
Wednesday 7 January 2015


Rant post:

He's not someone important, but I hate don't like it when things don't go my way.

H: What do you want to eat? Today you decide.
Me: Oooo, ok, I want to eat xxx, why not go to ABC?
H: Ok, on!

Ten minutes later.
H: They all want to go to XYZ, ok ahh?
Me: You are TELLING me, you are not ASKING me, right? 
H: How?
Me: Not joining, you go ahead.

I dislike guys like this - with no say, no stand, no power no opinion. Can't he at least suggest that we go to ABC?

He always says I'm "yeh marn" (stubborn) and "pah dou" (control freak). Is it me? Or all most girls are like that? I'm not saying I wanted to be treated like a queen, with full attention, but if you can't decide or have no power to decide, or have no say, then don't ask me in the first place, yes? Ask the others first, then only come to tell me we are going to XYZ, geddit?

Call me anything - merajuk, manja, ngada-ngada, lebih-lebih, but if you are not going to follow my suggestion, don't come ask me what I want in the first place. 

End of rant.


  1. Follow the majority... Let it go! No point getting angry over such matters, grow old faster wor... :D

    1. Yeah, follow the majority.. I know.. Rant post ma.. Ok, finished ranting, later grow old faster like you say..

  2. LOL.....habis ranting now feel much better right ? better than explode

    1. Yep baby.. Rant post, nonsense post, whatever.. Now finished ranting jor, back to work :)

  3. Errr .. my wife terbalik. Ask her where to go to eat and she dunno or anything also can Then when I suggest some places , she don't like ...Hehe...

    1. Aiya ..Small matter la. If changed of venue then let it be lor. Can always go other day. Waste gas only la.

    2. Yeah, small matter, just want to rant and let out my nonsense lor.. Waste gas, waste energy hor.. Ok, back to work!

  4. You feel better now?? Glad you let it go and not keep in your mind.

    Dont bother too much about him. After all he is someone of no important.

    1. Thank you for your nice words.. Small matter I know, but you know, we girls are like that hor, hehe.. Maybe I'm sensitive la..

  5. Let go and forget about it, no point to dwell over the issue...

    1. Yep, yep.. Rant nonsense only, hehe.. Already forget it.. Make my blog more interesting ma, instead of always talking about the kids and ABC soup, haha..

  6. Ya la, I know, I mengada-ngada la.. Now thinking back feel funny also.. hehe..

  7. Wah, you sound like super geram. Sometimes small matters can irritate big time, yes? I'm like that too. In the first place it looks like he asked you and your choice would be the place to go. But then change pulak because the others want to go elsewhere. Disappointed lah of course. I would have been upset too because that guy like berpaling tadah. Anyway, it is good to let off steam and I am sure you feel OK now.

    1. Bingo sweetie! Exactly! I know, small matter only.. Maybe readers would think I'm so silly to waste my gas, time and energy to brood about this, but really, sometimes small stuffs like this irritate me wor..

  8. So next time he will let yiu decide for sure...but then maybe majority wins ..hahhaa... That is not the point..if he said yiu decide that day, it means you yiu sure geram la.. Understandable..

    1. Sigh, I know I sound like small gas, but yeah ma, no mood jor, like no say like that, benci, hehe..

  9. I think most men are fickle minded beings, that's a fact I don't deny cos I am like this. Muahahaha

    1. Haha, I know la, most men are like this, and small matter I know.. Only girls like me wana make it big, waste time hor.. But well....

  10. wah, today new year "flow flow" also want to write such an angry post?? i see ABC, and i thought you want to cook ABC soup again but kena rejected!! muahahaha..

    1. and today's post how come pure words and no pictures geh?? usually when there is no photo, you also "hiao hiao" like that take a selfie and then post that photo showing us your new ribbon ga woh~~

    2. maybe H "who is not so important to you" actually asked for your suggestion first.. then in between there were things happening in that 10 minutes time - many things and changes can happen woh, but are you aware of what's happening and what he has done within the 10 minutes?? maybe he wanted to suggest everyone ABC but everyone also objected ABC (which probably only you like to go there) but wanted to go to XYZ.. no choice but H of course have to follow the majority lor..

    3. my humble opinion lah, just say what i think mah.. because my mouth my sukak mah.. if you insisted you want ABC, then you just go and tell everyone you WANT to go ABC and everyone MUST follow.. H being a middleman could be just caught in between lor.. maybe when we do something, we cannot be just self-centered but also to think from a big picture view, put on other people's shoes, and i guess with that, we "step one step back, sea wide sky empty" lor.. you know what i mean?? hehehehe~~ :p

    4. actually, guys also don't like ladies so merajuk and so yeh man and bah dou lor, think from H's perspective, hehehe!! anyway, just a small matter lah, no point to get mad over this mah.. everyday also need to makan ga la, no point everytime also need to merajuk.. save the time and energy for other things better lah, agree?? :)

    5. Wah, I like your comment today wor, very "yan seong" you wor..

      First, yes, you know me well.. In every post, I must post some pictures one.. Coz I don't like my post without pictures.. And I mentioned before, if that post has no pictures also I will sei sei hiao hiao post my selfie geh, but dunno why this time, I didn't feel like selfie-ing leh..

      Yeah, I know.. He said he memang got suggest to everyone go ABC wor.. But everyone wana go XYZ wor.. Damn !!

      Aiya, girls are like that geh la.. Mengada-ngada.. I know la, if you are him, you will behtahan and maybe slap that person until that person's ribbon flew 250m from her, hai mai? Hahahaha, I remember geh..

      Yep, nonsense and rant post.. Change to something different ma.. Everyday kids+ABC soup also boring lor, hor..

    6. but then still you mentioned ABC in your post!!! muahahaha, though different things~~ :D

  11. Must rant it out if feeling unhappy, else very 'san fu' one, hope you feel better after ranting~Hugs!

    1. You understand me the most.. I know this is nonsense post, but thank you for your sweet words sweetie pie..

  12. yea..some people can be very irritating. Well, just let it be and cool down. Next time, don't bother him :)

    1. Next time I'll just follow the majority and stop making suggestions, thank you Wenn..

  13. new year dun merajuk ye....nanti cepat tua...
    But i know how u felt here...jst take it time dun bother him la...

    1. Wakeup so early ahh? Ya lor, I'm mengada ma, so I always cepat merajuk wor.. Sigh.. Will try not to merajuk so often k..

  14. Hi Louiz,

    I will fan fan fan for you... Cool down. Cool down. You think guys can be indecisive... Gals too. I think it is depending on personality and moods. Sometimes if I can't be bother or afraid, I can be indecisive. Maybe the guy kena pressure by other people to go XYZ??? Otherwise, you should insist ABC to make your point :p


    1. I'm cool-ed already.. I know it was just a small matter - get angry over lunch, abc or xyz, waste gas only right.. The majority always wins.. And I'm not the queen, so, well.....

  15. You are right, the majority always win. That's how democracy in many countries work. So unfair. That's why for lunch nowadays most of the time I eat on my own. Freedom to go wherever I like. Maybe he himself wants to go XYZ but don't dare to tell you when you want to go ABC so make an excuse to say others want to go XYZ.

    1. I feel the same too.. But I feel it's more into "he has no say", or just simply doesn't want to stand too firm by me and insist on my choice of lunch place, scared people say why wana "jau" me so much kua...

  16. Rant it out the anger, hehe!!
