Far, Wherever you are, I believe our hearts still go on.... We'll stay forever this way... and You're here in my heart and we'll go on and on....

    I let go a lot.. but sweet memories will always stay in my heart... they keep me going on and on...

    1. I like your comment very much, that's why I decided to pinjam from TM's post.. Anyway, aikks, Titanic? "mm lah kang" wor, hahahaha, Frozen is more to "semangat song", whereas Titanic is more to sadness... Huhuhu..

  8. The saying goes ~ Once Bitten, Twice Shy...
    I would add on, Thrice bitten, Surely Die....

    Hmmm... I am a bit blurr what actually happened to you but I am sure we learn a lesson from all the walls we have hit. I always remind myself this given advice everyday ~ "We must control all the situations & not let the situations control us"... The more thoughts I put into this controlling, the easier I can endure to overcome. These days, I am always on guard in the office to nail anyone before they stab me again. Life is sucks sometimes, they don't work the way we wished. I will blame my karma instead.

    1. Wah, you have sharp eyes and mind, like a barcode scanner, always keep an eye on who & who to snarl at them before they even move their tail.. Salute salute.. I wana be like you.. I wana be strong like you too.. Yep, blame my karma, this life I gotta suffer, huhuhuhuhuh...

    2. yalor, i also very blur what actually happened lah.. and i am not going to say the same thing again for what i think, sekali kena deleted the comment again~~ :D

    3. Aiyo, SK, don't say like that la.. I dunno how to filter and dot dot dot so canggih like you ma.. dear...

  9. dunno what is happening but glad that u finally let go ;-)

    1. Nothing happened darling, just wana let go of something, that's all..

  10. okay, actually this morning i came to this post jor geh.. but then aiyoh, all words only like so long and cheong hey, so i just quickly scrolled to see got any photos or not.. then the only photo also just words, then i also dunno what to comment lor..

    then came into office, i came in again, then i make myself read what you have written lor, then also quite blur what you are trying to say.. then i say never mind lah, i just leave the window there then i go do my things, maybe later i suddenly got "ling gum" then can come and leave a few comments lor.. but then see now what's the time?? 5:30pm already, i still dunno what to comment.. muahahaha!!

    cannot lor, i actually read jor your post for today mah, no comment then doesn't seem to be like me mah, die die also must comment a little bit mah.. so now i just say something here lor.. and not bad not bad, i dunno what to comments, but then still able to drag this and drag that, bring you travel around the garden, and typing such a long comment about the length of your post leh.. you say i "geng" or not?? you "yan seong" me or not?? hehehehe~~ :D

    maybe what i can say is, you are right lah.. cannot let the same thing or same person hurt us repeatedly lah.. once bitten, twice shy, thrice KNNCCB~~ then not only your heart lah, your mind also you must say the same thing: stop getting involved in everything, your job is to just remember good things :)

    1. SK, ngor hou yan seong lei! Nothing to write also can write so much wor!
      Aiya, follow your phrase, draw dolls no need draw intestines lor, takkan I reveal everything in my post meh? No choice lor, can only write so much.. Sorry if I make you blur-blur or dunno what to write ahh..
      I love you, you read my post so many times, means got heart lor :)

  11. I like that quote too, it's true, the function of the heart is to pump blood, that's all ;)

    Anyway, hope you 'lam tong' already and is a good mood now~

    1. Yep, the heart is just to pump blood.. Yep baby, I "lam tong" already, hehe, will be more happy, better to myself and let it go, let it go, let it gooooooooooooooooo...

  12. Well it is easier said than done but I know you can do it and let go! Just sing the song from Frozen out loud - LET IT GO!!!!

    1. Morning dear.. Ok, afterwards I wana go YouTube to listen to Let It Go again..

  13. Hi Louiz,

    Is there something that you are finding hard to let go??? No? Then, why this post?

    I laughed at Mun's comment connecting your post to the song, Let it go... hee hee :p


    1. Morning sweetie.. Yes, I'm trying to let go something, but it's too hard for me, but I know I gotta try.. I don't know if you understand Cantonese, but there's something I cannot "fong-sau" yet.. A lil' "tai mm hoi", but I know I must let go.. But I'm alright, just need a space to rant, that's all..

  14. Like the quote from Claire. It sounds hard to hold on to something or let go out something. I understand. But it is more meaningless to hang on to something that not worth your effort and times.

    Hope everything is fine with you currently.

    1. Hi Rose, yep, am good, just need a space to rant and let out my steam, haha..

  15. Princess, hope you are feeling better today and better and better going forward. Take it as a lesson in life for improved wisdom and keep up that positive spirit. *Hugs*

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